Урок 48. Тема : Виды сми

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Тема: Читать или не читать?

Дата проведения:_____________

  • письменный контроль грамматики по теме «Косвенная речь»;

  • совершенствование навыков монологической речи.

Оборудование: записи на доске; распечатки с заданиями.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

  • We are going to begin with the test on the reported speech. Then you will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of books.

I. Самостоятельная работа

— Take the cards. Write the variant and start doing the test. На карточках*: Variant 1

1) Use the verb in the principle clause in the Past tense and make all the necessary changes.

1. She says she learns two foreign languages. 2. We know she is talking to the dean. 3. She says she has known the Smiths for a long time.

4. They say they received the letter yesterday. 5. I suppose my friend will come to the party.

2) Make the following questions indirect. Use "He wanted to know".

1. Does Jane live in Moscow? 2. Did your brother study at Oxford University? 3. What are you talking about? 4. Where can I see you next time? 5. How long will it take us to go there by car?

Variant 2

1) Use the verb in the principle clause in the Past tense and make all the necessary changes.

1. My friend says he works only three days a week. 2. He thinks his parents are sleeping. 3. Kate says she has been to Britain several times. 4. She writes they moved into the new flat a month ago.

5. I'm sure our team will win the game.

2) Make the following questions indirect. Use "He wanted to know".

1. Do you play tennis every day? 2. Did they teach English literature at school? 3. What is he doing now? 4. When may I borrow the book? 5. When will you come next time?


Variant 1

1) 1. She said she learnt two foreign languages. 2. We knew she was talking to the dean. 3. She said she had known the Smiths for a long time. 4. They said they had received the letter the day before. 5.1 supposed my friend would come to the party.

2) 1. He wanted to know if Jane lived in Moscow. 2. He wanted to know if my brother had studied at Oxford University. 3. He wanted to know what we were talking about. 4. He wanted to know where he could see me next time. 5. He wanted to know how long it would take us to go there by car.

  • * Выборова Г. Е., Махмурян К. С. Сборник упражнений по английской грамматике к базовому курсу «Easy English»: учебное пособие для учащихся средней школы и студентов неязыковых вузов. - М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА, 2005. - 176 с. -(Easy English).

Variant 2

1)1. My friend said he worked only three days a week. 2. He thought his parents were sleeping. 3. Kate said she had been to Britain several times. 4. She wrote they had moved into the new flat a month before. 5. I was sure our team would win the game.

2) 1. He wanted to know if I played tennis every day. 2. He wanted to know if they had taught English literature at school. 3. He wanted to know what he was doing then. 4. He wanted to know when he might borrow the book. 5. He wanted to know when I would come next time.

- Let's have a rest. Stand up, please.

III. Фонетическая разминка

- It's time to have a talk about books: printed and CD. But first we shall revise the tongue twister. Look at the blackboard.

На доске записана разучиваемая скороговорка, учащиеся читают if на скорость..

IV. Развитие речи

- Sit in groups of 4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of printed books and books on CD. Give your reasons. Make a list of them.

Учитель прослушивает высказывания школьников

- Now report to the class.


V. Подведение итогов урока

— Were the arguments of the groups convincing? Was it interesting to listen to the reporters? I must confess you were very convincing. Your marks for the lesson are... See you next time.

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 38, стр. 89; РТ: упр. 3, 4 (а, б), стр. 47-48.

Урок 72.

Тема: Краткость - сестра таланта

Дата проведения:_____________

  • развитие навыков письменной речи;

  • введение и тре­нировка в употреблении местоимений "which", "that", "who";

  • обучение словообразованию: прилагательные + -less.

Оборудование: записи на доске; РТ; словарь.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— Today you will try to be a real writer. Besides you will learn to connect two short sentences with the help of the words "which, that, who". At the end of the lesson you will learn to form new words using the suffix -less.

II. Фонетическая разминка

— Open your workbooks at p. 50. See ex. 1. Try to read the words in transcription. Pronounce them correctly. Mind the stresses. Use the dictionary and complete the table.

Keys: conclusion; decision; celebration; information; invitation; competition; collection.

— Now read the words aloud.

ll. Речевая разминка

— What qualities do you think a writer must have? Ex. 2 on p. 44 in your workbooks may help you.

IV. Обучение лексике

— Read the letter written by a famous French philosopher and writer Voltaire. Guess what the two shortest letters mean. See ex/ 94 on p. 82.

— Look at the text again. You see the words "which, that, who". What do they mean? When are they used? Learn to use them. Complete the sentences in ex. 95 on p. 82. Use the correct word in brackets. Explain why you use it.

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Обучение лексике

  • - Sit in groups of three. Read your letters to each other and choose the most interesting one. Then read it to the class. Say which letter you like most. Use the words from the blackboard.

Запись на доске: In my opinion... To my mind... I must confess... Frankly speaking... — Have a drill using the words "which", "that", "who".

