Деловой английский язык

НазваниеДеловой английский язык
Дата публикации06.07.2014
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ТипУчебное пособие
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L.B. Tkacheva, L.J. Voskresenskaya



Л.Б. Ткачева, Л.И. Воскресенская

Учебное пособие

для студентов высших

учебных заведений

Омск, 2000

ББК 81.2 Англ.+67.412.2я73


УДК 802.0:339.9(075)


Афанасьева Светлана Павловна, канд.филологических наук

Сорокалетов Владимир Петрович, канд.филологических наук


Шелов Сергей Дмитриевич, док. филологических наук
Ткачева Л.Б., Воскресенская Л.И.
Учебное пособие. - Омск: Изд-во ОмГТУ, 2000.

Данное пособие включает основные сведения по менеджменту, маркетингу, совместным предприятиям, финансово-банковской деятельности, контактам с зарубежными партнерами, деловой переписке, выставкам и контрактам на материале английских оригинальных источников, а также серии упражнений для усвоения соответствующей терминологии и развития разговорных навыков в сфере бизнеса.

Предназначено для студентов и преподавателей высших учебных заведений, а также для специалистов, занимающихся внешнеэкономической деятельностью.
© Л.Б. Ткачева

Л.И. Воскресенская
© Омский государственный технический университет, 2000


Part 1 Training

Section I Management ……………………………………………………………..5

Section II Marketing ………………………………………………………………15

Section III Joint venture ……………………………………………………………29

Section IV Banking and financing …………………………………………………48

Section V Fairs and exhibitions ……………………………………………………62

Section VI Business contacts ………………………………………………………78

Section VII Contracts and agreements ……………………………………………..90

Section VIII Business letters ……………………………………………….……..100

Part II Checking up and Getting the Knowledge of Business
Section I Check yourself up …………………………………………………….115

Section II Take into account ……………………………………………………….119

Section III Be aware of business …………………………………………………...124

Section IV Begin with you …………………………………………………………128

Section V Be open to joint venture …………………………………………………137

Section VI get in touch with your partner ………………………………………….140
Part I

Section I

There is no single approach to defining such concept as management. There exists the debatable question whether management is an art or a science. The majority of people use both. Shortly, management can be defined as skilful treatment the business or enterprise. The collective meaning of the word management is "the persons who are in charge of a business", which is equal to the Board of Directors. So, management implies the personnel who have the right to make decisions which regulate company's affairs. As a rule, Board of Directors manages the limited liability company or joint stock company. They are elected by the shareholders and are responsible for control of the company. The directors, in their turn, elect the managing director or general manager. The managing director is in charge of everyday running of the company and his duty is to coordinate the work of various department managers: Sales Manager, Personnel Manager, Chief Buyer, Chief Accountant and others.

So, there are three management levels: top, middle and operating. Top management includes the President, Vice president and the general manager. Middle management includes department managers, plant managers and production superintendents. Operating management includes supervisors, foremen and others.

The managers at any level are responsible for decision making. The decision making is the skill in choosing the best alternative. The decision making can be divided into five components: 1) installing the task; 2) defining and analyses of the task; 3) evaluation of alternative solutions; 4) choosing the most favourable one; 5) implementing the chosen solution.

Decision making is not easy work and demands a lot of definite qualities to possess. They are not given to a person by his birth, but they can be developed gradually. A good decision maker should possess the following traits:

  • analytical ability - the ability to separate a problem into parts, to consider them separately, then to integrate the facts;

  • conceptual or logical ability - the ability to consider all facts, to analyse them and collect into one concept;

  • intuinion - the ability to make an immediate decision, when it is urgently needed;

  • creativity - the property to generate new original ideas for reaching the best decision;

  • tolerance - the ability of a leader to cope with all unclear situations;

  • open - mindedness - the ability to listen to the opinion of the others, to their comments and suggestions.

In most business schools now six fundamental managerial skills are taught: creative insight, sensitivity, vision, versatility, focus, patience in order to reach the following tasks:

  • to set goals and to establish policies and procedures;

  • to organize, motivate, and control people;

  • to analyse situations and to formulate strategic and operating plans;

  • to react to changes bringing new strategies into reality;

  • to produce significant growth, profitability and return on investment.

