Урок 48. Тема : Виды сми

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Тема : Тайна гибели Артема Боровика

Дата проведения:_____________

  • развитие навыков диалогической речи (интервью),

  • про­смотрового чтения;

  • подготовка монологического высказывания.

Оборудование: записи на доске; карточки с заданиями; кар­точки с опорами.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— Today you will learn to take an interview. Then you will read about a well-known reporter Artyom Borovik and try to create a story about an ordinary person.

II. Фонетическая разминка

— As usual, we begin with phonetical exercise. Be my echo, repeat the sounds and words after me:

[w] — where — [e] — ever — wherever — wherever you go — wherever you are — wherever he goes — wherever he is;

[w] — when — [e] — ever — whenever — whenever you come — whenever he comes;

[w] — what — [e] — ever — whatever — whatever you do — whatever they are — whatever he does — whatever it is;

[h] — how — [e] — ever — however — however busy you are — however busy he is;

[h] — who — [e] - ever - whoever - whoever you are - whoever he is.

III. Речевая разминка

— Use these pronouns in the sentences. Take the cards. На карточках:

Use these words to complete the sentences.

_______Whoever, whatever, whenever, wherever, however_______

1. You may visit us... you need. 2.... comes, — don't open the door.

3. He says that... I do is not correct.

4. ... busy you are, you must do exercises every morning.

5. ... you go,... you meet, be polite.

Keys: 1. whenever; 2. whoever; 3. whatever; 4. however; 5. wherever, whoever.

IV. Обучение диалогической речи

  • As I have promised, you will learn to take an interview. I hope, you prepared ten questions which reporters usually ask people during interviews. Could you present them (ex. 59, p. 74)?

Примерный перечень вопросов:

1. When and where were you born? 2. What are (were) your parents? 3. When did you begin to sing (dance, draw, go in for sports, etc.)? 4. What did you dream about in your childhood? 5. Has your dream come true? 6. Have you got a family?

7. What is your best work to your mind? 8. What do your relatives think about your career?

9. What do y,ou think about...? 10. What are your plans for the future?

- Add some more questions using the pronouns: whoever, however, whatever, whenever, wherever.

- Now work in pairs. Imagine that one of you is a famous person, another one is a correspondent. Ask your prepared questions. Let's think how you can begin or finish your interview. For example:

- Good morning, my name is... I would like to ask you some questions.

- You are welcome, but, please, don't ask me questions about my private life.

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Обучение чтению

- So, as you are ready act out your conversations.

  • - What do you think about the interview? Was it interesting to listen to? Were the "actors" emotional enough? Were they polite?

- Have you ever heard about Artyom Borovik? Let's read some facts of his life. Read the text in ex. 61, p. 74. Say what new facts you have learnt about a well-known Russian reporter. (/ have read the text about Artyom Borovik, and I have learnt some new fact about him and his job. He began his career as a war corresponden in Afghanistan. He joined the US Army. He was the first Russian to win a top American Overseas Press Award.)

- Divide the text into parts. What is every part about? How wouldj you name it?

Запись на доске: Plan

1. Introduction (smth special about the person)

2. Biography and career.

3. The main achievements.

- Now you try to write a story about any person you wish. But it must be an ordinary person, not a famous one. Use the plan and the beginnings in ex. 62, p. 74. Start writing.

- Finish writing your story at home and then learn it by heart.

VII. Подведение итогов урока

- Are you ready to be a reporter? What new information have yo learnt? Whom did write your story about? That is all for today the lesson is over. Your marks today are... See next time.

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 62, стр. 74 (дописать, выучить, принести фото); РТ. упр. 3, стр. 44.

Урок 63.

Тема: Рассказ о хорошем человеке

Дата проведения:_____________
Цель: контроль навыков монологической речи (рассказ о зна­комом).

Оборудование: записи на доске; карточки с таблицами.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

- Today you will present your stories about ordinary people. We are going to have a lesson called "So, we are different, so we are alike".

Название урока написано на доске.

