Ноу впо «Институт управления» (г. Архангельск) Ярославский филиал

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10.Поставьте слова в предложениях в необходимой последовательности, чтобы получился текст.

occupies Commonwealth of Australia the continent of Australia and a number of islands (the main one of which is Tasmania). population It 6 states and 2 territories with a of about 20 million includes people.

Canberra Its capital is and the main cities are Sidney and Melbourne.

New Zealand smaller consists of several large and many islands. Its million population is about 4 people. The Wellington capital is. The chief cities are Auckland, Dunedin and Nelson.

developed It is a country highly agricultural.
11.Прочитайте текст, задайте к тексту 5 вопросов разных типов.
Ottawa – Canada’s capital city.

Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. It is located on the southern bank of the Ottawa River. Many interesting historical and cultural buildings are found in Ottawa, such as the Museum of Natural History, Museum of Man, National Gallery and the National Arts Center. However, the most important building in Ottawa are the Parliament Buildings. Here the Canadian federal government discusses and makes laws for Canada.

Ottawa has been called the Tulip City, because every spring the city comes alive with thousands of tulips from the Netherlands. Queen Juliana started sending 15 000 tulips a year to Ottawa in 1946 as a way of thanking the Canadian people for the time she spent in Canada with her daughter during World War II.

Juliana stayed in Ottawa with her family from 1940 to 1945 after the Netherlands was invaded by Germany.

Red and white with single maple leaf flag was adopted.

Контрольная работа для студентов 1 курса специальностей

080105 «Финансы и кредит», 080109 «Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит», 080507 «Менеджмент организации», 080801 «Прикладная информатика (в экономике)»
Вариант 1

    1. Напишите выделенные существительные во множественном числе

Put the knife on the table.

He keeps his toy in a box.

She tells me a very funny story.

The woman has an ox, a sheep, a goose, a mouse and a fish.

    1. Употребите, где надо, артикли:

…Volga is … longest river in … Europe.

…butter and … cheese are made of … milk.

Usually I get up at … 7 o’clock in … morning.

This is … house. … house is white.

He is … engineer by … profession.

    1. Вставьте нужные местоимения:

Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями:

The granny asked my brother to wash the apples.

Mr. Smith helped the children to read the letter.

Вставьте притяжательные местоимения:

I have two children. Both … children are boys.

My mother is a teacher. … students are clever.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith are the friends of our family. …son comes to see us every day.

We have had … lunch. Have you had … ?

Вставьте неопределенные местоимения some, any:

I want to show you … photos.

Are there … English students in you group?

    1. Употребите правильную степень прилагательного:

It is one of (important) questions of our conference.

Health is (good) than wealth.

This house is (high) in our street.

    1. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

Mary is not so lazy as her brother.

The longer the night is, the shorter the day.

These students are as clever as previous ones.

    1. Поставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол или его эквивалент:

We … study the transportation documents very carefully

… I have one more cup of tee ?

The Sales Trainee … type very well.

    1. Напишите повествовательную, отрицательную и вопросительную форму предложения в Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite:

We, to discuss, terms of payment.

    1. Вставьте предлоги:

Our lesson begin … 7 o’clock … the morning.

He took some books … the table and put them … the bag.

They will go … the college tomorrow.

    1. Переделайте предложения в Present Continuous или Past Continuous или Future Continuous:

You look through the advertising materials.

We looked for new machinery.

They will arrange training in the training centers.
Вариант 2

      1. Напишите выделенные существительные во множественном числе

She tells me a very funny story.

The man works at an office.

The woman has an ox, a sheep, a goose, a mouse and a fish.

Put the knife on the table

      1. Употребите, где надо, артикли:

… Mississippi is … longest river in … America.

… cheese is made of … milk.

I wake up at … 8 o’clock in … morning.

This is … garden. … garden is beautiful.

She is … bookkeeper by … profession.

      1. Вставьте нужные местоимения:

Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями:

The mother asked the son to wash the dishes.

Mr. Cartwright helped the secretary to write the letter.

Вставьте притяжательные местоимения:

We have two dogs. Both … dogs are white.

My aunt is a teacher. … pupils are clever.

The Whites are the friends of our family. …son comes to see us every day.

I am going to Paris to stay with a friend of … .

Вставьте неопределенные местоимения some, any:

I want to introduce you … students.

Have you … English students in you group?

      1. Употребите нужную степень прилагательного:

It is one of ( difficult ) questions of our conference.

Health is ( good ) than wealth.

This man is ( tall) in our house.

      1. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

Jane is not so clever as her sister.

The shorter the night is, the longer the day.

This secretary is as clever as previous one.

      1. Поставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол или его эквивалент:

My secretary … make coffee for us.

We … discuss the terms of payment today.

… I show you the telex transfer.

      1. Напишите повествовательную, отрицательную и вопросительную форму предложения в Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite :

They, to speak, about terms of delivery.

      1. Вставьте предлоги:

The lecture begin … 6 o’clock … the evening.

She took some apples … the table and put them … the box.

We will go … the university tomorrow.

      1. Переделайте предложения в Present Continuous, Past Continuous или Future Continuous:

They look through the transporting documents.

You looked for new equipment.

We will arrange training for your specialists.

Контрольная работа для студентов 2,3 и 4 курсов

специальности 080801 «Прикладная информатика в экономике»
Вариант 1
1. Перепишите предложения, выбрав верный вариант сказуемого. Определите его время и залог. Переведите предложения.

