Рабочая программа по дисциплине В. В культура деловой иноязычной речи

НазваниеРабочая программа по дисциплине В. В культура деловой иноязычной речи
Дата публикации12.01.2015
Размер0.65 Mb.
ТипРабочая программа
100-bal.ru > Культура > Рабочая программа
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Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. At the conference they discussed new methods used in building.

2. And having said this, he took his hat and went away.

3. A new road will soon be built joining the plant with the railway station.

4.By 1877, a third of nearly five thousand books published annually were produced in paperback.

V.Перепишите и письменно переведите текст. Выполните следующие задания к тексту:

1. Выпишите из текста 10 глаголов и образуйте от них причастия настоящего и прошедшего времени; переведите их на русский язык.

2. Выпишите из текста и переведите на русский язык предложения, сказуемые которых употреблены в страдательном залоге.

3. Задайте вопросы к выделенным в тексте словам.
You are going to read an article about environmental pollution. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose one sentence from the sentences A-I to fit each gap. There is one extra sentence you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning .
A In addition, if farmers suddenly stopped using chemical fertilisers and pesticides, there could

be less food to feed the people of the world.

В Other pollution comes from large areas.

С Badly polluted air can harm crops and cause life-threatening illnesses.

D The consequences of pollution can be very dangerous.

E Nearly everyone would like to have pollution reduced.

F However, pollution can also be invisible, odorless, and tasteless.

G They also poison the soil and waterways.

H All the ecosystems of the earth are connected.
Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways that human activity harms the natural environment. Most people have witnessed environmental pollution in the form of an open garbage dump of a factory pouring out black smoke. 1FSome kinds of pollution do not actually dirty the land, air, or water, but they reduce the quality of life for people and other living things. For example, noise from traffic and machinery can be considered forms of pollution. Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing humanity and other life forms today. 2__ Some air pollutants have reduced the capacity of the atmosphere to filter out the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation. Many scientists believe that these and other air pollutants have begun to change climates around the world. Water and soil pollution threaten the ability of farmers to grow enough food. Ocean pollution endangers many marine organisms.

Many people think of air, water, and soil pollution as distinct forms of pollution. However, each of the parts of an environment — air, water and soil — depends upon the others and upon the plants and animals living within the environment. The relationships among all the living and nonliving things in an environment make up an ecological system, called an ecosystem.

3__ Thus, pollution that seems to affect only one part of the environment may also affect other parts. For example, sooty smoke from a power plant might appear to harm only the atmosphere. But rain can wash some harmful chemicals in the smoke out of the sky and onto land or into waterways.

Some pollution comes from one specific point or location, such as a sewage pipe spilling dirty water into a river. Such pollution is called point source pollution. 4__Water can run off farmland and carry pesticides and fertilisers into rivers. Rain water can wash gasoline, oil, and salt from highways and parking lots into the wells that supply drinking water. Pollution that comes from such large areas is called nonpoint source pollution.

5__Unfortunately, most of the pollution that now threatens the health of our planet comes from products that many people want and need. For example, automobiles provide the convenience of personal transportation, but they create a large percentage of the world's air pollution. Factories make products that people use and enjoy, but industrial processes can also pollute. Pesticides and fertilisers aid in growing large quantities of food.6__

To end or greatly decrease pollution, people would have to reduce use of cars and other modern conveniences, and some factories would have to close or change production methods. Because most people's jobs are dependent on industries that contribute to environmental pollution, shutting down these industries would increase unemployment. 7__

Over time, however, pollution can be reduced in many ways without seriously disrupting people's lives. For example, governments can pass laws that encourage businesses to adopt less polluting methods of operation. Scientists and engineers can develop products and processes that are cleaner and safer for the environment. And individuals around the world can find their own ways to reduce environmental pollution.

Translate into English:
1. Не так давно мы установили деловые отношения с английской фирмой «Браун энд Ко».

Мы никогда не торговали с этой фирмой раньше, но много о ней слышали.

2. Я понял, что фирма заинтересована в торговой сделке.

3. Несколько дней тому назад Петров должен был поехать на завод вместе с представителями иностранной фирмы.

4. Секретарь поинтересовалась, кто должен принять Брауна.

5. В сентябре в Дели, столице Индии, состоится международная выставка. Она расскажет

посетителям о достижениях промышленности и сельского хозяйства.

6. Письмо должно быть переведено к 5 часам.

7. Мы будем признательны вам, если Вы пришлете нам Ваши предложения на компьютер модели С11.

8.Мы ожидали, что нам закажут номер в гостинице.

