Учебное пособие для студентов омо иф по теме «Судебная система сша»

НазваниеУчебное пособие для студентов омо иф по теме «Судебная система сша»
Дата публикации28.04.2015
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Part III

Unit 8

The Work of the State Courts

Each state has its own system of courts. The purpose of each of these court systems is defined in a state's constitution. From state to state, the names of the courts that make up the system are different, but the basic pattern of justice is the same in all states.

State courts hear almost all the same kinds of cases that federal courts hear. However, certain cases cannot be heard in state courts. A dispute between two citizens of two states, for example, must be heard in the federal courts.
Criminal and Civil Cases. State courts hear criminal and civil cases. In a criminal case, a person is tried for committing a crime. Criminal cases involve two kinds of crimes—misdemeanors and felonies. A misdemeanor is a minor criminal offense, such as speeding, petty theft, or disorderly conduct. The punishment for a misdemeanor may be a fine or a short jail sentence. Serious crimes are called felonies. Some examples are kidnapping, robbery, murder, and arson (deliberately setting fire to a building). The punishment for a felony may be a long prison sentence or even death.

State courts also hear civil cases. Civil cases are disputes between two or more persons or between citizens and governments. A civil case might involve a store owner suing for payment of a bill, a person seeking a divorce, or the victim of an accident suinig for payment of medical bills. Most civil cases result in the payment of money to one of the parties involved.
Courts influence public policy Deciding legal issues between two parties is only one part of the work of the judges in state courts. The rulings of these judges also often have a strong influence on public policy. Consider the use of local property taxes to pay for the public schools. In some states, schools are supported almost entirely by these taxes.

In 1971, the California State Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to depend only on local property taxes to pay for education. Because the people living in some school districts paid high property taxes, the schools there would be better than schools where property taxes were lower. The education of students in different districts would be unequal. This went against the equal rights guarantee in the Constitution. Other state courts have made similar decisions.

In 1973, the United States Supreme Court ruled differently in San Antonio (Texas) School District v. Rodriguez. This ruling said that the use of local property taxes to pay for public schools does not go against the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court said that the local property tax could be used as the chief way of paying for public schools.

State court decisions can also affect public policy on the use of nuclear power. In recent years, groups of citizens have sometimes stopped the building of nuclear power plants by means of court decisions. Arguments against the building of such plants have been based on possible dangers to people who live nearby or to the environment.
Judicial review The higher state courts have the power of judicial review. In using this power, the courts review a state law to see whether it conflicts with the state constitution. Laws which conflict with the constitution are declared null and void (not binding).
Workload State courts are extremely busy places. California has about 256 state courts and about 1,200 judges, more than the total number of judges in the entire federal court system.

It is very difficult for state courts to keep up with their heavy workloads. In one large city, the average waiting period for a civil case to come to trial is two years. The delay for criminal trials still may be four to six months. Studies of criminal cases show that some persons have waited for more than a year before their cases came to trial.

The long delays have many causes. Some trials take several weeks. The increasing crime rate adds to the number of criminal cases in the courts. Individuals also go to court to protect their rights. A conservation group sues to stop construction of a nuclear power plant or a dam. Workers sue employers over hiring practices, promotion policies, or working conditions. Automobile accidents, too, result in a large number of lawsuits at the state level.
Relief for the courts Some states are trying different methods for relieving the courts of the great number of auto accident disputes. One method is to turn such cases over to an arbitrator (a person who settles a dispute). The arbitrator is not a judge, but he or she is trained in the law that applies to auto accidents. The hearing takes place in an office. Both sides are present. After arguments are heard, the arbitrator makes a decision that is final.

Some people feel that the only way to reduce the number of cases in state courts is to change our criminal laws. They argue that there are too many laws trying to control personal behavior, such as laws against gambling or public drunkenness. These offenses are sometimes called "victimless crimes" because, it is said, they do not harm other persons.

misdemeanor - 1) судебнонаказуемый проступок, преступление Syn: crime 2) проступок

felony - уголовное преступление

petty thief - воришка; вор, жулик, мошенник Syn: pilferer , lurcher

disorderly conduct - нарушение общественного порядка

jail sentence - приговор к краткосрочному тюремному заключению

arson поджог

civil case - гражданское дело

property tax - налог на доход с недвижимого имущества

to conflict withпротиворечить

null and void - потерявший законную силу

binding - принудительный, обязательный; ограничивающий

to keep up - поддерживать

lawsuit - судебный процесс; иск; тяжба ( against; over)

relief = help

arbitrator - третейский судья, арбитр

gambling - азартная игра; игра на деньги

drunkenness - пребывание в общественном месте в состоянии явного опьянения

victimless crime - преступление без (установленного) потерпевшего

Ex 1 Answer the following questions

  1. Does each state have its own system of courts? Why?

  2. What kinds of crimes involve criminal cases?

  3. What is the difference between misdemeanors and felonies?

  4. Do courts influence public policy? In what way?

  5. What does judicial review mean?

  6. How can you describe the workload of the state courts?

  7. What methods are used for relieving the courts of the great number of auto accident disputes?

Ex. 2 Give Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

a state's constitution – to make up the system of the courts – to commit a crime - a minor criminal offense, such as speeding, petty theft, or disorderly conduct. – kidnapping - robbery – murder and arson – to hear civil cases - local property taxes - null and void - an increasing crime rate - a person who settles a dispute – to go to court to protect their rights - to stop construction of a nuclear power plant or a dam

