Английский язык 2012 Москва «Интеллект-Центр» 2012

НазваниеАнглийский язык 2012 Москва «Интеллект-Центр» 2012
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Finally, you must ask each student the following question:

How can books help people in their lives? What can we learn from books?

SKILLS TO BE TESTED The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to:

- speak at length elaborating on the topic;

- produce coherent utterances;

- give reasons;

- use accurate grammatical structures and a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and function.



Task 2 (2-3 minutes)

You play the role of an administrator in the language school. The student would like to go to some excursions.

• After the student's greetings start the conversation: "Hello! Can I help you?"

• Give the following information about the excursions available at the moment:


Days of the week/time


Covent Garden

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5 pm-7.30 pm


Stonehenge and Salisbury

every Saturday 9 pm-17 pm


Tower of London

every day


• Finish the conversation say, "Well, which excursion have you chosen?"


The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to:

- find out the needed factual information asking questions;

- maintain and conclude the conversation;

- be active and polite.



Сейчас вы будете выполнять задания по аудированию. Каждый текст прозвучит 2 раза. После первого и второго прослушивания у Вас будет время для выполнения и проверки заданий. Все паузы включены в аудиозапись. Остановка и повторное воспроизведение аудиозаписи не предусмотрены.

Задание В1

Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных А, В, С и D. В задании В1 определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу._

Now we are ready to start. Dialogue A


I'm after a book by Patrick White. It doesn't seem to be anywhere on the shelves.

Which 'Patrick White' are you after?

I think it's called 'The Tree of Life'.

No. It's called 'The Tree of Man', actually.

Yes, that's it. Sorry! It's one on the reading list for First Year Australian literature....

Yes, well it's out, I'm afraid. We hold four copies of that title, but they're all out at the moment.

Would you like to reserve it for next week?

No, thanks. I'll have to buy a copy. I'm supposed to have it read by Monday.

Dialogue В

Do you have the university T-shirt in a size 12 in blue? We may have. But everything we've got is on the racks over there. Oh, okay. So you haven't got a size 12, by the looks of it. Not if there isn't one there. We've got it in the pink, I believe. Uh! No thanks. I'm not really a 'pink' person. Sorry, love! We're out of the blue.

Dialogue С

A: Good morning. Can I help you?

B: Good morning. Do you have a copy of George Orwell's 'Animal Farm'? It's a set text for an exam I'm preparing for.

A: We do normally keep that one. Let me just look it up on the computer. Yes, according to this we

have three copies in stock. B: How much is it?

A: It's 15,95. It's over there-in the Modern Classics section.

B: Thanks. And also, I'm looking for a good book on English verbs. Can you recommend anything?

A: Well, rather than my recommending something, why don't you go and have a look in our very

comprehensive grammar and reference section? I'm sure you'll find something. B: Thanks.

Dialogue D

A: Hello?

B: Hi, Frank! It's Greg here. A: How ya going?

B: Good, mate. Doing anything this evening?

A: Yes! I've got to finish my Economic essay. Why?

B: Oh, It's just that there's a free barbeque on at the Sports Center-though you might fancy coming along?

A: Look, I'd love to, but if I don't finish my essay for Dr Pollard tonight I may as well give up Economics. In fact, I may as well give up university! I only just scraped a pass in first semester! B: Oh well. Don't let me keep you from your books. A: Thanks. Have fun, anyway.

You have 20 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 20 seconds) Now you will listen to the text again. (Repeat)

This is the end of the task. Now you have 20 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 20 seconds.) Задание B2

Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего А-Е и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-6. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В списке 1-6 есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу._

Now we are ready to start. Speaker A

Well, whether you plan to be physically active or not, you should wear loose-fitting, light-coloured T-shirts, shirts, skirts and shorts made of natural fabrics, such as cotton or linen. You know, they breathe better and will help your body remain cool at the hottest time of the day. And do wear a pair of sandals or flip-flops, even on the beach.

