Иностранный язык для аспирантов

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31. Learning and practice: agency and identities / ed. by Patricia Murphy and Kathy Hall. – Los-Angeles ; London : SAGE, 2008. – XII, 211 с. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – В вых. дан. также: The Open University. – ISBN 978-1-8478-7365-1.

ББК 74.024

Рубрики: Школьное образование

By examining ideas about learning that transcend typical boundaries, such as school (workplace) or home (school), this book emphasies the socially negotiated and embedded nature of meaning-making and how learners learn to use the cognitive tools of their cultural community through participation in social activity. This book is essential reading for students of curriculum, learning and assesment in all sectors from pre-primary to further and higher education.
32. Muijs D. Effective teaching: evidence and practice / D. Muijs. – 3rd ed. – Los-Angeles ; London : SAGE, 2011. – VI, 361 с. : ил. – Библиогр.: с. 317-347. – Указ.: с. 348-361. – ISBN 978-1-84920-075-2.

ББК 74.202

Рубрики: Дидактика – Средняя школа

Appropriate for primary and secondary education, the authors continue to provide a broad and comprehensive overview of what is now a large body of knowledge on effective teaching. The authors maintain their user-friendly style and the structure which takes in generic teaching skills; teaching for specific goals; subject specific strategies and other classroom issues. Each chapter is built around opening learning objectives. End of chapter questions and an extensive reference list have also been included to encourage readers to become reflective practitioners. This book is essential reading for education students as well as teachers and educational researchers.
33. Pedagogy and practice: culture and identities / ed. by Kathy Hall, Patricia Murphy and Janet Soler. – Los-Angeles ; London : SAGE, 2008. – XIV, 213 с. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – В вых. дан. также: The Open University. – ISBN 978-1-8478-7367-5.

ББК 74.00 + 74.024

Рубрики: Педагогика

Школьное образование

This book foregrounds pedagogy in a way that challenges readers to reflect on themselves as teachers and learners, and to be reflexive about their own practices and contexts. Learning involves a transformation of identity which occurs through negotiation and repositioning, through new ways of relating, and through different ways of participating in practices. This book examines the meaning and implications for pedagogy in educational and workplace settings, and the role of the teacher in this sociocultural view of learning. The settings represented range from nursery to university and from out-of-school to insitutionally-based and work place situations. Curricular aspects represented include popular culture, critical literacy, multimodality, the arts, and new technologies.
34. Play and practice in the early years foundation stage / ed. by Natalie Canning. - Los-Angeles ; London : SAGE, 2011. – XVIII, 186 с. : ил., рис., табл. – Библиогр.: с. 177-184. – Указ.: с. 185-186. – ISBN 978-1-84860-996-9.

ББК 74.100.57

Рубрики: Дошкольное воспитание – Игровые методы

Play is an underlying theme of the Early Years Foundation Stage but it is often a challenge for practitioners to provide a play based curriculum. This book investigates the values and beliefs that underpin play and demonstrates through case studies how play opportunities can be observed, planned and assessed in a meaningful context for the child. Chapters include: celebrating children's play choices, ways to work with parents, inspiring environments for inspirational play, the role of play in supporting key relationships, creative play for flexible learning. The book is useful to all those studying on any early years course.
35. School social work : theory and practice / ed.: Lynn Bye, Michelle Alvarez. – Belmont : Thomson : Brooks/Cole, 2007. – 342 с. – Библиогр. в конце глав. – Указ.: с. 329-342. – ISBN 0-534-54797-4.

ББК 74.204 + 60.561.9

Рубрики: Социально-педагогическая работа в школе

Социология педагогическая

Translate current research and theory into practice with “School Social Work”! With coverage of best practices, ecological and strengths perspectives, and cultural competence, this social work text prepares you for practice in the school setting. Examples and case studies clarify concepts, techniques and strategies and the Book Companion Website provides you with links to relevant website resources and tutorial quizzing.
36. Teaching English : developing as a reflective secondary teacher / Carol Evans [et al.]. – Los-Angeles ; London : SAGE, 2009. – 218 с. – Библиогр.: с. 208-213 и в конце глав. – Указ.: с. 214-218. – ISBN 978-1-4129-4817-3.

ББК 74.268.19=432.1 + 74.489.85

Рубрики: Английский язык – Преподавание – Средняя школа

Учителя английского языка – Подготовка

Reflective practice is at the heart of effective teaching, and this book helps you develop into a reflective teacher of English. Everything you need is here: guidance on developing your analysis and self-evaluation skills, advice on assessing pupils' progress effectively, and examples of how experienced teachers deliver successful lessons. The book shows you how to plan lessons, how to manage behavior and use ICT in English and how to make good use of resources. If you are training to teach English this book will help you to improve your classroom performance, by providing you with practical advice, but also by helping you to think in depth about the key issues.
37. Tunnicliffe C. Teaching able, gifted and talented children : strategies, activities and resources / C. Tunnicliffe. – Los-Angeles ; London : SAGE, 2010. – XII, 132 с. – ISBN 978-1-4129-4766-4.