Ex. 3 Give English equivalents for the following words:

потерявший законную силу – суды, составляющие систему – проступок – совершить уголовное преступление – противоречить Конституции - приговор к краткосрочному тюремному заключению - преступление без (установленного) потерпевшего – мошенничество - нарушение общественного порядка – остановить строительство АЭС через суд – большой тюремный срок – оплатить медецинские счета – тяжба - игра на деньги
Ex.4 Make up 6 sentences of your own with the words and phrases from exercises 2 and 3.
Ex. 5 Supply the word or the word combination from the text which is a periphrasis of the following

  1. a minor criminal offense, such as speeding, petty theft, or disorderly conduct.

  2. a person who settles a dispute

  3. Laws which conflict with the constitution are declared not binding

  4. Serious crimes

  5. deliberately setting fire to a building

Ex.6 Render the article into English


Деятельность судов штатов в прошлом и в настоящем в основном сходна с деятельностью английских судов общего права5 и английских так называемых канцлерских судов6 (судов права справедливости). Ан­глийское законодательство и право справедливости7 были перенесены на североамериканскую почву. Они укоренились на новой почве, хотя не во всем эта юриспруденция сохранилась в первоначальном виде. С течением времени, по мере эволюции прецедентного права8, а порою и принятия законодательных актов, закон и право справедливости приобрели специфические американские черты. Однако в целом система юриспруденции, применяемая во всех судах 50 штатов США, восходит к английской системе.

Частные права, которые являются предметом английского права в основном входят в компетенцию судов штата. Новые области частного права (право, связанное со спорами между гражданами в противоположность спорам между гражданами и правительством) в течение десятилетий развивались путем принятия законодательных актов и судебных решений. Это тоже входит в компетенцию судебной системы штатов. Как правило, гражданин или фирма, участвующие в юридическом споре, обращаются за решением в суды штатов.

Основная масса дел, решаемых судами штатов, включает в себя иски по гражданским правонарушениям, например, оскорбление действием9, халатность10, клевета11, а также иски о праве собственности, нарушении контракта, и дела о разводе, алиментах12 и опеке13 над детьми. Значительный объем работы судебной системы штатов приходится на споры, связанные с доверенностями14, имуществом умерших, коммерческими сделками и деятельностью частных корпораций. Иными словами, основная масса дел, рассматриваемых судами штата, связана с деятельностью индивидов и хозяйственных единиц. Кроме того, суды штатов рассматривают споры, возникающие в связи с применением административных распоряжений штата. Средства защиты, обеспечиваемые судами в гражданских делах, могут включать решение о денежной компенсации ущерба, нанесенного стороне, решение о восстановлении или подтверждении права собственности, либо предписание или запрет в отношение одной из сторон.

Другая важная часть деятельности судов штата — уголовные дела. В американской государственной системе поддержание правопорядка в штате является ответственностью штата, а не федеральных властей. Поэтому основные и наиболее распространенные виды преступлений подсудны судам штата. Сюда входят убийства, изнасилования, ограбления, хищения, растраты, оскорбления действием. Эти и другие преступления против законов штата преследуются судами первой инстанции общей юрисдикции. Проступки и многочисленные мелкие правонарушения, такие как нарушения правил дорожного движения, обычно рассматриваются в судах ограниченной юрисдикции15.
Unit 9

The Organization of the State Courts

From state to state, the courts are organized in a similar way. Courts are often described as being lower or higher. You might compare the organization of state courts to a ladder. The supreme court is a state's highest court, and the highest rung on the ladder. Lower courts are the lowest rung on the state court ladder. They have limited jurisdiction.

