Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

НазваниеПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2
Дата публикации13.04.2014
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ТипУчебное пособие
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Ex.1. Read the text.

Microsoft Company

Microsoft is best-known American company involved in software production. The company also publishes books and multimedia titles and offers electronic mail services. Microsoft’s wealth and power is growing up for years. It is a giant company. It has sales offices throughout the world but does virtually all of its research and development at its corporate headquarters in Redmond, Washington, U.S.

In 1975 Bill Gates and Paul G. Allen, two boyhood friends from Seattle, converted BASIC, a popular mainframe programming language, for use on an early personal computer (PC), the Altair. Shortly afterward Gates and Allen founded Microsoft, deriving the name from the words “microcomputer” and “software.” During the next few years they refined BASIC and developed other programming languages. In 1980 International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) asked Microsoft to produce the essential software, or operating system, for its first personal computer, the IBM PC. Microsoft purchased an operating system from another company, modified it, and renamed it MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System). MS-DOS operating system, the basic software that let the computer understand your commands and carry them out, was released with the IBM PC in 1981.

MS-DOS ran on 90 percent of the world’s IBM and IBM-clone computers. Then, Microsoft has extended that presence with releasing of Windows, which is probably the most important and popular operating system in the World. And now it dominates the market.

Firstly, Microsoft released Windows’95 in 1995. It was a graphics interface environment that ran on top of MS-DOS and replaced DOS in future versions. Then Microsoft released Windows’98, Windows NT, Windows Millennium, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Microsoft also supplies about 50 percent of the world’s software applications. Among them, there are three well-known Office Packs; they are also called Microsoft Office programs such as Excel (spreadsheets), Microsoft Word (word processing), Access (data bases) and Outlook Express (e-mail). There were releases in 1997, 2000, and 2002, when appeared Microsoft Office XP. Microsoft is also in the market of networking, multimedia and even books. And as an early supporter of the Macintosh computer, Microsoft virtually owns the Mac application market.

It has been calculated that Microsoft controls 80-85 % of the entire PC software industry. The company has hundreds of products and thousands of employees, making it one of the largest companies. Many of the company’s shareholders are now millionaires and a few including Bill Gates and Paul Allen are billionaires.

Many people in the computer world have pointed out that Microsoft have never been great innovators in software. Most of their best products have been developed from ideas created by others. The success of the company, they say, has been based on the public’s need to use common software and Microsoft has frequently had to defend its business practices in the US courts.


to involve – касаться, затрагивать

to release – выпускать

virtually – фактически

applications приложения

headquarters – главное управление,

центральный орган

Spreadsheets программы табличных вычислений

mainframe – основной

word processing – текстовый редактор

programming language – язык


networking – организация / создание сетей

to refine – усовершенствовать

entire целый, весь

to carry out – выполнять

employee служащий

to extend – расширяться, увеличиваться

shareholder – акционер,

владелец/держатель акций

Ex.2. Read the following international words and translate them.

Company, multimedia, electronic, office, popular, microcomputer, corporation, clone, command, version, program, product, millionaire, innovator, idea, business.

Ex.3. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

1) производство программного обеспечения; 2) мультимедийные библиографические сведения; 3) благосостояние, процветание; 4) основать; 5) получить название; 6) видоизменять; 7) выпуск; 8) интерфейсное окружение; 9) заменять, вытеснять; 10) снабжать, поставлять; 11) успех; 12) практика ведения бизнеса.

Ex.4. Translate into Russian the words and expressions from the text:

1) sales offices; 2) operating system; 3) to rename; 4) supporter; 5) application market; 6) software industry; 7) to point out; 8) to defend in court; 9) to grow up.

Ex.5. Match the words with their definitions.

1. headquarters

a. circuit linking a computer and another device

2. software

b. sequence of coded instructions for a computer

3. program

c. somebody introducing new ideas or methods

4. interface

d. instruction that something must be done

5. command

e. computer programs

6. data

f. centre from which operations are directed

7. innovator

g. information operated on by a computer

Ex.6. Answer the questions.

1. Who founded the Company?

2. When was Microsoft founded?

3. What does the company produce?

4. What was the first Microsoft operating system that dominated the PC market?

5. How many Windows operating systems did Microsoft release?

6. What software applications does Microsoft supply?

7. How many percent of the PC software industry does Microsoft control?

8. Why has Microsoft frequently had to defend its business practices in the US courts?

Ex.7. State questions to the underlined words.

