Учебно-методический комплекс для студентов направления подготовки 080200 «Менеджмент»

НазваниеУчебно-методический комплекс для студентов направления подготовки 080200 «Менеджмент»
Дата публикации04.11.2014
Размер0.54 Mb.
ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
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Тест V. Infinitive

Выберите правильный вариант ответа

  1. I find ._____. a very nice woman and a very skilled computer programmer.  

    1. her to be

    2. B. she to be

    3. C. her be

  1. Have you ever seen ._____ in public places?  

    1. my daughter to misbehaving

    2. my daughter to misbehave

    3. my daughter misbehave

  1. Have you ever known ._____ on time? He has never been punctual.  

    1. he to come

    2. him to come

    3. him to be coming

  1. Your husband's passport is not valid. Why can’t you get _____. his passport?  

    1. him to have renewed

B. him renew

C. him to renew

  1. Tim heard _____. and saw a woman appear in the doorway.  

    1. the floor boards to creak

B. the floor boards creak

C. the floor boards creaking

  1. The boy urged _____ faster.  

    1. his mother walking

B. that his mother walks

C. his mother to walk

  1. We expect the Irish delegation _____.. tomorrow.  

    1. to leave

B. to be leaving

C.to have left

  1. At the airport they reported ._____ . 

    1. the flight to delay

B. the flight to be delayed

C. the flight to have been delayed

  1. Why didn’t you let ._____ her own way?  

    1. her have

B. she have

C. her had

  1. The room was very crowded, so nobody noticed _____. the room.  

    1. Jimmy leaving

B. Jimmy to lea

C. Jimmy leave

  1. The children are making too much noise. I’d like ._____. quiet.  

    1. they to be

B.them to be

C. that they be

  1. The last drop makes ._____

    1. the cup run over

B. the cup running over

C.   the cups run over

  1. Would you have these ._____ over to your place?  

    1. people to come

B. people come

C. people to be coming

  1. Can you believe._____. a bank?  

    1. he to have robbed

B. him to have robbed

C. him to rob

  1. Did you watch _____. over that wall?  

    1. the boys to climb

B. the boys climb

C. the boys to be climbing

Лексический тест

1. Make up the sentences. Put them down into your note-books. The first word of each sentence is given to you.

l.N.W. Ayer, in 1877, to offer, the nation's, ad, agency, oldest, estab­lished, clients, 'full service', was. 2. 'Full service', using, artists, and, to create, preparing, an advertising, writers, plan, the ads, means, produc­ing, them, and, staff, writers, placing. 3. So the "agent", the way, had, from, the publication, of, as, space, shifted, all, the interests, salesman, the needs, to serving, the advertiser, of, serving. 4. And publications, more, just, now, included, than, newspapers. 5. A young, named, had, the foresight, that, should, advertising, man, advertising, to realize, J.Walter Thompson, literary, sell, magazines, space. 6. By the turn, Ladies Home Journal, general, he, of, compilation, the century, Harper's, women's, and, magazines, had,Cosmopolitan, an exclusive, "List of Thirty", devel­oped, including, and. 7. This move, brought, industry, media, truly, Thomp­son's part, national, into, the advertising, on.
Read the text that you have just written down. What is it about?
2. Insert the appropriate words.
Action, static, value, top, preceding, aware, percentage, creat­ing, product, advertising, pyramid, unawarencss, objective, coupon, comprehension, desire, conviction, information, com­pany, additional.
The Advertising Pyramid: A Guide to Setting Objectives

A simple way to understand the tasks ... can perform is to think of advertising as building the ... . Before a new ... is introduced, prospec­tive customers live in a desert of ... totally oblivious to the product's existence. The first ... of any advertising, therefore, must be to lay the foundation of the pyramid by ... an awareness block—to acquaint some portion of those unaware people with the ..., good, service, or brand.

The next task, or level of the pyramid, is to develop the ... block—to communicate enough information so that some ... of that foundation group is not only ... of the product but also recognizes it purpose and perhaps some of its features.

Next, advertising needs to communicate enough ... about the prod­uct and its features to persuade a certain number of people to believe its .... This is called the ... block. Of those who become convinced, some can be moved to the next block of people who actually ... the product. And finally, after all the ... steps have been accomplished, a certain per­centage of those who desire the product will reach the ... of the pyramid, the ... block. These people may request... information, send in a ..., go to a store to see the good, or even purchase it.

At this point, it's important to understand that our pyramid is not...
3. Logically organize the following sentences to make up the text. The first sentence is given to you.
1. Advertising is a natural outgrowth of the marketing plan.

2.Or they may be expressed in terms of generating inquiries, coupon response, or attitude change.

3. The advertising (or creative) strategy is determined by the adver­tiser's use of the creative mix.

4. The target audience includes the specific groups of people the advertising will address.

5.The advertising plan is prepared in much the same way as the marketing plan.

6.The product concept refers to the bundle of product-related val­ues the advertiser presents to the customer.

7.1t includes a section on analysis, advertising objectives, and strategy.