Lower Courts
Justice Courts. These courts are presided over by a justice of the peace. Most justice courts are located in rural areas. The only cases that come to justice courts are minor civil cases and cases involving misdemeanors. Only civil cases involving $100 or less are heard by a justice of the peace. Misdemeanors include traffic violations and charges of public drunkenness. In addition to hearing such cases, a justice of the peace can perform marriage ceremonies and serve as a witness to the signing of public papers. Not all states have justice courts, and even in states that do, their numbers have been decreasing in recent years. One reason for this is that some justices of the peace have not studied law.
Police Courts. The similarity of these courts to justice courts lies in the kind of cases they handle. They are usually located in small cities and towns. Police courts are known as magistrate courts in some areas.
Municipal Courts. These courts are located in the larger cities of the American states. Both civil cases and misdemeanors come within their jurisdiction. One type of civil case is heard in the family court, which deals with divorce suits and child-custody cases. Another type of municipal court is the small claims court, which hears disputes over amounts of money less than a given amount. The amount varies, from $300 in Georgia to $5,000 in Virginia and Tennessee. Misdemeanors are handled in several different kinds of municipal courts. The most common ones are the traffic court, which deals with violations of the traffic laws, and the juvenile court, which hears cases involving young offenders.

table № 5

Higher Courts

Some higher state courts are a rung above the lower courts.
General Trial Courts. These courts are known as district, county, common plea, circuit, and superior courts in different states. Most states are divided into political districts. In each district, there is at least one general trial court.

These courts hear felony cases and civil disputes involving amounts of money over the amount allowed in a small claims case. In many states, general trial courts judges are elected to terms of from four to ten years. Juries are used in both civil and criminal cases.
Appellate Courts. These courts hear cases on appeal. A person who disagrees with the verdict of a general trial court or a lower court may ask an appellate court to review the case. The appeals court checks to see whether the original trial was conducted according to law. If the original trial judge makes an error, the appeals court can reverse the verdict. Three to nine judges serve on appellate courts. A majority vote of the judges decides the outcome of the case. Juries are not used.
State Supreme Courts

On the highest rung of the state courts ladder are the state supreme courts. These courts review cases appealed from the appellate courts. Three to nine justices make up a state supreme court. Decisions of a state's highest court may be appealed to the United States Supreme Court. It should be remembered, however, that there is no guarantee that the Supreme Court will hear an appeal. The United States Supreme Court grants an appeal only if a federal question is involved. The subject matter of the case must be related to some part of the United States Constitution or to a law passed by Congress. If the appeal is refused, the decision of the state supreme court is final.
Selection of Judges

Judges for the state courts are chosen in three ways:

(1) election by the people,

(2) appointment by the governor,

(3) appointment by the legislature.

In several states, judges can be chosen only by the vote of the people. In other states, a majority of the judges are chosen by the voters, and the others are appointed. Judges are usually elected on a non-partisan (no party-label) basis. In Pennsylvania, however, state judges run as Republicans or"Democrats.

In almost all states, the governor can fill vacancies by appointment. When a judge dies or retires between elections, the governor appoints a replacement. Once a judge has been appointed, it is fairly easy for her or him to keep the job. Voters usually reelect a judge who is already in the position.

What is the best method for selecting judges? Lawyers in the American Bar Association (ABA) are against appointment of judges by the legislature or election by the voters. These lawyers say that judges should be free from outside pressures. The ABA opposes appointment by the legislature because it gives lawmakers too much power over the court system. As for the election of judges, ABA argues that the ability to win votes has little to do with a person's qualifications as a judge. Whether a judge is elected or appointed, he or she is likely to owe a debt to those who helped.

Many lawyers approve of the method of selecting judges, which is used in Missouri, California, and some other states. In this method, a committee of regular citizens, lawyers, and judges submits names to the governor when a vacancy occurs. From this list of names, the governor selects a judge to fill the vacancy. Then, after about one year of service, the judge's name appears on a statewide ballot. If the voters approve of the judge by a majority vote, he or she stays on the job.

limited jurisdiction - ограниченная юрисдикция (право рассматривать лишь определенные типы дел)

lower court - суд низшей инстанции

higher court - суд вышестоящей инстанции

general trial court - суд первой инстанции

justice of the peace - мировой судья

magistrate('s) court - суд магистрата, магистратский суд, мировой суд

police court - полицейский суд

municipal court - муниципальный суд (суд первой инстанции в ряде штатов США)

family court - суд по семейным делам

small claims court - суд мелких тяжб

traffic court - дорожный суд (суд, рассматривающий дела о нарушении правил дорожного движения)

traffic laws - законодательство о дорожном движении, дорожное право

juvenile court - суд по делам несовершеннолетних

young offender - молодой преступник, преступник молодого возраста

district court - окружной суд

common plea court – суд по гражданским делам

circuit court - 1) выездная сессия окружного суда (в ряде штатов США) 2) федеральный окружной суд

superior court - главный суд первой инстанции

political district - административный район, округ

felony - уголовное преступление

small claim case - дело с небольшой суммой иска

case on appeal - изложение дела стороной по апелляции

original trial - первоначальное рассмотрение дела

to make an error - допустить ошибку

to reverse - аннулировать, отменять, уничтожать (особенно о решениях, юридических документах)

majority vote - решение большинством голосов

to pass a law - принимать закон

voter - избиратель; лицо, имеющее право голоса

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