Учебное пособие по академической письменной речи Барнаул

НазваниеУчебное пособие по академической письменной речи Барнаул
Дата публикации19.02.2015
Размер0.57 Mb.
ТипУчебное пособие
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Sample 2.


Texas Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

1103 West 24th Street, Austin, Texas 78705

February 11, 20…
Dear Mr. Black,

We are pleased to inform you that your presentation at the 20 .. TEXTESOL III Spring Conference has been scheduled as follows:

Date: February 19 (Saturday)

Time: 11:10 - 11:40

Room: Padre Island
The conference site is the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Town Lake between Congress Ave. and South 1st St. Our registration and exhibits area is on the entrance level.

You will probably want to arrive around 8 a.m. in order to pick up your conference program book and badge before the first session begins at 8:30.

At the plenary session Mary Ann Brewer will speak on “The Power of Story as a Teaching Tool”.

Also, you won’t want to miss our luncheon speaker, David Fleming, author and school teacher, who will talk about teaching experiences and tell a story that demonstrates the arbitraries of barriers between people.

The final sessions are scheduled to end at 4:40 and the drawing for $100 scholarships for travel to TESOL in Baltimore will be held in the registration area at that time.

We would like to remind you to preregister for the conference if you have not already done so.

If you have any questions about the program schedule, please contact Patricia Jobe at PatJobe@edu.com.

Sincerely yours,

The Program Committee

2.Translate into English.

1)Рады сообщить Вам, что Ваш доклад включен в программу ХХ международной конференции «Современные методы лечения сердечнососудистых заболеваний», которая состоится в Милане 24-27 июня 20.. г.

2) Ваше выступление назначено на 12 июля с 9:30 до 9:50.

3 ) Пленарное заседание начнется в 9:30 утра докладом д-ра Мерлинга из Массачусетского технологического института.

4) Продолжительность доклада на секционных заседаниях – 15 минут, на обсуждение докладов отводится 5 минут.

5) Культурная программа конференции включает обед в тайском ресторане и экскурсию по городу.

6) Хотим напомнить Вам о необходимости зарегистрироваться для участия в конференции, если Вы еще этого не сделали.
3. Write a letter of invitation to a participant of an international conference. Use the samples above.

Section 5. Summary and Summary-Analysis Writing.

Аннотация. Реферат.


Аннотация или реферат (summary) представляет собой объективное и краткое изложение основных идей одного или нескольких текстов: книги (нескольких книг), статьи (статей), научного отчета, очерка, диссертации и т.д. Для того, чтобы написать реферат (summary), необходимо:

1) Быстро просмотреть текст, отметить основные идеи.

2) Прочитать текст во второй раз, стараясь выделить основную информацию.

3) Найти главные предложения в каждом абзаце текста, подчеркнуть их.

4) Перефразировать предложения, чтобы они содержали только факты объективной информации, а не мнения и оценки.

5) Изложить основные идеи и факты текста в логической последовательности, чтобы они насколько возможно полно отражали содержание.

6) Начинать изложение следует с предложения, которое информирует читателей о названии и авторе текста. Например:

In the article “The Making of the Dutch Landscape,” Audrey Lambert states

that …

“Assignments in Exposition”, a book by Louise E. Rorabacher, discusses …

Summary имеет следующие характеристики:

1) Объективность. Оценочные суждения в реферате не нужны. Исключаются все оценочные и эмоционально окрашенные слова. Следует также избегать эмфатических конструкций.

2) Полнота изложения. Следует включать не только основные идеи, но и факты, их подтверждающие.

Подобное краткое изложение используется для передачи содержания научных статей.

Часто реферат содержит не только краткое изложение основных идей статьи, диссертации, книги и т.д., но и оценку этих идей, выражение согласия или несогласия с мнением автора. Такой реферат называется summary-analysis. Главное в таком реферате – определенно дать понять читателю, где мысли и мнения автора статьи (книги или диссертации), а где собственно автора реферата. Но недостаточно только выразить согласие/ несогласие с автором статьи (книги), необходимо:

- объяснить, почему вы согласны/не согласны с автором;

- привести веские аргументы в поддержку своей точки зрения.

Важно показать, что вы не только понимаете главные идеи, заложенные автором в произведение, но и объяснить, почему вы оцениваете эти идеи именно таким образом. Старайтесь поддержать свое мнение своими собственными примерами, фактами и личным опытом. Не приводите в качестве доказательства своей правоты примеры из реферируемого произведения.

Outline for Summary-Analysis of Written Material

  • Introduction

Name of the author, title of the article

Major points to be analyzed (short summary)

Opinion about the main points of article.

  • Body

Each body paragraph should contain:
Major point to be analyzed in that paragraph.

Direct quotes from the article, demonstrating the point being made (optional)

Your topic sentence which states agreement or disagreement with the main point.

Your proof of the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of that major point: facts, examples, personal experience

Perhaps a suggestion for the improvement of the author’s major point.

  • Conclusion

Perhaps only one sentence

Probably an opinion which you have proved within your summary-analysis.

Skill Building
1.Read the samples of Introduction, Body and Conclusion of summary-analysis.


Example: ________________________________________________________________


A recent article in the Journal of Political Inequality “Underground Revolution” concerns the underground leftist organizations in Iran.


Authors Swenta Bolt, Geri Johnson, and Daniel Mroz discuss such information as the political beliefs, the demonstrations, the revolution in Iran.