9. Учебники серии General Education пользуются большим спросом на мировом рынке.

10. Мы рады представить вам наше предложение на новую модель компьютера.
Вариант 4.

  1. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в требуемом по смыслу времени.


(Adapted from K. SIMONOV'S novel DAYS AND NIGHTS)
Captain Saburov (to sleep) about an hour when the telephone operator (to awake) him. H(to be) still quite dark and he not (to know) what time it (to be). Jumping down from bed he (to run) to the telephone.

"Captain Saburov speaking."

"This is General Protsenko. Go out, listen, wake up your men, and tell them to listen too."

When Saburov (to run) out of the dug-out, it (to snow). For a minute or two he not (to hear) anything, then his ears (to catch) the sound of a distant roar of guns. The guns (to be) about 25 miles from where he (to be), but the ground (to tremble) as if an earthquake (to shake) it. Saburov (to turn) to a soldier who (to stand) nearby.

"Can you hear anything?"

"Of course, I can, Comrade Captain. Our guns (to fire)."

"They (to fire) long?"

"I (to listen) to them for about an hour", (to say) the soldier.

An hour later everybody (to know) that the Soviet troops (to by-pass) Stalingrad to the north and south and (to encircle) the Germans.

Everybody (to want) to do something to help the Soviet troops in their great offensive. Captain Saburov (to ask) the divisional commander to allow him to make a night attack on a building which the Germans (to occupy) just in front of his lines.

The Germans (to think) that they (to cut off) completely the area occupied by Saburov and not (to expect) an attack.

The night attack (to begin) at a quarter past one. The Russians (to capture) the building and then (to prepare) to defend it against German counter-attacks. Saburov and his friend, Lieutenant Maslennikov, (to lie) side by side in the window of a cellar just on a level with the ground. They (to see) some German soldiers enter the cellar through a hole they (to find) in the wall. As the Germans (to pass), Saburov (to open) fire with his tommy-gun. After he (to use) up all the ammunition, he (to throw) his tommy-gun at a German who (to pass) with such force that he (to fall) forward on his face. At that moment another German soldier (to lift) a gun over Saburov. Maslennikov (to jump) at the German and both of them (to fall) to the ground and (to roll) over and over. Saburov just (to get up) on his feet when he (to hear) some revolver shots and (to see) that the German (to rise) over Maslennikov's body. He (to seize) the tommy-gun which (to lie) on the ground and (to hit) the German several times on the head with all his strength. Just then some Soviet soldiers (to rush) into the cellar and (to tell) him that the Germans (to retreat). Saburov (to drop) down beside Maslennikov and (to see) that his friend (to be) dead. He (to send) for the sappers and (to order) them to dig a grave for Maslennikov.

As soon as it (to be) light and he could see the face of his friend who (to die) to save him, he (to bend) over Maslennikov and (to take) his documents and medals. A salute of three volleys (to be fired)

over the grave of the hero. Sounds of gun-fire (to come) from the west where Soviet troops (to close) the ring around 300,000 Germans.
II. Замените следующие действительные обороты страдательными. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Everybody listens to him with great interest.

2. When did they send for him?

3. In the next chapter they will deal with this subject.

4. She will answer the letter tomorrow.

III. Используя модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты, переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Ему пришлось взять зонт, так как шел дождь.

2. Ты можешь взять эту книгу. Она мне не нужна.

3. Никто не встретил меня на вокзале, потому что я должен был приехать десятичасовым поездом, но я не смог достать билет.

IV. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I thought of the question being discussed at the meeting.

2. The article translated by the student is very interesting.

3. It being very late, we had to return home.

4. The Oxford Gazette became the first regularly published English newspaper in 1665.

V.Перепишите и письменно переведите текст. Выполните следующие задания к тексту:

1. Выпишите из текста 10 глаголов и образуйте от них причастия настоящего и прошедшего времени; переведите их на русский язык.

2. Выпишите из текста и переведите на русский язык предложения, сказуемые которых употреблены в страдательном залоге.

3. Задайте 10 вопросов к тексту.

A travel agent is talking to a client about business travel. Fill in the blanks using a word from column A and a word from column B. The first one has been done for you.

























I would certainly recommend East American Airlines if you're going to be doing a lot of travelling in the States - they like to make things easy. For a start, they offer free chauffeur-driven :1-------------------- limousine service- to take you to the airport and to pick you up the other end, and they have an2-------------------- solely for the use of passengers in Business Class, so you only have to get there ten minutes before the flight. What's more, you also have the chance of an3--------------------- to First Class if there are any free seats. The planes are very comfortable - the seats have lots of4 --------------------- so you don't feel cramped, and they offer a good range of meals on the menu. On top of that there is an air miles 5-----------------, so that if you fly with them regularly, you can quickly earn enough points for a free flight.

