Theme: Text 1 The Lavrov’s

НазваниеTheme: Text 1 The Lavrov’s
Дата публикации01.07.2014
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ТипДокументы > Литература > Документы
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To do exercises

Topic: My first journey



Theme: To do EX VII, XII,XIII

Lesson: 4

Time Required: 50min


-Give students the total information

-To activate students by the help of the games.

-Students should be able to use new words in their speech.

- Introduce new theme

- Teach new words

- Provide practice

- Expend the lesson

Materials needed:



-Related dictionary pages

-Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards

Skills used:






Time: 10min.

Warm-Up/ Motivation

Step1. –To introduce students a new game “Story building”.

Story building: The teacher starts by saying “My name is” The next student repeats what the firs has said and adds on one. If this gets too long to do with the whole class divide the class into smaller groups and give them different scenarios. Build on the vocabulary words from earlier lessons.

2. Presentation, Practice:

I Передайте содержание данных ситуаций прямой речи в форме диалогов.

Peter asked John whether he could stay and help him with his work. John agreed to stay, but wanted to know whether Peter was going to keep him long. Peter said it wouldn't take them more than an hour.

When Mary went up to her friend Ann, who was wait¬ing for her. Ann said she'd already been there since five o'clock. Mary said she was sorry she'd kept her waiting. Ann said she had even wanted to go away, then changed her mind and stayed a little longer. Mary asked Ann not to be cross with her. Ann answered she wasn't angry any longer, but she hoped Mary wouldn't be late next time.

Jane told Mary that her friends and she had made up their minds to go to the country for the week-end, and asked Mary whether she'd like to join them. Mary said she'd be delighted. Jane told Mary that they had agreed to meet at the station at exactly eight the next morning, and asked her not to be late.

John invited Peter to a housewarming party, saying that it was going to take place the next day. Thanking John for the invitation, Peter said at first that he was not sure he would be able to come, because it was quite unex¬pected, and he would have to change his plans, and then asked John not to be cross with him if he was a little late.

John, who was sitting next to Mary at a party, asked her whether she would like some more ice-cream. The girl answered that she didn't. Then he asked her whether he could have the next dance, and she agreed.

Being at the Brown's for the first time, John asked his friend Robert to introduce him to his hostess. Robert performed the introductions.

II. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя активную лексику урока.

  1. Где ты думаешь (собираешься) встречать Новый год?—Думаю, что у Петровых, но я еще не уверен. 2. Вы не были у нас на даче (a country cottage) с прошлого года и не видели еще наш сад. Приезжайте посмотреть.— С удовольствием. Можно мне взять с собой старшего сына? — Конечно, мы будем рады видеть его. Уверена, что ему понравится в нашем саду. 3. Это правда, что лекция начнется в час (лекция действительно начнется в час)? — Да, не опаздывай. 4. Извините, я еще не познакомил вас с моей женой. 5. Умеет ли кто-нибудь из гостей играть на рояле? Давайте потанцуем, а? 6. Я не видел тебя целую вечность, но ты выглядишь так же (молодо), как и 10 лет назад. 7. Если ты надумаешь (решишь) пойти на выставку сегодня, позвони нам. Мы с удовольствием составим тебе компанию (присоединимся к тебе). 8. Почему ты не надел пальто? Сегодня довольно холодно.— Когда мы вышли из дома утром, дождя не было, светило солнце и было совсем тепло. 9. Мы больше не можем ждать Смирнова. Уже поздно, и нам будет трудно добраться до дома. 10. Ваш старший брат обещал прийти ровно в шесть. Интересно, сдержит ли он свое обещание? II. «Вы действительно передумали?» — сказал он, прерывая нас.


To work on exercises

To retell the text


Theme: Text “An incident from the life of a Russian revolutionary”

Lesson: 5

Time Required: 50min


-Give students the total information

-To activate students by the help of the games.

-Students should be able to use new words in their speech.

- Introduce new theme

- Teach new words

- Provide practice

- Expend the lesson

Materials needed:



-Related dictionary pages

-Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards

Skills used:






Time: 10min.

Warm-Up/ Motivation

Step1. –To introduce students a new game “Story building”.

