Методические материалы в помощь педагогам Вологда, 2007

НазваниеМетодические материалы в помощь педагогам Вологда, 2007
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часть. For the first time ever, researchers have established

a direct link between the amount of cigarette smoking children see in films and their decision to try smoking.

A team of scientists led by pediatrician James Sar­gent at Dartmouth-Hitch­cock Medical Center in Lebanon, N.H., asked 4919 New England schoolchildren between the ages of 9 and 15 about the movies they'd seen. The team then calculated the number of smoking scenes each movie contained.
2 часть.Children exposed to the largest number of smoking scenes were two and a half times more likely to start than those ex­posed to the fewest scenes. And the team accounted for factors such as rebelliousness and whether the child's parents smoked.

In a previous study, Sargent found that star power may also contribute: Adolescents whose favorite actors—including Leonardo DiCaprio, Sharon Stone, John Travolta—smoked in three or more films were much more likely to be smokers.

Movies are a bigger influence than anything other than whether the child’s friends smoke, says Sargent. The movie industry has to take responsibility for this.
VII Задание : (5 мин)Физ. минCan you?” Слова сопровождаются движениями.

Can you hop like a rabbit?

Can you jump like a frog?

Can you walk like a duck?

Can you run like a dog?

Can you fly like a bird?

Can you swim like a fish?

And be still like a good child,

As still as you wish?

It’s fun to be this

It’s fun to be that

To leap like a lamb,

To climb like a cat,

To swim like a fish,

To hop like a frog,

To trot like a horse,

To jump like a dog.

VIII Задание : (10 мин) Чтение данного текста по цепочке . Проверяем правильность выполнения задания (заполнение слов).

T. Let’s read this text sentence by sentence. (P1, P2, P3…)
Answer the questions

  1. What have researches established for the first time ever?

  2. What did scientists calculate?

  3. Are movies a bigger influence than anything other then whether the child’s friend smoke?

  4. Who has to take responsibility for this?

IX Задание : (5 мин) Give the title to this text.

На доску выписываются все предложенные варианты, выбирается один самый подходящий.

X Задание : (10 мин) Listen to the text and be ready to answer the questions.

Nowadays many people try to be fit. They give up smoking, take up exercises, cut on drinking and eat healthy food. If you smoke, you clog your arteries and destroy your heart. Cigarette smoke is harmful not only for those who smoke but for people who stay nearby and inhale it. You shouldn't miss a chance of outdoor activi­ties and exercise whenever you can. Skating and ski­ing in winter and swimming in summer should become a part of our daily routine.

Find the answers:

  1. Do many people try to be fit nowadays?

  2. What do they do to be fit?

  3. What happens when you smoke?

  4. Is cigarette smoke harmful for people who stay nearby and inhale it?

XI Задание : (5 мин)Подведение итогов.

P1. I thought drinking and using drugs is more harmful, but as it turned out that smoking can even kill people.

P2.I know that it is difficult to give up smoking. So it is better for us not to start.


  1. Английский язык. Итоговое тестирование, часть I \ Под ред. Т.Д. Макаровой.- Вологда 1999.

  2. Восковская А. С. , Карпова Т. А. Английский язык для средних специальных учебных заведений.- Ростов н/Д: изд-во «Феникс», 2003.-384с.

  3. Разговорные темы к экзаменам по английскому языку: Рабочая тетрадь.- 8-е изд., доп.\ Под ред. М. Синельникова-Спб.: Учитель и ученик: КОРОНА принт, 2003.- 256 с.

  4. Стронин М.Ф. Обучающие игры на уроке английского языка: (Из опыта работы). Пособие для учителя.- М.: Просвещение, 1981.- 112с.

занятие 2.

Life without drugs.

Жизнь без наркотиков
Цель: Повысить уровень информированности студентов по проблемам, связанным с подростковой наркоманией и рассмотреть отрицательные последствия и возникающие проблемы.

  1. Рассмотреть негативные последствия наркомании в молодежной среде.

  2. Вырабатывать и развивать навыки, предотвращающие употребление ПАВ.

  3. Развивать позитивное отношение у студентов к здоровому образу жизни.

Ход урока:

I Задание : (10 мин)

Учитель: There are 16 words in this box. They are in two directions → ↓ Will you find them.

Оборудование: на ватмане расположены слова, ученики по одному выходят, обводят, читают, переводят найденные слова.






















































































































II Задание : Фонетическая зарядка. (5 мин)

Let’s read these words correctly.