1. MS-DOS operating system was released with the IBM PC in 1981.

2. MS-DOS ran on 90 percent of the world’s IBM and IBM-clone computers.

3. Firstly, Microsoft released Windows’95 in 1995.

4. Many people in the computer world have pointed out that Microsoft have never been great innovators in software.

Ex.8. Find in the text the sentence where Complex Object construction is used.

Ex.9. Find in the text the sentence with Passive Voice.

Ex.10. Topics for discussion.

1. The foundation of the Microsoft company.

2. Microsoft operating systems.

3. Software applications of the Microsoft company.
Unit 8

Ex.1. Study the words given below.

orchestrate – инструментировать;

overwhelm – поражать;

traffic – поток сообщения в сети передачи данных;

cripple – приводить в негодность;

salt – забрасывать, засорять;

array – масса, множество;

trigger – пустить в ход, привести в движение;

compromise – подвергать риску;

tie up – ограничивать свободу действий;

hacker – пользователь вычислительной системы, занимающийся поиском

незаконных способов получить доступ к защищенным данным;

patch – “заплата”, изменение, вносимое в объектную программу в виде набора машинных команд, а не в текст на языке программирования;

vulnerability – уязвимость;

implement – выполнять, осуществлять;

update – модернизация.

Ex.2. Read and translate the text.

Cybercrimes: Denial of service attacks

On February 7, 2000, "mafiaboy," a 15-year-old Canadian hacker, orchestrated a series of "denial of service" attacks (DoS) against several e-commerce sites. These attacks used computers at multiple locations to overwhelm the vendors' computers and shut down their World Wide Web (WWW) sites to legitimate commercial traffic. The attacks crippled Internet commerce, with the FBI estimating that the affected sites suffered $1.7 billion in damages. In 1988 the Internet played a role only in the lives of researchers and academics; by 2000 it had become essential to the workings of the U.S. government and economy. Cybercrime had moved from being an issue of individual wrongdoing to being a matter of national security.

Distributed DoS attacks are a special kind of hacking. A criminal salts an array of computers with computer programs that can be triggered by an external computer user. These programs are known as Trojan horses since they enter the unknowing users' computers as something benign, such as a photo or document attached to an e-mail. At a predesignated time, this Trojan horse program begins to send messages to a predetermined site. If enough computers have been compromised, it is likely that the selected site can be tied up so effectively that little if any legitimate traffic can reach it. One important insight offered by these events has been that much software is insecure, making it easy for even an unskilled hacker to compromise a vast number of machines. Although software companies regularly offer patches to fix software vulnerabilities, not all users implement the updates, and their computers remain vulnerable to criminals wanting to launch DoS attacks. In 2003 the Internet service provider PSINet Europe connected an unprotected server to the Internet. Within 24 hours the server had been attacked 467 times, and after three weeks more than 600 attacks had been recorded. Only vigorous security regimes can protect against such an environment. Despite the claims about the pacific nature of the Internet, it is best to think of it as a modern example of the Wild West of American lore-with the sheriff far away.

Ex.3. Answer the questions.

  1. What had moved cybercrime to being a matter of national security?

  2. What does DoS stand for? Give its definition.

  3. How can computer be affected by an external computer user?

  4. Is it easy to compromise a vast number of machines?

  5. How can software vulnerabilities be fixed?

  6. Why do many computers remain vulnerable to criminals wanting to launch DoS attacks?

  7. Is the Internet nature pacific?

Ex.4. Complete the sentences using the information of the text.

  1. DoS attacks are a … .

  2. Software companies regularly offer … .

  3. Only vigorous security regimes can … .

  4. Criminals launch DoS attacks to … .

  5. It is best to think of the Internet as a … .

  6. In 1988 the Internet was important only for … .

  7. By 2000 the Internet had become essential to … .

Ex.5. Fill in the gaps in the passage below with the words from the box in the appropriate form.

software vulnerability insecure DoS attack update protect

cybercrime (x 2)

Rapid evolution of the Internet has changed its role in the life of the society. It resulted in … increase. DoS attacks are a special kind of … . One important insight have been that much software is … because not all users implement the … . So it is a matter of national security now to fix … . Only vigorous security regimes can … computers against … .

Ex.6. Discuss the interrelation of the Internet evolution and cybercrimes.
Unit 9

Ex.1. Read and learn the following international words.

Project, course, student, component, system, design, standard, commercial, product, clone, code, original, company, program, graphical, academic.

Ex.2. Read and translate the text.


