Воспитание личности как субъекта межкультурных отношений

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НазваниеВоспитание личности как субъекта межкультурных отношений
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«Оқушыларда экологиялық мәдениетті құрастыру» мақаласының, Е.А. Букетов ат. Қарағанды мемлекеттік университетінің педагогика ғылымдарының кандидаты жалпы педагогика кафедрасының доценті Құсаинов Серикбай Аскарбекұлына
2. Мақалаға арналған мәселенің қысқаша сипаттамасы.

3. Мақаланың өзекті дәрежесі.

4. Автордың мақаласында маңызды аспектілері.

5. Жариялаудың ұсынымдары.

6. Ғылыми атағы, ғылыми дәрежесі, лауазымы, жұмыс орны, пікір берушінің АТӘ (толық), қолтаңба, мөр.

Қатысушылардың назарына!

Конференцияның Ұйымдастыру комитеті қатысушыларды қарсы алу және қонақүйге орналастыру туралы сұрақтармен айналыспайды. Қонақүйде орын брондау конференция қатысушыларының өз мойнында.

Брондау үшін телефондар : +7 (7172) 62 85 69, +7 (775) 938 11 55, +7 (777) 999 19 67 және т.б.

Сайттар : http : //www.booking.com/city/kz/astana.

Http : //www.hotel.info/

Http : др //www.astanahotels.kz/
International scientific and practical conference

National Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Republic holds the international conference "Innovation in Education: researches and solutions" on December 5, 2014.
The aim of the conference is to provide an international forum for the dialogue between researchers and practitioners in the field of education innovation.
The conference is planned to hold the international scientific-and-practical workshop "Updating the content of education in the context of contemporary challenges".

Roundtable discussion №1

Subject: Educating individuals as the subject of intercultural relations.

Problem field: Updating the content of education in the context of spiritual, moral, philosophical challenges. The ratio of universal and ethno-social values in the education of children and youth. Familiarizing children and young people with the values of the globalizing world through native culture.

Roundtable discussion №2

Subject: Innovation processes in the education system.

Problem field: The continuity of innovation between the levels of education starting from pre-school to postgraduate education levels (in the context of continuing education, multilingual education, inclusive education). Problems of professional training of teachers in terms of reforming the education system. The essence of the innovation activity of teachers and managers in education.

Roundtable discussion №3

Subject: Tradition and innovation in the formation of ecological culture.

Problem field: Updating the content of education in the context of environmental and dynamic challenges. Strategies, concepts, development programs of environmental education.

Roundtable discussion №4

Subject: Digital culture and education in the 21st century.

Problem field: Updating the content of education in the context of information technology challenges. ICT in education. Globalization and socialization of information flows. Information security risks.

Languages – Kazakh, Russian and English.

Invited participants: representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Republic, national ministerial subordinate organizations, regional governmental bodies and bodies of Astana and Almaty cities, education departments, domestic and foreign scholars, international experts in the field of education, heads of educational institutions at all levels, faculty deans, university departments heads, university teachers, teachers of colleges, teachers of schools of all types, heads of methodological bodies.
Conference procedure

December 4, 2014

Arrival of participants

December 5, 2014 (before lunch)

Plenary meeting

December 5, 2014(afternoon)

Roundtable discussions.

The adoption of the resolution.

Awarding of certificates

December 6, 2014

Departure of participants

In order to participate in the conference you need to register online at www.nao.kz (follow the link http://nao.kz/naoconference/registration/1) and send to the e-mail naokonf_2014@nao.kz the following documents till November 22, 2014:

 partcipation application (see the given form);

 article full text of no more than 5 pages of A4 (articles without its review and application are not accepted);

 scanned copy of an article reviews (signed and stamped as shown in the form);

copy of the receipt of the registration fee payment (the registration fee is paid only after the confirmation of an article inclusion in the conference program, a scanned copy of the receipt is sent).
Forms of participation:

1. Full - making a presentation at the plenary session, round table discussions, publishing articles in the conference materials (participants receive package №1 - certificate, conference program, handouts, conference material package) - registration fee 2,000.00 tenge (or in a foreign currency at the exchange rate against tenge).

2. Correspondence - publishing articles in the conference material package (participants receive package №2 – certificate, handouts, conference materials in electronic PDF format) - registration fee 1,000.00 tenge (or in a foreign currency at the exchange rate against tenge).

3. The participation as a listener without registration fee payment (participants receive package №3 - certificate and handouts in electronic PDF format).

After the registration at www.nao.kz, documents are to be sent to the Organizing Committee e-mail naokonf_2014 @ nao.kz. Documents must be presented in four files (the first file - the application, the second file - Article, the third file – the copy of the review, the fourth file – the copy of the receipt). The files are titled by the name of the first author (eg. Kusainov CA Application.doc; Kusainov CA Article.doc; Kusainov CA Rewiev.doc; Kusainov CA Receipt.doc).