  1. When he arrived in the city the bridge across the river … .

  2. Every year the lectures of the Professor … with great interest.

  3. The automatic devices … by the end of the last month.

  4. The works of this physicist … in the years to come.

  5. The envelope … behind the clock.

1.was still being built 2.was still built

3. has still been built

1. had been listened to 2. are being listened to 3. are listened to

1. had been installed 2. have been installed

3. are installed

1. are referred to 2. will be referred to

3. have been referred to

1 was finded 2. was found 3 were found

2. Переделайте предложения из прямой речи в косвенную, переведите предложения:

We asked them, “How did it happen?”

He said to me, “I’ m absolutely sure”.

I asked him, “Does the FBI investigate kidnapping?”

He said, “The trial has been canceled”.

They said “The coroners will inquire into unnatural deaths”.
3. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

К первому сентября выборы уже состоялись.

Когда я пришел на работу, он уже был там.

Она сказала, что участвовала в конкурсе в прошлом году.

Он написал, что собирается купить новую квартиру.

Мой брат сказал, что будет дома когда я приду.
4. Употребите нужную временную форму глагола в скобках. Переведите предложения.

David said that he (to ask) permission from the director.

I don’t think I ever (to see) you before.

She knew what (to go) on their minds.

She felt that her father (not to want) to disturb her.

It was possible that Jack (to hang) around.

5. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
E-mail and Newsgroups
The connection of the networks througout the world forms what is known as the Internet. Networks all over the world are connected to the Internet using electronic devices known as routers. The routers decide which route on the Internet a particular signal should take to get to its destination. Users often pay a monthly fee to a type of company known as an Internet service provider, to provide them with Internet connection. A variety of services are controlled using a system of server computers at various locations throughout the world.

Electronic mail, which has come to be known as e-mail is one of the most popular services on the Internet. E-mail allows users to send electronic messages to storage areas known as mailboxes on server computers where they can be read by other users. Each user has ones own e-mail address, which determines where their e-mail is stored. A typical e-mail address might have the following components: username of identifier, @, server name, type of organisation, country (e.g. locka@pesto.co.uk)

The e-mail message has two main parts known as the header and the body of the message. The body contains the message itself, the header reveals the identity of the recipient and the sender, the date it was sent, and the subject title of the message. Formatted text, spreadsheets, sound files or video files can be attached to mail messages.

Groups of users that share a special interest can be subscribe to free newsgroups on the Internet. Users subscribe by registreting their e-mail addresses. Subscribers can send plain text messages to a common area on a server computer where all the newsgroup members can read them. In this way, conversations about the special interest can take place between all members of the group. The name of the newsgroup is made up of different parts separeted by dots and indicares the special area the subscribers are interested in (alt;rec;etc).
6 Напишите краткое электронное письмо содержащее ответы на следующие вопросы.

What's your cours called?

When do you have classes?

What subjects do you study?

What subject do you enjoy most? Why?

What subject do you like least? Why?

What do you do in your free time?
Вариант 2
1. Перепишите предложения, выбрав верный вариант сказуемого. Определите его время и залог. Переведите предложения.

A. The sounds of a violin …in the hall.

B. This book … a week ago.

C. The cake … yesterday by my wife.

D. We … by Tom at the station.

E. The guest room … now.

1. is heard 2. are heard 3. hear

1. bought 2. is bought 3. was bought

1. had been bought 2. had bought 3.have been bought

1. will be met 2. shall be met 3. shall meet

1. is washed and cleaned 2. is being washed and cleaned 3. was being washed and cleaned

2. Переделайте предложения из прямой речи в косвенную, переведите предложения:

She asked me, “Does a solicitor deal with petty crimes”.

She says, “I’ll join you in a minute”.

“What’s the matter?” the secretary asked.

She said to me, “I’ll vote next year”.

My colleague asked, “When did the elections take place?”
3. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Секретарь ответил, что мистер Браун на конференции.

Они также решили, что будут обедать вместе.

Иван сказал, что он набрал не тот номер.

Мистер Фрейзер написал, что собирается продать свою машину.

Мой брат сказал, что его не будет дома когда я приду.
4. Употребите нужную временную форму глагола в скобках. Переведите предложения.

I did not know that you already (to read) this book.

I decided that next year I (to go) to the Black Sea coast.

She knew that he not (to be able) to make his work in time and (to decide) to help him.

We understood at once that the control work (to be) a difficult one.

He told us that he (to do) this work himself.
5. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
The World Wide Web
The connection of network throughout the world forms the Internet, which provides a range of different services, such as e-mail, newsgroup and file transfer.One of the newest and the most popular services on the Internet is the World Wide Web, Which is commonly known as the Web or simply as WWW.

A Web browser program provides a graphical user interface for the Internet allowing users to view linked documents called webpages. Linked webpages may be stored on different servers in different parts of the world. A set of hyperlinked webpages is known as a website. Websites are available for an enormous range of topics, including news, sports, entertainment, education and even sale of goods.

Sometimes it's difficult to find information you are looking for, because there are too many websites. Special websites have been set up that use programs called search engines to search the web for information you need. Normally, you fill in a form on a search webpage to indicate what you are looking for and offer this operation computer displays a webpage with hyperlinks to the websites that contain the information you are looking for. Some of the most popular search engines are Yandex, Yahoo, Rambler and many others. When you find a webpage in a «bookmark» «favourite area» of your browser.

Each webpage has a unique web address sometimes known as a uniform resource locator (URL). Wed address is often started with http:// www. Http stands for hypertext transfer protocol, which is standard way if communicating on the world wide.
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