Урок 48. Виды сми цели: формирование навыков аудирования по теме «сми»

НазваниеУрок 48. Виды сми цели: формирование навыков аудирования по теме «сми»
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III. Фонетическая разминка

- It's time to have a talk about books: printed and CD. But first we shall revise the tongue twister. Look at the blackboard.

На доске записана разучиваемая скороговорка, учащиеся читают if на скорость..

IV. Развитие речи

- Sit in groups of 4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of printed books and books on CD. Give your reasons. Make a list of them.

Учитель прослушивает высказывания школьников, подходя >■ группам.

- Now report to the class. Примерный ответ:

a) The advantages of printed books:

- You pay for the book once or take it free from the library.

- They give us a chance to feel the atmosphere of the previous


- They keep alive for us the knowledge of the past, and they teach us what we need to know for the present and what we must know to build a still better future.

The disadvantages of printed books:

- They are inconvenient to keep;.

- You have to buy more books to read or take them from the library visiting it from time to time;.

- Some people have allergy for the books' dust;.

- Paper spoils quickly; it may be torn or burnt;.

- Reading is not good for eyes.

b) The advantages of books on CD:

- They are convenient to keep and use;.

  • - You may take them from the Internet;.

— Reading them you can see what is happening in pictures, in colours and in action;.

— They don't spoil very quickly;.

— They make our imagination richer;.

— They are available at any time;.

— People with allergy can read them too. The disadvantages of books on CD:

— Computer is bad for eyes as well as for the whole organism;.

— Books on CD are expensive;.

— Old people can't use them as they are not capable of the computer.

— At home express your opinion about printed and CD books in writing.

V. Подведение итогов урока

— Were the arguments of the groups convincing? Was it interesting to listen to the reporters? I must confess you were very convincing. Your marks for the lesson are... See you next time.

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 38, стр. 89; РТ: упр. 3, 4 (а, б), стр. 47-48.

Урок 72. Краткость - сестра таланта

Цели: развитие навыков письменной речи; введение и тре­нировка в употреблении местоимений "which", "that", "who"; обучение словообразованию: прилагательные + -less.

Оборудование: записи на доске; РТ; словарь.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— Today you will try to be a real writer. Besides you will learn to connect two short sentences with the help of the words "which, that, who". At the end of the lesson you will learn to form new words using the suffix -less.

II. Фонетическая разминка

— Open your workbooks at p. 50. See ex. 1. Try to read the words in transcription. Pronounce them correctly. Mind the stresses. Use the dictionary and complete the table.

Keys: conclusion; decision; celebration; information; invitation; competition; collection.

— Now read the words aloud.

  • P1.P2,

ll. Речевая разминка

— What qualities do you think a writer must have? Ex. 2 on p. 44 in your workbooks may help you.

Примерный ответ:

In my opinion, a writer must be smart, educated, romantic, sensible .ind talented.

— Would you like to be a writer? Why or why not? (Yes, I would. It is so interesting and exciting to have adventures in the world of literature. / No, I wouldn't. I'm not fond of reading myself, besides I can't express my thought in writing clearly.)

— What genres of books are you interested in? {I'm interested in...)

- What do you think you should do to become a writer? (To my mind, to become a writer I should read a lot, get the higher education, travel a lot and easily understand other people.)

- Writing letters is the first step to becoming a real writer. Do you agree with it? {Yes, I do. Writing letters you train expressing your thought, using necessary words and punctuation.)

IV. Обучение лексике

— Read the letter written by a famous French philosopher and writer Voltaire. Guess what the two shortest letters mean. See ex/ 94 on p. 82.

— Look at the text again. You see the words "which, that, who". What do they mean? When are they used? Learn to use them. Complete the sentences in ex. 95 on p. 82. Use the correct word in brackets. Explain why you use it.

Примерный ответ:

"That" and "which" mean «который» (о неодушевленных пред­метах). "Who" means «кто», «который».

1. The pamphlet was written by Voltaire who was a famous French philosopher and writer.

2. Voltaire wrote a letter which only contained the sign "?".

3. The publisher sent an answer that was as short as Voltaire's letter and no less clear. It also contained only one sign — "!".

