Деловой английский язык

НазваниеДеловой английский язык
Дата публикации06.07.2014
Размер1.43 Mb.
ТипУчебное пособие
100-bal.ru > Маркетинг > Учебное пособие
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Marketing concept began to develop from 1930 when great emphasis was placed on selling. In order to sell successfully and earn the profit it is necessary to identify the needs of potential customers. For gaining that goal all resources of the enterprise should be directed to realize its goods or services. To realize that task the proper market should be determined. To evaluate the market in which the business exists it is necessary to analyze the attitude of the customers and competition. The attitude of the customers depends on the composition of the population. The profitable business should take into account and analyze the following characteristics of the population: education, income, employment, ethnic composition, average family size, age groups.

In order to accomplish its objectives, the business should develop marketing policies providing opportunities for satisfaction of customers' needs and getting profit. To make effective marketing policy, it is necessary to develop the marketing strategy of the enterprise. This strategy includes two elements: the market segment and the market mix. The market segment is the part of the market where your business can develop surely and profitably, resisting competition and getting good will of the customers. In other words the market segment may be called target market. The market mix is intended for achieving the customers' satisfaction and profitability. It consists of four elements referred to as the four Ps: the product, the place, the price and the promotion. Otherwise, in the market it is necessary to have the right product, at the right time, in the right place and to call attention to it by means of advertizing. All those actions constitute the process of marketing. The task of marketing is to find customers and find out what they need. Thus, it is possible to say that marketing is such business activity that directs the flow of goods and services from producer to consumers. One should not forget that such activity includes product transportation, storage, pricing, advertizing and selling with maximal satisfaction of customers' needs and earning profit.

There are various types of marketing: macro, micro, differential, non-differential, conversional, concentrated, mass, supporting, counteracting synchromarketing.

All that is indispensible part of economy, which, in its turn, is typically divided into two parts: macroeconomics and microeconomics. The former studies the aggregate economic behavior of the economy as a whole, the latter – the individual behavior in the economy, of the components of the larger economy.

The distinction between macro- and microeconomics is also reflected in discussions of business investment. In macroeconomics we want to know what determines the aggregate rate of business investment and how those expenditures influence the nation’s total output, employment, and prices. In microeconomics we focus on the decisions of individual businesses regarding the rate of production, the choice of factors of production, and the pricing of specific goods.

Marketing, 1987

The microeconomy to-day, 1991

Exercise I. Remember the correct pronounciation of these words:

emphasis [‘emf sis]

resource [ri’s :s]

characteristics [,kǽrikt ’ristiks]

streategy [‘strǽtid i]

advertising [‘ǽdv taiziη]

microeconomics [‘maikrou,ik ’ miks]

macroeconomics [‘makrou,ik ’n miks]

Exercise II. Learn the following English terms and their Russian equivalents. Give your own sentences with them:

to accomplish objectives – достигать целей;

to provide opportunities – предоставлять возможности;

market segment – сектор рынка;

market mix – состав рынка;

differential marketing – дифференцированный маркетинг;

concentrated market – концентрированный рынок;

supporting market – поддерживающий рынок;

counteracting market - противодействующий рынок;

synchromarketing – синхромаркетинг.

Exercise III. Read the following verbs and verbal phrases and pay attention to the prepositions used after them:

to depend on…

to take into account…

to provide for…

to be intended for…

to consist of…

to refer to…

to divide into…

Exercise IV. Look through the text to find the English equivalents of the following terms and give the sentences with them:

делать упор на что-либо;

определять потребности;

достигать целей;

оценить возможности рынка;

состав населения;

сектор рынка;

состав рынка;

целевой рынок.

Exercise V. Find in the text the sentences that correspond to the following statements:

  1. Marketing notion arised when great attention was devoted to selling.

  2. For achieving its purposes, the profitable business should mect the requirements of perspective buyers.

  3. To realize effective marketing program, it is necessary to work out the marketing strategy of the organisation.

  4. The market mix is aimed to meeting the customers needs and getting profit.

  5. The market segment is the niche where you can cope with the competition and make marketing more effective taking into account the interests of your customers.

Exercise VI. Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Макромаркетинг – система хозяйственной деятельности в рамках какого-либо региона по направлению потока товаров или услуг от производителя к потребителю на основе всестороннего и глубокого знания рынка.

  2. Микромаркетинг – деятельность предприятий, фирм, направленная на рынок производства и сбыта товаров и предоставление услуг, удовлетворяющих потребности настоящих и потенциальных покупателей.

