Программы зачетов и экзаменов по дисциплинам кафедры английской филологии по направлению подготовки «Лингвистика», профиль подготовки «Перевод и переводоведение» Программа зачета по д/в «Страноведение сша»

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НазваниеПрограммы зачетов и экзаменов по дисциплинам кафедры английской филологии по направлению подготовки «Лингвистика», профиль подготовки «Перевод и переводоведение» Программа зачета по д/в «Страноведение сша»
Дата публикации22.10.2014
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Программы зачетов и экзаменов по дисциплинам кафедры английской филологии по направлению подготовки «Лингвистика», профиль подготовки «Перевод и переводоведение»
Программа зачета по д/в «Страноведение США»

(для студентов 1 курса)
Цель данного курса состоит в создании у студентов адекватного представления о стране изучаемого языка. Изменения, произошедшие в мире за последнее десятилетие, предъявляют новые требования к выпускникам. Они должны обладать достаточным объемом знаний о важнейших аспектах политической, экономической, социальной и культурной жизни США. Особое внимание уделяется реалиям повседневной жизни, без знания которых невозможно понимание современной американской действительности. Предлагаемый курс также позволит студентам критически осмыслить проблему культурных стереотипов.
В задачи курса входит:

  • введение междисциплинарного предмета лингвострановедения , известного в американской традиции как American Studies;

  • изучение материалов, отражающих различные аспекты современного состояния американского общества и культуры;

  • исследование социальных и политических контекстов;

  • развитие умений в области использования страноведческой информации при решении задач обучения иностранному языку;

  • формирование дискурсивной, социолингвистической и социокультурной компетентностей, необходимых учителю иностранного языка.

Зачет проставляется с учетом итогов текущей аттестации, в процессе которой оценивается качество освоения содержания конкретных разделов. Для этого используются тестовые задания по основным разделам дисциплины, реферирование и конспектирование литературы. В ходе зачета оценивается качество освоения системы знаний об истории, социальной, политической, экономической и культурной жизни США.

Зачет состоит из устного ответа на один из вопросов по курсу, или вариативно в форме письменного реферата на темы, предусмотренные программой курса, а также выбранные студентами самостоятельно и утвержденные преподавателем. Также предусмотрено итоговое тестирование.
Список примерных вопросов к зачету:

  1. The United States of America: its territory, geographic characteristics, boundaries and regions.

  2. Main events of colonial period in American history.

  3. The war for independence and creation of the United State.

  4. Civil war and reconstruction of the South.

  5. Economic and political developments in the USA in the second half of the 19th century.

  6. USA at the beginning of the 20 century. American participation in the First World War.

  7. United States between two world wars. The Great depression.

  8. USA in the Second World War.

  9. Post-war America. Development of welfare state.

  10. Major events of American history in the second half of the 20 century.

  11. Population of the USA. Ethnic diversity of American society.

  12. Cities in America. Major problems of metropolitan areas.

  13. The American Government. Division of power.

  14. The Constitution of the United States. The Bill of Rights.

  15. The Presidency. Presidential powers.

  16. Congress. The structure and organization of Congress, congressional elections, the legislative process.

  17. The federal judicial system.

  18. Political parties.

  19. The American university. Top-list universities and colleges in the USA.

  20. Modern American culture: cinema, theatre, music and literature.

  21. American national character. Customs, traditions and national holidays of Americans.

  22. National symbolism.

Вариативная форма зачета предусматривает письменный реферат на темы, предусмотренные программой курса.

Тематика письменного реферата

  1. Стереотипы мышления и межнациональные отношения внутри страны и на международном рынке.

  2. Религия, национальная символика и уклад жизни США.

  3. Специфика культуры США.

  4. Национальные истоки населения США. Многообразие лексических заимствований в американском варианте английского языка.

  5. Отношения между европейскими переселенцами и коренным населением Америки, их влияние на развитие американского варианта английского языка.

  6. Борьба за независимость Америки от Британской Империи.

  7. Война между Севером и Югом. Отмена рабства в Америке.

  8. Политическая жизнь Америки: история и современность.

  9. Голливуд и американский кинематограф.

  10. Культурная жизнь страны. Современные американские писатели, драматурги, поэты и художники.

  11. Экономика США: историческое развитие и современное состояние.

  12. Проблемы расовых, национальных и прочих социальных меньшинств в англоязычных странах. Понятие «политической корректности» и его отражение в современном английском языке.

  13. Социокультурные стереотипы представления американцев и русских друг о друге, их влияние на межкультурное общение в различных сферах жизни.

  14. Национальные парки и заповедники.

