Пояснительная записка Тематический план

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Read the following newspaper article and analyze it.


Miami Herald

I like to think that I am a modest person. (I also like to think that I look like Brad Pitt naked, but that is not the issue here.)

There comes a time, however, when a person must toot his own personal horn, and for me, that time is now. A new book has confirmed a theory that I first proposed in 1987, in a column explaining why men are physically unqualified to do housework. The problem, I argued, is that men -- because of a tragic genetic flaw -- cannot see dirt until there is enough of it to support agriculture. This puts men at a huge disadvantage against women, who can detect a single dirt molecule 20 feet away.

This is why a man and a woman can both be looking at the same bathroom commode, and the man -- hindered by Male Genetic Dirt Blindness (MGDB) -- will perceive the commode surface as being clean enough for heart surgery or even meat slicing; whereas the woman can't even see the commode, only a teeming, commode-shaped swarm of bacteria. A woman can spend two hours cleaning a toothbrush holder and still not be totally satisfied; whereas if you ask a man to clean the entire New York City subway system, he'll go down there with a bottle of Windex and a single paper towel, then emerge 25 minutes later, weary but satisfied with a job well done.

When I wrote about Male Genetic Dirt Blindness, many irate readers complained that I was engaging in sexist stereotyping, as well as making lame excuses for the fact that men are lazy pigs. All of these irate readers belonged to a gender that I will not identify here, other than to say: Guess what, ladies? There is now scientific proof that I was right.

This proof appears in a new book titled What Could He Be Thinking? How a Man's Mind Really Works. I have not personally read this book, because, as a journalist, I am too busy writing about it. But according to an article by Reuters, the book states that a man's brain ''takes in less sensory detail than a woman's, so he doesn't see or even feel the dust and household mess in the same way.'' Got that? We can't see or feel the mess! We're like: ''What snow tires in the dining room? Oh, those snow tires in the dining room.''

And this is only one of the differences between men's and women's brains. Another difference involves a brain part called the ''cingulate gyrus,'' which is the sector where emotions are located. The Reuters article does not describe the cingulate gyrus, but presumably in women it is a structure the size of a mature cantaloupe, containing a vast quantity of complex, endlessly recalibrated emotional data involving hundreds, perhaps thousands of human relationships; whereas in men it is basically a cashew filled with NFL highlights.

In any event, it turns out that women's brains secrete more of the chemicals ''oxytocin'' and ''serotonin,'' which, according to biologists, cause humans to feel they have an inadequate supply of shoes. No, seriously, these chemicals cause humans to want to bond with other humans, which is why women like to share their feelings. Some women (and here I am referring to my wife) can share as many as three days' worth of feelings about an event that took eight seconds to actually happen. We men, on the other hand, are reluctant to share our feelings, in large part because we often don't have any. Really. Ask any guy: A lot of the time, when we look like we're thinking, we just have this low-level humming sound in our brains. That's why, in male-female conversations, the male part often consists entirely of him going ''hmmmm.'' This frustrates the woman, who wants to know what he's really thinking. In fact, what he's thinking is, literally, ''hmmmm.''

So anyway, according to the Reuters article, when a man, instead of sharing feelings with his mate, chooses to lie on the sofa, holding the remote control and monitoring 750 television programs simultaneously by changing the channel every one-half second (pausing slightly longer for programs that feature touchdowns, fighting, shooting, car crashes or bosoms) his mate should not come to the mistaken conclusion that he is an insensitive jerk. In fact, he is responding to scientific biological brain chemicals that require him to behave this way for scientific reasons, as detailed in the scientific book What Could He Be Thinking? How a Man's Mind Really Works, which I frankly cannot recommend highly enough.

In conclusion, no way was that pass interference.

  1. Speak on the following situation.


Card # 1

1. Listen to the text and answer these questions.

Nine people were asked what punishment they would give people guilty of the above crimes:

  1. Which crime is each person talking about?

  2. Which speaker does not refer to one of the crimes above?

2. Read the passage and give the analysis of it.

3. Make up a dialogue on the following topic:

The principle tasks of higher education. How should higher education be organized, governed, directed?