Linux has its roots in a student project. In 1992, an undergraduate called Linus Torvalds was studying computer science in Helsinki, Finland. Like most computer science courses, a big component of it was taught on (and about) Unix. Unix was the wonder operating system of the 1970s and 1980s: both a textbook example of the principles of operating system design, and sufficiently robust to be standard OS in engineering and scientific computing. But Unix was a commercial product and cost more than a student can pay.

Annoyed by the shortcomings of Minix (a compact Unix clone written as a teaching aid by professor Andy Tannenbaum), Linus set out to write his own ‘kernel’ – the core of an operating system that handles memory allocation, talks to hardware devices, and makes sure everything keeps running. When he had written a basic kernel, he released the source code to the Linux kernel on the Internet.

Source code is important. It’s the original from which compiled programs are generated. If you don’t have the source code to a program, you can’t modify it to fix bugs or add new features. Most software companies won’t sell you their source code, or will only do so for eye- watering price, because they believe that if they make it available it will destroy their revenue stream. What happened next was astounding and utterly predictable- programmers (mostly academics and students) began using Linux. They found that it didn’t do things they wanted it to do- so they fixed and improved it. Then they sent their improvements to Linus, who rolled them into the kernel. So, Linux began to grow. There is term for this model of software development; and it’s called Open Source (see www.opensource.org/ for more information). Anyone can have the source code and contribute to it. As for an operating system kernel on its own isn’t a lot of use; but Linux was purposefully designed as a near- clone of Unix, and there is a lot of software out there that is free and was designed to compile on Linux. By about 1992, the first “distributions” appeared. A distribution is the Linux- user term for a complete operating system kit, complete with the utilities and applications you need to make it do useful things – command interpreters, programming tools, text editors, typesetting tools, and graphical user interfaces based on the X- windowing system. X is a standard in academic and scientific computing, but not hitherto common on PCs. As more and more people got to know about Linux, some of them began to port the Linux kernel to run on non- standard computers. Linux is now the most widely – reported operating system.

The word combinations to the text:

sufficiently robust

достаточно трудный;

operating system design

модель операционной системы;

to be annoyed by smth

быть раздражённым ч.- л.;

to be a clone

быть копией ч.- л.;

teaching aid

учебное пособие;

to set out

намереваться (ч. –л. сделать);


содержание, суть, ядро;



memory allocation

распределение (выделение) памяти;

source code

исходный текст (программы);

compiled program

оттранслированная программа;

eye- watering price

фиктивная цена;



to astound

поражать, изумлять;


(зд.) комплект программного обеспечения;

purposefully designed

целенаправленно разработанный;


обслуживающая программа;


прикладная задача;

programming tools

средства и методы программирования;

typesetting tools

наборные средства и методы;

text editor

текстовый редактор.

Ex.3. Remember the words to the text and reproduce the situations in which they are used.

Ex.4. Answer the questions basing your answers on the text.

  1. What is Linux rooted in?

  2. Who was the founder of Linux?

  3. What was Unix? Was it cheap enough?

  4. What made Linus to write his own kernel?

  5. What is meant under the term “kernel”?

  6. What are compiled programs generated from?

  7. Is there any software to be compiled on Linux?

  8. What is made under the first “distributions”? When did they appear?

  9. What is X?

  10. What things is Linux complete operating system kit used for?

  11. What do people begin to port on non- standard computers?

Ex.5. Give Russian equivalents for.

1) undergraduate; 2) computer science courses; 3) engineering and scientific computing; 4) hardware devices; 5) everything keeps running; 6) to modify; 7) to fix bugs; 8) to add new features; 9) to destroy one’s revenue stream; 10) utterly predictable; 11) to improve; 12) to contribute; 13) hitherto; 14) to be based on; 15) widely- reported operating system.

Ex.6. Talking points

  1. Creation of Linux.

  2. Usage of source code.

Ex.7. State questions of your own to the underlined words.

1. In 1992, an undergraduate called Linus Torvalds was studying computer science in Helsinki, Finland.

2. Unix was the wonder operating system of the 1970s and 1980s.

3. Linus wrote his own kernel – the core of an operating system that handles memory allocation, talks to hardware and keeps everything running.

Ex.8. Copy out from the text all the predicates in the Passive Voice with their subjects and translate them into Russian.

Ex.9. Say whether these statements are true or false. If they are false say why then.

You’d better start your answer with the following:

In my opinion it is true that …

I’m afraid it is false that … because ….

