«Seasons». Учебник Кузовлев В. П

Название«Seasons». Учебник Кузовлев В. П
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Цель: Обобщение изученного материала по теме «Seasons»

  1. Практиковать у учащихся навыки самостоятельной работы.

  2. Тренировать употребление лексико-грамматического материала по теме.

  3. Развивать навыки работы над краткосрочным проектом.

Учебные пособия: раздаточный материал, магнитофонная запись, цветные карандаши, клей, бумага.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.

How are you? Fine, thanks! And you? I'm fine.
2. Введение в речевую ситуацию. Warming-up activities.

I'm fine but smth. is wrong with my mood. May be it is because of the weather. Do you see that the weather is unusual?

What is it like?

But what season is it?

What is the weather like in winter?

What is the weather forecast?

What is the weather going to be tomorrow?


What will you do if it is foggy


snowy ?


На доске : to be going to

3. Групповая работа над проектом.

Children look at the blackboard!

На доске написано: Spring or autumn? Summer or winter? I want you to solve the problem: What is the best season of the year? But first I'd like you to read some information about different seasons.
Spring is a wonderful season. It has three months: March, April and May. There are many sunshine days in spring and it is melting everywhere. The icicles don't look safe. But in early spring there are cold winds and wet snow. Sometimes the weather is rainy and stormy. Stormy weather can be dangerous. The nature is awoken from the long winter sleep. It is so beautiful to see the new spring leaves, grass and flowers. People like to spend there free time outside. They listen the singing of birds go to the parks and forests. Usually they wear raincoats, warm sweaters and boots. It is a very good season.
Summer is a nice season. It has three months: June, July and August. It is the hottest season of the year. There are many sunny days in summer. Sometimes the weather is rainy but it is warm. People usually think about the weather before planning something. The weather can influence a trip but in summer you can travel in different kinds of weather. People like to swim in the river, go to the picnics in the forest, play football, volleyball, lapta. They pick up flowers, mushrooms and berries. Sometimes people go to the seaside and spend there free time. Usually people wear T-shirts, shorts and sandals in summer. It is the best season of the year.
Autumn is a good season. It has three months: September, October and November. It is so windy and wet. It clouds over every day. And it is only 10 above zero. But it is so nice to look at the colourful leaves and trees. Sometimes the weather is awful. It is foggy and cool.

People wear warm clothes, raincoats, sweaters and boots. People can find interesting activities in different weather. They stay at home and read or watch TV, listen to music or play computer games. Sometimes they go outside and walk.


Combine your work and study

G. You don't have to stop working

H. Be realistic about the length of courses

I. Design your own course
Distance learning – Make sure you weigh up the pros and cons


Flexibility means that individual students can orga­nise their learning experiences to meet their personal needs and circumstances.


Transportability is extremely important for people on the move. Those whose jobs move from country to country over relatively short periods of time can take their programme with them.

Because distance students are often studying while they are working, they can immediately integrate their studies with their work activities. Indeed, many of the assignments and projects undertaken as part of distance learning programmes, require application to work.


Unlike attendance at traditional full-time pro­grammes, participation in a distance learning course means that employment is not interrupted by extended study leave.


A distance learning programme can take longer than other methods of study, often double the amount of time.


Given the greater requirement for personal motivation and time management, and possible changes in the individual’s circumstances over the course of study, there is often a higher drop-out rate on distance learning pro­grammes than on other courses.


Despite the increasing number of workshops, tutorials and seminars offered, there is a smaller degree of face-to-face contact in a distance learning pro­gramme.


The success of some top distance learning pro­grammes has encouraged others to start up. One disad­vantage of this is that there can be inconsistency in the quality of course materials between various pro­grammes. Potential students are advised to investigate carefully the nature of programmes, their materials and accreditation.


D. nostalgic

4. According to the writer, the people on the train were

A. frightened by the mountain scenery.

B. all gathered in the lounge car.

C. completely different from one another.

D. getting on well with one another.
5. During the journey the scenery

A. was mountainous throughout.

B. turned silver in parts.

C. changed a lot.

D. was rather strange.
6.When they got to Adelaide

A. everyone went on a coach tour.

B. it was mid-afternoon.

C. they saw an elegant and gracious city.

D. they wasted time changing the engines.
7. This extract

A. tells us a lot about the writer's character.

B. comes from an advertising brochure.

C. is part of a novel about travelling.

D. tries to make the train trip seem attractive.
Paper 2

Multiple matching
You are going to read a newspaper article about distance learning. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-I for each part of the article (1-7). There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

There is an example at the beginning (0).

А.You will need to work alone a lot

B. Being away is not a problem

C. You might give up

D. Courses are not all of the same standard

E. Your commitment really shows


Winter is a marvelous season. It has three months: December, January and February.

It is very cold and frosty season. Usually there is much snow in winter.

Everything is white with snow. People can ski as much as they want. Many children like to skate, play hockey, play snowballs or make snowmen. Winter has many holidays and people like to celebrate them. Probably people like when it freezes. As a rule people wear fur coats and hats, boots and gloves. It is a one of the best seasons of the year.