  15. Языковые реалии, связанные с важнейшими историческими событиями, культурно-историческими и социальными ассоциациями.

  16. Географические и исторические реалии США в современном английском языке.

Правила оформления реферата:

Реферат излагается своими словами. Вводятся лишь особо значимые точные определения и цитаты и те, против содержания которых реферат возражает. Все цитаты должны иметь ссылки на источник с указанием страниц. То же касается свободно изложенных высказываний авторов научных работ, если они имеют характер важных научных положений, выводов.

План реферата определяется исследователем, однако следует помнить, что композиция реферативной работы имеет следующие обязательные компоненты:

  • Введение, в котором содержатся краткие сведения об авторе реферируемого материала, если это диктуется темой реферата, название реферируемых работ с их краткой оценкой, а также формулируется цель реферата.

  • Главная часть – сжатое, но достаточно полное и точное изложение сущности научной информации по теме. Может состоять из нескольких глав или подглавок, что зависит от объема темы и проблематики реферата.

  • Заключение – замечания, обобщения, выводы реферата об изложенной информации, ее значение. Обобщение результатов достижения цели работы.

Объем реферата от 10 до 15 страниц машинописного текста. Текст представляется в печатном виде на стандартной белой бумаге формата А4.

  • Набор на компьютерах в редакторе Word – 6(7) в формате *doc. или *rtf. через полтора интервала (кегль 14); на пишущей машинке – через два интервала.

  • Поля справа – 1,5 см., слева – 3 см., сверху – 2 см., снизу – 2 см.

  • Страницы пронумеровать. Работа должна быть сброшюрована.

  • Список литературы составляется в алфавитном порядке с соблюдением существующих правил научного аппарата.

  • Не допускаются никакие излишества в оформлении (эпиграфы, рамочки, рисунки и т.д., не имеющие отношения к содержанию работ).

Критерии оценки реферата:

  1. Соответствие избранной формы реферата и его содержания теме.

  2. Глубина, полнота раскрытия темы.

  3. Логика изложения материала.

  4. Терминологическая четкость.

  5. Уровень навыков самостоятельной работы с научной литературой и умение дать ей критическую оценку.

  6. Собственное видение проблемы, творческий характер работы.

  7. В том случае, когда написанный реферат становится основой для устного сообщения, учитывается умение отобрать наиболее существенный материал для короткого выступления.

Образец итогового теста

Вопрос 1.

Outlying areas of the USA do not include the whole territory of


1. Puerto Rico

2. American Samoa

3. Guam

4. the Virgin Islands
Вопрос 2.

In Alaska the drained system is dominated by


1. the Yukon

2. the Colorado

3. the Columbia

4. the Ohio
Вопрос 3.

The US consists of _____________ contiguous states


1. fourty seven

2. forty eight

3. fifty

4. fifty one
Вопрос 4.

In California one can come across ____, a tree that reaches up to 100 meters high and lives for many hundred years.


1. lime

2. ash

3. maple

4. sequoia
Вопрос 5.

The climate in Florida is


1. temperate

2. tropical

3. arid

4. semiarid
Вопрос 6.

The incident known as “Boston Tea Party” occurred in


1. 1770

2. 1771

3. 1772

4. 1773
Вопрос 7.

An end to slavery was put by


1. the Seven year’s war

2. the war for independence

3. the civil war

4. the Indian war
Вопрос 8.

The welfare state


1. was created during a time of great economic prosperity.

2. started with President’s Roosevelt’s New Deal.

3. started with President’s Truman’s Fair Deal.

4. is based on the idea that all individuals should be self-reliant and responsible for their own welfare
Вопрос 9.

The dominant ethnic group among early settlers of what became the United States were the


1. English

2. Dutch

3. Swedes

4. Germans
Вопрос 10.

In a _____, government powers are shared by the national government and the States.


1. unitary system

2. confederal system

3. totalitarian system

4. federal system
Вопрос 11.

Of all the executive staff agencies, the _____ has the most direct contact with the president.


1. cabinet

2. White House office

3. National Security Council

4. Council of Economic Advisors
Вопрос 12.

Each senator is elected for


1. a 6 – year term

2. a 5 – year term

3. a 4 – year term

4. a 2 – year term
Вопрос 13.

Every state except ____ has given the governor the power to veto legislation


1. Michigan

2. Arizona

3. Illinois

4. North Carolina
Вопрос 14.

In a jury trial, questions of fact are generally decided by


1. the district attorney

2. the defense counsel

3. the jury

4. the judge
Вопрос 15.

The keyword to describe American schools is


1. diversity

2. liberalism

3. progressiveness

4. conservatism
Вопрос 16.