Вопросы для подготовки к экзамену 1 семестр

1. Listen to the text and answer these questions (from Peter May. Knockout First Certificate. - Oxford, 2002. Unit 2 p. 92 Listening)

2. Read the passage and give the analysis of it taken from the book ГиляноваА.Г., ОссовскаяМ.И., ТураеваЗ.Я. Английскийязык: Учебникдлястудентовпед. ин-товпоспец. «Иностр. Яз.». – М.: Просвещение, 1981. – 232 с.

Text # 1 pp. 7-9

Text # 2 pp. 16-18

Text # 3 pp. 46-48

Text # 4 pp. 97-99

Text # 5 pp.106-108

Text # 6 pp. 116-118

Text # 7 pp. 129-131

Text # 8 pp. 168-170

Text # 9 pp. 180-182

Text # 10 pp. 191-193

3. Make up a dialogue on the following topic:

  1. The principle tasks of higher education. How should higher education be organized, governed, directed?

  2. Russian and American systems of higher education. Specify the following: admission, requirements, students’ grants and financial aid, academic calendar, courses, political, sports and cultural activities.

  3. Exams or continuous assessment. Pros and cons of written and oral examinations.

  4. The social background of juvenile delinquency and its role in contributing to the crime rate. Speak on the vital role of drug addiction and alcohol consumption in the growing crime rate.

  5. Do you think punishment is an effective deterrent to crime? If yes, which kind of punishment do you think is most effective? If not, how would you prevent crime?

  6. Do you think crime is ever justifiable?

  7. “Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read” Francis Bacon ( 1561-1626).

  8. “What is a use of a book”, thought Alice, “without pictures or conversation?” Lewis Carroll (1832-1898).

  9. “A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read”. (Mark Twain)

  10. Books and reading habits of the 22 century: form and context.


Card # 1

1. Read the passage and give the analysis of it.

2. Make up a dialogue on the following topic: “There is only one way to come to understand music by learning to play a musical instrument whether an external one like the piano or flute or by training the human voice to become an instrument”.

Вопросы для подготовки к экзамену 2 семестр

1. Read the passage and give the analysis of it (taken from the newspaper “The Moscow News” www.mnweekly.ru )

Passage 1 “The Moscow News”# 2, 23-29 January 2009 “The Big Chill out” p. 11

Passage 2 “The Moscow News”# 3, 30 January – 5 February 2009 “Hollywood’s Man in Moscow” p. 8-9

Passage 3 “The Moscow News” # 7, 27 February – 5 March 2009 ‘Moscow trial a turning point” p. 3

Passage “The Moscow News” # 4, 6-12 February 2009 “Car industry crisis” p. 6

Passage “The Moscow News” # 1, 16-22 January 2009 “Waiting for the Thaw” p. 2, 14

Passage “The Moscow News” # 9, 13-19 March 2009 “Lyrics, nationalism and gay pride” p. 3

Passage “The Moscow News” # 8 6-12 March 2009 “Monarch, model or Madonna?” p. 18

Passage “The Moscow News” ”# 2, 23-29 January 2009 “Behind the glamour of a college form” p. 5

Passage “The Moscow News” ”# 3, 30 January – 5 February 2009 “New Church Head elected” p. 2

2. Make up a dialogue on the following topic:

  1. “There is only one way to come to understand music by learning to play a musical instrument whether an external one like the piano or flute or by training the human voice to become an instrument”.

  2. “However good recorded music might be, it can never really take the place of a live performance. To be present at an actual performance is half the enjoyment of music”.

  3. Talk about one of the musical genres styles.

  4. Compare Russian and American students' lifestyles.

  5. Folk traditions should be preserved in modern world.

  6. Media produce more negative effects than positive.

  7. The media can be a dangerous weapon

  8. Talk about any musician, musical band, composer, soloist or orchestra.

  9. The functions of television




1. Each instructor has a set of requirements about attendance, and if the student misses too many classes, the instructor won’t allow him to continue studying the course.

2. The descriptions of courses including the datesoftests are distributed among the students on the first day of class.

3. Instructors are very particular about deadlines- if you are late a day, your mark is a point lower.

4. Look what a lazybones you are! How can you always put off doing your assignments!

5. They are exceptionally good at languages, so they are taking this advanced course for excellent students.

6. The idea of studying for this test filled me with anxiety, but I still couldn’t get absorbed in English.

7. All third-year students are required to work at school for a month.

8. This is a strict teacher, but his methods are undoubtedly interesting.

9. We got enrolled in three similar courses, and hopefully we will be able to study together and avoid getting caught.

10. All of his grades are always A’s, how can he manage it when he is also part of the ‘drinking club”?

  1. С профессором кафедры всемирной истории можно поговорить в установленные часы консультаций.