ББК 74.202.42

Рубрики: Одаренные дети – Воспитание и обучение

Providing a clear and concise summary of an increasingly important area of educational provision, this book offers the right balance of theory and practical strategies. Here you can find advice on: developing a whole school policy for Able, Gifted and Talented provision, identifying AG&T learners, strategies to use in the classroom, developing critical and creative thinking, out-of-school enrichment activities, supporting AG&T learners, working with parents. It is a useful resource for busy managers, project leaders, classroom practitioners and learning support staff.
38. Walker, H. M. Antisocial behavior in school : evidence-based practices / Hill M. Walker, Elizabeth Ramsey, Frank M. Gresham. – 2nd ed. – Belmont : Thomson : Wadsworth, 2004. – 414 с. – Библиогр. в конце глав. – ISBN 0-534-25884-0.

ББК 74.200.44 + 88.852

Рубрики: Дети – Отклоняющееся поведение

Подростки – Отклоняющееся поведение

This classic in the literature of child violence and antisocial behavior has been updated to include coverage of the most recent and important school safety, prevention, and universal intervention programs. The book has often been commended for its comprehensive coverage of the nature, origins, and causes of antisocial behavior as well its consistent focus on the best practices, interventions, and model programs for preventing and remediating this most destructive of behavior disorders.
2.6. Для филологов
39. A history of the English language / ed.: Richard Hogg, David Denison. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2008. – XIII, 495 c. – [История английского языка] – Библиогр.: с. 445-478. – ISBN 978-0-521-71799-1.

ББК 81.432.1-03

Рубрики: Английский язык – История

The history and development of English, from the earliest known writings to its status today as a dominant world language, is a subject of major importance to linguists and historians. In this book, a team of international experts cover the entire recorded history of the English language, outlining its development over fifteen centuries. With an emphasis on more recent periods, every key stage in the history of the language is covered, with full accounts of standartisation, names, the distribution of English in Britain and North America, and its global spread. New historical surveys of the crucial aspects of the language are presented, and historical changes that have affected English are treated as a continuing process, helping to explain the shape of the language today. This complete and up-to-date history of English will be indispensable to all advanced students, scholars and teachers in this prominent field.
40. An introduction to language and linguistics / ed.: R. Fasold, J. Connor-Linton. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006. – XVI, 540 с. – [Введение в языкознание]. – Библиогр.: с. 519-531и в конце глав. – Указ.: с. 533-540. – ISBN 978-0-521-84768-1.

ББК 81.0я7 + 81.432.1

Рубрики: Языкознание

Английский язык

This accessible textbook is the only introduction to linguistics in which each chapter is written by an expert who teaches courses on that topic, ensuring balanced and uniformly excellent coverage of the full range of modern linguistics. Assuming no prior knowledge the text offers a clear introduction to the traditional topics of structural linguistics (theories of sound, form, meaning, and language change), and in addition provides full coverage of contextual linguistics, including separate chapters on discourse, dialect variation, language and culture, and the politics of language.
41. Ansaldo U. Contact languages : ecology and evolution in Asia / U. Ansaldo. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009. – XVII, 257 с. – Библиогр.: с. 229-252. – Указ.: с. 253-257. - ISBN 978-0-521-86397-1.

ББК 81.022

Рубрики: Языковые контакты – Юго-Восточная Азия

Пиджин языки – Креольские языки

Why do groups of speakers in certain times and places come up with new varieties of languages? What are the social settings that determine whether a mixed language, a pidgin or a Creole will develop, and how can we understand the ways in which different languages contribute to the new grammar? Through the study of Malay contact varieties such as Baba Malay, Cocos Malay and Sri Lanka Malay, as well as the Asian Portuguese vernacular of Macau, and China Coast Pidgin, the book explores the social and structural dynamics that underlie the fascinating phenomenon of the creation of new, or restructured, grammars. It emphasizes the importance and interplay of historical documentation, socio-cultural observation and linguistic analysis in the study of contact languages, offering an evolutionary framework for the study of contact language formation - including pidgins and Creoles - in which historical, socio-cultural and typological observations come together.
42. Barber K. The anthropology of texts, person and publics / Karin Barber . – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007. – IX, 276 с. – Библиогр. в примеч.: с. 226-240, библиогр.: с. 241-264. – Указ.: с. 265-276. – ISBN 978-0-521-54687-4.

ББК 81.003

Рубрики: Антрополингвистика


Текст (лингв.)

