Theme: Text 1 The Lavrov’s

НазваниеTheme: Text 1 The Lavrov’s
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IX. Дайте четыре основные формы следующих глаголов.

to catch to manage to carry out to mean to fall

to teach to lie to enjoy to lose to rise

to try to die to draw to stop to blow

to run to make to pay to swim to owe

X. Выберите нужное по смыслу слово нз данных в скобках, поставьте

его в соответствующей форме и переведите предложения на рус¬

ский язык.

1. (one of these days, the other day) I met a friend I hadn't seen since we went to school. 2. We'll be going to our home town (one of these days, the other day) to see whether it has changed since the time we left it. 3. My friend will be coming to Moscow (one of these days, the other day). 4. Comrade Petrov (not to miss, not to be

late for) any classes this month. 5. I never (to miss, to be late for) any new performances at this theatre. 6. I was sorry we (to miss, to be late for) the ten o'clock train, because we had to wait about an hour and a half for the next one. 7: Hurry up if you don't want (to miss, to be late, for) the performance. Don't forget that you won't be let in after the lights have gone down. 8. Take either book. They're both very interesting. I'm sure you'll (to enjoy, to be fond of) them both. 9. My friends asked me if I knew what would (to run, to be on) at this theatre on Sunday. 10. I was told that (one of these days; the other day) she would be going away to Gorky on business. II. We can't say we (to enjoy, to be fond of) this play, though it's taken from a very interesting novel.


To do exercises XI

Describe your city

Work on exercises


Theme: Text “A piece of soap”

Lesson: 21

Time Required: 50min


-Give students the total information

-To activate students by the help of the games.

-Students should be able to use new words in their speech.

- Introduce new theme

- Teach new words

- Provide practice

- Expend the lesson

Skills used:





Materials needed:



-Related dictionary pages

-Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards


Time: 10min.

Warm-Up/ Motivation

Step1. –To introduce students a new game “Story building”.

Story building: The teacher starts by saying “My name is” The next student repeats what the firs has said and adds on one. If this gets too long to do with the whole class divide the class into smaller groups and give them different scenarios. Build on the vocabulary words from earlier lessons.


A piece of soap, (after h. Munro)

Norman Gortsby was sitting on a bench hidden behind the bushes in Hyde Park. It was a warm May evening. The sun had already set and it was rather dark, but he could still make out the faces of the people who were walk-ing past him and hear the sound of their voices. He was a philosopher, and liked sitting in the Park watching people whom he didn't know. While he was wondering who they were and where they were going, a young man came up to the bench, gave a quick look at him and threw himself down by his side. The newcomer was well-dressed and looked like a gentleman. His face was sad and he sighed deeply.

"You don't seem to be in a very good mood," said Norman. The young man was silent. He only looked at Norman again and there was an expression in his eyes that Norman didn't like.

"I really don't know how it all happened." he began at last, "but I've done the silliest thing that I've ever done in my life." He spoke in a low voice, almost in a whisper.

"Yes?" said Norman codify.

"I came to London this afternoon," the young man went on. "I had a meal at the hotel, sent a letter to my people, giving them the address and then went out to buy a piece of soap. They are supposed to give you soap at the hotel but it's always so bad that I decided to buy some for myself. I bought it, had a drink at a bar, and looked at the shops. When I wanted to go back to the hotel,

I suddenly realized that I didn't remember its name or even what street it was in. Of course I can write to my people for the address, but they won't get my letter till tomorrow. The only shilling I had on me1 when I came out was spent on the soap and the drink and here I am with two pence in my pocket and nowhere to go for the night."

There was a pause after he told the story.

"I'm afraid you don't believe me," he added.

"Why not?" said Norman. "I did the same thing once in a foreign capital. So I can understand you very well.'

"I'm glad you do," the young man said with a pleasant smile. "And now I must go. I hope by the time it gets quite dark I'll have found a man who'll believe me like you did, and will agree to lend me some money."

"Of course," said Norman slowly. "The weak point of your story is that you can't produce the soap."

The young man put his hand into his pocket and suddenly got up.