  2. Раньше студенческие советы часто обсуждали антиобщественное поведение некоторых студентов, устраивающих шумные вечеринки с распитием спиртных напитков.

  3. Если доход вашей семьи ниже установленной суммы, вы имеете право не получение финансовой помощи- так называемой стипендии.

  4. После написания диссертации и успешной ее защиты студент аспирантуры стал кандидатом наук.

  5. Основная специальность российских студентов известна с момента их зачисления в вуз, а американцы выбирают основную и дополнительную специальности будучи второкурсниками.


  1. academic freedom

  2. letter-grade

  3. foster

  4. flexibility

  5. exam


discussion session, to sign up for, to be a success ( about a speech, a lesson, a presentation), junior (college), a doctoral degree

V. Write a paragraph about American college requirements, different from those of a Russian college.

Итоговый тест по лексическому материалу из учебника Аракин «Практический курс английского языка, 4 курс» за 1 семестр

I. Translatethesentences

  1. Полковника разжаловали в солдаты за то, что он сдал город.

  2. Находчивые ответы студентов понравились экзаменатору.

  3. Далли прозрачно намекнули, что в ее услугах больше не нуждаются, но она продолжала приходить каждый день.

  4. На выпускном вечере все девочки выглядят очень нарядными в своих светлых платьях.

  5. Адвокат нападал на свидетеля, задавал ему бесконечные вопросы так, что, в конце концов, свидетель стал противоречить самому себе.

  6. Туристы любят обмениваться значками и стараются получить в обмен что-нибудь новое.

  7. Я намекнул, что ему причитаются кое-какие деньги, но, к моему удивлению, мои слова не дошли до него.

  8. Я чувствую себя виноватой, что так долго испытывала ваше терпение.

  9. Молодой неизвестный музыкант, принимавший участие в международном конкурсе Чайковского, стал впоследствии знаменитым пианистом.

  10. Ты обвиняешь меня в том, что я приехала слишком поздно, но ведь ты сама назначила этот час, так что это не моя вина.

  11. Целью защиты является доказать невиновность обвиняемого в том случае, когда он действительно невиновен.

  12. Закрой окно, пожалуйста, шум меня раздражает.

  13. Этот ребенок очень трогательно верит вновь обретенному взрослому другу.

  14. Кажется, я потерял ключ. - Это на тебя похоже!

  15. Безрадостные мысли не давали ему спать всю ночь.

  16. Надеюсь, все обошлось хорошо.

  17. Вы должны снизить скорость. Мы въехали в город.

  18. От качества рекламного материала в значительной степени зависит успех реализации нового товара на рынке сбыта.

  19. "Возвращайся домой целым и невредимым", просила мать сына, провожая в дальнюю дорогу.

  20. Он появился в городе, когда его менее всего ожидали.

II. Paraphrase the sentences

  1. The girls talked very quickly without stopping as if unaware of туpresence.

  2. The memory of this marvelous week-end took a long time to fade from his memory.

  3. How did you happen to find out about Н?

  4. At last she decided in favour of the new dress rather than the old one.

  5. There wasn't even а slight suggestion of it in his letter.

  6. While thinking over their last meeting he began to realize that he was falling in love.

  7. The sounds of approval of the audience filled the theatre.

  8. Your younger brother is spoilt; nobody can stop him from doing what he wants. Let's rehearse this scene again.

  9. It was an odd combination of events that the two contestants were both born on the same day and were both called James.

  10. If you don't want to get some lung disease you must give up smoking or cut it to аminimum.

  11. He could not forget the wrong done by his enemy until his dying day.

  12. He's nicer in real life than in his photographs.

III. Translate the following word combinations and use them in the sentences of your own

  1. просмотреть что-либо (бегло ознакомиться);

  2. чрезвычайное положение;

  3. нравится (о чем-то);

  4. довести до минимума;

  5. прозрачно намекнуть.

итоговый тест по лексическому материалу из учебника Аракин «Практический курс английского языка, 4 курс» за 2 семестр
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