4. All copies of the pamphlet which was written by Voltaire were already sold.

- Now you try to write the letters of Voltaire and his publisher in words, not in signs. Ex. 96 on p. 82 will help you.

- Before we discuss your letters have a rest.

v. Физкультминутка

VI. Обучение лексике

  • - Sit in groups of three. Read your letters to each other and choose the most interesting one. Then read it to the class. Say which letter you like most. Use the words from the blackboard.

Запись на доске: In my opinion... To my mind... I must confess... Frankly speaking...

— Have a drill using the words "which", "that", "who".

— Open your workbook at p. 50, in ex. 3 you must connect two short sentences in one. Think in pairs first. Now read your sentences and translate.


2.1 like people, who are well-read. — Мне нравятся начитан­ные люди.

3. Sometimes I have to read technical texts that/which are rather difficult. — Иногда мне приходится читать технические тек­сты, которые довольно трудны.

4,1 often borrow some books from the library which/that is just round the corner. — Я часто беру книги из библиотеки, ко­торая находится прямо за углом.

5. The scientists found a book which/ that was written about eight centuries ago. — Ученые нашли книгу, которая была написана 8 веков назад.

6.1 enjoy reading articles which/that explain some strange things about nature. — Мне нравится читать статьи, которые объ­ясняют странные вещи в природе.

7.1 approve of people who have their own opinion and are able to defend it. — Я одобряю людей, которые имеют свое мнение и могут защитить его.

— Well, I see that you have no difficulties using the new words.

VII. Обучение словообразованию

— You know we can form new words in different ways. First look through the words in ex. 2, p. 50 of your workbooks. Here you see that nouns are formed from verbs. Read the examples after me.


— Now you try to complete the table. Use the dictionary.

Keys: educate, approve, suggestion, conclusion, broadcasting, celebration, explain, review.

— You can also form new words with the help of the suffixes. Read the rule in ex. 98, p. 82 of your textbook. Remember it.

— Read and translate the examples in ex. 99. Do it in a chain. Keys:

безоблачное небо бессердечный преступник

  • бесшумная машина бездомная собака

ребенок-сирота дерево без листьев

безымянный автор безлунная ночь

— At home continue this work and do some tasks in writing.

VIII. Подведение итогов урока

— What new information have you learnt? When do we use which, that, who? What parts of speech are formed with -less? You have done a lot today. The most active pupils are... Thank you for your work. The lesson is over.

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 100, стр. 82; РТ: упр. 3, стр. 50.


Урок 73. Любимый писатель

Цель: развитие навыков монологической речи по теме «Что шачит быть писателем».

Оборудование: записи на доске; РТ; карточки.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— Today you will discuss different kinds of books, the authors and learn to describe your favourite writer.

II. Фонетическая разминка

— Begin with pronunciation. Open your workbooks at p. 50. Let's read the words from ex. 2 again. First repeat them after me.


— Now read them in a chain. P1,P2, P3.

III. Речевая разминка. Проверка домашнего задания

— Lets' check up your homework. Last time we spoke about the word formation. What parts of speech are formed with the help of the suffix -less? {They are adjectives.)

— Yes, you are right. What does the suffix mean? (It means


— OK. Read your sentences from ex. 100 on p. 82. Others must listen and check the answer. (/. Friendless. 2. Sleepless. 3. Sunless. 4. Colourless. 5. Lifeless.)

  • — Well done.

IV. Развитие речевых навыков

— Today we speak about kinds of books. You already know many of them. Let's read them again. Open your books at p. 83. See ex. 101. Repeat the words after me.


— Now read them one by one. Pl,P2,P3,P4,etc.

— Look through the reasons why you may want to write this or that type of book. Consult the vocabulary at the end of your textbook to translate the words. Now answer the question at the beginning of the exercise.

Примерный ответ:

I would write novels because they are interesting and have a long plot with a lot of characters so the reader can observe the life lines of different people.

I would write poems because they are short. They make people think about different life problems. Besides poems are easy to read and understand.