  1. Linux was created in the 1980s.

  2. Minix was created by a university student.

  3. Linux is based on Unix.

  4. Linux runs on more types of computer than any other operating system.

Ex.10. Write out all the Participles II, if there are any, and translate them into Russian.

Ex.11. Retell the text as Linus Torvalds might have told about his creation of Linux.

Unit 10

Ex.1. Guess the meaning of the following international words, translate them and practice their pronunciation.

Computer, graphics, display, control, design, category, system, analysis, image, special, effects, virtual, programs, algorithms, animation, video, technology, manipulation, personal, object, construction, fantasy, reality.

Ex.2. Answer these questions basing your answers on the text.

    1. What does computer graphics deal with?

    2. What are the major components of its application?

    3. What does graphics technology support?

    4. What does graphics allow users to work with?

Ex.3. Read the text, trying to understand the gist.

Computer graphics

Computer graphics is the field that deals with display and control of images on the computer screen. Applications may be broken down into four major categories: (1) design (computer – aided design [CAD] systems), in which the computer is used as a tool in designing objects ranging from automobiles, bridges to computer chips by providing an interactive drawing tool and an interface to simulation and analysis tools for the engineer; (2) fine arts, in which artists use the computer screen as a medium to create images of impressive beauty, cinematographic special effects, animated cartoons, and television commercials; (3) scientific visualization, in which simulations of scientific events such as the birth of a star or the development of a tornado – are exhibited pictorially and in motion so as to provide far more insight into the phenomena than would tables of numbers; and (4) human – computer interfaces.

Graphics – based computer interfaces, which enable users to communicate with the computer by such simple means as pointing to an icon with a handled device known as a mouse, have allowed millions of ordinary people to control application programs like spreadsheets and word processors. Graphics technology also supports windows (display boxes) environments on the workstation or personal computer screen, which allow users to work with different applications simultaneously, one in each window. Graphics also provide realistic interfacing to video games, flight simulators, and other simulations of reality and fantasy. The term virtual reality has been coined to refer to interaction with a computer- simulated virtual world.

A challenge for computer science has been to develop algorithms for manipulating the myriad lines, triangles, and polygons that make up a computer image. In order for realistic on- screen images to be generated, the problems introduced in approximating objects as a set of planar units must be addressed. Edges of objects are smoothed so that the underlying construction from polygons is not visible, and representations of surfaces are textured. In many applications, still pictures are inadequate, and rapid display of real- time images is required. Both extremely efficient algorithms and state- of- the- art hardware are needed to accomplish such real- time animation. Technical details of graphics displays are discussed in computer graphics.

The word combinations to the text:

control of images

контроль за изображением;

computer screen

монитор компьютера;

exhibit pictorially

показывать, демонстрировать графически;

drawing tools

инструментальные средства рисования;

handheld device

портативное устройство;

computer science




flight simulators



применение, приложение;

interface (v.)



электронная таблица.

Ex.4. Fill in the chart with the suitable grammar forms of the verb

-to provide- in Passive Voice and translate each form orally.







Perfect Progressive

Ex.5. Translate from Russian into English, choosing the suitable words and word expressions from the above list.

computer centre, computer programs, to invent.

  1. Каждый день в мире изобретают новые компьютерные программы.

  2. К концу XXI столетия в мире изобретут ещё больше компьютерных программ.

  3. В прошлом году в мире изобрели немало компьютерных программ.

  4. Когда мы пришли на экскурсию в компьютерный центр, там изобрели новые компьютерные программы.

  5. Когда ты родился, уже было изобретено достаточно компьютерных программ.

  6. Новые компьютерные программы будут изобретены в компьютерном центре в следующем году.

  7. Когда мы придём на экскурсию в компьютерный центр, там будут изобретать новые компьютерные программы.

Ex.6. Find and translate Infinitive, Gerund and Participle as they appear in the text.

Ex.7. Make up Simple Gerund Active from the following verbs.

To design, to use, to analyze, to develop, to provide, to interface, to manipulate, to discuss.

Ex.8. Read the text and assimilate its information.

Ex.9. Match the given words and word expressions with their definitions.

1) field;

а) иметь дело с к-л. /ч.-л.;

2) to deal with smth./ smb;

b) электронная таблица;

3) to exhibit pictorially;

c) взаимодействовать;

4) drawing tools;

d) прикладные программы;

5) applications;

e) сглаживать;

6) to interface

f) показывать, демонстрировать графически;

7) spreadsheet;

g) область;

8) to coin;

h) придумать;

9) to smooth;

i) инструментальные средства рисования, чертёжные инструментальные средства;

10) application programs

j) неподходящий, недостаточный не отвечающий требованиям;

11) visible;

k) портативное устройство;

12) handheld device.

l) явный, видимый, очевидный.