Speaker В

You see, travelling to a tropical climate always means contact with small nasty creatures transmitting infectious diseases. The worst is the mosquito. So to be on the safe side, wear protective clothing such as long sleeves, and pants whenever practical. Then...mm sleep in well-screened areas, use bed nets and repellents. If I were you, I'd also limit outdoor activities between dusk and dawn.

Speaker С

Hi! I am here to tell you how to choose the best seats while travelling. If you often feel unwell and are afraid of throwing up. In a car, the best place is the front passenger seat. Hum... on a plane, the seats over the wings or wheels are the most stable. And well, on a boat, try to get a mid ship cabin, close to the waterline. If you still feel ill or faint, take medication recommended by your doctor.

Speaker D

Well, visiting different countries usually involves trying dishes and beverages you haven't tried before. I think it's wise to ensure your salads are properly prepared and meat well cooked. Don't eat foods from kiosks. And of course, never eat raw shellfish. Make sure you eat only well washed fruit and vegetables.

Speaker E

Ok. Before you set out on your trip, don't forget to check your medical insurance policy. Make sure it covers ambulance, hospital care and tests. If it doesn't, you'll have to pay cash for everything and that will cost you an arm and a leg. It's also better to take injections against infectious diseases beforehand. It will save your time, money and unpleasant experiences.

You have 20 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 20 seconds) Now you will listen to the text again. (Repeat)

This is the end of the task. Now you have 20 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 20 seconds.) Задания A1-A6

Вы услышите разговор студента с преподавателем. В заданиях А1-А6 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды. У вас есть 30 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями._

Now we are ready to start.

Student Hello can I come in?

Lecturer Oh yes, come in. How can I help you?

Student I was looking for the Economics office. I've been all over the Arts Faculty building looking for it.but I could only find the School of Accounting and

Economic History. Is this the right place?

Lecturer Yes, this is the School of Economics.

Student Oh good. Um, I'm a new student and I was wondering if someone could give me some information.

Lecturer Well I might be able to help. I am a lecturer on that program. What do you need to know?

Student Quite a few things, actually. Firstly, how many lectures a week do I have to attend? Lecturer Ah, well, the Economics I teach is a double unit so there are two lectures a

week and one tutorial. The lectures are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday. Student What time?

Lecturer Let me see ... You know this information is all in the handout which you should have received yesterday at the orientation meeting.

Student Oh, was there a meeting yesterday? I didn't know about that, no one mentioned about that to me.

Lecturer Yes, there was, but never mind. Now lectures are at four p.m. in the afternoon.

Student Four's a bit late for me. I've got a part time job that starts at four thirty.

Lecturer Well, you can't be in two places at once, can you, and attendance at lectures is necessary. We expect at least 90% attendance at this university, you know.

Student 90%! That's high. Do they enforce that rule?

Lecturer Yes, we do. We're pretty strict about it actually.

Student And what times have been set down for the tutorials - do you have that information?

Lecturer That's a very well attended course so there's a number of tutorial times.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, all at 9 o'clock. Yours will be allocated at the first lecture.

Student Can't I choose the time?

Lecturer Maybe, maybe not. You'll have to talk to the lecturer on the course. Dr. Roberts is his name.

Student Oh, OK. Thank you for the information. Lecturer You are welcome.

You have 30 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 30 seconds) Now you will listen to the text again. (Repeat)

This is the end of the task. Now you have 20 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 20 seconds)

This is the end of the Listening Test.

Время, отведенное на выполнение заданий, истекло.


Номер задания





















































doesnotrain / doesn'train













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Warm up

Do you like watching TV? What are you favourite programmes?

Task 1 (2,5-3 minutes)

Let the student talk for 1,5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving his/her talk.

1) What season are you fond of, why?

2) What kind of weather is the best for you? Why do you like it? What the weather is it today?

3) What do you prefer: living in the country with one season all year round or in a country with changeable seasons?

All these topics must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following question:

Would you like to have spring all the year round? Why / Why not? Why do people like to move to a country with a different climate?

SKILLS TO BE TESTED The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to:

- speak at length elaborating on the topic;

- produce coherent utterances;

- give reasons;

- use accurate grammatical structures and a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and function.
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