Тема: «Hobbies»

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100-bal.ru > Туризм > Документы
Г. Липецк

Тема: «Hobbies »
Цель: обучение чтению



  • активизация лексики по теме;

  • повторение и закрепление грамматического материала (приставки un-, im-, in-, non-.);

  • формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений

  • практика речевой деятельности (монологической);


  • развивать мышление, высказывать свое мнение на английском языке;

  • развитие творчества, фантазии, воображения;


  • воспитание чувства толерантности;

  • воспитание культуры общения;

Оборудование: карточки с заданиями, фотографии, доска.

Речевой материал: материал, усвоенный в процессе формирования речевых навыков и представленный в виде разговорного текста.

Речевая подготовка: активизация материала предыдущих уроков, необходимая для лучшего восприятия разговорного текста.

Этапы урока:

  1. Организационный момент.

  2. Речевая зарядка.

  3. Проверка домашнего задания

  4. Снятие лексических трудностей

  5. Физкультминутка.

  6. Монологическое высказывание: «Hobbies».

  7. Подведение итогов урока.

  8. Домашнее задание.

Ход урока:

1.Организационный момент:

Good morning boys and girls.

Sit down please.

I am glad to see you.

Who is absent today?

Are they ill?

How are you?

What day is it today?

How is the weather today?

2.Речевая зарядка:

Children, let's play the game “Agree or disagree”. Listen to my statements please. If you agree, you will repeat my statement. If you disagree, correct the sentence.

Учитель предлагает учащимся согласиться или не согласиться с различными утверждениями. Если утверждение верное – ученик его повторяет, если нет, то он должен его исправить.

Утверждения учителя:

Your sister is very naughty.

Your mother is sociable.

Your friends are curious and having a good sense of humour.

You are shy and unfriendly.

Your brother is brave.

Your father is not polite.

You are non-athletic.

You are talkative.

Your sister is kind.

You are cruel.

3.Проверка домашнего задания:

Very well. We are going to check your home task. At home you were supposed to remember the words, which have the opposite meaning of the word given. Let's check it.











4.Снятие лексических трудностей


(опора на доске)


7.Монологическое высказывание: «hobbies».

So, at today’s lesson we’ll speak about hobbies. A hobby is something you very much like to do in your free time. Different people like doing different thing; different people have different hobbies. As for me, I like to take photos. I like to take photos of my relatives, friends, schoolchildren and nature. I am fond of it. Now I will show you some of them.

First of all we are going to work with new words. Look at the blackboard. There are some words and words combinations, which can be new for you. Listen to me carefully please:

To be fond of smth –любить что-то;

To be proud of smth – гордиться чем-то;

To collect [kə'lеkt] –собирать;

a collector[kə'lеktə]-коллекционер;

a collection[kə'lеk n]-коллекция;

to relax[ri'læks] – расслабляться;

a badge[bæd ]- значок;

a coin[k in] -монета

to have a rest[həv ə rеst]-отдыхать;

Now, repeat after me.

Who’d like to read these words?

Is a hobby really important for people? ……..Take cards with a text from your tables and read this text. You will have 5-7 minutes. Your time is over.


Different people have different hobbies. A hobby is something you very much like to do in your free time. There are a lot of people who are fond of collecting stamps. Stamps can tell us about different people, traditions and different countries. Collecting stamps is easy and interesting. It is real fun.

Collecting is the most popular hobby.

My best friend is a collector too. She is fond of collecting badges. She keeps her badges on the wall. When you come into her room you can see them all there.

My grandfather collects coins. There are about 50 coins from different countries in his collection. He is proud of his collec­tion. He is a famous collec­tor. Some people collect dolls. My also uncle does. When he travels he always brings home dolls from different countries.

My aunt's hobby is taking pictures. And my mother is fond of music. It helps her relax and have a rest.

Some people collect pictures, cups, toys, books, pencils and many other things. But collecting things is not the only hobby people have. Some people are fond of traveling or gardening. Very many boys and girls are fond of sport or computer games and it is their hobby.

  1. I am very interested to know, if you are very attentive and intelligent. Say if I am right or wrong.

True or false.