Management Made Simple, 1970

Exercise I. Remember the correct pronounciation of these words:
debatable [d'ıbeıt bl]

majority [m 'd riti]

imply [im'plai]

decision [di'si n]

liability [¸lai 'biliti]

supervisor ['sju:p vaiz ]

component [k m'poun nt]

analysis [ 'næl sis]

analyzing ['æn laizi ]

conceptual [k n'septju l]

managerial [mæn 'd i ri l]

vision ['vi n]

procedure [pr 'si:d ]
Exercise II. Learn the following English terms and their Russian equivalents. Give your own sentences with them.
сoncept - понятие

treatment - управление

board of directors - совет директоров

decision - решение

to manage - управлять

limited liability company - компания с ограниченной ответственностью

joint stock company - акционерное общество

shareholder - акционер

general-manager - генеральный директор

sales manager - коммерческий директор

personnel manager - начальник отдела кадров

chief accountant - главный бухгалтер

production superintendent - начальник производства

supervisor - управляющий

foreman - мастер

trait - черта характера, характеристика
Exercise III. Read the following verbs and verbal phrases and pay attention to the prepositions used after them:
to define as…

to be in charge of…

to be equal to…

to be responsible for…

to divide into…

to have a lot of…

to give to…

to cope with…
Exercise IV. Look through the text to find the English equivalents of the following terms and give the sentences with them:
компания с ограниченной ответственностью, управление, решение, понятие, характеристика, управляющий, генеральный директор, совет директоров, главный бухгалтер, начальник отдела кадров.
Exercise V. Find in the text the sentences that correspond to the following statements:

  1. There is no common opinion in defining the notion of management.

  2. There is a dispute question about the nature of such phenomenon as management.

  3. Management can be defined as skillful handling the business.

  4. Sometimes management defines the group of people who rule a business.

  5. The word management presupposes the guidence of the company's affairs.

  6. The limited liability company is owned by the stockholders.

  7. The Board of Directors appoints the general manager.

  8. The managing director runs up the work of all departments of the company.

  9. The managers of all stages are in charge of decisions admitted.

  10. Any manager should have the ability to make the proper decision.

Exercise VI. Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Менеджмент - это совокупность принципов, методов, средств и форм управления производством.

  2. Система управления разрабатывается с целью повышения эффективности производства и увеличения прибыли.

  3. Существуют различные разделы менеджмента: внутрифирменное планирование, управление персоналом, управление производством, управление снабжением и сбытом, управление финансовой, экономической и коммерческой деятельностью и т.д.

  4. Совместное предприятие - это предприятие, созданное на базе национальной экономики с привлечением иностранного капитала.

  5. Общество с ограниченной ответственностью - это форма товарищества, которая отвечает перед кредиторами только своим имуществом, а иногда и вкладами пайщиков.

Exercise VII. Answer the questions about the text:

  1. How is the concept " management" defined in modern economy?

  2. What is the Board of Directors?

  3. What in the duty of the manager-general?

  4. What departments are there at any large enterprise?

  5. What levels constitute the sphere of management?

  6. What is the duty of the manager at any level?

  7. What traits should the manager possess?

  8. What skills are necessary to have for the proper management?

Exercise VIII. Find in the dictionary the definitions of the synonyms with the meaning of "управлять, руководить":
to manage, to supervise, to drive, to lead, to run, to handle, to guide, to direct, to control, to coordinate.
Exercise IX. Read the text and divide it into some meaningful parts, giving the proper title to each of them.
General Concept on Management
As a rule, the objectives of various enterprises differ. Usually, their concerns are limited by law, but they are often invested with functions, that affect the nature and quality of the end product. Such functions are: technical, business and engineering ones. A possible breakdown of the technical functions would be: a) direct activity, including technology and b) indirect activities, including testing and research engineering, personnel relations, public relations, accounting and budgeting. The former appear to constitute the "production" of the company, the line activities; the latter are primarily auxiliary to the main purpose.

Business functions include budget control, accounting and auditing, records, purchasing, personnel management, property control and office operations.

Engineering functions consists of planning, programming, research, materials control.

Management concerns the guidence of the staff firstly. That's why much attention should be given to personnel relations and public relations. Organisation may provide the framework, but it takes people to do the job. Effective personnel administration involves more than hiring and firing. It is important to understand the motivations of individuals in relation to their jobs. Beyond fair compensation and attractive working conditions, employees are interested in participation, recognition, opportunity, security, and communication. So, there is scope for progressive management if it actively uses recruitment program and in-service training for higher positions. Well-developed and widely understood systems of promotion and transfer are conductive to good employee relations.