II. Речевая разминка

  • - Do you understand the theme of our lesson? What does it mean? {It means that though people have different appearance

and character, they are talented in different spheres, but they are alike.)

- So, today you will prove that statement. Tell the class about the ordinary person, show your photos. Prove that ordinary people can also be popular for their intelligence and talent.

III. Контроль монологической речи

- While your classmates tell their stories you must complete the tables. Look through them and say if you understand what to write.

На карточках:


Name of the person described

What is special of the person

Ask a question/questions

Vova I vanov

Mr Nikolai Petrov

Can play the guitar, doesn't smoke

Has he got children? Does he read newspapers on Sunday?

В середине урока учитель проводит физкультминутку.

- At home write a report about what you have heard at the lesson.

IV. Подведение итогов урока

- I see, you are wellprepared today. It was a real pleasure to listen to your stories and understand that there are so many ordinary people around us but they are all intelligent and talented. They are all special. Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Your marks are... Good-bye.

Домашнее задание

Написать доклад о прослушанных историях; упр. 28, стр. 88.

Section 5. КНИГИ - ЭТО ТОЖЕ СМИ?
Урок 64.

Тема: Роль книг в нашей жизни

Дата проведения:_____________

  • развитие навыков поискового чтения;

  • тренировка в употреблении структуры «глагол + -ing».

Оборудование: записи на доске; РТ.

Ход урока

l Организационный момент

  • - We continue speaking about mass media. We have already discussed television, radio, the press. It's time to discuss the

problem of reading books. And our theme today is "Are Books Media, Too?"

II. Фонетическая разминка

— As usual, we begin with a phonetical exercise. Open your workbooks at p. 45. See ex. 1. First complete the table in writing. Write the missing words with the sound [f]. (Photo, phone, phrase, famous, often.)

— Say what letters can give the sound [f]? ("Ph " and "f'-)

— Pronounce the words correctly. First repeat after me.

— Now read the words one by one.

P1,P2, P3.

— Can you give other examples of the words with the sound [f]? (Father, philosophy, friend, photograph, photographer, face, etc.)

III. Речевая разминка

— Let's revise some words on our theme. Look through the words in ex. 2, p. 45 in your workbooks. In each line name the odd word. Explain your choice. Use the structure from the blackboard.

Запись на доске: "..."is not connected with... Keys:

a) "reporter" is not connected with a book;

b) "manager" is not connected with people writing books;

c) "advertisements" is not connected with genres of book;.

d) "Schwarzenegger" is not connected with book characters.

IV. Обучение чтению

— Open your books at p. 75, ex. 63. Look at the photos. What do you think the text is about?

— Look through the task. Were you right?

— Read the questions. Do you understand them? Read the text and find the answers to the questions.


1. Margaret does. Because reading helps you learn the world.

2. Andy does.

3. Pamela does.

— What do you think about books? Are you fond of reading? Do you think it is better to have paper books or CD books? Will paper books die one day? Whom do you agree with: Pamela, Margaret or Andy?

  • — See ex. 64, p. 76. Translate the passage from the text. Pay attention to -ing forms. (Перелистывая страницы электрон-

ной книги, вы можете увидеть, что происходит в действии. Это на самом деле изумительно. Это намного интереснее, чем сидеть с книгой часами и пытаться узнать, что проис­ходит.)

- You see that some of them are a part of the predicate. Then we translate it as an adjective or a verb. Some of them play the role of the subject. Then we translate it as a verb. Besides, the -ing form can be a participle. There are some other situations when -ing forms are used. Before we discuss them let's have a rest. Stand up, please.

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Обучение грамматике

- See other situations where -ing forms are used. Think of Russian equivalents to phrases in ex. 65, p. 76.

- Now find similar phrases in the text. Read your sentences one by one. Other pupil will translate them.

- You try to make up your own sentence/with -ing forms. Use the table in ex. 66, p. 76. Think for a while. Let's play. Say as many sentences as you can, don't repeat your classmates' sentences. He who says the last sentence is the winner. Примерный ответ:

— Now, we return to the text about reading books. Work in pairs, read the statements in ex. 67, p. 76 and say if they are true or false. Prove your points of view with the examples from the text. So, report to the class what you have found out.