In Georgia, they have an arrangement with the Eastern Traveler's Inn, which has been specially built to meet the needs of the business traveller. It's in a good area of town, and the rooms are very nice. They all have a 6-------------with snacks as well as drinks, and they come with a 7 ----------------- so that you can get your e-mail from a portable PC, and they also have a8------------------ so that you can send and receive other documents. If you want to give a small presentation, you can hire one of the 9 ---------------- which can hold up to twenty people, but if you're planning something big, like a product launch for example, you can hire the 10 -----------------, which can seat over 1,000. It's very good value, but for regular guests they also offer a 11 ------------------ of about thirty per cent.'

Translate into English:
1. Не так давно мы установили деловые отношения с английской фирмой «Браун энд Ко».

Мы никогда не торговали с этой фирмой раньше, но много о ней слышали.

2. Я понял, что фирма заинтересована в торговой сделке.

3. Несколько дней тому назад Петров должен был поехать на завод вместе с представителями иностранной фирмы.

4. Секретарь поинтересовалась, кто должен принять Брауна.

5. В сентябре в Дели, столице Индии, состоится международная выставка. Она расскажет

посетителям о достижениях промышленности и сельского хозяйства.

6. Письмо должно быть переведено к 5 часам.

7. Мы будем признательны вам, если Вы пришлете нам Ваши предложения на компьютер модели С11.

8.Мы ожидали, что нам закажут номер в гостинице.

9. Учебники серии General Education пользуются большим спросом на мировом рынке.

10. Мы рады представить вам наше предложение на новую модель компьютера.

7.Учебно-методическое и информационное обеспечение дисциплины «Культура деловой иноязычной речи» по направлению подготовки бакалавров 100100.62 Сервис
а) основная литература
1.ЭБС «Znanium.com» Маньковская, З.В. Английский язык в ситуациях повседневного делового общения: учеб. пособие / З.В. Маньковская. - М.: Инфра-М, 2013. - 223 с. - Режим доступа: http://znanium.com/
2.ЭБС «Znanium.com» Поленова, А.Ю. A Complete Guide to Modern Writing Forms. Современные форматы письма в английском языке: учебник / А.Ю. Поленова, А.С. Числова. - М.: ИНФРА-М: Академцентр, 2012. - 160 с. - Режим доступа: http://znanium.com/
3.Агабекян И.П. Деловой английский=English for business: учебник. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2011– 318 с.
б) дополнительная литература
1.ЭБС «Znanium.com» Маньковская, З.В. Идиомы и фразовые глаголы в деловом общении (английский язык): учеб. пособие / З.В. Маньковская. - М.: ИНФРА-М, 2011. - 184 с. Режим доступа: http://znanium.com/
2.Новый деловой английский: учебник/ В.Г. Дарская и др. – М.: Вече, 2010
3.English-speaking Countries in Brief, Part I : [учеб.-метод. пособие]/ [сост. Е.В. Киселева]. - Майкоп :Глобус, 2009. - 55 с.
в) программное обеспечение и Интернет-ресурсы
1. Tutor – компьютерная обучающая программа (три уровня)

2. Baron's TOEFL - компьютерные тесты на CD

3. BBC English lessons (video)

4. BBC Business English (video)

5. Подборка фильмов по страноведению

6. Run Essential Grammar in Use from CD








Free downloads: http://www.elllo.org

Voice of America news: http://www.voanews.com


Social Issues: http://www.multcolib.org


Dictionaries (collection);http://wwwyourdictionary.com

8. Материально-техническое обеспечение дисциплины

Материально-техническое обеспечение дисциплины включает:

1)  библиотечный фонд ФГБОУ ВПО «МГТУ»;

2) мультимедийное оборудование для проведения практических занятий и презентаций.

Дополнения и изменения в рабочей программе

за ________/________ учебный год

В рабочую программу

(наименование дисциплины)
для направления (специальности)

(номер направления (специальности)
вносятся следующие дополнения и изменения:

Дополнения и изменения внес

(должность, Ф.И.О., подпись)
Рабочая программа пересмотрена и одобрена на заседании кафедры


(наименование кафедры)


Заведующий кафедрой __________________ _____________

(подпись) (Ф.И.О.)
1   2   3   4   5


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