  3. Дифференцированный маркетинг – это участие продавца в нескольких сегментах одного рынка с разработкой для каждого из них конкретных предложений.

  4. Недифференцированный маркетинг – это обращение ко всем сегментам рынка одновременно с одним и тем же предложением.

  5. Конверсионный маркетинг – это вид маркетинга, задачей которого является содействовать зарождению спроса на товар или услугу, не пользующиеся спросом в данный момент.

  6. Концентрированный маркетинг – это концентрация маркетинговых усилий на большой доле одного рынка или нескольких сегментах.

  7. Массовый маркетинг – при котором продавец занимается массовым производством, распространением и стимулированием сбыта одного и того же продукта (товара, услуг) для всех или большей части покупателей.

  8. Поддерживающий маркетинг используется, когда уровень и структура спроса на товары и услуги полностью соответсвует предложению на рынке.

  9. Противодействующий маркетинг заключается в ликвидации или снижении спроса на товары или услуги, потребление которых нежелательно с точки зрения благополучия потребителей.

  10. Синхромаркетинг возникает при колеблющемся спросе на товары и услуги, который характеризуется сезонными или другими колебаниями, не совпадающими по времени с предложением.

Exercise VII. Answer the questions about the text:

  1. What is the aim of marketing?

  2. How are the purposes of marketing realized?

  3. What elements does the marketing strategy consist of?

  4. What does the market segment refer to?

  5. What is the market mix intended for?

  6. What are the ways of goods promotion?

  7. What types of marketing do you know?

  8. What is the difference between macroeconomics and microeconomics?

Exercise VIII. Find in the dictionary the definitions of the synonyms with the meaning of “прибыль, доход”:

dividend, profit, earning, income, reward, advantage, yield, receipt, revenue.

Exercise IX. Read the text and divide it into some meaningful parts, giving the proper title to each of them:

The market development situation presents an interesting strategic challenge. Management can influence the direction of market development, but it faces the risk of creating a future competitive disadvantage. Marketing advantages can be achieved in various ways, the finding of which is not easy.

A good marketing strategy is a combination of penetrating analyses, sound judgement, and an intuitive sense of what is appropriate for the situation. Strategy selection is facilitated if one divides the task into two parts. First, the strategic fit of the options under consideration is determined; second, important selection criteria are used to identify alternatives that appear the most promising.

The marketing strategy selected by each corporation is matched to the strategic factors that are important in its competitive area.

Marketing strategy helps to determine whether a business can survive and grow in to day’s highly competitive business environment. A marketing advantage is essential for all firms. Customer satisfaction is the responsibility of everyone on the corporate team, not just those assigned to marketing positions.

Exercise X. Write a summary of the text with the following phrases:

  1. It is well-known, that…

  2. Unfortunately, there may be…

  3. A large number of…

  4. It is believed that…

  5. As the practice shows…

  6. The latest studies say, that…

  7. It is a matter of concern…

  8. Referring to…

  9. The close consideration of…

Exercise XI. Reproduce the main text, using the words given in Exercises II, III, IV.

Exercise XII. Practise talking about:

  1. Talk about the activity of your enterprise that gives you the right to consider that you are engaging in marketing;

  2. You are going to become a businessman. Work out your marketing plan?

  3. What the marketing strategy of your firm in selling machines is.

  4. While you were making your business, the competition has greatly increased. What steps will you undertake to overcome the difficulties and to stay in your marketing niche?

  5. Inform your employees about of the factors evaluating the widening of the market in footwear trading (characteristics of the population, competition, attitude of the customers, climatic zones, season and so on).

Exercise XIII. Read and learn the following flashes of conversation. Use them in your own dialogues:

Are you a market researcher?

Вы занимаетесь исследованием рынка?

Yes, I am interested in market structure.

Да, я интересуюсь структурой рынка.

Do you work in the marketing services firm?

Вы работаете в фирме, оказы-вающей маркетинговые услуги?

No, I work in the marketing science Institute.

Нет, я работаю в институте маркетинговых исследований.

Oh, I know your Institute cooperates with a local business development company.

Я знаю, что ваш институт cотруд-ничает с местной компанией, ока- зывающей консультационные маркетинговые услуги.

Yes, you are right. Our representative investigates business (advertizing) and business-to-business advertising there.

Да, вы правы. Наш представитель исследует рекламу для предприятий и предпринимателей.

Have they an advertizing department?

