Практическая работа №1 Тема: Мои летние каникулы. My summer holidays. Наименование работы

НазваниеПрактическая работа №1 Тема: Мои летние каникулы. My summer holidays. Наименование работы
Дата публикации09.11.2014
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ТипПрактическая работа
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Тема: Австралия.

Наименование работы: чтение и перевод текста .

Цель: формирование основных навыков и умений в грамотном переводе текста со словарем, в выполнении практических упражнений.

Норма времени: 2 часа.

Материально-техническое оснащение: инструкционно - технологические карты, тетради для практических работ, словари англо- русские.

Литература: Е.Занина «95 упражнений по английскому языку»,интернет-источники, Шах-Назарова, Журавченко "Английский для Вас",М.2009.


1. Работу выполнять строго по инструкционной карте.

2. Посторонние вещи убрать.
Содержание и последовательность выполнения работы.
Выпишите новые слова

-находиться в be situated in

-общая площадь total area

-население population

-производить to produce

-медь copper

-нефть oil

-железная руда iron ore

-уголь coal

-столица capital

-государство, штат state

-правительство government

-страна country

-ведущий leading

-kangaroo — кенгуру

-eucalyptus — эвкалипт
Задание №1.Выполните грамматические упражнения Выберите эквивалент русского предложения из предложенных вариантов
Макс хочет обучать вас испанскому языку
A) Max wants to teach you Spanish.

B)Max wants to be taught Spanish.
Ребенок любит чтобы ему читали

a) The child likes to read.
b) The child likes to be read to.

Я хочу чтобы меня проинформировали ее приезде

a) I want to be informed of her arrival.
b) I want to inform him of her arrival.

4 Грейс рада, что ее пригласили на вечер
a) Grace is happy to have invited us to the party.
b) Grace is happy to have been invited to the party.
1.The student reading the article doesn’t use a dictionary.
2.The student reading the article didn’t use a dictionary.
3.Nowadays there is a growing interest in learning foreign languages.
4.All visitors touring the art museum were asked to sign the guest book.
5.He picked up the letter lying on the floor.
6.People starting to learn a foreign language sometimes find it difficult to memorize words.
Задание №2.Прочитайте и переведите текст"Австралия"
australian flag
Australia, or the Commonwealth of Australia, as it is officially called, is situated on the island continent. It also occupies the Island of Tasmania and some minor islands round the coast of the continent.

It is a highly developed industrial-agrarian country. Its area is about 8 million km2. It is the only state in the world that occupies the territory of a whole continent.

The capital of Australia is Canberra, which became the capital only in 1927. The biggest city of Australia is Sydney.It is located in the state of New South Wales. It's the best-known place in Australia. But New South Wales has more than cities. There are, for example, the Blue Mountains. They are covered with forests of blue colored eucalyptus trees. The air above the forest contains millions of microscopic drops of eucalyptus oil.

From 1787 to 1867 Australia was a place where criminals were sent from Britain. That is why the official language of Australia is English.

Almost one half of Australian territory is occupied by deserts and semideserts. For quite a long period of time it was thought to be useless for economic development. But it is rich in coal, iron ore, bauxites, uranium, lead and many other mineral resources.

For almost a century the production and export of sheep wool was the basis of the economy of the country. Now the most important industries are oil, chemical, ore mining, radioelectronics, and food industry. The country exports agricultural products and raw materials.

As for the nature, the commonest trees of Australia are the eucalyptus and the Australian acacia or mimosa, the national emblem of the country. Such unusual animals as a kangaroo or a koala-bear originate from Australia.

Australia is one of the most unusual and exotic countries of the world. A significant feature of modern Australian society is the representation of a lot of cultures drawn from many lands by its people.

Historically part of the British Empire and now a member of a Commonwealth of Nations, it is a relatively prosperous and independent nation. Australia Day is celebrated on January 26 each year. Over 200 years ago, the First Fleet of the British arrived at the Sydney Cove and on this date Australia was set up as a settlement by the European colonists.

Задание №3.Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What do we imagine when we hear the word Australia?
2. What parts does Australia consist of?
3. What is the capital of the country?
4. Where is Sydney located?
5. What are the Blue Mountains covered with?
6.What are the main animals?

Задание №4. Сделайте таблицу по имеющейся информации об Австралии

The capital of Australia


National colours


Winter months


Summer months






National emblems


Main activities


National day


National songs




Main cities

После выполнения заданий студент

должен знать: порядок перевода текста, новые лексические единицы, содержание текста.

должен уметь: правильно понять текст, передать содержание текста как можно точнее средствами русского языка, сделать перевод максимально точным, отвечать Контрольные вопросы

Заключительный инструктаж, выдача задания на дом.

Собрать инструкционные карты, сдать тексты, словари.

подготовить краткий пересказ текста.

Преподаватель: ______________ Воронина Е.М.

Практическое занятие № 50

Тема: Образовательная система в Великобритании.

