Пояснительная записка деловой английский курс по выбору, разработанный для студентов 3 курса отделения иностранных языков ффиЖ. Курс «Деловой английский»

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тема 1.

company – most companies are made of three groups of people: the shareholders (who provide the capital), the management, and the workforce.

company organization - at the top of the company hierarchy is the Board of Directors, headed by the Chairperson (or President). The Board is responsible for making policy decisions and for determining the company's strategy. It will usually appoint a Managing Director (or Chief Executive Officer) who has overall responsibility for the running of the business. Senior managers head the various departments or functions within a company, which may include the following: Marketing Finance, Public Relations, Production, Personnel (or Human Resources) Research and Development.

company profile – basic information about a company that includes: name, headquarters, Chairman, business activities, main markets, sales, number of employees.

Тема 2.

letters/a letter of application - the letter of application (also called the covering letter) can be as important as the CV in that it often provides the first direct contact between a candidate and an employer. If this letter is not well written and presented, it will make a poor impression. The letter of application normally contains three or more paragraphs in which you should:

  • confirm that you wish to apply and say where you learned about the job

  • say why you are interested in the position and relate your interests to those of the company

  • show what you can contribute to the job by highlighting your most relevant skills and experience

  • indicate your willingness to attend an interview (and possibly state when you would be free to attend)

curriculum vitae (CV) - contains details of a candidate’s education and experience

job interview – a conversation between a candidate and a representative of the company to find out if the candidate suits the company.

Тема 3

management style - the amount of responsibility of any individual in a company depends on the position that he or she occupies in its hierarchy. Managers, for example, are responsible for leading the people directly under them, who are called subordinates. To do this successfully, they must use their authority, which is the right to take the decisions and give the orders that will allow their subordinates to reach certain objectives. Managers often delegate authority. This means that employees at lower levels of the company hierarchy can participate in decision-making. The characteristics of management often vary according to national culture, which can determine how managers are trained, how they lead people and how they approach their jobs.

negotiations - official discussions between the representatives of opposing groups, who are trying to reach an agreement, especially in business or politics.

Тема 4

marketing - is the term given to the different activities involved in distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer. The combination of the different elements of a company's marketing plan, such as product conception and development, promotion, pricing and packaging is known as the marketing mix.

advertising - is an important element of the marketing function. It is used to increase sale by making the product or service known to a wider audience, and by emphasising its superior qualities. A company can advertise in a variety of ways, depending on how much wishes to spend, and the size and type of the target audience. The different media for advertising include television, radio, newspapers, magazines and direct mail, by which advertisers send letters, brochures and leaflets directly to potential customers.

endorsement - saying in an advertisement the you use a particular product and like it.

target markets/marketing strategies - marketing and advertising specialists must carry out research to determine what customer want and to develop products which satisfy customer needs. A group of customers which shares a common interest, need or desire is called a market. Companies must determine which market would be most likely to buy a certain product and aim all their marketing activities at this target. Specialists use many different methods to divide markets into precise groups.

Тема 5.

franchising - can be defined as a business system in which a company (or franchisor) sells an individual (or franchisee) the right to operate a business using the franchisor's established system or format. The franchisee is thus able to take advantage of the franchisor's brand names, reputation and experience. As part of the contract (or franchise agreement) the franchisee pays an initial sum of money, known as a franchise (or front end) fee, to the franchisor and, in addition, agrees to pay a management services fee, which is usually calculated as a percentage of the annual turnover. In certain cases the franchisee may also pay an advertising fee to contribute to the franchisor's annual advertising and marketing costs. It is important to realise that the franchisee also has to put up the necessary capital to open the business. Once the contract has been agreed, the franchisor provides an operations manual which is a document containing all the information that the franchisee requires in order to manage his or her business.

Тема 6.

retailing - is the general term covering all forms of selling goods to the public. Retail businesses are usually classified according to the number of shops or outlets they have.

The smallest operations, such as local grocery or convenience stores are called single outlet retailers. These are independent businesses run from one shop. Small multiple retailers operate a maximum of nine shops, all selling the same range of products. Large multiple retailers (also known as chain stores) are the big names in the business, such as Marks and Spencer. These companies have large numbers of stores selling a wide variety of items. Some operate from out of town locations with parking facilities, known as either superstores (over 20,000 square feet) or hypermarkets (over 50,000 square feet). Department stores, such as Harrods in London, are large shops which sell a wide variety of products. They are organised in departments, each with its own manager, and are usually found in city centres.

