План урока Цели урока

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Дата публикации10.01.2015
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ТипПлан урока
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Мультимедийный урок по английскому языку в 6-м классе по теме "Animals in Danger" (Животные в опасности)

План урока

Цели урока:

- развитие грамматических навыков сравнивать времена (Past Continuous и Past Simple);

- развитие умений учащихся читать с полным охватом содержания и с целью извлечения конкретной информации;

- развитие речевых умений в диалогической форме речи.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент (приветствие и объяснение целей урока/ Good morning, children. I’m glad to see. I hope you are fine and feel ready for our work.

  • Today we are going to make up and act dialogues.You will invite your classmates to the cinema, theatre, to have lunch or dinner and your classmates will accept or refuse your invatitaion. Then we will revise grammar structures we learned before and compare Past Simple and Past Continuous. After that we are going to read and discuss the text about disappearing animals.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка

  • Listen to me carefully and repeat after me

  • Protect wildlife, plants and trees. Tigers and elephants are among them. We must save wild animals. The water is very deep here. Do not kill animals. Help to keep water clean.

  1. Речевая зарядка

  • I want to know what you were doing yesterday when the telephone rang.

  • Let’s work in a chain. I was cooking dinner yesterday when the telephone rang. What were you doing?

P1: I was doing my homework when the telephone rang.

P2: I was reading a book when the telephone rang. What were you doing? ..... etc.

  • Disagree with me. Use neither…nor.

- Look at the screen and disagree .

  1. I like both fruit and vegetables. (I like neither fruit nor vegetables.)

  2. She knows both German and French. (She knows neither German nor French.)

  3. Al and Tim both are interested in learning new languages. (Neither Al nor Tim is interested in learning new languages.)

  4. Last year both Ann and Kate travelled to Great Britain. (Neither Ann nor Kate travelled to Great Britain.)

  5. Both boys and girls were playing basketball when their teacher saw them yesterday. (Neither boys nor girls were playing basketball when their teacher saw them.)

  6. People speak English both in Russia and Italy. (People speak English neither in Russia not in Italy.)

  1. Совершенствование грамматических навыков.

  • And now, pupils let’s remember how to use Past Simple and Past Continuous.

  • Look at the card and open the brackets, using Past Simple and Past Continuous.

  1. They (to meet) at the station two hours ago.

  2. My friends (not to spend) last Sunday in the country.

  3. I (to play) the violin when my friend (to come) in.

  4. He (to invite) me to the theatre and I (to accept) the invitation with pleasure.

  5. I (to discuss) the news with my friends the whole evening yesterday.

  6. When they (to sail) down the river, they (to see) a little island.

  7. My mother (to cook) dinner from three till four yesterday.

  8. She (to finish) cooking at four o’clock yesterday.

  9. I (to read) a newspaper at 5 o’clock yesterday.

  10. When we came to the stadium they (to run).

  • Well done, pupils!

  1. Физкультминутка. I think you are tired. Let’s have a rest. Let’s do some exercises.

  2. Развитие речевых умений в диалогической речи. Составление диалогов по ситуациям.

  • And now pupils we are going to work in pairs. Make up your own dialogues. Look at the card and choose the situation. The first pupil should invite his friend, sister and so on to any place. The second pupil should accept or refuse the invitation.

  • Choose any situation:

  1. invite your friend for dinner;

  2. invite your sister to the disco;

  3. invite your granny fro a walk;

  4. invite your classmate to the party.

  • Let’s listen to your dialogues.

  1. Развитие умений учащихся читать текст с разными стратегиями.

  • Let’s continue our work.

  • Do you know what kind of book it is? It is the Red Book. What information can we find in the Red Book? (We can find the information about flowers and plants. We can learn about birds and animals which are disappearing nowadays.)

  • Yes, you are right. What birds and animals from this book do you remember? (Lions, white bears, camels, eagles, parrots, monkeys and etc.)

  • Ok. And today we’ll read about elephants and tigers. Open your textbooks at page 118 ex. 17. Will you read the title?

  • Now read the story to yourself and get ready to answer the question why some animals are in danger.

  • Are you ready to answer the question? (People have hunted and killed many animals. People have cut down many trees and therefore there are no many forests for animals nowadays. Modern life is bad for animals. The air is not fresh. The water is not clean. They don’t often have good things to eat and space to live.)

  1. Развитие навыков аудирования.

  • Now, pupils, close your books, please. Let’s listen to the text. Get ready to answer the question why people have hunted and killed many tigers in India.

  • Are you ready to answer the question?

P1: Tigers can kill domestic animals and sometimes they can also kill men. That’s why people kill them to save their domestic animals and their lives.

P2: Some people kill tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin.

  1. Контроль понимания текста.

  • Ok. You understood the main ideas of the text. Now, let’s read the text aloud and discuss it. Will you begin, …… ?

  • Will you find the questions after the text. It is ex. 18, p. 120. Read the questions and answer them.

  • Well done! Look at the screen, please. You can see some sentences. They are the answers to the questions. Will you ask the question to them? Open your exercise books and write the questions down.

  1. Yes, many wild animals are in danger nowadays.

  2. Indian tigers and African elephants are among them.

  3. Because people have hunted and killed many tigers in India and lots of elephants in Africa.

  4. People kill tigers not only to save domestic animals, but also for fun.

  5. There are few Indian tigers on the Earth now.

  6. They hide from people in deep, dark forests.

  7. People must take special care of animals.

  1. Развитие навыков диалогической речи на базе прочитанного текста.

  • Well, you see that the problem of disappearing animals is very important nowadays. We must really understand this problem. You must tell about disappearing animals to your friends, parents. And, of course, you must take special care of animals.

  • Imagine that your friend doesn’t know much about the animals in danger. Talk to him about this problem. You will work in pairs and make up your dialogues. You can use questions from the textbook and your exercise books.

  1. Подведение итогов.

  2. Домашнее задание: составить диалог по тексту № 19, стр. 120.

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