— Open your workbook at p. 50, in ex. 3 you must connect two short sentences in one. Think in pairs first. Now read your

— Well, I see that you have no difficulties using the new words.

VII. Обучение словообразованию

— You know we can form new words in different ways. First look through the words in ex. 2, p. 50 of your workbooks. Here you see that nouns are formed from verbs. Read the examples after me.


— Now you try to complete the table. Use the dictionary.

Keys: educate, approve, suggestion, conclusion, broadcasting, celebration, explain, review.

— You can also form new words with the help of the suffixes. Read the rule in ex. 98, p. 82 of your textbook. Remember it.

— Read and translate the examples in ex. 99. Do it in a chain. Keys:

безоблачное небо бессердечный преступник

  • бесшумная машина бездомная собака

ребенок-сирота дерево без листьев

безымянный автор безлунная ночь

— At home continue this work and do some tasks in writing.

VIII. Подведение итогов урока

— What new information have you learnt? When do we use which, that, who? What parts of speech are formed with -less? You have done a lot today. The most active pupils are... Thank you for your work. The lesson is over.

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 100, стр. 82; РТ: упр. 3, стр. 50.


Урок 73.

Тема: Любимый писатель

Дата проведения:_____________


  • развитие навыков монологической речи по теме «Что значит быть писателем».

Оборудование: записи на доске; РТ; карточки.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— Today you will discuss different kinds of books, the authors and learn to describe your favourite writer.

II. Фонетическая разминка

— Begin with pronunciation. Open your workbooks at p. 50. Let's read the words from ex. 2 again. First repeat them after me.


— Now read them in a chain. P1,P2, P3.

III. Речевая разминка. Проверка домашнего задания

— Lets' check up your homework. Last time we spoke about the word formation. What parts of speech are formed with the help of the suffix -less? {They are adjectives.)

— Yes, you are right. What does the suffix mean? (It means without.)

— OK. Read your sentences from ex. 100 on p. 82. Others must listen and check the answer. (/. Friendless. 2. Sleepless. 3. Sunless. 4. Colourless. 5. Lifeless.)

  • — Well done.

IV. Развитие речевых навыков

— Today we speak about kinds of books. You already know many of them. Let's read them again. Open your books at p. 83. See ex. 101. Repeat the words after me.

— Now read them one by one. Pl,P2,P3,P4,etc.

— Look through the reasons why you may want to write this or that type of book. Consult the vocabulary at the end of your textbook to translate the words. Now answer the question at the beginning of the exercise.

- Very nice. I see that we have different opinions. Before we discuss the authors have a rest. Stand up, please.

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Обучение речи

- What Russian famous writers do you know? Can you name any English authors? Do you know their works? See ex. 102 on p. 83. Look through the task. Is everything clear? Work in pairs and match the writers with their books. To be a success learn to pronounce the names of the English writers. Repeat after me.


- Now Vova reads, other pupils repeat after him. Pl-Ps.

- Start your work in pairs. Then report to the class.

- In your workbooks you have a task connected with writers and their works. Open the workbooks at p. 51. Read the task of ex. 4. Can you name the characters illustrated?

- Work in pairs and decide whose quotation it is and who created the character.

Keys:1).c)2);2. a)3);3.b)l).

- At home prepare either a short story about one of these characters or quotations of some other three characters.

- Now we are ready to describe one of your favourite authors. See ex. 103 on p. 83. Here is the plan for you. You may consult the Linguistic and Cultural Guide to prepare a story about your favourite writer or any writer you like. I give you three minutes to think and then you tell us about the writer.

- Listen and say what you have learnt about the author. Учитель может предложить школьникам заполнить пропуски

в предложениях на карточках при прослушивании рассказов.

На карточках:

...'s favourite writer is... He was born in... He lived in the... century. He was born into the family of... He had... brothers (sisters). He dreamed to be a... This writer created such books as... The most famous book by this author is...

- At home prepare information about your favourite writer.

VII. Подведение итогов урока

- We have done a lot today. Let's finish. At the next lesson we will listen to your stories about famous writers. Your marks for the lesson are...

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 40, стр. 89; упр. 42, стр. 90; РТ: упр. 4, стр. 51.

Урок 74.

Тема: Герои книг британской литературы

Дата проведения:_____________

  • активизация известной лексики по теме в речи;

  • развитие навыков аудирования;

  • контроль навыков монологической речи.

Оборудование: записи на доске; видеоаппаратура.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

- Today we are going to discuss very famous and popular British characters. Then we will watch the video "Baker Street" and you will tell us about the book collection you have at home.

II. Фонетическая разминка

  • - Let's start with your pronunciation. Look at the blackboard. Listen to my reading first.

Запись на доске:

Three grey geese in a green field grazing, Grey were the geese and green was the grazing.