VII. Подведение итогов урока

— What interesting facts about reading have you learnt? Do you often read books? That is all for today. The lesson is over, good-bye.

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 29, стр. 88; РТ: упр. 3, стр. 45.

Урок 65.

Тема: Почему книги до сих пор популярны?

Дата проведения:_____________

  • активизация известной лексики по теме в речи;

  • введение и первичное закрепление новой лексики.

Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— Today you will learn to use more new words in your speech. Then we will discuss why books are still popular and what books you prefer.

II. Фонетическая разминка

  • — Let's start with a tongue twister. Look at the blackboard. Listen to my reading first.

Запись на доске:

Hey, diddle, diddle! The cat and the fiddle. Hey, diddle, diddle! Play, little fiddle! Niddle-naddle, naddle-niddle, Hey, diddle, diddle!

- Translate the tongue twister into Russian. Then read it slowly. Then read it in a natural manner. And now read the tongue twister as quickly as you can. Who is the winner?

- What sounds do you hear more often? ([d], [i], [1].)

- Name other words with these sounds. Примерный ответ:

[d] — drought, doctor, daughter, damage, friend, etc. [i] - kitten, still, spaceship, litter, sick, etc. [1] — lion, fly, lose, lunch, less,

III. Речевая разминка

- What type of the media did we discuss last lesson? (We discussed books.)

- What genres of books do you know? (/ know such genres of books as novels, short stories, autobiographies, horror books, detective stories, love stories, historical books, comedies, tragedies, plays, adventure stories, etc.)

- What does Pamela think about books? Does Andy like to read? Why is Margaret fond of reading? You know that books are still popular. Why do you think books are still popular? To answer this question use the phrases from ex. 68, p. 76. (Books are still popular because they are interesting, they are beautifully decorated and well illustrated, they are easy to use. Books are less dangerous for your health than CD books. Printed books are less noisy, they are attractive,full of joy and adventures though it is the most ancient media.)

IV. Введение новой лексики

- To speak about books and express your opinion you must learn more new words. You can find them in ex. 69, p. 76. Read ; translate the word combinations.

Примерный ответ:

a man of great wisdom — очень мудрый человек;

the wisdom from five centuries — пятивековая мудрость;

the wisdom of the ancients — древняя мудрость;

wisdom tooth — зуб мудрости;

  • I have to confess — я вынужден признаться;

to confess to — признаться в чем -то; to confess that — признаться, что...

— Use the new words. Read the sentences in ex. 70, p. 76 and translate them into Russian. Do it in a chain.

— Now you try to use the new words in your own sentences. You' may use ex. 70, p. 76 as a model. Say your sentences for others to translate.


— Let's have a rest. Stand up, class.

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Развитие речевых навыков

— Look at the picture on p. 77. Say what you see. (Isee a man on the desert island. He is reading. He has a lot of books. He likes to read very much.)

— What would you do if you were on a desert island? Work in pairs. Discuss what books you would take with you to a desert island. Then report to the class about your partner's choice. Say how it differs from your choice. (/ would take a reference book with information about how to behave in dangerous situations. I would take an encyclopedia with information about dangerous plants and trees. Besides, I would take a novel (a detective story, a historical novel, a science fiction book, etc.) just to read and relax.)

— Let's find out what other people think about reading books. Listen to the interview with a well-known American producer. Say which book changed producer's life. (The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations changed his life.)

— Listen to the dialogue again looking through the text in ex. 72, p. 77. Which answers would you agree with? (/ would agree that...)

  • — Now give your own answers to the questions of the reporter, home learn the dialogue giving your own answers. Role play yo dialogues at the next lesson. Now read out the sentences with t new words and translate them.

VII. Подведение итогов урока

— What new words have you learnt today? Give the examples of your sentences with the new words. Was it difficult to answer the reporter's questions? What was the most difficult question? Thank you for your work. You were very active.

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 72, стр. 77 (выучить диалог); упр. 30, 31, стр. 88.

Урок 66.

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