Тема 7.

banking - the banking sector in the United Kingdom is made up of a variety of different institutions which are supervised by the country's central bank, The Bank of England. This bank not only looks after both the government's finance and monetary policy but it also acts as banker to other banks. However, for the general public and many businesses, banking services are provided by the Commercial Banks (also called the Clearing Banks) which have offices or branches throughout the country. These banks offer a wide range of banking services which include accepting deposits, making loans and managing their customers' accounts. Merchant Banks, on the other hand, do not deal with the public in general but specialise in providing services to companies or corporate customers. They are particularly active in arranging mergers and acquisitions and in advising on aspects of corporate finance.

Тема 8.

companies’ shares - when a company needs to raise money in order to grow, it can choose between two different options. It can issue shares (or parts of its capital) which can be bought by the general public. These shares are known as equities or ordinary shares, and are the most common form of share. When you buy shares in a company, you become a shareholder and own a part of (or have a stake in) that company. As part owner of a company, you can therefore make or lose money depending on the company's profits. If the company does make profits, it pays a sum of money per share, known as a dividend, to its shareholders usually twice a year. Companies can also borrow money from a bank or from the general public by issuing bonds which are loans with a fixed amount of interest to be paid each year. Each year, billions of pounds of shares are bought or sold (or traded) on the London Stock Exchange. In addition to the shares mentioned above, government stocks, or gilt-edged securities are also traded. These are loans issued by the government to help it fund its spending (building roads and hospitals, defence, etc.)

stock exchange – a market place where securities are bought and sold.

broker - acts on behalf of their clients to buy and sell shares

jobber - acts as wholesalers on their own behalf buying from, and selling to, brokers but not to the general public.

Тема 9.

small business - many of the larger businesses in the UK are public limited companies which means that the public is able to buy and sell their shares on the Stock Exchange. Such companies have the letters plc after their name, and examples include Marks and Spencer, Guinness and the National Westminster Bank. However, since the minimum share capital for a public limited company is Ј50,000, this makes it an unsuitable choice for small businesses, which are more likely to take one of the following forms:

Sole Trader or Sole Proprietor

This is the simplest way of starting a business. You are self-employed and entirely responsible for all aspects of running your own business. This is especially suitable for small retail businesses.


When two or more people want to start a business together they can set up a partnership and agree on how the business will be operated. All partners are responsible for the debts of the partnership and profits and losses are shared between them.

Private Limited Company

A company can be formed with a minimum of two people becoming its shareholders. In order to establish such a company, specific administrative procedures must be followed. For example, the shareholders must appoint a director and a company secretary. If the company goes out of business the responsibility of each shareholder is limited to the amount of money that they have contributed. A private limited company has the letters Ltd. (Limited) after its name.

business plan - information about one’s proposed business that includes:


Name of business

Type of business

Format (limited company, partnership etc.)

PERSONAL DETAILS Relevant work experience


Number of people/job function



Describe your market

Who are your customers?

Is your market growing, static or in decline?

Who are the main competitors?

What are the advantages of your product or service over the competition?


What sort of marketing or advertising do you intend to do?

PREMISES/MACHINERY/VEHICLES Where do you intend to locate the business and why? What sort and size of premises will you need? What machinery/vehicles do you require?


What objectives do you have for the business?




Тема 10.

insurance/risk - people buy insurance to protect themselves against the losses that may result from an accident or catastrophe. For example, a company involved in a major construction project may have all the necessary skills for completing the job but there is still an element of risk. Extreme weather conditions or a natural disaster could damage or destroy the work that has been done. To protect itself, the company can pay a sum of money - a premium - to an insurance company who will underwrite the risk or guarantee to provide financial compensation if such an event occurs. The exact details of this insurance are contained in the insurance policy which is a document showing the risks that have been insured against and the levels of compensation that will be paid.
Раздел 5. Практикум по решению задач (практических ситуаций) по темам лекций. Не предусмотрено
Раздел 6. Изменения в рабочей программе, которые произошли после утверждения программы

Характер изменений в программе

Номер и дата протокола заседания кафедры, на котором было принято данное решение

Подпись заведующего кафедрой, утверждающего внесенное изменение

Подпись декана факультета (проректора по учебной работе), утверждающего данное изменение

Раздел 7. Учебные занятия по дисциплине ведут:

Ф.И.О., ученое звание и степень преподавателя

Учебный год



Беличенко Е.А., к.филол.н., доцент


филологии и журналистики

050303 -иностранный язык с дополнительной специальностью
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Пояснительная записка деловой английский курс по выбору, разработанный для студентов 3 курса отделения иностранных языков ффиЖ. Курс «Деловой английский» iconРабочая программа курса по выбору «деловой английский»
Пояснительная записка деловой английский курс по выбору, разработанный для студентов 3 курса отделения иностранных языков ффиЖ. Курс «Деловой английский» iconПрограмма дисциплины Английский язык Для специальности 030501. 65 «Юриспруденция»
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