Раздаточный материал








Делимся на группы по четыре человека, каждая группа получает задание.

a) The group Nl. Read the information about the summer and try to retell the information to each other.
The group N2 . About autumn. The group N3. About spring. The group N 4. About winter.


b) Now I would like you to exchange the information about seasons in different groups and fill the table.

Заполняем таблицу при помощи, полученной информации.
c) Возвращаемся в начальные группы. Now take your home groups and try to make a project "The best season of the year." I would like you to explain why it is your favourite season. Choose the leader of the group who will speak about your favourite season.

The group N1 will speak about winter, the group N 2 will speak about spring, the group N 3 about autumn, the group N 4 about summer. Работают с карточками, с карандашами и создают проекты.
d) Защита проектов.

Вопросы экспертов. What is your opinion? Do you agree or disagree with pupils opinions?
Раздаточный материал в виде карточек с речевыми клише.
I think because

To my mind

I agree (disagree)

That's why


Do you like

What is the weather like....
4. Подведение итога урока.

We have heard different opinions about different seasons. Now what conclusion can you come? Yes you are right! We can come to the conclusion that each season can be fun. I want you to listen to a poem and try to explain, how do you understand it? (textbook Ex.4 p. 88) Оценки. Д/3 Упр.7 стр.94.
5. Рефлексия.

How do you feel yourself at the lesson? What was the weather at our lesson?

На доске:

The weather was rainy


stormy Why?

6. Конец урока.


February 27th, 1970 and ended more than a century of chaos and confusion over a ridiculous tangle of three different rail gauges. This crazy situation haunted the nation and frustrated its train travellers until the advent of the Indian-pacific in 1970.

My lazy walk through the great train came to a sudden end when I entered the luxurious lounge car. A happy, merry crowd was chatting excitedly; people from different backgrounds and cultural origins had apparently left formality behind on the platform, and seemed full of cheerful expectation, delight and friendliness.

The scenery was spectacular as the Indian-pacific climbed its way through the Blue Mountains. The moun­tains are so named because of the blue haze caused by the eucalyptus trees. This uniquely Australian phenom­enon set against the view of steep mountainsides and deep valleys inspired our lively group to become even more talkative.

That night I slept without interruption for six splendid hours. Waking refreshed, I drew the blind and saw a different world. A vast, empty panorama raced past my window. This was the Australian outback; red sandy plains, low vegetation and a few shady trees.

We had travelled 1,000 kilometres almost due west from Sydney on our way to the first stop, the 'Silver City' of Broken Hill. The mines of Broken Hill produce about two million tonnes of lead, zinc and silver per year.

By mid-afternoon, we were passing through wide, waving fields of golden wheat as the great train drew closer to Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia. The engines are changed in Adelaide so there is a two-hour stop, during which a coach tour of the city is ar­ranged for those wishing to take a closer look at this ele­gant and gracious town.

1. How does the writer feel about making this jour­ney?

A. patient

B. pleased

C. worried

D. nostalgic
2. According to the writer, compared with his previ­ous train journey, this trip was

A. much more comfortable.

B. less adventurous.

C. much friendlier.

D. too fast.

3. The Indian-Pacific

A. crosses Australia from Sydney to Adelaide.

B. is fully self-contained.

. uses three different railway gauges.

  1. Our mission is to produce less garbage.

12. Tell how we can produce a lot less garbage.
How else can you help our fragile planet?

Литература: «Английский язык». Приложение к газете «Первое сентября» №17, 1994
Из опыта работы учителя английского языка

МОУ «Грайворонская СОШ с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов»

Саблиной Л.В.

Тексты олимпиадных заданий по английскому языку.

11 класс.

Paper 1

Multiple choice

You are going to read an extract about a train. For questions 1-7, choose the answer (A, B,C or D )which you think fits best according to the text.

Across the great divide

The mighty Indian-pacific sped swiftly out of Sydney and headed westward. Thirty years had passed since I last took the train across this island continent to Perth in Western Australia. In those primitive days, the journey was a bone-shaking, sleepless test of stamina and patience. Looking around my spacious, luxurious cabin with its double bed, television set and video, and fully stocked bar fridge, I happily thought that this trip would be a welcome improvement on its awful predeces­sor. The one thing that had not changed was the great sense of adventure.

The Indian-pacific resembles a fully self-contained, miniature city on wheels and relies on little outside as­sistance as it makes its huge journey across an ancient and mysterious land. Approaching the foothills of the Blue Mountains, I set out to explore this stream-lined, long city that would be my home for the next 65 hours.

he first transcontinental crossing by the Indian-pacific on the new standard gauge rail system from Syd­ney to Perth was completed on

Из опыта работы учителя немецкого языка

МОУ «Головчинская СОШ с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов»

Мясищевой Е.Н.
Урок в 10 классе. Учебник Г.И. Воронина, И.В. Карелина «Немецкий язык, контакты»
Урок применения полученных знаний – этап совершенствования навыков диалогической речи, повторения изученного грам-матического материала.
Урок №7

Die erste Liebe
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