Наименование работы: выполнение практических заданий по правильному чтению и переводу новых лексических единиц из текста.

Цель: развитие навыков чтения, говорения, письма.

Норма времени: 2 часа.

Материально-техническое обеспечение: инструкционно-технологические карты.

Литература: Занина Е.Л. Устные темы по английскому языку. – М.: Рольф, Айрисс-пресс, 2012.

Правила техники безопасности:

  1. Работу выполнять строго по инструкционной карте и указаниям преподавателя.

  2. Рабочее место держать в порядке. Посторонние вещи убрать.

Вводный инструктаж

Основная лексика по теме:

According to their abilities по их способностям

To intend to do smth намереваться что-либо сделать

Level уровень

Mixed school смешанная школа (для мальчиков и девочек)

Confuse усложнять, запутывать

Primary school первичная школа

Secondary school средняя школа

GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) основное свидетельство о среднем образовании

The comprehensive system общеобразовательная система

The selective system выборочная система

Содержание и последовательность выполнения работы:

Задание 1.Прочитайте и переведите текст со словарем (письменно):

British Education Made Simple

The British education system is confusing to natives – to the outsider it looks almost impossible to understand! There are many different types of school in Britain. There are, however, only three main systems:

The comprehensive system. More than 90 % of children who go to state schools in England and Wales go to schools in the comprehensive system – a system introduced in the 1960s. Children go to a primary (or first) school at the age of five. Depending on the policy of the Local Education Authority, they may go directly to the upper school – usually called the comprehensive school – at the age of 11. Alternatively, they may go to a middle school for three of four years before going to the upper school. The comprehensive system is non-selective. This means that all children go from one school to another without taking any exams, and without being selected according to their abilities.

The selective system. In some areas of Britain, you can still find a different, and older, system of education (introduced in 1944). This is a selective system – children are selected for certain schools according to their ability. All children go to a primary school until the age of 11. They then take an examination called the 11-plus. Those who are successful go to a grammar school, where they receive a more academic education. Those who fail the exam go to a secondary modern school, where they receive an education which is less academic, and more intended to train them for a job when they leave at the age of 16.

The private (independent) system. About 7% of children go to private schools. There are three levels of private school – primary schools (age four to eight) and preparatory schools (eight to 13). At the age of 13, children take an examination. If they pass, they go on to public school, where they usually remain until they are 18. Many prep and most public schools are boarding schools – the children live at the school during the school terms. Be careful – although these schools are called “public”, they are, in fact, private, and it can be very expensive to send your child to such a school.

Within the three systems, there are several varieties of schools. For instance, you can find:

  1. Schools for boys only

  2. Schools for girls only

  3. Mixed schools – for boys and girls

  4. Voluntary schools – often with a religious background – such as Roman Catholic schools.

You can see that the British education system is rather confusing. This chart will help you: follow the arrows to see the possibilities which are open to a British child up to the age of 16. Examinations. The public examination taken by British schoolchildren is the General Certificate of Secondary Education (the GCSE) exam. Pupils usually take their GCSEs at the age of 16. Some children take three or four; others take as many as ten or eleven.

Pupils who have passed their GCSEs may remain at school for another two years and take their “A” (Advanced) level exams. All grammar and most comprehensive schools have a sixth form, where pupils study for their “A” levels. Any student who wants to go to university needs to pass at least two or three “A” levels. In England there are 47 universities, including the Open University which teaches via TV and radio, about 400 colleges and institutes of higher education. The oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. Generally, universities award two kinds of degrees: the Bachelor's degree and the Master's degree.

Задание 2.

Задание 3.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту (письменно):

1. What are the main types of schools in England and Wales?

2. What is GCSE?

3. How many varieties of schools are there in Britain?

4. How many universities are there in England?

После выполнения заданий студент должен:

Знать: лексику по теме: «Образование в Великобритании».

Уметь: читать и переводить со словарём.

Задания для отчёта: чтение и перевод новой лексики.

Заключительный инструктаж

Задание на дом: учить слова для словарного диктанта.

Убрать рабочее место

Собрать инструкционные карты

Сдать словари

Преподаватель ____________________Воронина Е.М.

Практическое занятие № 50
Тема: Образовательная система в Великобритании, США и России.

Наименование работы: чтение и перевод текста со словарём; выполнение практических упражнений.

Цель: развитие навыков чтения и самостоятельной работы со словарём; формирование навыков и умений работы с новой лексикой; письма.

Норма времени: 90 минут.

Материально-техническое оснащение: инструкционные карты.

Литература: 1. Карпова Т.А. Английский для колледжей. – Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2007.

Вводный инструктаж:

Грамматика: Союзы eitheror…; neithernor…; bothand

Neither ... nor… - ни ... ни…

Данный союз является отрицательным и служит для соединения однородных членов предложения.

Neither Kate nor her friend answers the question.