"I've lost it," he said angrily.

"It's too much to lose a hotel and a piece of soap on the same day," said Norman.

But the young man did not hear him. He was running away.

"It was a good idea to ask him about the soap, and so simple," Norman thought as he rose to go. But at that moment he noticed a small packet lying by the side of the bench. It could be nothing but a piece of soap, and it had evidently fallen out of the young man's coat pocket when he threw himself down on the bench. Turning red, Norman picked it up.

"I just can't allow him to go away like this," he thought, and started running after the young man.

"Stop!" cried Norman when he saw him at the Park gate. The young man obeyed.

"Here's your piece of soap," Norman said. "I found it under the bench. Don't lose it again, it's been a good friend to you. And here's a pound, if it can help you".

"Thanks," said the young man, and quickly put the money into his pocket.

"Here's my card with my address," continued Norman. "You can return the money any day this week."

The young man thanked him again and quickly went away.

. "It's a good lesson to me," Norman thought, and went back to the Park. When he was passing the bench where the little drama had taken place, he saw an old gentleman looking for something.

"Have you lost anything, sir?" Norman asked.

"Yes, sir, a piece of soap".


  1. Определите, к каким частим речи отиосятси следующие слова,

и переведите их иа русский язык.

rising coldness unthinkingly brotherless

expressionless philosophic well-educated well-built

production pointless simply expressive

well-dressed silence drunk cleverness

saver entrance heartiness unthinkable

II. Переведите на русский изык следующие сочетания слоа и опре¬

делите используемые средства словообразования.

soapy hands the realization of all hopes

drinkable water a ready-made suit

a pointless speech a beautifully-dressed woman

tea-leaves pickers a wrongly-translated sentence

III. Составьте 15 вопросов к тексту, употребляя активную лексику


IV. Расскажите, в каких ситуациях следующие слова и словосочета¬

ния употреблены в тексте.

hidden, to be silent, whisper, to produce, evidently, to obey, to look for smth.



Changing opinions

Make up situation using the vocabulary


Theme: Active words VIII, IX p 384

Lesson: 22

Time Required: 50min


-Give students the total information

-To activate students by the help of the games.

-Students should be able to use new words in their speech.

- Introduce new theme

- Teach new words

- Provide practice

- Expend the lesson

Skills used:





Materials needed:



-Related dictionary pages

-Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards


Time: 10min.

Warm-Up/ Motivation

Step1. –To introduce students a new game “Story building”.

Story building: The teacher starts by saying “My name is” The next student repeats what the firs has said and adds on one. If this gets too long to do with the whole class divide the class into smaller groups and give them different scenarios. Build on the vocabulary words from earlier lessons.


Active Words And Word Combinations

soap to speak In a whisper

to hide (hid, hidden) one's people

behind to be supposed to

to set (set, set) to drink

to throw (threw, thrown) to have a drink

to look like to lend (lent, lent)

silent to borrow

to be silent ' a point

an expression a point of view

silly the point is that

whisper to produce

to lose (lost, lost) to allow

simple (o obey

evidently a pound

to pick up to look for


I. Ответьте на вопросы, используя активную лексику урока.

a) 1. Do your children (younger brothers or sisters) obey


2. How can you make them obey you?

3. Do you sometimes have to hide toys, sweets, cakes,

etc. from the children? When do you have to do that?

4. Does your child look like you or like your wife


5. Do your people live with you?

6. Do they help you to look after your child (ren) ?

b) 1. You always return books you borrow, don't you?

2. How long do you allow your friends to keep the

books you lend them?

3. Have you ever lost a borrowed book? What did you

do about it?

c) I. Can you always tell a person's mood by the expres-

sion on his face?

2. Is it right to hide one's feelings from other people

or is it silly?

3. Do you always tell your people at home if anything

unpleasant happens to you or do you try to keep it

to yourself so as not to upset them?

II. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где это необхо¬


1. I advise you to hide the matches the children.

2.1 wonder why Nick is behind Mary... his English. I always thought he was very good ... languages. 3. The man spoke ... a whisper, and there was a strange expression ... his eyes. 4. The expression ... the child's face said that he didn't believe a single word ... the story. 5. "It was silly ... Mr Winter to lend ... the man so much money. Doesn't he know that he has already borrowed large sums ... many other people and never returned them so far?" said the old lady. 6. The young man saw the old woman's gloves fall

her bag and hurried to pick them her.. 7. You

can't make the boy obey ... you by shouting ... him all the time. 8. I don't think you've lost your note-book. Let's look ... it carefully, and I'm sure we'll find it. 9. Will you throw that little box over there ... me, please? Don't be afraid. Nothing will happen ... it even if it falls ... the floor.

III. Составьте предложения no следующим образцам, нспольэуя

данные слова и словосочетаний.

Образцы: 1. He's supposed to come to see us to-morrow.

2. He was supposed to be here in the eve¬

ning, wasn't he?

3. She wasn't supposed to know about it.

4. Who was supposed to do it?

5. People aren't supposed to smoke here.

to produce a ticket; to lend books (money, skis, skates);

to stay with smb.; to arrive at a hotel (at a station, port); to introduce smb. to smb.; to give a talk on smth.; to see smb. home; to accompany smb. to the theatre; to look after the matter (children); to look through the letters (articles)

IV. Заполните пропуски артиклями или притяжательными местоиме¬

ниями н перескажите текст.

Mark Twain, ... famous American writer, was once invited to ... opera by ... friend. ... friend was very rich. He and ... wife had ... box at ... opera house.

When they had taken ... seats in ... box, ... writer was unpleasantly surprised to realize that he must avoid turning ... head to ... lady, because ... moment he did so, she started talking loudly and gaily about ... things

that had nothing to do with . opera .lady probably thought she was entertaining ... guest, but Mark Twain was interested in ... opera, and she made it impossible for him to follow ... performance, let alone listen to ... music. Mark Twain did not know how to make her keep quiet, or at least speak in ... whisper. Towards ... end of ... opera .. -lady turned to Mark Twain, saying, "My dear Mark Twain, I want you to come with us again ... next Friday night. I'm sure you'll like it. opera will be 'Carmen'." "Thank you very much," said Mark. Twain. "That'll be fine I've never heard you in 'Carmen'."


To work on exercises

Retell the dialogue

To translate the text


Theme: To do exercises XII, XIII p 386

Lesson: 23

Time Required: 50min


-Give students the total information

-To activate students by the help of the games.

-Students should be able to use new words in their speech.

- Introduce new theme

- Teach new words

- Provide practice

- Expend the lesson

Skills used:





Materials needed:



-Related dictionary pages

-Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards


Time: 10min.

Warm-Up/ Motivation

Step1. –To introduce students a new game “Story building”.

Story building: The teacher starts by saying “My name is” The next student repeats what the firs has said and adds on one. If this gets too long to do with the whole class divide the class into smaller groups and give them different scenarios. Build on the vocabulary words from earlier lessons.

Presentation, Practice

I. Перескажите следующие диалоги в косвенной речи.

"Must we go out? It looks like rain." "Why not? We can put on our raincoats, can't we?" "\ can't. I lent mine to Ann the other day, and she hasn't brought it back yet."

"Then take your umbrella (зонтик) with you."

"It's very silly of Jack to defend his point of view so obstinately (так упрямо)."

"I don't think he sees that he's wrong."

"Yes, that has always been his weak point. He can never see his mistakes."

"Why are you speaking in a whisper? The child has woken up."

"Has he? Then let me have the toy I've brought. I want to give it to him myself, and I must be going."

"So soon? Won't you stay for tea?"

"No, thank you, I really must be getting off."

"I think all these plans should be changed." "Why? Don't you see any good points in them?" "There are some, but the point (thing) is we haven't got enough time to carry them all out."

"Have you won the match?" "No. We've lost three points." "You don't look upset."

13 Бот Н. А. и др. 385

"Why should I? I enjoyed the game all the same, and then it's my rule to lose with a smile. Is there anything wrong in that?"
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