8 The communications media are the vehicles used to transmit the advertiser's message.

9.Advertising objectives may be expressed in terms of moving pro­spective customers up through the advertising pyramid (awareness, com­prehension, conviction, desire, action).

10.The creative mix is composed of the target audience, product concept, communications media, and advertising message.

11 .One way for small companies to accomplish the marketing and advertising planning task is to work from the bottom up - taking an ingen­ious tactic and building a strategy around it.
4. Join the parts to make up a sentence

A) A medium of exchange

B) we can express the price of each of

C) in the future it will not to be

D) distinguished by the type of deposits

E) can be converted to a medium of exchange

F) The reason for the divorce of

G) the store-of-wealth function more than

1. There are narrow and broad measures

2. to buy goods and services

3. the medium of exchange from the unit of account is a deterioration of

4. Having chosen the good

5. is anything generally acceptable as a

6. The term liquidity

7. the medium-of-exchange function.

a) the currency as a store of value.

b) included in the definition of money.

c) means of payment in the exchange of good and services.

d) When wealth is held in money,

e) refers to the ease and convenience with which an asset

f) The broader measure emphasizes

g) the rest of the goods in units of that good.
5. Study the following words and word-combinations. What are their Russian equivalents?

money, make money, to be in the money, get one's money's worth, to have money to burn, blood money, danger money, hush money, pocket money, money for old rope, raise money.
6. What is the English for?

а) деньги - мера стоимости; деньги - наиболее ликвидный из всех активов; наличные денежные средства; чековые депозиты; сберегательные счета; мелкие срочные депозиты; взаимные фонды денежного рынка; обратить в наличность; индивидуальные счета взаимных фондов денежного рынка; крупные срочные депозиты; чековый депозит; бессрочный вклад; средство сбережения.
7. Match the term with its definition.

Discount house, deposit, loan, charter, lend, borrow, denomination, claim, installment, repository.
1. A place where you keep objects of a particular type.

2. A sum of money lent for an agreed period of time and at an agreed rate of interest.

3. Demand or request for a thing considered one's due.

4. A document granting rights, issued by a legislature.

5. Any of several usually equal payments for something.

6. Money left with an organization for safe keeping or to earn interest.

7. Class of measurement of money.

8. Company or bank on the discount market that specializes in discount­ing bills of exchange.

9. Acquire temporarily, promising or intending to return.

10. Allow the use of money at interest.
8. Match each job title on the left with the correct definition on the right.

1. tax inspector

2. bank manager

3. commodity trader

4. accountant

5. finance director

6. market analyst

7. financial advisor

8. insurance broker

9. stockbroker

a) The person who is responsible for an individual bank.

b) Someone who advises people on how to man­age their financial affairs.

c) Someone who prepares an individual's (or com­pany's) tax return.

d) The person who is responsible for the financial side of running business.

e) A government official who checks that you are paying enough tax.

f) The person who finds you the best insurance policy at the best price.

g) Someone who buys and sells stocks and shares for clients, and charges a commission.

h) Someone who comments on business and share prices in a particular sector of the economy.

i) Someone who buys and sells things in large quantities, especially food products such as tea, coffee, cereals, and other raw materials.

9. Match the word with its definition.
rate, portfolio, quotation, option, warrant, exchange rate, brokerage, deposit, merger, mortgage, counselor, interest rate.

1 .The value of a currency expressed in terms of another currency.

2.Numerical proportion between two sets of things.

3.Charge made for borrowing a sum of money, expressed as a percentage of the total sum loaned.

4.Indication of the price at which a seller might be willing to offer goods for sale.

5.Person giving professional guidance on personal problems.

6.Range of investments held by a person, company, etc.

7.Broker's fee or commission, which is usually calculated as a percentage of the sum involved in the contract.

8.Combining of two or more commercial organizations into one in order to increase efficiency and to avoid competition.

9.Right in property created as security for loan.

10. Money left with a bank for safe keeping or to earn interest.

11. Finance security that offers the owner the right to subscribe for the ordinary shares of a company at a fixed price.

12. Right to buy or sell a fixed quality of a commodity, currency, or security at a particular date at a particular price.
10. Match each word on the left with its opposite on the right hand side.


2. expends

3. profit

4. private

5. debit

6. spend

7. lend

8. liabilities

9. sell

10. direct

a) assets

b) save

c) public

d) borrow

e) decrease

f) revenues

g) purchase

h) loss

i) indirect

j) credit

Раздел 4. Словарь основных терминов (глоссарий)

В данном разделе представлен словарь, предназначенный для активного усвоения студентами в каждом из семестров. Основная лексика соответствует тематически устным темам данного семестра.