Союз neither ... norсоединяет любые члены предложения: это могут быть подлежащие, определения, дополнения, сказуемые и т.д.

Следует запомнить, что сочетание neither ... norчасто служит для соединения подлежащих, тогда сказуемое согласуется с ближайшим подлежащим.

Either ... or… - или ... или, либо ... либо…

Данный союз используется в утвердительных предложениях, соединяя однородные члены. В отличие от союза neither ... nor, either ... or…, соединяя подлежащие, согласуется с ближайшим из них.

Either your classmates or your friend has complained to the teacher.

Если either не относится к подлежащему, то его можно ставить перед глаголом-сказуемым.

They will either build a restaurant or a shopping center in this district.

Если предложение отрицательное, то союз either ... or может выступать в роли союза neither ... nor…

We didn't paint either ceiling or wall.
Both ... and… - и ... и, как ... так и…
Данный союз используется в утвердительных предложениях и соединяет однородные члены предложения. Если союз соединяет подлежащие, то сказуемое необходимо употреблять во множественном числе.

Both John and that engineer refuse to work.

Содержание и последовательность выполнения работы:

Задание 1. Прочтите и самостоятельно переведите текст (письменно):

Educational system in Great Britain

Modern educational system of GB consists of early childhood education, primary education, secondary education, higher education. Across the country there is free public education for all children. Children from 5 to 16 obtain the education. The duration of a school year is 38 weeks. The year is divided into trimesters, which are separated by vacation: summer (6 weeks), Christmas and Easter (2-3 weeks). A week break is provided in the mid-trimester. A working week lasts for 5 days. The school day lasts from 9:00 to 15:30 with a lunch break and morning prayers. Schools where pupils are to pay are private; those that are free – public. In the UK there are two types of schools: grammar and combined. The most widespread type is the combined school. They take primary school graduates with different levels of mental abilities. They were organized with the aim of creating equal opportunities for education. In grammar schools a child obtains general upper secondary education. The basis of teaching in these schools is the principle of differentiated curriculum. High School is completed by passing the GCSE exam (General Certificate of Secondary Education).

Educational system in Russia

Today's educational system in Russia is federal, centralized. Currently, it consists of: pre-school education, primary education, secondary education within 5 years, full secondary education and higher education. Formally, education is from 7 to 18 years. The duration of the school year is 34 weeks. Students are trained 5-6 days a week. In Russia, many types of secondary schools (e.g. common schools, lyceums, gymnasiums) and the variety of educational programs. In Russia, as in the UK, there are private and public schools. Basic education lasts for 9 years (9 forms). It is completed by passing the exam "GIA" (State Final Attestation). After finishing 9 classes students obtain incomplete secondary education and may enter a technical school. At the end of the 11th form students take the Unified State Exam (USE) in order to get the certificate of finishing school.

Educational system in the USA

The American system of education differs from the systems of other countries. There are free public schools that the majority of American children attend. There are also a number or private schools where a fee is charged. Education is compulsory for every child from the age of 6 up to the age of 16 except in some states, where children must go to school until the age of 17 or 18. Elementary or primary and secondary or high schools are organized on one of two bases: 8 years of primary school and 4 years, or 6 years of primary, 3 years of junior high school and 3 years of senior high school. The junior high school is a sort of halfway between primary school and high school. The high school prepares young people either to work immediately after graduation or for more advanced study in a university. An important part of high school life is extra-curricular activities. They include a band or school orchestra, sports and other social activities. There is no national system of higher education in the US. Instead, there are separate institutions ranging from colleges to universities. They may be small or large, private or public, highly selective or open to all.

Задание 2. Вставьте союзы either…or…, neither…nor…, both… and… (опираясь на текст, письменно):

1. … in the UK … in Russia a school week last 5 days.

2. … in the UK… in Russia there are public and private schools.

3. After obtaining basic education in Russia a pupil can … enter a technical school … stay at school.

4. In the USA children can attend … private schools … public schools.

5. … Russian … British educational system is like American educational system.

6. The high school prepares young people … to work immediately after graduation … for more advanced study in a university.

7. … in the UK … the USA children obtain compulsory education up to 16.

Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту (письменно):

1. How is the educational system of the UK represented?

2. How long does a school year last?

3. What is a combined school?

4. What stands for the GCSE?

5. What types of schools are there in Russia?

6. What is the Unified State Exam for?

7. What schools do many pupils in the USA attend?

8. What is a junior school?

После выполнения заданий студент должен:

Знать: знать особенности образовательных систем в Великобритании, США и Росси;

Уметь: читать и самостоятельно переводить текст со словарём; употреблять союзы eitheror; neithernor; bothandв речи

Контрольные вопросы: употребление союзов either…or…; neither …nor…; both …and…

Заключительный инструктаж:

Выдача домашнего задания на дом: подготовить рассказ на тему: «Среднее специальное образование с России»

Собрать инструкционные карты, сдать словари; привести рабочее место в порядок


Практическое занятие № 51
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