Ex.10. Talking points.

    1. Computer graphics as a field of computer science.

    2. Graphics technology.

    3. Challenge for computer science.

Ex.11. State questions to the underlined words.

  1. Applications may be broken down into four major categories.

  2. Graphics also provide realistic interfacing to video games, flight simulators and simulations of reality or fantasy.

  3. The term virtual reality has been coined to refer to interaction with a computer – simulated virtual world.

Unit 11

Ex.1. Read and translate the text.


Computer peripherals are devices used to input information and instructions into a computer for storage or processing and to output the processed data. New multifunction peripherals that integrate printing, scanning, and copying into a single device are also popular. High-fidelity sound systems are another example of output devices often classified as computer peripherals. Manufacturers have announced devices that provide tactile feedback to the user-"force feedback" joysticks, for example. This highlights the complexity of classifying peripherals-a joystick with force feedback is truly both an input and an output peripheral.

Input devices

A plethora of devices falls into the category of input peripheral. Typical examples include keyboards, mice, trackballs, pointing sticks, joysticks, digital tablets, touch pads, and scanners.

Keyboards contain mechanical or electromechanical switches that change the flow of current through the keyboard when depressed. A microprocessor embedded in the keyboard interprets these changes and sends a signal to the computer. In addition to letter and number keys, most keyboards also include "function" and "control" keys that modify input or send special commands to the computer.

Mechanical mice and trackballs operate alike, using a rubber or rubber-coated ball that turns two shafts connected to a pair of encoders that measure the horizontal and vertical components of a user's movement, which are then translated into cursor movement on a computer monitor. Optical mice employ a light beam and camera lens to translate motion of the mouse into cursor movement.

Pointing sticks, which are popular on many laptop systems, employ a technique that uses a pressure-sensitive resistor. As a user applies pressure to the stick, the resistor increases the flow of electricity, thereby signaling that movement has taken place. Most joysticks operate in a similar manner.

Digital tablets and touch pads are similar in purpose and functionality. In both cases, input is taken from a flat pad that contains electrical sensors that detect the presence of either a special tablet pen or a user's finger, respectively.

A scanner is somewhat akin to a photocopier. A light source illuminates the object to be scanned, and the varying amounts of reflected light are captured and measured by an analog-to-digital converter attached to light-sensitive diodes. The diodes generate a pattern of binary digits that are stored in the computer as a graphical image.

Ex.2. Read the international words given below.














Ex.3. Translate the following words. Try to remember them.

Data, multifunction, highlight, trackball, touch pad, switch, embed, shaft, encoder, cursor, lens.

Ex.4. Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations from the text. Find the sentences containing them and translate.

1) High-fidelity sound system; 2) tactile feedback; 3) flow of current; 4) letter and number keys; 5) laptop systems; 6) a pressure-sensitive resistor; 7) apply pressure; 8) operate in a similar manner; 9) electrical sensor; 10) detect the presence; 11) analog-to-digital converter; 12) light-sensitive diode; 13) generate a pattern of binary digits.

Ex.5. Say whether these sentences are true or false.

1. Devices that enable the transmission and reception of data between computers are often classified as peripherals.

2. Classifying peripherals is a complex problem.

3. Most keyboards are output devices.

4. Mechanical mice and optical mice operate alike.

5. Digital tablets and touch pads are different in purpose and functionality.

6. A scanner is a typical example of an output device.

Ex.6. Join the beginnings and the ends.

1. Keyboards contain …

a. a pressure-sensitive resistor

2. Mechanical mice use …

b. a graphical image

3. Pointing sticks employ …

c. electromechanical switches and a microprocessor

4. Input in digital tablets is taken from …

d. a rubber-coated ball

5. A scanned object is stored in the computer as …

e. electrical sensors

Ex.7. Answer the questions.

  1. Is it easy to classify computer peripherals? Why?

  2. What devices does the category of input peripherals include?

  3. What input devices operate alike?

  4. What systems employ a technique of a pressure-sensitive resistor?

  5. Are input peripherals similar in purpose and functionality?

Ex.8. Name all input devices you know, describe their purpose and function.

Unit 12

Ex.1. Make a list of output devices you know before reading the text.

Ex.2. Read and translate the text.