9 семестр

Accountability – ответственность; подотчетность

Advertiser - лицо, дающее объявление; журнал или газета с объявлениями

Black market - черный рынок

Business cycle

Buyer - покупатель

Buyer’s market - конъюнктура рынка, выгодная для покупателя

Capital - капитал, основной капитал

Category - категория, разряд, класс

Clientele – клиентура

Consumer - потребитель

Convey - перевозить, транспортировать

Customer - покупатель, заказчик, клиент

Economic - 1) экономический, хозяйственный 2) рентабельный, экономный, бережливый

Economics - экономика, народное хозяйство, экономическая наука, политическая экономия, хозяйственная жизнь

Economist - экономист

Economize - экономить

Economy - хозяйство, экономика, народное хозяйство

Effectiveness - эффективность, действенность

Entity - экономический объект, хозяйственное подразделение

Exchange – обмен; биржа

Executive - администратор, руководитель

Fee - вознаграждение; гонорар

Free - бесплатный

Fund - запас, резерв; капитал

Goals - требуемый показатель

Goods – товар

Macroeconomics - макроэкономический анализ (часть экономической науки, исследующая экономику как целое)

Manage – управлять; заведовать, руководить, стоять во главе

Manageable - поддающийся управлению

Management - управление, руководство, заведование

Management - управление, руководство, заведование; администрация .

Manager - управляющий, руководитель; директор

Mana­gerial - управленческий

Managing director - директор-распорядитель

Market - рынок

Marketable - быстрореализуемый, легкореализуемый; ликвидный; рыночный

Marketing – рынок; сбыт

Middle management - средний уровень управления

Normative economics - нормативная экономическая теория

Output – выпуск; продукция

Positive economics - позитивная экономическая теория

Profit – прибыль; доход

Purchaser - покупатель

Range - (эк.) пределы

Rate - размер, норма, ставка; учетная ставка

Scarce - дефицитный; редкий

Seller’s market - рынок продавцов; ситуация на рынке, выгодная для продавцов

Standpoint - точка зрения

Stocks - государственные ценные бумаги,

Top management - высшее исполнительное руководство

Utility - полезность, практичность; выгодность, общественная полезность

Workforce - рабочая сила; трудовые ресурсы

A true and fair view - достоверное и объективное представление (информации в финансовой отчетности)

Accounts - 1) госбюджет 2) бюджет предприятия (напр., СП) 3) счета 4) расходы 5) расчеты; счет

Accounts payable (AmE) - кредиторская задолженность, счета к оплате [к платежу], счета кредиторов

Accounts receivable - дебиторская задолженность, счета к получению, счета дебиторов

Accrual – накопление, приумножение

Acquisition - аквизиция, приобретение (приобретение контрольного пакета акций компании); поглощение (компании)

Amortization - амортизация

Amortize - 1) амортизировать 2) списывать

Annual report - годовой отчет

Assets – 1) актив(ы) (баланса) 2) имущество, достояние, средства; актив(ы); капитал; фонды

Audit - 1) проверка отчетности 2) ревизия баланса и отчетности 3) аудит 4) опрос потребителей

Auditor - аудитор, контролер отчетности, бухгалтер-ревизор

Balance sheet - (бухгалтерский) баланс, балансовый отчет [лист], балансовая ведомость

Bank loan – кредитование, банковская ссуда

Bond - облигация

Bond market - рынок облигаций, облигационный рынок

Bondholder - держатель облигаций, облигационер

Book value - балансовая [учетная] стоимость; нетто-капитал, остаточная стоимость основного капитала

Cash – 1) деньги, денежные средства 2) наличные [деньги], наличность

Cash inflow - приток [поступление] денежных средств

Cash outflow - отток [выбытие] денежных средств

Cashflow statement – балансовая ведомость, отчет о движении денежных средств, отчет о денежных потоках, отчет об источниках и использовании фондов [средств]

Conflict of interests - конфликт интересов

Corporation tax - корпоративный налог, налог на корпорации, налог на прибыль корпорации

Cost of goods sold (COGS) - 1) издержки на производство проданных товаров, издержки на реализованную продукцию 2) стоимость проданных товаров

Creditor - кредитор, заимодавец, веритель

Current assets - оборотные активы [фонды, средства], текущие активы

Current liabilities - краткосрочные [текущие] обязательства, текущие пассивы

Debtor - должник, дебитор

Depreciated - подвергнутый амортизации

Depreciation - амортизация

Divestment - дивестиция, дивестирование

Dividend - дивиденд

Dividend per share - дивиденд на одну акцию

Earnings - прибыль, чистый доход

Earnings per share (EPS) – [чистая] прибыль на акцию; доход в расчете на акцию

Exceptional items - чрезвычайные [непредвиденные] расходы [затраты]...

Expectation gap - завышенные ожидания

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) - Совет по стандартам финансового учета

Financial reporting – финансовая отчетность

Financial Reporting Council (FRC) - Совет по финансовой отчетности

Financial results – финансовые результаты

Financial statements - финансовый отчет

Financial year - отчётный год; финансовый год; отчётный финансовый год

Financing activities - финансовая деятельность

Finished goods - готовые изделия

Fixed assets - основные средства [фонды], материальные внеоборотные [долгосрочные] активы, основной капитал; основные средства (владения постоянного, неизменного характера, предназначенные для производства и продажи продуктов)

Gearing - гиринг (отношение заемного капитала к собственному капиталу; характеризует интенсивность использования заемных средств)

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) - общепринятые принципы бухгалтерского учета (ГААП, ОПБУ)

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