I would write short stories because they are appealing and quite easy to read. People who read them get kinder and smarter.

I would write science fiction because it is fantastic and creative. It makes people invent new things. People who read them get more creative and curious.

I would write encyclopedias because they make people think, people who read them become more curious, smarter and better educated.

I would write dictionaries because they make people think, they help to find necessary words and word expressions. People who read them become smarter and better educated.

I would write textbooks because they contain much useful information. People who read them become smarter and better educated.

I would write workbooks because they help students to remember important things. People who read them become more educated.

I would write scripts because they are interesting, fantastic. They make people laugh and think.

I would write plays because they are fantastic, appealing and creative. They make people laugh or cry, help others. People who read them get happier, kinder and more polite.

I would write love stories because they are appealing and tender. People who read them get happier.

  • I would write adventure stories because they are interesting and creative. They make people travel.

I would write horror stories because they are terrible. People who it-ad them get frightened.

I w,ould write thrillers because they are horrible. They make people help others. People who read them get more serious.

I would write detective stories because they are exciting. They make |i ople think and help others. People who read them get more creative 11id curious.

1 would write books on UFOs because they are fantastic, appealing nnd exciting. They make people think. People who read them get more i niious, excited and more creative.

- Very nice. I see that we have different opinions. Before we discuss the authors have a rest. Stand up, please.

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Обучение речи

- What Russian famous writers do you know? Can you name any English authors? Do you know their works? See ex. 102 on p. 83. Look through the task. Is everything clear? Work in pairs and match the writers with their books. To be a success learn to pronounce the names of the English writers. Repeat after me.


- Now Vova reads, other pupils repeat after him. Pl-Ps.

- Start your work in pairs. Then report to the class. Примерный ответ:

Mark Twain wrote adventure stories. Jack London wrote short ■i ories. Charles Dickens wrote novels. Bernard Shaw wrote plays. Lewis ( arroll wrote fairytales. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote adventure stories. William Shakespeare wrote love stories, plays and poems. Chase wrote iHective stories. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote detective stories. Stephen К ing wrote horror stories.

Alexander Pushkin wrote novels, fairy tales, essays and poems. Anna

\khmatova wrote poems. Alexandra Marinina wrote detective stories.

\nton Chekhov wrote plays and short stories. Alexander Belyaev wrote

.cience fiction. Arkady Vainer wrote detective stories. Vassily Shukshin

\ rote short stories. Nikolay Gogol wrote novels.

- The works of which writers from the list have you read? Which of them do you like most? Can you name their works? Whose works were used to shoot films? Have you watched them? Do you prefer to read books or to watch the films?

  • - In your workbooks you have a task connected with writers and their works. Open the workbooks at p. 51. Read the task of ex. 4. Can you name the characters illustrated?

- Work in pairs and decide whose quotation it is and who created the character.

Keys:].c)2);2. a)3);3.b)l).

- At home prepare either a short story about one of these characters or quotations of some other three characters.

- Now we are ready to describe one of your favourite authors. See ex. 103 on p. 83. Here is the plan for you. You may consult the Linguistic and Cultural Guide to prepare a story about your favourite writer or any writer you like. I give you three minutes to think and then you tell us about the writer.

- Listen and say what you have learnt about the author. Учитель может предложить школьникам заполнить пропуски

в предложениях на карточках при прослушивании рассказов.

На карточках:

...'s favourite writer is... He was born in... He lived in the... century. He was born into the family of... He had... brothers (sisters). He dreamed to be a... This writer created such books as... The most famous book by this author is...

- At home prepare information about your favourite writer.

VII. Подведение итогов урока

- We have done a lot today. Let's finish. At the next lesson we will listen to your stories about famous writers. Your marks for the lesson are...

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 40, стр. 89; упр. 42, стр. 90; РТ: упр. 4, стр. 51.

Урок 74. Герои книг британской литературы

Цели: активизация известной лексики по теме в речи; развитие навыков аудирования; контроль навыков монологической речи. Оборудование: записи на доске; видеоаппаратура.
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