Story building: The teacher starts by saying “My name is” The next student repeats what the firs has said and adds on one. If this gets too long to do with the whole class divide the class into smaller groups and give them different scenarios. Build on the vocabulary words from earlier lessons.

  1. Presentation

An Incident From The Life Of A Russian Revolutionary

"Every worker must understand that the only way to a happy future is through struggle and the struggle is growing harder and harder. On the one hand..."

A knock at the door interrupted Bauman. He stopped speaking and first looked at the people sitting round him, and then at the dentist, in whose waiting-room they were having their secret meeting.

"Are you expecting any patients?" he asked.

Everybody understood what Bauman's question meant. They didn't even speak to each other, they didn't have to be reminded what to do. One of them accompanied the dentist into the surgery, while the others sat down on the chairs standing along the wall and pretended to be patients waiting their turn. It didn't take them long. When everything was ready, the dentist's maid went to answer the knock and soon came back with an unexpected visitor, who tried to go straight into the surgery.

"I say, it isn't your turn,"1 a 'patient' sitting next to the door said to him.

"I can't wait. I've got a terrible toothache," the man answered, hurriedly examining everybody's face.

Bauman, who pretended that he was reading a newspaper, didn't even turn his head to look at the strange Visitor. He could, however, clearly see the man's face, and recognized him at once. He was a spy, the same man he had often seen before.

"Has he brought the police with him?"... One thing was clear: it was necessary to keep the spy in the flat as long as possible, so that he would believe that they were real patients.2 Bauman looked up at the newcomer, and for a moment it seemed to him that there was joy in the man's eyes. Then Bauman said as politely as he could.

"We don't mind if the dentist sees him first, do we?" and then, turning to the spy, "Since you have a bad toothache, you can go next."

The spy didn't know what to say. At that moment the surgery door opened and the dentist asked the next patient in. Bauman, who went on watching the spy, immediately said, "Anyone with bad teeth should certainly have them out."

In a second the spy was sitting in the dentist's chair. The dentist told him to open his mouth wide, examined his teeth with great care, and began working quickly. A quarter of an hour later he showed the patient two large yellow teeth and said:

"I did my best. To tell you the truth it was quite a serious operation. You should take better care of your teeth. Ten roubles, please."

For a minute the spy stood there, not knowing what to do. "Would you like me to do anything else for you?" the dentist asked, smiling. The spy answered nothing, paid the money, and hurried out into the waiting-room. He expected to find no one there, but to his great surprise everybody was in his place. The spy could do nothing but leave the dentist's flat.

When the spy had left, someone said, "It's a good thing he had bad teeth."

"I3ut he didn't ... He just has two good teeth less now than he did when he came," the dentist explained, and added, and it didn't cost him much. So he should be grateful."

Everybody laughed, and Bauman said, "That was a good idea. Didn't I say that they would break their teeth if they fought against us? I wonder whether he will be able to go and report to the police after that. I don't think they'll be able to make out anything he says. Well, I think we can go on with our meeting now.


I Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание

на употребление герундия.

1. Пожалуйста, перестаньте разговаривать. Я не слышу, что он говорит. 2. Хотя было очень поздно, он продолжал работать над докладом, который он собирался сделать на следующий день. 3. Они начали работать ровно в девять. 4. Я думаю, мы можем продолжить обсуждение этого вопроса. 5. Он продолжал читать книгу, пока не нашел нужное место. 6. Вы не возражаете, если я приведу с собой друга? 7. Я узнал этого человека, как только она кончила мне его описывать. 8. Я не буду возражать, если вы поможете ему в его работе. 9. Ты не возражаешь, если мы потанцуем еще немного?

II. Переведите предложения на русский язык и объясните употреблением времен. (| 87, стр. 628)

А. 1. My friend had left London by the time I got there. 2. When I got to Novosibirsk, my friend had gone to Moscow. 3. I didn't ring him up before I had finished the work. 4. Had you been to Canada before you went to the Exhibition? 5. Though I came home at 11 last night, my son hadn't gone to sleep yet.