In WASP “p” stands for


1. people

2. population

3. protestant

4. popularity
Вопрос 17.

The tradition of celebrating Mardi Gras goes back to the settlement of ____ immigrants.


1. Irish

2. French

3. Jewish

4. German
Вопрос 18.

The popular American music from the 1920s through the 1940s was


1. Jazz

2. Rock and Roll

3. Pop music

4. Rhythm and Blues
Вопрос 19.

The American idea of the classic “macho” implies


1. intelligence

2. moral sensitivity

3. individualism

4. male strength
Вопрос 20.

Which of the following is not a symbol of America?


1. The Washington Monument

2. The Lincoln Memorial

3. The Golden Gate Bridge

4. The statue of Liberty

Банк тестовых заданий по дисциплине
Put down:

1… the number of states the USA consists of.

2… the number of contiguous states.

3…the names of outlying areas, constituting the territories of the USA.

4… the area of the country.

5… the name of the country the USA borders оn the north.

6… the name of the highest point in the USA.

8... the name of the lowest point in the USA.

9... the name of the largest state.

10...the name of the smallest state.

11…three geographic regions distinguished bу geographers.

12…the name of the river draining nearly аll of the interior lowland.

13...the name of the physiographic region that has had its landforms remolded

and shaped bу massive continental glaciers.

14...the names of the two world's finest harbor areas formed as the result of the glacial retreat and the rise of the sea level.

15...the name of the Highlands in the east squeezing the coastal plains.

16...the three areas that the Appalachian Highlands include.

17…the name of the plateau which means "lying at the base, or foot of mountains".

18…the other name the Appalachia Plateau is also known as.

19… the things the Appalachian Ridge and Vаllеу Region is known for.

20… the mountain system that early settlers found to bе аn effective barrier to western movement.

21...the mountains оn the east separated from the mountains and valleys of the Pacific coastlands bу high plateaus.

22…the name of the plateau that rises more that 1.000 metres аbove the lowland's elevation, а land of canjons, vo1canic peaks and sandy deserts.

23…the basin that is farther north of the Colorado Plateau.

24...the height the peaks of the Coast Range in southern California reach.

25...the way the Sierra Nevada is translated from Spanish.

26…the mountain ranges in which formation vo1canic activity was important. 27...the principal streams of the eastern United States.

28...the principal rivers of the interior.

29...the way some flow regulation and flood соntrol have bееn achieved оn the rivers of the interior.

30…eastward - flowing rivers.

31...westward - flowing rivers.

32...the river the drained system is dominated by in Alaska.

33...the river that is as long as the Yukon.

34…the names of five Great Lakes.

35…the lake of Utah that is а remnant of а much larger Ice Age lake.

36… the climate Florida and Hawaii enjoy.

37...the climate Alaska enjoys.

38… the climate the Great Plains west of the Mississippi river enjoy.

39...the climate the Great Basin of the southwest has.

40...whether humidity is more characteristic of the states of the eastern or western U.S.

41...the part of the U.S. where torrential rains are most соmmоn.

42...the Gulf that is the major source of moisture for the country.

43…the part of the country where tornadoes occur.

44...the state suffering from forest fires in late summer.

45…the months that are the major snow months in Minnesota and Dakotas.

46...the percentage of the forested country's land area.

47...а few species of needle-leaf trees.

48...а few species of broad-leaf trees.

49...the territory the stretches along the desert of southern Arizona and California in which the cactus "forests" form а popular image.

51… the name for а distinctive shrub vegetation of coastal southern California

52...the mountains where forests of giant sequoia grow.

53...the state where forests are dominated by guava trees.

54…the name of coastal waters that are the habitat of а number of large mammals, including fur seals.

55...the animals that are found in the hardwood forests of the eastern United States.

56... the gulf along which coast live such colorful birds as pelicans, flamingos as well as alligators.

57…the name of the first Europeans to reach North American about the year 1000.

58…the name of the Italian navigator landing оn оnе of the Ваhаmа Islands in the Carribean Sea in 1492.

59...the countries from which most setters were in the 17 с.

60…three regional groupings of colonies in the 18 с.

61…the date of the foundation of Harvard College.

62...the reason why the English failed to pursue an effective colonial policy in the mid-17 с.

63...the date of the foundation of the first permanent settlement at Jamestown, Virginia.

64...the reason why the British government restricted the colonial movement as

far as west of the Mississippi river.

65...the things the Quartering Act of 1765 required colonies to do.

66...the slogan the colonists rallied bеhind (2nd half the 18 с.)

67…the date when the "Boston Massacre" incident occurred.

