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III. Вспомните значение следующих английских слов и подберите к ним эквиваленты из правого столбца.
  1. modern structure

  2. raw materials

  3. ground up into powder

  4. blast furnace cement

  5. rapid-hardening cement

  6. concrete curing

  7. broken stone

  8. binding agent

  9. fine aggregate

  10. coarse aggregate

  11. building site

  12. wet mix

  13. prefabricated units

  14. water fir for drinking

15. take place
  1. вяжущее

  2. быстротвердеющий цемент

  3. мелкий заполнитель

  4. щебень

  5. строительная площадка

  6. современное здание

  7. сборные конструкции

  8. происходить, случаться

  9. питьевая вода

  10. сырье

  11. выдержка бетона

  12. крупный заполнитель

  13. мокрая (сырая) смесь

  14. шлакопортландцемент

15.измельчать в порошок


для студентов спец.ЭУН


(1 000)

The plan structure of a town is a harmonious system of interrelated parts and elements of an urban territory within the limits of the town.

The territory of a town is divided into two basic parts — residential and non-residential.

Territory beyond the limits of the town includes forest parks, rest and recreational areas, reserve territory for urban development, farm lands, etc.

Depending on natural conditions and the town's economic profile the plan structure may be of an open or close layout.

A close layout is characteristic of towns with a compact plan. It develops as one whole within the limits of clearly defined parameters. With the further town's development, the plan structure undergoes certain changes.

An open layout is characterized by consistent and free development in definite directions, remaining at every phase a part of the whole.

In every concrete instance, the selection of the plan structure takes into account many diverse and interrelated factors.

The plan structure of a town is reflected in the general plan. It takes into account industrial development, economic and transportation patterns, the topography of the locality, natural and climatic conditions and other factors.

(1 300)

The conditions for the emergence, existence and further development of new towns arc manifold and connected with the emergence of industrial enterprises and other places of employment serving as the basic factor in the formation of new towns.

The components contributing to the formation of new towns are: enterprises of various sectors of the mining and processing industries, heavy, light and food industries, power and transportation, higher educational institutions, scientific research institutes, public service facilities, resort and tourist enterprises and others. People employed in basic industry constitute the basic population group.

As a rule, major industrial enterprises are located in non-residential areas. In the USSR, based on many years of practice, approximate sizes have been established for the territory of such enterprises, depending on their capacity and work force. An increase in production capacity does not necessarily involve a proportional increase in the basic population group but depends on the level of automation and other technological advances.

Along with the basic population group, there emerges a service population group employed in the following;

Municipal administrative and public institutions.

Cultural and educational institutions (schools, libraries, clubs, etc.).

Medical establishments (polyclinics, hospitals, etc.).

A number of food and light industries servicing the needs of the town.

Shopping centres and public service establishments.

Local transport and public utilities facilities.

(1 300)

Occupying an important place in the plan structure of a town is the system of public centres differing in their function and location. The town centre as a place of the greatest concentration of public life is of particular importance. As a rule town centres are built up with administrative and commercial buildings, public and cultural establishments, large shops, and places of entertainment in a unified architectural ensemble dominating the urban pattern and in harmony with its general plan structure.

From the viewpoint of convenience for the public, it is advisable to set the town centre in the geometric centre of the town. But it may often be necessary to locate the town centre away from the geometric centre due to the particular conditions of the territory, location of highways and the existing building pattern. Thus, in large seaport towns the centres are often located near the water. An example of a regular plan structure is the new shopping centre in the city of Abidjan (Ivory Coast). The centre provides for a flexible composition ensuring steady development using modern engineering infrastructure and the construction of high-rise buildings with 11-14 or more stories. The western sites are used for administrative buildings, the eastern — for the shopping; located to the north of the centre are cultural and sports facilities. The separation of automotive and pedestrian traffic is well planned. The central axis highway connects the centre to all the districts of the city. The population of the central district located on the Banko plateau is more than 50,000.


(1 800)

The residential area of a town is mainly used for the construction of housing complexes with cultural and service facilities. The residential area is divided into planning areas (for large cities), residential districts, residential neighbourhoods or communities and house groups .

House group is the basic element of a housing complex. It consists of several residential buildings with a day nursery and kindergarten . As a rule, the site is landscaped for use by the people living there.

Residential community is a complex of house groups. It includes residential buildings and/cultural and service facilities for day by day living located not more than 300-500 m from the residential buildings. The unifying clement of a community is the school and the public and shopping centre. The territory of a residential community is bounded by residential streets and is usually located outside transportation highways.

Residential district is a larger housing complex . It includes several residential communities mutually linked by a system of service facilities that are used periodically and located within walking distance of 1,000-1,200 m. Local roads for serving the population may pass through the residential district.

Depending on natural climatic conditions, national traditions and life styles, the types of residential and public buildings, the 'form and kinds of public service facilities, the plan structure of residential complexes and services may achieve considerable diversity .

It is common practice in Russia to plan the network of cultural and service facilities in what is described as a stepped system:

Cafeterias, cafes, nurseries and kindergartens, schools, shops, service facilities, and cultural and educational institutions catering to the daily needs of the population are located in a residential community and are linked with the houses in the community by pedestrian streets.

Cinemas, clubs, libraries, restaurants, sports facilities, etc. which are attended periodically by the population, are located in public centres of a residential district within walking distance from a housing zone.


(1 900)

Modern city planning is characterized by the rapid urban growth and the tendency for several towns to be knitted together into large agglomerations with a corresponding increase in population and territory. This results in the best farm lands being used by the expanding urban territory and in the despoliation of the natural landscape and forests, the pollution of water areas and the atmosphere.

The continued growth of cities with their solid masses of masonry structures and high building density results in insufficient insolation and greenery and hence a decline in the urban microclimate.

Urban growth increases average travel time. and mobility of people, there is a sharp increase In the intensity of road haulage and the number of transportation facilities. On roads and streets, as is known, the number of vehicles increases several times faster -than the road network causing supersaturation by transportation of the street network and traffic congestion which is already to be observed in many large cities of the United States and other capitalist countries.

The main problem facing large modern cities is to make the most effective use of urban land without further encroachment on adjacent land.

Towns now in the planning stage or under construction should not only meet man's present day needs but also his diversified activities in the years to come. A part of the buildings including residential and service buildings will either be replaced by new ones or eliminated altogether by future generations, but the main skeleton of the city will remain much longer. It is difficult to accurately predict development in such areas as atomic energy, new building materials and components, self-powered transportation, and other areas of scientific-technological progress affecting the development of city planning but it is precisely this that makes it necessary to predict the further development of cities, their plan' structure and architectural and spacial composition.

In this connection, it is advisable to take a look, if only briefly, at some of the most widespread concepts in modern city planning and prospects for its development, in particular:

New population distribution systems.

Plan structure of new and rehabilitated old cities.

New building materials and components.

New types of transportation.
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