Changing opinions

To learn vocabulary

Make up dialogue using active words


Theme: Active words and exercises

Lesson: 6

Time Required: 50min


-Give students the total information

-To activate students by the help of the games.

-Students should be able to use new words in their speech.

- Introduce new theme

- Teach new words

- Provide practice

- Expend the lesson

Materials needed:



-Related dictionary pages

-Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards

Skills used:






Time: 10min.

Warm-Up/ Motivation

Step1. –To introduce students a new game “Story building”.

Story building: The teacher starts by saying “My name is” The next student repeats what the firs has said and adds on one. If this gets too long to do with the whole class divide the class into smaller groups and give them different scenarios. Build on the vocabulary words from earlier lessons.

  1. Presentation

Active Words And Word Combinations

an incident to wait one's turn

only (adj) a queue

struggle to wait in a queue

to grow (grew, grown) to jump the queue

to grow old (dark, etc.) to stand in a queue

to get (to become) old to try

on the one hand next to

on the other hand a tooth (pi teeth)

to expect to have toothache

a patient a head

to mean (meant, meant) to have a headache

a meaning clear

each other (the) police

one another a policeman

to remind (of, about) real

to accompany to seem

to see to polite

to pretend impolite

a turn to watch

in turn Immediately


I Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внима-ние на употребление времен.

I. Когда мы вошли, фильм уже начался. 2. Мы при-ехали в Москву, когда мне было десять лет. До этого наша семья жила в небольшой деревне на севере нашей страны. 3. Как только кончился дождь, мы пошли на реку. 4. Мой друг был очень бледен, когда я его встретил. Я понял, что с ним что-то случилось. 5. Мы прочитали несколько книг о Чайковском, -перед тем как поехали в Клин. 6. На каком заводе вы работали, прежде чем пришли в наш институт? 7. Какой иностранный язык вы изучали, до того как поступили в институт иностранных языков? 8. Я никого не знал в этом городе, когда Петр познакомил меня со своими друзьями. 9. Когда мой друг ушел, я вспомнил, что забыл возвратить ему книгу. 10. Мы не знали, что Айна больна. Мы думали, что она уехала в отпуск. 11. Это трудное правило. Я понял его только тогда, когда прочитал его несколько раз. 12. К восьми часам Павел закончил работу. Он вышел на улицу. Дождь прекратился, было довольно прохладно. Когда он шел по улице, он увидел товарища, которого давно не встречал. Товарищ не узнал его, так как со времени их последней встречи прошло много лет. Павлу не хотелось его окликать, и он продолжал свой путь (продолжал идти)...

II. Составьте по 3 предложения на каждый образец.

1. We had finished our work by six yesterday.

2. He had finished his work before I got there.

3. I couldn't recognize him because I hadn't seen him

since we went to school together.

4. As soon as the children had had breakfast, they weni

to school.


To do exercises

Translate “A street incident”



Lesson: 7

Time Required: 50min


-Give students the total information

-To activate students by the help of the games.

-Students should be able to use new words in their speech.

- Introduce new theme

- Teach new words

- Provide practice

- Expend the lesson

Materials needed:



-Related dictionary pages

-Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards

Skills used:






Time: 10min.

Warm-Up/ Motivation

Step1. –To introduce students a new game “Story building”.

Story building: The teacher starts by saying “My name is” The next student repeats what the firs has said and adds on one. If this gets too long to do with the whole class divide the class into smaller groups and give them different scenarios. Build on the vocabulary words from earlier lessons.

Presentation, Practice:

I Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание

на употребление герундия.

1. Пожалуйста, перестаньте разговаривать. Я не слышу, что он говорит. 2. Хотя было очень поздно, он продолжал работать над докладом, который он собирался сделать на следующий день. 3. Они начали работать ровно в девять. 4. Я думаю, мы можем продолжить обсуждение этого вопроса. 5. Он продолжал читать книгу, пока не нашел нужное место. 6. Вы не возражаете, если я приведу с собой друга? 7. Я узнал этого человека, как только она кончила мне его описывать. 8. Я не буду возражать, если вы поможете ему в его работе. 9. Ты не возражаешь, если мы потанцуем еще немного?
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   12


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