- Translate the tongue twister. Read it slowly after me. Then train reading in pairs. Now read the tongue twister in a natural manner. And now read the tongue twister as quickly as you can. Who is the winner?

- What sounds do you hear more often? ([g], [i:], [z].)

- Name other words with these sounds. Keys:

[g] - ground, go, get, galaxy, dog, etc.

[i:] - tea, three, we, sheep, read, etc.

[z] - zoo, zebra, organize, phrase, choose, etc.

- Very good.

III. Речевая разминка. Проверка домашнего задания

- Last time we talked about famous Russian and English writers. At home you prepared to tell us about one of the writers, didn't you? Then do it right now. Listen to your classmates and say what you have learnt.

IV. Обучение диалогической речи

- What do you know about Arthur Conan Doyle? Read the information about him in the Linguistic and Cultural Guide on p. 129. What is his most famous book?

- Read an extract from this book aloud. Учитель распределяет роли.

- Act out the dialogue. Guess how it can finish.

- I see that you are tired. Let's have a rest. Stand up, class.

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Развитие речевых навыков

- Let's watch the video "Baker Street". Say if your guesses were true.

- At home prepare some more information about Arthur Conan Doyle. Visit the library or enter the Internet.

- Have you got the book by Arthur Conan Doyle at home? What books have you got?

- Use the questions in ex. 107 on p. 84. Answer them individually. Then tell your partner about your home library. Your partner must report to the class what he/she has learnt.

— At home do this task in writing.

VII. Подведение итогов урока

— What writers have you learnt about today? What have you found out about your classmates' home libraries? Your work was very good. The marks for the lesson are... You may go.

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 107, стр. 84 (письменно).

Урок 75.

Тема: Любимая книга

Дата проведения:_____________

  • развитие аудитивных навыков,

  • навыков монологиче­ского высказывания по теме «Описание книги».

Оборудование: записи на доске; видеоаппаратура.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— Today you will learn about the British teenagers if they visit libraries and what books they usually read. Then you will read a passage from a book and learn to describe it using the plan.

II. Фонетическая разминка

— As usual, we start with a tongue twister. Let's revise the previous one. Look at the blackboard.

Запись на доске:

Three grey... in a green field..., Grey were the... and green was the...

Keys: geese; grazing; geese; grazing.

— Complete the tongue twister. Read it in a natural manner. Now read the tongue twister as quickly as you can. Who is the winner?

  • — Don't look at the blackboard, recite the tongue twister by heart.

III. Речевая разминка

- Take the cards on your desks. Read the statements and say if you agree or disagree with them. Use the expressions in brackets.

На карточках:

Agree or disagree. Use "Yes, it's quite right", "I'm afraid it's not


1. Your favourite writer is Arthur Conan Doyle.

2. You prefer reading teen magazines to books.

3. You have no books at home at all.

4. You often borrow books from your school library.

5. Your mother is fond of love stories.

6. Your friends often borrow books from your home library.

7. Your school library is very big.

8. Your favourite character is Frodo from "The Lord of The Rings".

9. You would like to be a writer.

10. If you were a writer you would create historical novels.

IV. Обучение аудированию

- Would you like to know what British teenagers like to read? Look at the photos on p. 84 and answer the questions in ex. 108. Try to guess if you are not sure.

- Listen to what Mrs Swan, the librarian, says about the school library and British teenagers. Check if you were right.

- Listen again and give the answers to the questions.

- Look at the pictures again. Answer the questions in ex. 110.

- So, what can you find different or similar in the libraries in Russia and Great Britain? Do Russian teenagers prefer to read the same books as British teenagers? How often do you go to the library? Do you take books only for literature classes? Do you prefer to visit your school or local library?

- Lets' have a rest now. Stand up, please.

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Подготовка монологического высказывания

  • - Now you will learn to retell the contents of the books. See ex. Ill on p. 84. Here is a passage from "The Headless Ghost" by Pete Johnson. Look at the cover of the book and the title. Try to predict what this book is about. (In my opinion/to my mind tin book is about...)

— Read the text and see if you were right. Say what the ghost wanb 11 to say. (The ghost wanted to say that the young people were in danger.)

— You are quite right. Use the plan below the text and prepare 11 retelling. Work in groups of four or five. Take the beginning, tin middle part or the ending of the plan and get ready to retell the text

Учитель распределяет между школьниками, какую часть текс i i они будут готовить для пересказа.

— Group one will speak about the title, the author, the main iden and what the author starts telling us about. Group two will retell the contents of the text. Group three will make the conclusion and express their opinion about the text.

— Now you are welcome. Begin retelling the text.

— At home prepare another story to retell.

VII. Подведение итогов урока

— What new information have you learnt today? Was it interestinc to learn what British teenagers prefer to read? Have you got am difficulties retelling the text? Thank you for your work.

Домашнее задание

Письменно изложить содержание текста.

Урок 76.

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