  1. There is only one person who is fond of collecting stamps.

  2. Collecting stamps is not popular.

  3. His best friend is collecting stamps.

  4. His aunt's hobby is taking pictures.

  5. Collecting things is not the only hobby people have.

  6. His grandfather is an infamous collector.

2. You are very attentive and intelligent. Let's answer my questions.

    1. What do you think a hobby is?

    2. What is the most popular hobby?

    3. What things do people usually collect?

3.Let's find in the text things what people can collect

4. What else can people do in their free time? (traveling, gardening, taking photos, listening to music, dancing ect.)

5. Let's answer my questions.Can badges(dolls, coins) tell us about different people, traditions and countries?

Can collecting badges(dolls,…) be easy and interesting?

Is it fun?

Can it help people relax?

Can it help people have a rest?

6. I see you are very attentive and intelligent. And now prove your opinion that a hobby is important for people. Choose and read sentences which can prove your opinion.

  1. Stamps can tell us about different people, traditions and countries.

  2. Collecting stamps is easy and interesting.

  3. It is real fun.

  4. It helps her relax and have a rest.

7. Why is hobby important for people?

A hobby can be easy and interesting.

It can tell us about different people, traditions and countries.

It is fun.

A hobby can help people relax.

A hobby can help people have a rest.

T: I think you are tired a little. Let’s do exercises!

Clap, clap, clap your hands
Clap your hands together
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.
Nod, nod, nod your heads,
Nod your heads together,
Dance, dance, dance a dance
Dance a dance together.

8.By the way, have you got a hobby? What about your mother, father? You can use this table.

My mother

My father

My grandparents

My uncle

My sister\my brother

My friends


fond of











9.Let’s find out everything about the hobby.

  • What do you think a hobby is?

I think a hobby is something you like to do very much in your free time.

  • What hobbies do you know?

I know a lot of hobbies: collecting, taking photos,….

  • What is the most popular hobby?

The most popular hobby is collecting.

  • What things do people usually collect?

Usually people collect stamps, badges, coins, dolls.

  • What is your favourite hobby?

My favourite hobby is …. .

  • Why do you do it?

… can tell me about … .

Collecting … is easy and interesting.

It is real fun.

It helps me relax and have a rest.

8.Подведение итогов урока

I ' m sorry to say, but our lesson is over. Your marks are….

9.Домашнее задание

Now, open your record books and write down your home task. At home you will write a composition “My friend's hobby” or “My parent's hobby”. 10 sentences. You should use this scheme.

I think … .

I know … .

The most popular … .

Usually … .

My favourite hobby is … .

… can tell me about … .

… is easy and interesting.

… real fun.

… relax and have a rest.

Do you understand the task? Do you have questions? So, our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. You can be free.

To be fond of smth –любить что-то;

To be proud of smth – гордиться чем-то;

To collect [kə'lеkt] –собирать;

a collector[kə'lеktə]-коллекционер;

a collection[kə'lеk n]-коллекция;

to relax[ri'læks] – расслабляться;

a badge[bæd ]- значок;

a coin[k in] -монета
to have a rest[həv ə rеst]-отдыхать;


Different people have different hobbies. A hobby is something you very much like to do in your free time. There are a lot of people who are fond of collecting stamps. Stamps can tell us about different people, traditions and different countries. Collecting stamps is easy and interesting. It is real fun.

Collecting is the most popular hobby.

My best friend is a collector too. She is fond of collecting badges. She keeps her badges on the wall. When you come into her room you can see them all there.

My grandfather collects coins. There are about 50 coins from different countries in his collection. He is proud of his collec­tion. He is a famous collec­tor. Some people collect dolls. My uncle also does. When he travels he always brings home dolls from different countries.

My aunt's hobby is taking pictures. And my mother is fond of music. It helps her relax and have a rest.

Some people collect pictures, cups, toys, books, pencils and many other things. But collecting things is not the only hobby people have. Some people are fond of traveling or gardening. Very many boys and girls are fond of sport or computer games and it is their hobby.

My mother

My father

My grandparents

My uncle

My sister\my brother

My friends


fond of











I think … .

I know … .

The most popular … .

Usually … .

My favourite hobby is … .
… can tell me about … .

… is easy and interesting.

… real fun.

… relax and have a rest.

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