У них есть отдел рекламы?

And what are the advertizing expenditure?

Каковы же затраты на рекламу?

It is difficult to say as that is the question to advertizing people.

Трудно сказать, это вопрос к специалистам по рекламе.

I carry a product and try to find a cash buyer.

У меня есть в наличии товар и я ищу покупателя за наличный расчет.

In this case you should address the Chief Executive Officer.

В таком случае Вам следует обратить-ся к главному управляющему фирмы.

I don’t think so. I better need the circulation department.

Я не думаю, скорее нужен отдел распространения рекламы.

Why, in my opinion you need to use a cold call if your product has a competitive capacity. But probably it is better for you to have a counter-trade.

Нет, по-моему, Вам необходимо сделать представление без предоставления продукции («лобовой прием»). Если Ваш товар конку-рентоспособен, то, вероятно, для Вас лучше зак-лючить бартерную сделку.

To tell the truth I prefer to deal with preferential customers though it doesn’t enlarge the sales opportunity.

По правде говоря, я предпочитаю иметь дело с постоянными покупате-лями, пользующимися льготами, хотя это не расширяет возможности сбыта.

Is your customer service well organized?

У вас хорошо организовано обслужи-вание клиентов (покупателей)?

Yes, we have a permanent customer mix as our products are usually custom-made.

Да, мы имеем постоянный состав клиентуры, поскольку нам товары обычно делаются на заказ (индивиду-ально).

Then I haven’t grasped the idea of your coming here with the product. Have you demarketing?

Тогда я не понял, почему Вы прибыли сюда с Вашим товаром. У Вас понизился покупа-тельский спрос (из-за повышения цены или сокраще-ния средств на рекламу и обслужи-вание)?

It doesn’t sound like that. It is the case when some customers turned to be deadbeats.

Не совсем так. Дело в том, что несколько клиентов, оформивших заказ на товар, не оплатили его.

Consequently you have some difficulty in the diffusion of innovation.

Следовательно, Вы испытываете затруднения в распространении новинки (нового товара).

In this case you should use a direct marketing if you have a staff of direct-sales representatives.

В таком случае Вы должны использо-вать прямой маркетинг, если у Вас есть штат коммивояжеров.

In general each firm should have some experienced direct sellers.

Вообще каждая фирма должна иметь несколько специалистов прямого маркетинга.

I completely agree with you, but now I see the weak point of our firm marketing: that is the coverage error. Not always we use a direct mail too.

Я полностью согласен с Вами, но сейчас я вижу слабое место нашего маркетинга – это ошибка в охвате рекламной аудитории. Мы также не всегда используем прямую почтовую рекламу.

Sometimes we ignore the advertizing copy and even drop method.

Иногда мы просто игнорируем текст рекламного объявления и метод «по капле» (постоянное напоминание покупателям о товаре).

But then the forgetting rate will increase.

Но тогда увеличивается «забы-ваемость» товара.

It doesn’t trouble us as we have a frequent-purchase program.

Это не беспокоит нас, поскольку мы имеем программу увеличения сбыта.

Exercise XIV. Work in pairs of two or three and talk about marketing:

  1. You would like to set up a small business enterprise; discuss its trend with you co-partner.

  2. You are the manager of a food producing enterprise; discuss the demands to your new product with your dealer.

  3. Discuss with your advertising manager the effective means of promotion of your product which is not in great demand.

  4. Discuss with one or some of your customers why it is difficult to sell durable consumer goods.

  5. Being a manager of the firm you are discussing with your department managers the marketing strategy of your firm in order to increase the production and selling of your goods.


advertising expenditure

затраты на рекламу

advertising expert

специалист по рекламе

advertising media

средства рекламы



baby billeboard

мини-щиты для рекламы

basic selling idea

основная коммерческая идея

bell cow

товар фирмы, лидирующей на рынке

big ticket item

дорогостоящий товар


высокий спрос на изделие в розничной торговле

body copy

основной текст рекламного объявления


товары низкого качества в претенциозной упаковке


товарная марка

broad business philosophy

философия маркетинга

broadcast advertisement

радио или телереклама


раздувание цен на товары широкого спроса

b-b (business-to-business) advertising

реклама для предпринимателей

business development company

компания, оказывающая консуль-тационные маркетинговые услуги

business market

рынок специализированных товаров

buying center

центр закупок

buying guide

руководство по закупкам

carry a product

иметь в наличии товар


покупатель за наличный расчет

catalogue retailing

розничная торговля по каталогу

catalogue showroom

магазин-склад для покупки товаров по каталогу

chief executive officer

главный управляющий, директор-распорядитель фирмы


традиционный товар

commodity group

товарная группа

communications gap

отсутствие взаимопонимания

competition analysis (corporate spying)