Anyone who has applied for the participation and gone through the additional review will be sent the Academy's requisites for the payment of the registration fee, the conference program and other conference materials.
Requirements for the materials:

Materials are sent in electronic form: text editor MS WORD; A4, the main font - Times New Roman; size - 14, line spacing - single; full justification of the text; indent - 1.0 cm; all fields - 2 cm. The pages are not numbered.

Top center - the title of the article in demibold capital letters without hyphenation; then a line down in the middle - the initials and surname of the author (s) (the participation of more than three authors in one article or report is not welcomed), a line down - organization, city, e-mail of the author (s), initials and surname of the supervisor (if there is any), the initials and surname of the reviewer, degree, title, organization, city of a reviewer (scanned copy of the review will be sent by e-mail), then in a line down - the text of the article. References to the literature are given in square brackets. A list of references isobligatory. No hyphenation (Appendix 1).

At the end of the text of the article there should be the article abstract in Kazakh, Russian and English (5-7 sentences).

Drawings should not exceed 1/4 of the volume of the article. Drawings, illustrations, photographs are provided in separate files with the extension TIFF (* .TIF), or JPG (not included in Word). Each drawing should be referenced in the text, continuous numbering in drawings, figure captions should contain sufficient information.

Materials must be carefully edited in compliance with all requirements. Articles that do not meet the requirements of the registration and submitted to the organizing committee after the deadline (until 22 November 2014) are not included the conference materials package and returned. Aticles will be published in author's edition.

Last name of the reviewer should be listed in the article. A review should be made according to the given form, signed and stamped (Appendix 2).

Place and time: Astana, st. Orynbor, 4, Business Center "Altyn Orda", a conference room, 5 December 2014.

Contact for inquiries: National Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin, tel. 8 (7172) 577203, 8 (7172) 576649 and a web – site of the Academy www.nao.kz.

Dear Colleagues,

Make sure that his registration application form is filled in the Kazakh and / or Russian languages and send to the e-mail: naokonf_2014 @ nao.kz


First name

Middle name

Academic title






Town, village

Street, house, apartment

Telephone with intercity code

Cellphone number


E-mail (required)

Title of paper

Round table discussion number

Form of participation (required):

1. Full

2. Correspondence

3. Participation as a listener

Reviewer (required) Name (full name)

Last name of the reviewer

Name of reviewer

Middle name of the reviewer

Academic title reviewer

PhD reviewer

Position of reviewer

Workplace of reviewer

Abbreviations are not allowed in the "Application"!
Appendix 1
Sample of article
C. A. Kusainov
Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov, Karaganda, Kusainov@mail.kz
Reviewer – B. I. Akhmetov, Ph.D., Associate Professor, and University of Eurasia named after L. N. Gumilev, Astana city
The text of the article. The text of the article. Text of the article [1]. ... The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. Text of the article [2]. ... Text of article [3]. The text of the article.
1 Абэ Осаму. Когда началось экологическое образование? // Тири. 1990. Т. 35, №12. -С.21-27.

2 Учение Вернадского о ноосфере. http://www.ecosystema.ru.

3 Концепции экологического образования Республики Казахстан, г. Астана. 2002 г., http://ecoinfo.iacoos.kz/lite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=852.
Аннотация. Мақалада негізгі құзырлар және экологиялық бiлiмнiң контекстiндегi оқушылардың экологиялық мәдениеттiң және санасының құрастыруы өзара байланысында қаралады.

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается взаимосвязь ключевых компетенций и формирования экологической культуры и сознания учащихся в контексте экологического образования.

Abstract. In the article intercommunication of key competenses and forming of ecological culture and consciousness is examined students in the context of ecological education.
Appendix 2

The review should include the following information
1. Full title of the article, title of the author, full name of the author, example:

on article "Formation of ecological culture in students' PhD, assistant professor of pedagogy of Y. A. Buketova Karaganda State University Kusainoa Serikbay Askarbekovich
2. Brief description of the problem the article is dedicated to.

3. The topicality of the articles provided.

4. The most important aspects revealed in an article by the author.

5. Recommendation for publication.

6. The academic title, academic degree, position, place of work, name reviewer (completely without abbreviations), signature, seal.

Attention for participants!
The conference committee is not concerned with meeting and accommodation of participants. Hotel Reservation is made by the conference participants themselves.

Phone Number for Reservations: 8-7172-62 85 69, +7 775 938 11 55, +7 777 999 19 67 and others.

Sites: http://www.booking.com/city/kz/astana.


http://www.astanahotels.kz/ and etc.
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