Output devices

Printers are a common example of output devices. Early printers often used a process known as impact printing, in which a small number of pins were driven into a desired pattern by an electromagnetic printhead. As each pin was driven forward, it struck an inked ribbon and transferred a single dot the size of the pinhead to the paper. Multiple dots combine into a matrix to form characters and graphics, hence the name dot matrix. Another early print technology, daisy-wheel printers, made impressions of whole characters with a single blow of an electromagnetic printhead, similar to an electric typewriter.

Laser printers have replaced such printers in most commercial settings. Laser printers employ a focused beam of light to etch patterns of positively charged particles on the surface of a cylindrical drum made of negatively charged organic, photosensitive material. As the drum rotates, negatively charged toner particles adhere to the patterns etched by the laser and are transferred to the paper. Another, less expensive printing technology developed for the home and small businesses is inkjet printing. The majority of inkjet printers operate by ejecting extremely tiny droplets of ink to form characters in a matrix of dots-much like dot matrix printers.

Computer monitors are sometimes treated as peripherals. Computer display devices have been in use almost as long as computers themselves. Early computer displays employed the same cathode-ray tubes (CRTs) used in television and radar systems. The fundamental principle behind CRT displays is the emission of a controlled stream of electrons that strike light-emitting phosphors coating the inside of the screen. The screen itself is divided into multiple scan lines, each of which contains a number of pixels – the rough equivalent of dots in a dot matrix printer. The resolution of a monitor is determined by its pixel size.

More recent liquid crystal displays (LCDs) rely on liquid crystal cells that realign incoming polarized light. The realigned beams pass through a filter that permits only those beams with a particular alignment to pass. By controlling the liquid crystal cells with electrical charges, various colours or shades are made to appear on the screen.

Ex.3. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases below.

Impact printing, electromagnetic printhead, dot matrix, daisy-wheel printer, to etch patterns, a cylindrical drum, a cathode-ray tube, light-emitting phosphors coating, multiple scan lines, a liquid crystal display.

Ex.4. Find the following word combinations in the text and say what Participles are used in them.

a desired pattern

cathode-ray tubes used in television

an inked ribbon

a controlled stream of electrons

dots combined into a matrix

incoming polarized light

positively charged particles

light-emitting phosphors

a focused beam of light

printing technology

Ex.5. Read the text again. Use the table below to explain each printer type operation.

1) a dot matrix printer

operates by

a) ejecting extremely tiny droplets of ink to form characters in a matrix of dots.

2) a daisy-wheel printer

b) focusing a beam of light to etch patterns of positively charged particles on the surface of a cylindrical drum made of negatively charged organic, photosensitive material.

3) a laser printer

c) a single blowing of an electromagnetic printhead.

4) an inkjet printer

d) using a small number of pins driven into a desired pattern by an electromagnetic printhead.

Ex.6. Fill in the gaps in this comparison of output devices. Use the words from the box in the necessary form. Some words may be used more than once.

laser printer, matrix printer, character, computer monitor, cathode-ray tube, liquid crystal display, printing technology

There are many different types of printers. Early printers are known as … . They use multiple dots to form … . Dot matrix printers were replaced by … . Less expensive … was developed for the home and small businesses. It is inject printing. Inkjet printers are like … . A … is another example of output device. Early computer displays employed … . More recent types of displays are called … .

Ex.7. Describe the output devices mentioned in the text using information in Exercises 5 and 6.

Unit 13
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Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
Проектно-образовательная деятельность по формированию у детей навыков безопасного поведения на улицах и дорогах города
Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
Цель: Создание условий для формирования у школьников устойчивых навыков безопасного поведения на улицах и дорогах
Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
«Организация воспитательно- образовательного процесса по формированию и развитию у дошкольников умений и навыков безопасного поведения...
Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
Цель: формировать у учащихся устойчивые навыки безопасного поведения на улицах и дорогах, способствующие сокращению количества дорожно-...
Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
Конечно, главная роль в привитии навыков безопасного поведения на проезжей части отводится родителям. Но я считаю, что процесс воспитания...
Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
Поэтому очень важно воспитывать у детей чувство дисциплинированности и организованности, чтобы соблюдение правил безопасного поведения...
Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
Всероссийский конкур сочинений «Пусть помнит мир спасённый» (проводит газета «Добрая дорога детства»)
Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
Поэтому очень важно воспиты­вать у детей чувство дисциплинированности, добиваться, чтобы соблюдение правил безопасного поведения...
Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

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