  1. addict –пристраститься

  2. euphoria - эйфория, повышение настроения

  3. illegal-незаконный

  4. drug-addiction- наркомания

  5. rebel –протестовать

  6. recovery-выздоровление

  7. problem-проблема

  8. criminal- преступник, уголовный

  9. solution- решение

  10. harmful- вредный, пагубный

  11. incurable- неизлечимый

  12. ill- больной

  13. obtain- получать, приобретать

  14. confess- признаваться, сознаваться

III Задание : (7 мин)

Make up your own sentences with these words. Use all of them.

(Ученики составляют предложения).

IV Задание : (20 мин)

Оборудование: каждому ученику текст «LIFE WITHOUT NARCOTICS»


I'll speak about one of the main problems in the world. We know that teenagers are very liable to all influence. As you quess I speak about drugs. But why do they do it? I want to tell you a story that happened to the son of my mother's friend. He was an addict. He got addicted in the university, where he studied. It began with only one pill and ended with death in June this year. It was very painful for his parents and people who knew him. The most terrible thing is that for some people the drug habit is an illness, but for others it is a way to earn money. One day drug dealers convince someone to try drugs. Some people get regular profits and others get incurable sickness that means they can't live without drugs.

It is very sad that we — teenagers can't overcome ourselves. We are the future of the world, we are teens. And we shall do everything to save our future.

  1. Look through the text. Find in it as many words concerning our topic as you can. (Ученики называют слова, кто больше нашел, тот победил).

  2. Read this text to yourself and answer the questions.

    • What problem is it about?

    • Are teenagers very liable to all influence?

    • Was this boy an addict?

    • Where did he get addicted?

    • What did it begin with?

    • What did it end with?

    • It was very painful for his parents, wasn’t it?

    • What is the most terrible thing?

    • What do drug dealers do? Why?

    • What shall we do to save our future?

  3. Retell this sad story to your friends.

V Задание : Динамическая пауза (3 мин)

Ведущий называет слова, относящиеся к нашей теме, ученики хлопают в ладоши, если нет, то просто стоят.
VI Задание : (20 мин)

Listen to the text “THE PROBLEM OF DRUGS” and fill in the blanks.
Drugs are a terrible illness. They can kill a man. And if you take drugs and then want to recover again, you will have a lot of difficulties on your way. You should be very strong. Unfortunately many people throughout the world take drugs. Most of them under­stand that they are on the wrong way. But they can't stop. Drugs are also one of the biggest problems for the government. It makes everything possible to stop spreading drugs in the country. In each country there are many centers where drug addicts are treated. And every year the governments spend a lot of money on organizing of new centers.

There are also a lot of drug addicts in our country. And our government tries to fight with them, but it's very difficult. The main part of drugs comes to our country from Afghanistan, but our police can't do any­thing.

The actions of the government will be useless if peo­ple don't understand that they must stop to spoil their own lives. The drugs will exist till the time people change their mind.

  1. Ученики слушают текст 2 раза и вставляют пропущенные слова, затем проверяем.

Учитель: Will you give the title.

  1. На доске записываются варианты названий текста, выбирается лучшее название.

  2. Работа в парах: ученик задает вопросы по тексту, а другой на них отвечает, затем меняются.

VII Задание : (10 мин)

Класс делится на 4 группы. Каждой группе выдается одинаковые карточки с заданиями.

Some people say that it would be better to legalize some drugs. In that case you could buy cannabis, ecstasy and other drugs from shops. What should such a change bring?

Обсуждение происходит в каждой группе, затем один представитель высказывает мнение группы.

Итоги занятия:

P1. I think it is easy to become a drug addict but it is impossible to recover.

P2. I believe that the actions of the government will be useless if people don’t understand that they must stop to spoil their own lives.


  1. Восковская А. С. , Карпова Т. А. Английский язык для средних специальных учебных заведений.- Ростов н/Д: изд-во «Феникс», 2003.-384с.

  2. Гвоздкова Е.В. Школьники о своих проблемах.- М.: Айрис-пресс, 2001.-336с.

  3. Разговорные темы к экзаменам по английскому языку: Рабочая тетрадь.- 8-е изд., доп.\ Под ред. М. Синельникова-Спб.: Учитель и ученик: КОРОНА принт, 2003.- 256 с.

  4. Стронин М.Ф. Обучающие игры на уроке английского языка: (Из опыта работы). Пособие для учителя.- М.: Просвещение, 1981.- 112с.

занятие 3.

Can medicine cure Drug Addiction?

