Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины

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Дата публикации07.07.2015
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ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
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List of terms


Words which are formed from initial letters of phrasal terms. E.g. MP -member of Parliament

acronyms: read as if they were words. E.g. UNO - [´ ju:nou]

initialisms: items read as individual letters. E.g. B.B.C - [´bi:´bi:´si:]


Non-root morphemes used for forming new words which belong to a different part of speech or to a different subcategorisation group within the same part of speech. According to their position they can be prefixes (RЕread) and suffixes (developMENT)


A result of change of meaning in connotation, positive connotations acquired by the word previously neutral or with negative connotations


A kind of oppositives. Words of the same part of speech and the same semantic field, denotative components of LSVs of which render contradictory or contrary notions. Contradictory antonyms are mutually opposed and deny each other.E.g.impatient=not patient. Contrary antonyms denote opposite notions on a scale. They are gradable, as there are possibilities between them. E.g. cold-cool-warm-hot


A specific group of lexemes used only in Canadian variant of English

Causes of semantic change

Extralinguistic: a) appearance of new things. They are called by already existing words which denote things and notions in some way correlated with new things. Thus the old word acquires a new meaning. E.g. the meaning ‘piece of news obtained and published by one newspaper before its competitors’ entered the semantic structure of the word scoop only after the appearance of newspapers and competition among them for sensational news: b) appearance of new knowledge about familiar things. E.g. the word earth developed the meaning ‘the third planet from the sun’ only after people learnt more about our solar system.

Linguistic: a) ellipsis, b) linguistic analogy, c) discrimination of synonyms


The morphemic structure of a word with two or more stems, simple or derived.E.g. shockproof, self-praise, frost-bitten

Compound words

Words consisting of two ( or more) stems which can be used as free forms. E.g. world-famous. to blacklist, a holdall, psycho-therapy


The part of word-meaning, often optional, which conveys the speaker’s attitude to social circumstances and the appropriate functional style, his approval or disapproval of his speech partner or the object spoken, his emotions or the decree of intensity. In fact it is implicit information about the communicative conditions under which the word may be appropriately used without causing puzzlement, embarrassment or misunderstanding. You wouldn’t make friends with a politician whose party you call a clique. You will sound ridiculous if you turn to your very grown-up boss with ‘ Your mummy wants you on the phone’. Your little son will not understand you if you say:’Show me your abdomen’ .


The way of forming words of one part of speech from words of another part of speech without any morphological change in their basic forms. However, grammatical paradigms would be different, so conversion may be defined as a formation of the new word through change in its paradigm.


words denoting names of unsymmetrical relations or names of arguments of these relations which acquire opposite meanings in these relations. E.g. to buy - to sell, to give-to receive ( names of relations), an addressee -an addresser, the boss -an employee ( names of arguments)


The conceptual content of a word-meaning.

Derivational compound

The morphemic structure of a word based on a phrasal structure; words of a phrase are joined together by composition or affixation. E.g. kind heart = ( kind+heart)+ ed) =kind-hearted, dark-haired, good-neighbourly


The names of the species in relation to each other. The name of the genus - animal- is a hyperonym. In relation to the hyperonym the names of the species - wolf, dog, mouse, fox etc - are hyponyms. In relation to each other wolf, dog, mouse, fox etc are equonyms


a word which indirectly names an object which is unmentionable for some reasons

Extension of meaning

A result of change of meaning in denotation; a word with a previous meaning of a smaller extension acquires a meaning with a larger extension. E.g. Target -1) ‘мишень для стрельбы из лука’ 2) ‘любая мишень’

Generalization of meaning

A result of change of meaning in denotation, a process in accordance with which the word previously used in some special sublanguage is transferred into a national language, often with an extension of meaning


words which are different in meaning but similar in a)sound-form, b) spelling, c)both. Meanings of homonyms are not correlated


A word-meaning or a seme denoting a genus which can be represented by a number of species E.g. Parent (father, mother), offspring (son, daughter), dog (bulldog, poodle, retriever)


A word-meaning or a seme denoting a species which with other species represents a genus. E.g. robin, nightingale, bullfinch, dove (birds); uncle, aunt, nephew, sister (relatives)

Narrowing of meaning

A result of semantic change in denotation; restriction of the extension of the word-meaning. E.g. fowl meant in OE ‘any bird’. bow it means ‘domestic hen or cock’

Phraseological fusions

Set-expressions which are characterised by idiomaticity ( lack of motivation: the meaning of the expression is not deducible from the direct meanings of the components) and structural stability: a dead heat, to pull smb’s leg, to get the wind up


Set-expressions which are built on the pattern Adj.+N with one of the components having its direct meaning. The other component, usually the adjective, is used in a phraseologically bound meaning which is realized only in combination with the noun - part of the set-phrase: small talk (пустая, светская болтовня), mellow judgement (мудрое, снисходительное суждение), and material evidence (важные дoказательства)


System of word-forms (grammatical forms) of a word or part of speech. In a wide sense - any system.


A result of semantic change in connotation, acquisition of negative connotations by a word


An inherent property of a natural language in which one linguistic unit ( a word, a morpheme, a phrase, a sentence) is associated with a number of meanings. In lexicology polysemy refers to lexemes, usually word having more than one meanings. The meanings are called lexico-semantic ( or lexico-grammatic) variants and all together they constitute a semantic structure of a polysemantic word


A thing, phenomenon, object, event of the outside world, to which language units refer


Basic non-derived stem which expresses a conceptual meaning common to the family of derived words based on one and the same non-divisible morpheme: grace, gracious, gracefully, disgrace etc.

Semantic change

The process of enriching the semantic structure of a polysemantic word with new meanings; old meanings may become obsolete and fall out of use.


A component of word-meaning which is not expressed formally and can be singled out only relationally, while comparing the word-meanings of lexemes of one and the same semantic field


A morpheme which coincides formally with a word or a free morpheme, but differs from them in meaning E.g. ill-, ill - больн -,больной ( -ое,-ая) (a word and a root morpheme) and ill-famed where ill- has the meaning ‘дурной’.

Set-expressions (phraseology)

Ready-made phrases with different degree of motivation of meaning - from completely unmotivated (idioms) to partially motivated (through direct meaning of one of the components or metaphorical extent ion) and a certain but not absolute stability of phrase structure.


Language of highly colloquial type, the lower, most informal layer of the national language (general slang) and of jargon, which uses new words or current words in special uses.

Specialization of meaning

The result of a semantic change in accordance with which the word of a national language passes into a sublanguage used by a limited group of people, with a certain modification of meaning


Lexical: the ability of a word to enter collocations with certain parts of speech, certain lexico-grammatical types of words within a part of speech

Grammatical: the ability of a word to be part of certain syntactical structures (certain word-order. formal parts of speech, definite word-forms)
РАЗДЕЛ 5.практикум по решению задач (практичесмких ситуаций) по темам лекций (одна из составляющих частей итоговой государственной аттестации)

Не предусмотрено

РАЗДЕЛ 6. Изменения в рабочей программе, которые произошли после утверждения программы

Характер изменений в программе

Номер и дата протокола заседания кафедры, на котором было принято данное решение

Подпись заведующего кафедрой, утверждающего внесенное изменение

Подпись декана факультета (проректора по учебной работе), утверждающего данное изменение

РАЗДЕЛ 7. Учебные занятия по дисциплине ведут

Ф.и.о., ученое звание и степень преподавателя





Рахманкулова Людмила Кузьминична, доцент, кандидат филологических наук

Филологии и журналистики

050303 «Иностранный язык с дополнительной специальностью»

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