68…the date when the "Boston Теа Party" incident happened.

69…the place where the First Continental Congress gathered in Sep, 5,1774.

70...the date when the Second Colonial Congress met.

71...the resolution the Second Colonial Congress voted for.

72... the name of the person appointed as commander - in - chief of American forces.

73...the date the war for Independence broke out.

74…the date of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

75...the place where а decisive battlе of the war for Independence took place оп Oct., 17, 1777.

76…the date of the approval of the final treaty bу the Congress, that ended the Revolutionary war.

77… the date of the inauguration of G. Washington the 1 st President of the USA.

78...the date Washington bесаmе the seat of the US. government.

79... the country the vast Louisiana territory was purchasedJrol11.

80…the date of the admission of Texas to the Union as the 28 state.

81…the purchase from Russia that took place in 1867.

82…а compromise Congress reached оn the question of slavery in 1820.

83...the unity formed bу 11 states that left the Union and proclaimed themselves аn independent nation in 1860.

84...the historical event that put аn end to slavery.

85...inventions quickening the social and economic life of the nation.

86...the date when the frontier between East and West disappeared.

87…а policy pursued bу President Woodrow Wilson at the beginning of the war. 88…the date of а conclusion of аn armistice.

89...the organization that was Wilson's greatest hope for реасе after the end of World War 1.

90...the name of the person who introduced the assembly line into automobile factories.

91...the cause for а world-wide depression of 1930s.

92...Roosevelt's program that brought аn air of confidence and optimism.

93...the name of the president who declared: “The only thing the have to fear is fear itself”.

94…а president who was elected to а third term in 1940.

95...the initial American response to the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939. 96.the event that brought the US into the war in 1941.

97...the name Truman's domestic program was given.

98. ..he date of the banning of racial discrimination in federal government.

99... the kind of war that differences about the shape of the postwar world between the US and the Soviet Union brought to.

100... the date of the assassination of J. Kennedy.

101... the way Americans reacted to their country's involvement in the war.

102... the date of the peak of the struggle of black Americans for equality.

103... the name the struggle of black Americans for equality is associated with. 104... the document that is the central instrument of American government and the supreme law of the land.

105... the number of amendments the Constitution has.

106… the place where the Constitutional Convention convened оn Mау, 25, 1787. 107... the date when the Constitution was officially adopted.

108…the three main branches of government.

109... the name, the first ten amendments to the Constitution are collectively known.

110… the rights the first amendment guarantees.

111...the amendment that guards against unreasonable searches, arrests and seizures of property.

112… the amendment which establishes а clear and simple definition of citizenship and guarantees equal treatment under the law. 113. the amendment lowering the voting age to 18.

114…the term for the division of authority when stats rights are balanced with the needs of а central government.

115… the devices that the theory of "separated powers" is supplemented bу.

116... the procedure that major executive and judicial appointments made bу the President are subjected to.

117... the power that is the most important of the three branches of the US government.

118... the person the executive power belongs to.

119... the periodisation of the presidential election.

120... the date of the presidential election.

121... the place that is the seat of government.

122... persons, who forms the Electoral College during the presidential election.

123… the beginning of the presidential term of four years. .

124...the ceremony the President starts his official duties.

125... some duties and powers of the Presidency listed by the Constitution.

126…the way the president's influence over the judicial branch is exercised,

127… the term given to а formal accusation against а public official bу а legislative body.

128... the number of executive departments.

129… officials that form the president's "cabinet".

130… the two chambers the Congress is divided into.

131... the members the Sеnаtе is composed of.

132... the current membership of the Senate.

133… the factor that determines membership in the House.

134... the аmеndmеnt that provided for direct election of the Senate.

135... age and other requirements for members of the Senate.

136… age and other requirements for members of the House.

137… the body that determines the total number of members of the House of Representatives.

138... the number of states having only оnе representative in the House.

139… the periodisation with which а national census is held.

140... the length of the senatorial term.

141… certain powers especially reserved to the Senate.

142… the broad powers of the whole Congress that are spelled out in Article 1 of the Constitution.

143... the person presiding in the Senate.

144... the presiding officer in the House of Rерrеsепtаtivеs.

145... kinds of courts spread throughout the country.

147… the procedure of appointing US judges.

148… the highest curt of the United States.

149... the number of judges in the Supreme Court.

150… two kings of cases that the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction.

151… matters that are the exclusive concern of state governments.

152... the chief executive of а state.

153. ..types of city governments.

154… the approximate number of total population in the USA.

155… percentage of population distribution (urban, rural).

156. ..the namе for the image that suggested newcomers would discard their old customs and adopt American ways.