Можно ли медикаментозным путем вылечить наркоманию?
Цель: Повысить уровень информированности студентов по проблемам, связанным с подростковой наркоманией и рассмотреть отрицательные последствия .

  1. Рассмотреть негативные последствия наркомании на примерах подростков.

  2. Рассмотреть способы борьбы с наркоманией.

  3. Вырабатывать и развивать навыки, предотвращающие употребление ПАВ.

  4. Развивать позитивное отношение у студентов к здоровому образу жизни.

Ход урока:

I Задание : Фонетическая зарядка (3 мин)

«Good health is above wealth»

Mind the sound [θ]

T→Cl, P1, P2, P3

Give the Russian equivalent to this proverb. Do you agree? Prove it.
II Задание : (10 мин)Give the synonyms to the following words.

Оборудование : карточки со словами

criminal = illegal

substance abuser = drug addict

illegal substances = drugs

intoxicated = drunk

problem child = juvenile delinquent

problem = issue challenge

prison = correctional facility

prisoner = convict

sick = ill

software product = solution
III Задание : (7 мин)Complete the sentences.

  1. He used to be a drug addict.

  2. Problem child makes up a large proportion of criminals in major cities around the world.

  3. The prison has a lot of prisoners.

  4. The person was accused of using drugs.

IV Задание : (20 мин)Работа в группах, состоящих из трех человек.

Каждой группе выдается 3 письма и 3 листа с таблицей.

My friend's name is Vitalik. I have known him for three years. We are sportsmates. Half a year ago I learnt an awful thing about him: he used drugs. To my disap­pointment, it was revealed after my telephone conversa­tion with him. When he answered the phone, he began to talk nonsense, Vitalik's voice was not as always.

I could not guess, what had occurred to him. In a few days we met each other. He said, nobody had called him that day. It seemed at least strange to me. Friends came to him, smoked drugs together and he remembered noth­ing. Then he confessed, he used drugs.

After that I did not leave him alone, and loved him even more, because I got used to him and understood he was in a "trap". I want to help him very much to give

up smoking drugs and I'll do my best. Somebody must do it, why not me? I see how he suffers, but I can not simply leave him, it will be very unfair and unfriendly.

I am sure everything will be all right with him, be­cause he is a rather strong-willed person. Every man can make mistakes. We both hope for the better.

First I met Vadim three years ago. Then he seemed quite a decent and considerable guy. We met at the disco. He came up to me and invited to dance. Vadim was very kind and tender with me. I fell in love with him at first sight when we were dancing. Our rela­tions with him were like a fairy tale. We often met. Vadim always had money and bought expensive presents for me. I was never interested in his work. Six months later Vadim called me and told that he would leave. His voice was anxious. He didn't answer my questions: "Where? What for?" He said that he had a problem, that he would return soon and every­thing would be OK. He was away for three weeks. I was excited and cried the whole nights, but he didn't come back. One day my friend invited me to the disco. I was surprised, when suddenly I saw Vadim there. There were large black circles under his eyes, and he had a thin face. I ran up to him, began to cry, but he didn't listen to me. He pushed me away and told me not to call him any more. I went home. I didn't want to live, and my heart was broken. Next morning Vadim came to my place. He cried and asked to forgive him. I said to him that I would forgive him if he told me what had happened. And he agreed. Vadim was a drug dealer. He sold them in clubs and in discos. He took drugs himself too. But then, he was deceived and he didn't have any money. And he was hurt. Vadim needed drugs more and more. When I saw him in the club, he was smelling drugs. Vadim said that he would give up this business and that he would find a job. I be­lieved his words and we began to meet again, but I didn't trust Vadim any more. One day we went to visit our friend who could tell fortune from reading of tarot cards. I refused, but Vadim agreed to try his fate. Our friend opened a black card of death...

Vadim died on the 16 of April 1999 from overdose of drugs. One year has already passed, but I can't take my mind off him.

A human life is so fragile, and we can easily destroy ourselves.

I have got a friend, his name is Boris. He is a bit older than me. I have known him since childhood. We attended the same kindergarten and school. He used to be very friendly and loved his friends very much. But now I can't recognize him as he began avoiding me and found new friends.

Recently I found out that he got addicted to taking drugs. He told me that first he tried to take drugs just for fun at a disco, and added he didn't like them. Then he took drugs again and finally he got used to them. I can't recognize him now. He laughs without any reason, often loses his temper and looks very gloomy.

He can't live even a day without drugs. When Boris's parents found it out, they did their best to help him.

Boris first denied any help, but in the end his par­ents made him go to the doctor. It is expensive to un­dergo medical treatment in a hospital, so his father had to find a second job.

