Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

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Дата публикации07.05.2014
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ТипПрограмма дисциплины
100-bal.ru > Право > Программа дисциплины
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8Образовательные технологии

The course is taught with the use of interactive techniques. Students are expected to analyze the human rights situation with regard a certain given issue, work of the international bodies of human rights protection, coherence, logic and effectiveness of the state policy in this regard and to deliver their opinion. Also, students are analyse the cases of human rights violations in the given field.
The course is taught by the staff-members of the department, who have a considerable experience of work with the national and international mechanisms of human rights protection and are authors of numerous publications on the issues covered by the course. The invitation of the representatives of the Russian human rights sector and state authorities to talk on their experience is possible.

9Control forms for the current control and final grading

9.1Тематика заданий текущего контроля

The current control includes one homework (3-4 thousand words analysis of one problematic issue in the field of thee family and child protection state policy) as prescribed by the curriculum. It is to be prepared at home and delivered in class.

The example topics for the homework:

  1. The problem of the inclusion of children with disabilities in Russia

  2. State support of families with disabled children

  3. Home violence: reasons, means of elimination and prevention

  4. Prevention of social orphanhood in Russia

  5. Russian system of the prevention of child abduction

  6. Juvenile justice in Russia – justice for young criminals or the court to decide all issues related to the child?

9.2Вопросы для оценки качества освоения дисциплины

  1. Give a characteristic of the Russian state policy in the field of the family. What the main elements of this policy? What are the features that distinguish a contemporary Russian policy in this field?

  2. Give a characteristic to the main challenges the family faces in the contemporary Russia

  3. Describe the problem of universalism and multiculturalism in the context of the family and child’s protection in the modern world

  4. What is understood under the child’s right to live in the family? Give the legal basis, name the human rights problems in legal regulation and in practice of law application. Describe the state policy in the field.

  5. Describe and explain the concept of the best interest of the child

  6. When the parental rights can be withdrawn or limited? What are possible human rights issues here – analyze and give the example.

  7. List and comment on the forms of placement of child deprived of a parental care. Describe possible human rights issues in the field

  8. Give a characteristic to the problem of the institutionalization of children in Russia.

  9. Give a characteristic to the phenomenon of the social orphanhood in Russia and state policy in this regard.

  10. What is understood under Right of the child who is separated from one or both parents to maintain personal relations and direct contact with both parents? What are possible reasons of the child and parent separation? Describe the international standards on the issue.

  11. Comment on the problem of the child’s abduction and state policy related to it.

  12. Give a characteristic to the problem of juvenile justice in Russia. What are the main challenges in the introduction of juvenile justice? Characterize the state policy on this issue.

  13. Give a characteristic to the problem of the child’s delinquency in the discourse of human rights and in the discourse of the state policy.

  14. Describe and explain the problem of home violence. What are the main types of violence? What effort the state undertakes to prevent home violence – analyse them and comment of their effectiveness.

  15. Give a characteristic to the child’s right to express views. What are possible human rights issues here – analyze and give the example.

  16. Describe and explain the concept of the twin criteria of age and maturity in assessing the ability of the child to express views.

  17. Name the international standards in the filed of protection of children with disabilities. Comment on the situation of children/persons with disabilities in Russia and state policy in this regard.

  18. What are the main principles of the inclusive education? Comment on the state policy in the field.

  19. Describe the main advantages of gender equality family policy programs? Why did they lead to positive changes in fertility rates?

  20. What are the main characteristics of gender discrimination in Russian labor market?

  21. Comment the main measures of the Russian state policy for HIV/AIDS prevention from the human rights position

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