157... the description of the first American immigrates beginning more than 20.000 years ago.

158… the approximate number of Native Americans living in the country when Christopher Columbus "discovered" the New World in 1492.

159... the reason why Christopher Columbers called the Native Americans "Indians".

160… the names of several European countries from which people came to explore America and set uр trading posts and colonies.

161... the consequence the influx of Europeans had оn the life оn Native Americans.

162…the actions through which transfer of land from Indian to European and later American - haels was accomplished.

163… the solution to the Indian рroblem that the government preferred in the 19 с.

164… the reason why Indians саmе to depend оn government assistance.

165... the reason why the Indian population decreased in number.

166... the approximate number of Native Americans today.

167... the names of states that derive their names from Indian words.

168... the things Indians taught Europeans.

169… the things that are among the Indians man inventions.

170… the dominant ethnic group among early sett1ers.

171… the prevalent American language.

172... the name of а spokesman for the revolutionary cause in the colonies to whom the words "Europe, and not England is the parent country of America".

173… the reasons why millions of people leave their homelands еасh year.

174... the government's promise to immigrants in return for service in the Union аrmу during the American Civil was (1861-1865).

175... the name of island in the harbor оn New York City on which the government operated а special port of entry for immigrants.

176… the number of people getting through Ellis Island port of entry during the years of its existence (1892-1954).

177… the name of National Monument found Ellis Island nowadays.

178... the ethnic group of immigrants who саmе to North America unwillingly.

179… the date when importing slaves into the United States became illegal.

180… the date when the process of ending slavery began.

181... the name of the President who issued the Emancipation Proclamation abolishing slavery.

182… the name of the leader of nonviolent protest to demand equal treatment of African Americans under the law and аn end to racial prejudice.

183… the date when the US Congress passed laws prohibiting discrimination in voting, education, employment, housing, and public accommodations.

184... the reason why at the end of the 19 с. many native-born Americans began to worry that the country was admitting too many immigrants.

185… the essence of the Johnson - reed Immigration Act passed in 1924.

186... the reason why prior to 1924, US. laws specifically excluded Asian immigrants.

187… the date when the legislation allowing people of аll races become U.S.citizens was passed.

188… the date when according to new immigration patterns preference was given to relatives of U .S. citizens and immigrants with job skills in short supply in the United States was passed.

189… the date when the immigration law attempting to attract more skilled workers and professionals to the United States was passed.

190. ..the effect that the steady stream of people coming to America has had оn the American character.

191…the way immigrants enrich American communities.

192. ..the definition of GDP (gross domestic product).

193… some continuing long-term challenges the есоnоmу faces.

194. ..оnе of the bedrock principles in America's approach to economic affairs. 195… the explanation of what "marker есоnоmу" suggests.

196... the explanation of what "mixed есоnоmу " suggests.

197… ingredients of а nation's economic system.

198… the idea that the traditional managerial structure in America employs.

199…the most important рroblеm that American farmers encounter.

200… the idea that the term "agribusiness" ref1ects.

201… the definition of аn economic region.

202…the number of U.S. economic regions.

203... as many of the U.S. economic regions as уоu саn remember.

204… issues the Department of Education focuses оn.

205… types of schools in the U.S.

206... types of colleges in the U.S.

207... the age limit to attend school.

208... what "dumbing down" the сurriсulum means.

209… goals to bе achieved in American education.

210... novel problems facing American schools.

211... the percentage of colleges and universities privately operated bу religious groups.

212... three sources of income that col1eges depend оn.

213… the number of majors offered bу American colleges and universities.

214… United States Holidays and Special Days.

215…the origin of Independence Day.

216…the origin of Thanksgiving Day.

217... the reason why Martin Luther Кing's Berth day is marked.

218… the reason why Presidents' Day is celebrated in February.

219… who Memorial Day honors. Тhе way the nation's working people are honored оn Labor Day.

220... the origin of Columbus Day.

221… the day origina11y called Armistice Day.

222…the day celebrated оn the 14 of February,

223… the ethnic group that celebrates Hanukkah.

224…the population of what state celebrates Каmеhаmеhа Day.

225…the ethnic group that celebrates Cinco De Мауо.

226… the town in Louisiana for which the celebration of Mardi Gras is а big occasion.

227. ..the ethnic group that celebrates the old country's patron saint, St. Patrick.

228. ..the ethnic group that celebrates Kwanzaa.

229…the way the evening before АН Saints or АН Hallows Day is called.

230…sources of inspiration of American art.

231… outstanding representatives of American literature.

232…major American figures in visual arts.

233.. .American's original contributions to music.
  1   2

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