промышленный шпионаж

competitive behaviour

конкурентное поведение

competitive capacity


consumer goods advertiser

рекламодатель товаров широкого потребления

consumer information

информация для потребителей

consumer market-place

потребительский рынок



convenience goods

товары повседневного спроса


текст рекламного объявления

copy chief

руководитель службы рекламных текстов

corporate brochure

рекламный проспект фирмы

corporate seminar

деловой семинар по вопросам маркетинга


бартерная торговля, бартерная сделка

customer service

обслуживание клиентов


дилер (посредник)

decision maker

ответственное лицо фирмы


демаркетинг (понижение покупательского спроса)


прямой маркетинг

direct-sales representative


distribution system

система распределения


неходовой товар


новинка на рынке (о товаре)

export market

рынок для экспорта (экспортный рынок)

flat year

неудачный для фирмы год

foreign investment

иностранное капиталовложение


франшиза (право на продажу товара, предоставляемое производителем какой-то торговой фирме, и торговая фирма, получившая такое право)

frequent-buyer (purchase) program

программа увеличения сбыта

global marketing

глобальный маркетинг (всемирный маркетинг без учета национальной особенности отдельных стран)

heavy buyer

постоянный активный покупатель

hidden (buried) offer

скрытое коммерческое предложение

high-profile company

фирма с хорошей репутацией, интенсивно занимающаяся рекламой

industrial advertisement

промышленная реклама

industrial advertiser

рекламодатель на сферу промышленного производства

investment introduction

введение товара на рынок с помощью инвестиций


ходовой товар

key customer

основной клиент

large-scale consumer

оптовый потребитель


выпуск нового товара на рынок


тонкая рекламная брошюра

line (product line)

товарная серия

list broker

адресный маклер (посредник, представляющий адресные списки одной фирмы другой)

listing fees

плата за рекламные услуги

low-pressure advertising

ненавязчивая реклама




снижение установленной ранее розничной цены

markdown censelation

повышение цены, ранее сниженной


продажеспособный (товар)

market analysis

анализ рынка

market audit

ревизия рынка

market behaviour

состояние рынка сбыта

market development

становление рынка


фирма, осуществляющая маркетинг своего товара; рекламодатель

market exploration

изучение рынка

market factor

рыночный фактор

market failure

провал рынка

market intelligence

маркетинговая разведка

marketing tool

маркетинговый прием

market penetration

проникновение на рынок

market price

рыночная цена

market representative

представитель торговой фирмы

market share

рыночная доля

market strategy

рыночная стратегия

market structure analysis

анализ структуры рынка

market study

изучение рынка


розничная наценка


средства рекламы (печать, радио, телевидение)

media advertising expenditures

затраты на рекламу

media buyer

рекламный агент

merchandise catalogue

товарный каталог

merchandise manager

управляющий по торговле

money center bank

крупный коммерческий банк

negotiated price

договорная цена

nonbusiness advertising

некоммерческая реклама

on-the-spot market study

изучение рынка на месте

order-getting cost

стоимость маркетинговых затрат

outlay costs

затраты, cвязанные с производством и транспортировкой товара


повышенный спрос на товар


перенасыщение рынка товаром

package insert

рекламный вкладыш в упаковку товара

parent (proprietary) company

"родительская" фирма, контро-лирующая деятельность "дочерних фирм"

participating dealer

посредник, участвующий в рекламной кампании

paying capacity


payout plan

план затрат


финансовые льготы


снятие товара с рынка

planning board

группа планирования

point-of-purchase (pop)

(рор) - место продажи товара

preference item

предпочтительный товар

price development

динамика цен

price line

категория цен

price level

уровень цен

potential foreign market

потенциальный зарубежный рынок

print advertisement

рекламное объявление в печати

private label, dealer's brand

марка торгового посредника

producer goods

товары промышленного назначения

product introduction

выведение товара на рынок

product knowledge

знание товара

product manager

управляющий по товару

product watch

наблюдение за товарами на рынке

proprietary goods

запатентованные товары

publicity department

отдел рекламы и пропаганды на фирме-изготовителе

purchasing capacity

покупательская способность

qualified buyer

"выгодный" покупатель

query card

карточка запроса


торговый агент

retail chain

сеть розничных магазинов одной фирмы

roll out

выпускать на рынок


появление новых товаров на рынке

saleable article

ходовой товар

sales (selling area )