I hope he will be all right soon.

And once I read that all the drugs dissolve human's brain.
У каждого ученика есть свой номер (1,2 или 3). Ученик 1 читает свой текст двум другим несколько раз, и они заполняют таблицу. Затем читают два оставшихся ученика, по очереди.



Letter №1

Letter №2

Letter №3

What words concerning our topic did you hear?

What are the main problems?

  1. Проверяем вместе. What do you think?

  2. In what “trap” was Vitalik?

    • Why did his girl- friend want to help him?

    • What happend to Vadim. Why?

    • When did Boris first try to take drugs?

    • Why did his father have to find a second job?

    • Do you believe that he will be all right?

Ученики дают свои ответы.

V Задание : (3 мин)Физ. мин. Слова сопровождаются движениями.

My hands upon

My head I place,

On my shoulders,

On my face.

Then I put them

In front of me.

And gently clap:

One, two, three.
VI Задание : (15 мин)Работа со страноведческим текстом, который отражает реалии страны изучаемого языка.(текст у каждого ученика)

Can Drugs Cure Drug Addiction?

With the crack epidemic spiraling out of control in America and the continuing threat of AIDS, government leaders are showing new interest in medical approaches to drug addiction. In 1989 the basic-research budget for drug-abuse research, jumped 50 % to 75 million dollars, and Congress promises similar increases in the future.

Some promising drugs are being tested and others have already been introduced, aimed as a magic bullet at the heart of heroin addiction. A neat clean medical solution to a social problem. It has proved to be less than that. It is a treatment, not a cure, for addiction and an imperfect one at that.

Still, scientists are not expecting miracles, parti­cularly in combatting cocaine addiction. They also readily concede that medical therapy fails to address the psychological and social causes of drug abuse. Even if an addict is weaned from one drug, they say, he will very often take up another. So scientists find themselves aiming their magic bullet at a moving target. They are constantly having to treat new diseases. In five years, the problem may not be cocaine, but some drug we haven't even heard of.
T→Cl Учитель задает вопросы.

- What is the title of this text?

- What do you think it is about?

- Do you believe that the medicine can cure drug addiction?

(Отвечают несколько учеников, несколько вариантов ответа)

T: Now I want you to read this text and answer the questions.

  • Can drugs cure drttg addiction? Why?

  • What is the solution of drug problem?

(Вопросы на доске или на карточках)
VII Задание : (20 мин)Работа в группах, состоящих из 4-5 человек. Задание на карточках.

Drug taking is called “plague” of 21t century. What should be done to stop its spreading? Can this problem be solved on the govermental level?
Заслушиваются предложения всех групп и составляются общие рекомендации.

VIII Задание : (5 мин)Завершение урока. Подведение итогов.

P1. As it turned out drug addiction can be hardly cured, so it’s better not to use drug at all.

P2. A human life is so fragile, and we can easily destroy ourselves. So it is important to know how it is dangerous to use drugs.

  1. Агапова Г., Агапова Н.One page stories.Учебное пособие по английскому языку.- М.: изд-во «Менеджер»2004.-224с.

  2. Восковская А. С. , Карпова Т. А. Английский язык для средних специальных учебных заведений.- Ростов н/Д: изд-во «Феникс», 2003.-384с.

  3. Гвоздкова Е.В. Школьники о своих проблемах.- М.: Айрис-пресс, 2001.-336с.

  4. Разговорные темы к экзаменам по английскому языку: Рабочая тетрадь.- 8-е изд., доп.\ Под ред. М. Синельникова-Спб.: Учитель и ученик: КОРОНА принт, 2003.- 256 с.

  5. Стронин М.Ф. Обучающие игры на уроке английского языка: (Из опыта работы). Пособие для учителя.- М.: Просвещение, 1981.- 112с.

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Предлагаемые методические рекомендации и учебные материалы, помогут педагогам, учитывая дефицит времени, разработать конспекты (сценарии)...
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Предлагаемые методические рекомендации и учебные материалы, помогут педагогам, учитывая дефицит времени, разработать конспекты (сценарии)...
Методические материалы в помощь педагогам Вологда, 2007 iconМетодические указания по использованию; Помощь Наглядные материалы содержат нескольких категорий
Охватывает содержание учебной программы по географии с 6 по 10 класс, доступен при установке
Методические материалы в помощь педагогам Вологда, 2007 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
Методические рекомендации предназначены для заместителей директоров образовательных учреждений по воспитательной работе, классных...

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