What can texts - both written and oral - tell us about the societies that produce them? How are texts constituted in different cultures, and how do they shape societies and individuals? How can we understand the people who compose them? Drawing on examples from Africa and other countries, this original study sets out to answer these questions, by exploring textuality from a variety of angles. Topics covered include the importance of genre, the ways in which oral genres transcend the here-and-now, and the complex relationship between texts and the material world. Barber considers the ways in which personhood is evoked, both in oral poetry and in written diaries and letters, discusses the audience's role in creating the meaning of texts, and shows textual creativity to be a universal human capacity expressed in myriad forms. Engaging and thought-provoking, this book will be welcomed by anyone interested in anthropology, literature and cultural studies.
43. Bieberstedt A. Textstruktur. Textstrukturvariation. Textstrukturmuster : Lubecker mittelniederdeutsche Testamente des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts / Andreas Bieberstedt. – Wien : Praesens , 2007. – 112 c. – [Любекские средненижненемецкие завещания 14-15 веков: структура, вариантность, примеры]. – Библиогр. в подстроч. примеч. – ISBN 13-978-3-7069-0438-4.

ББК 81.432.4-03

Рубрики: Немецкий язык – Историческая стилистика, 14-15 вв.

Немецкий язык – Текст

Seit der Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts treten im deutschsprachigen Raum schriftliche Testamente in Erscheinung, zunächst in lateinischer, ab dem 14. Jahrhundert auch in deutscher Sprache. Im ausgehenden Mittelalter erlangen solche letztwilligen Verfügungen eine zentrale Bedeutung insbesondere für die städtische Rechtspraxis und werden in großer Zahl ausgestellt. So sind allein für die Handelsstadt Lübeck aus den Zeitraum zwischen 1278 und 1500 mehrere Tausend Testamentsurkunden überliefert. Aufgrund ihrer Funktion als schriftliches Mittel sozialer Organisation können Testamente, zusammen mit Stadtbüchern, Protokollen, Registern, Burspraken sowie verschiedenen Urkundentextsorten, zum Kernbestand des städtischen Rechts- und Verwaltungsschrifttums gerechnet werden. Die Studie nimmt das spätmittelalterliche Testament unter textlinguistischer Perspektive in den Blick. Behandelt werden Strukturmuster und Strukturvarianzen mittelniederdeutscher Testamente, die anhand eines Korpus von 125 Lübecker Bürgertestamenten aus der zweiten Hälfte des 14. sowie der Mitte und dem Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts diskutiert werden. Der Fokus liegt auf der diachronen und funktionalen Variation Lübecker Testamente, die in den beobachteten drei Zeiträumen zur Ausprägung prototypischer Textmuster führt. Einen zweiten Schwerpunkt bildet das zentrale Strukturelement testamentarischer Verfügungen, der Artikelkatalog. Die Untersuchung weist nach, daß sich die Architektur Lübecker Testamente durch unterschiedliche Tendenzen auf den einzelnen Betrachtungsebenen auszeichnet. Sichtbar wird eine konstante Makrostruktur bei gleichzeitiger Variantenbildung auf den untergeordneten Textebenen.
44. Bonvillain N. Language, culture and communication : the meaning of messages / Nancy Bonvillain. – 5th. ed. – Upper Saddle River : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. – X, 445 с. – Библиогр. в конце глав. – ISBN 978-0-13-513568-6.

ББК 81.006

Рубрики: Язык как средство общения

Язык и культура



This edition is for courses in language and culture, anthropological linguistics, and language and communication. Using data from cultures and languages throughout the world--to highlight both similarities and differences in human languages--this text explores the many interconnections among language, culture, and communicative meaning. It examines the multi-faceted meanings and uses of language and emphasizes the ways that language encapsulates speakers' meanings and intentions.
45. Carter R. Exploring grammar in context : upper-intermediate and advanced / Ronald Carter, Rebecca Hughes, Michael McCarthy. – Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2000. – XIV, 286 с. – Загл. обл. : Grammar reference and practice upper-intermediate and advanced. – [Изучение грамматики в контексте]. – Указ.: с. 279-286. – ISBN 0-521-56844-7.

ББК 81.432.1-2

Рубрики: Английский язык – Грамматика

Corpus-based reference/practice grammar emphasising speech and grammar choices in context. Exploring Grammar in Context draws on real spoken and written English from the most up-to-date research in the Cambridge International Corpus. Clearly structured units focus on main grammar areas with key points summarised in 'Observations' and 'Summary' panels. It also offers practical support and useful reference material. Key features: real spoken and written English examples of grammar as it is used today, a wide range of exercises enable students to check their understanding and progress, the answer key offers detailed explanations, a glossary of grammar terms and supporting grammar reference notes.
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