торговый зал

sales claim (selling point)

коммерческий аргумент

sales manager

управляющий службой сбыта

sales opportunity

возможность сбыта

sales representative

торговый агент

saturation compaign

компания по насыщению рынка определенным товаром

screen ad


selling force

торговый персонал


успешная продажа товара на рынке

shopping guide

торговый путеводитель

shopping information

торговая информация

soft-sell advertising

ненавязчивая реклама

special price

цена со скидкой

specialty goods

товары особого спроса




спонсорские услуги


высококачественный товар

status product

престижный товар

strong market

сильный рынок, на котором спрос превышает предложение

test marketing

пробный маркетинг


не очень крупный предприниматель и рекламодатель

zip code

почтовый индекс

Section III.

Joint Venture


As Canadian companies develop, many businessmen look to the export market as an area for expended sales. In so doing, they often face tariff and non-tariff barriers erected by various countries to restrict imports and encourage local industry. In is possible, however, to penetrate these barriers by way of a joint venture in the target country. This paper suggests some considerations to be kept in mind in the development of international joint ventures.

Market study

The first step toward a joint-venture investment is a market study. One can narrow down the choice of potential host countries by preliminary studies done right here in Canada. Sources of information are: the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, which includes the very helpful Trade Commissioner Service, the Canadian International Development Agency, Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce, trade publications, and so on.

On-site visit

Having selected a potential foreign market, the next step is to visit the chosen country and do an on-spot market study as carefully as you would do a market study for a new product line or a new plant investment in Canada.

You will want to be assured that your product meets the market need or can be adapted to it in terms of specifications and designs. You will want information on price levels, the transportation and distribution system, the availability or local skills at the factory and administrative level, the extent of local educational and training facilities, the local competitors and their strengths and weaknesses. If you plan to begin the venture by shipping parts from Canada for assembly in the host country, you will want to know the customs regulations, valuations duties and the efficiency of ports of entry.

You may find during this exercise that some countries do not wish to have your particular product or plant. Such countries have concluded that additional plants in your product line will only fragment the market or threaten existing companies.

If you plan to sell to government departments or agencies, do not assume that you will have an equal and fair opportunity to bid on tenders. Very carefully check with the local authorities as to whether or not you have a chance of becoming an authorized supplier. You should also determine if there are any language requirements that could present problems in conducting business.

Initial representation

If you decide to test the market by exporting from Canada, you must choose your agent carefully, ensuring that he/she has the marketing skills necessary to represent you. In reaching agreement with your agent, you must keep in mind your longer-term objective of manufacturing your product locally so that the length of your agreement can be established accordingly.

Further discussions

In general, governments appreciate that foreign investment can, and in most cases does, bring substantial benefits to their economies. This is especially true of development nations. However, it is necessary to keep in perspective the objectives and desired benefits which are sought by the host government through such investment. These may include job creation, regional development, the development of technical skills and local technology, and benefits to local suppliers. Discussions with the relevant local authorities will indicate if your particular project conforms to the social and economic goals of the host country.

In addition to discussions with government officials, you are also advised to discuss the investment climate with local banks. Canadian banks, the Export Development Corporation, are with foreign investory already operating in the country.

Choise of partners

When you have decided to establish a manufacturing facility or to invest in resource development in a foreign country, you face the task of choosing a partner. We at Canada Wire believe this to be the most important consideration in the establishment of a joint venture. Since our company has a policy of taking a minority interest in overseas partnerships, you will understand the importance we place in choosing a partner.

Finding an appropriate partner requires a careful identification and selection process. The key to making the right choice is identifying a common interest on both the short and long term. Complementary characteristics and complete mutual trust are also crucial. Our company's experience indicates that a period of one year or understanding or the absence of common interest can be identified during the course of an extendive and extended evaluation process. It may happen, for example, that while partners share common short-term goals, their long-term goals conflict. Differences can either be resolved or be the basis for withdrawal from proposed partnership.

Local management

Our company believes that the joint venture should be managed by local people. They are more sensitive to the political, social and economic conditions in which the company must operate and they are better able to represent the company to the customers, the government and the people. While our company may provide short-term expertise in some aspects of the business, reliance is placed on local management. It is therefore important that partners possess first-class management skills.

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