The development of internal relations in an organisation is a major factor in achieving a high level of performance. But it has the further purpose of improving the external relations of the organisation with the environment in which it must work. Successful and satisfied employees are the organisation's best salesmen, especially in the public service.

Public relations are considered as external contacts. The external relations of any organisation are important. It has been said that performance plus reporting equals public relations. So, the goal of good business policy is a "higher" value in the scale of management commitments in the public service.

Highway Engineereing Handbook, 1960.

Exercise X. Write a summary of the text according to the following plan:

  1. This text may be divided into… paragraphs;

  2. The 1 st (2 nd…) paragraph may be called …

  3. The keywords of the 1 st (2 nd…) paragraph are…

  4. The main idea of the text is…

  5. We (I) have found out from the text about…

  6. It is worth mentioning the following…

  7. It is interesting to know that…

  8. It is possible to say that…

Exercise XI. Reproduce the main text, using the words given in Exercises II, III, IV.
Exercise XII.: Practise talking about:

  1. Imagine that you are a businessman going to open a new firm. Define its trend and compose a business plan for the new enterprise.

  2. Why have you decided to become a businessman? Characterize the situation and the stage of setting up your business.

  3. Determine the ways of choosing the business, its trends in economy and your steps in choosing the right business for you.

  4. Give the information about organisational structure of your enterprise. What are managerial functions and what personal traits should the manager possess for successful work?

  5. You are the manager of a firm. Give your principles of hiring the staff; what tasks you will put before your personnel.

Exercise XIII. Read and learn the following flashes of conversation. Use them in your own dialogues.

Do you have any notion about the administrative and selling expenses of this enterprise?

Вы знаете что-либо об административ-но-управленческих и сбытовых расходах этого предприятия?

No, I woudn't, but I have some notion about actual sales.

Пожалуй, нет, но я имею представление об объеме сбыта.

Did you take part in preparing on annual account?

Вы принимали участие в подготовке годового отчета?

No, it doesn't sound like that. I've only given some information about the ample funds.

Я только дал информацию об избыточных фондах.

What is your company appraisal?

Какова оценка Вашей компании?

Firstly, it follows the competitive strategy model and, secondly, its manufacturing is computer sided.

Во-первых, она действует согласно конкурентной стратегии и, во-вторых, ее производство автоматизировано.

Who controls your company?

Кто управляет Вашей компанией?

The board of directors fulfills that function. But we also have some divisions and each of them has its own president and general manager.

Совет директоров выполняет эту функцию. Но у нее также есть несколько подразделений, и каждое из них имеет своего президента и главного администратора.

Don't you suffer from the employee attendance?

Вы не испытываете трудности с текучестью кадров?

Absolutely not. We feel employee satisfaction using the face-to-face method and flexitime. We also have a system of follow-up management education.

Абсолютно нет, мы удовлетворены наймом, поскольку используем метод "лицом к лицу" (оценка деловых качеств работника) и гибкий рабочий день. Мы также имеем систему повышения квалификации по управлению.

But have you any forecasting system?

А есть у Вас какая-либо система прогнозирования?

Oh, yes, our forecasting department has its own team that forecasts sale, return, errors and result of the enterprise activities.

О, да, наша группа прогнозирования высказывает предположения о сбыте, прибыли, ошибках и результатах работы предприятия.

Do you use global modelling?

Используете ли Вы глобальное моделирование?

Certainly, it helps to carry the general market survey and clears out the foreign exchange conditions.

Конечно, оно помогает проводить общее обследование рынка сбыта и выявляет курс иностранной валюты.

I'd like to return to the management system existing at your enterprise.

Я хотел бы вернуться к системе управления, существующей на Вашем предприятии.

We have some management advisory committees and a management consultancy where one may get exact information about the management technology and training. The managerial work force is the main problem of each enterprise.

У нас есть несколько управленческих консультационных комитетов и управленческая консультация, где можно получить точную информацию о технологии управления и подготовке руководителей. Управленческие кадры - это основная проблема каждого предприятия.

Who is responsible for the operational structure?

Кто отвечает за операционную структуру (функционирование системы)?

The internal consultant of the enterprise.

Внутренний консультант (штатный специалист по совершенствованию управления).

Have you a planning department?

У Вас есть отдел планирования?

Yes, we have. It helps much in the planning process as well as the production department gives support to the production study and planning.

Да, он очень помогает в процессе принятия управленческого решения, точно также, как производственный отдел помогает нам в изучении планирования производства.

Exercise XIV. Work in groups of two or three, talk about management:
a) You are the managers of two different enterprises. What their types and the structural organisation of their departments are.

b) The manager and the vice-manager are discussing the distribution of duties between the personnel.

c) The manager and the sales manager are discussing the strategic and tactical planning of the work.

d) The employer is interviewing a job hunter about the perspectives of getting work at the firm.

  1. The manager-general and all department managers are discussing the problem of increasing or declining the production and correspondingly the growth or reduction of the number of the employees.


audit service

услуги по ревизии баланса и отчетности


маклер, посредник

clearing/bearing of charges

покрытие расходов

competitive pressure

давление со стороны конкурентов

entrepreneurial expertise

предпринимательские знания и опыт

entrepreneureal income

доход от предпринимательской деятельности

entrepreneureal work

предпринимательская деятельность


предприниматель, делец, хозяин малого предприятия

enterprise accounting

отчетность предприятия

expenditure, outlay






free (private) enterprise

свободное (частное) предпринимательство

free enterprise economy

экономика свободного предпринимательства

general manager

главный управляющий, директор-распорядитель

general accountant

главный бухгалтер

general agency

генеральное агентство

general agent

генеральный агент

general expenses

общие накладные

income and expenditure/outlay

приход и расход

overhead expenses

накладные расходы

problem analysis

проблемный анализ

problem situation

проблемная студия


разрешение проблем

production control

управление производством

production agreement

производственное соглашение

product planning

планирование продукции

product type

тип продукции

profit component

комиссионный сбор

profit improvement

увеличение прибыли

profit planning

планирование прибыли

profit sharing

распределение прибыли

programmed learning

программированное обучение

project team

целевая группа

qualitative forecasting

качественное прогнозирование

quality control

контроль качества, управление качеством

raw material stocks

запасы сырья

recruiting source

источник найма рабочей силы

relative price

относительная цена

release reject rules

нормативы технического контроля

repair services

ремонтная служба

responsible official

ответственное лицо

risk analysis

анализ риска

risk management computer system

компьютерная система управления с компьютером риска

salary control

управление заработной платой

salary structure

структура зарплаты

sales manager

управляющий по сбыту


агенты по сбыту

sales revenue

доходы от сбыта

selection criteria

критерии отбора работников при приеме на работу

short-term planning

краткосрочное планирование

small batch production

мелкосерийное производство

software package

пакет прикладных программ

staff activities

деятельность персонала

starting capital

начальный капитал

strategic management

стратегическое управление

strategic planning

стратегическое планирование

strict liability

прямая ответственность

supply firm


tactical planning

тактическое планирование

technical writing

подготовка технической документации

technological breakthrough

технологический процесс

technological change

изменение технологии

top management

высшая администрация

trade relations

торговые связи

venture analysis

анализ рискованных предложений

wage structure

структура зарплаты

work measurement

нормирование труда

work structuring

организация труда

working expenses

расходы предприятия

Types of enterprises


предприятие, фирма, компания

distributing enterprise

торговое предприятие

family enterprise

семейное предприятие

farm enterprise

сельскохозяйственное предприятие

financially autonomous enterprise

хозрасчетное предприятие

joint venture

совместное предприятие

mixed enterprise

смешанное предприятие

multi-activity enterprise

многоотраслевое предприятие

multi-unit enterprise


non-profit enterprise

некоммерческое предприятие

parent company

головное предприятие

self-financing enterprise

хозрасчетное предприятие

state enterprise

государственное предприятие

subsidiary (sister) company

дочернее предприятие

uneconomic small enterprise

неэкономичное малое предприятие

Section II
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Предназначена студентам 4 курса по направлению подготовки Международные отношения – 030700. 62 и 5 курса специальности Регионоведение...
Деловой английский язык iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
Деловой английский язык для магистров-экономистов: Учебно-метод комплекс. Ростов н/Д: Изд-во скагс, 2010. 46 с

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