Probably because their news sources were incorrect or biased, most of the information in this article is biased or simply wrong.



summary According to the authors Bolt, Johnson, and Mroz, at least one of the major organizations is pro-Communist.


”Perhaps the most dangerous guerilla force – the one, apparently, that led the attack against the U.S. Embassy – the pro-Moscow Fadalyeen-Kalq, or People’s Self-Sacrifice guerilla. “What is the meaning of “dangerous” here?

topic sentence

This organization is not dangerous for Iranians or for Iran, but it is dangerous for Iran’s enemy, for world imperialism; in fact, that was the reason for the organization: to revolt against the corrupt rule in Iran and against the imperialist force of the U.S. Second, the Fedayeen denied the responsibility of the attack on the U.S. Embassy.

And in fact, an official report from the government showed that a rightist group of Khomenini’s supporters was responsible for attacking the embassy. After the attack, the leftist group called the Fedayeen protected the embassy. Third and most important, the Fedayeen are not pro-Moscow. In their political brochures it has been written many times that “We do not support any country and we are not supported by any country.” As far as their policy has been shown to Iranians, what they say is true: they are not going to make Iran an independent country.

A. Statement of your conclusion after reading and thinking about the written material.

B. What points can you make?
Why did an important magazine like the Journal of Political Inequality have these mistakes? Surely a worldwide magazine would have better and more reliable news sources. A cynic might conclude that this magazine is trying to influence people’s minds about the situation in Iran. Perhaps the Journal of Political Inequality wants to frighten their readers away from communism. If it is true that the news Americans get about Iran is controlled and biased, several questions arise; is other news particularly about Communist countries and revolutions in countries, also slanted? Is news generally controlled in the U.S.? If so, who is responsible for this control?
2. Below is an essay about a controversial subject. Read it and then study the samples in which some American students responded to it.

When television was first introduced into American society fifty years ago, writers and social scientists thought that this new invention would better American life.”Television is going to bring American families closer together,” predicted psychologist Joel Gold in 1949. Pictures which advertised television in the 1950s invariably showed a happy family gathered in the living room, shareing the TV viewing experience. Who could have guessed that a quarter of a century later Mother would be in the kitchen watching a daytime drama, dad would be in the living room watching a ball game, and the children would be watching cartoons in their bedroom?

Television has certainly changed American life, but not the way the first critics predicted. The first televisions were enormously expensive, so most families owned only one. By 1975, however, 60% of American families owned two televisions or more; some middle class families had as many as five television sets under one roof. Such multi-set families may keep family members in the same house, but that hardly brings them “together”/ in fact, family outings – hiking, going to the movies, going out to dinner – are often limited by TV because one or more members don’t want to go: “I’ll miss my program,” is the common complaint.

Perhaps more important than the lack of family outings is the destruction of family time together at home. Social scientists in the 1950s could not have realized how much television Americans would watch in the 1980s; the average American watches 6 hours of TV a day. That leaves little time for the special family characteristics and traditions that used to be formed during ling evenings together. The tome devoted to games, songs, and hobbies – all shared activities – in the years before TV is now dominated by “the tube.” And especially damaging to family relationships is the elimination of the opportunities for talking, chatting, arguing, discussing. Without such communication, family life disintegrates.

Domination is the key word. Families in American today schedule their lives around television. Children rush home from school to watch their programs while they do their homework. Mother shops between her special programs. The ski slopes are nearly empty on Superbowl Sunday; football on TV takes precedence. The family may even eat meals in front of the television. Moreover, television is used as a baby-sitter; small children nationwide spend countless hours in front of a TV, passively ingesting whatever flashes before their eyes.. Addition of some sort inevitably follows; TV becomes a necessary part , and receiving a YV for his/her own room becomes the wish of every child. Moreover, parents use the television as a source of reward and punishment:”If you mow the lawn, you can watch TV an extra hour tonight,” or “No TV for you. You didn’t do your homework.” Ultimately, life-styles revolve around a regular schedule of eating, sleeping, and watching television.

Isn’t there a better family life than this dismal, mechanized arrangement? According to social scientist Mary Helen Thuente, “The quality of life is diminished as family ties grow weaker, as children’s lives grow more and more separate from their parents, as the opportunities for living and sharing within a family are eliminated.” Indeed, if the family does not accumulate shared experiences, it is not likely to survive. Consequently, if parents and children alike do not change their priorities, television will continue to exert its influence on American family life as baby-sitter, pacifier, teacher, role model, and supplier of mores and morals, thus supplanting the place of the family in society.

Harriet B.Fidler

Below are paragraphs selected from several student responses to this article.

Answer the following questions.

1. Do the introductions follow the correct format? How could each of the introductions be improved?

2. Read the body paragraphs. Does each follow the format? How could you improve each of the paragraphs?

3. Do the conclusions follow the format? Is one more effective than the other? How could each be improved?

Introduction #1

Introduces “The Dangers of Television”, an essay by Harriet B.Fidler, discusses

article the role television has played in changing American values.

summary In the 1940s, television was predicted to bring families closer together .

Its influence, however, has splinted family relations. The author

Indicates that children watch TV for hours; it has become a pacifier and

a baby-sitter. Parents’ roles as educators have been replaced by TV,

preventing necessary interactions between family members.

thesis I agree with Harriet Fidler’s idea that television weakens a family’s

(agreement) ability to survive by taking away from the time they otherwise would

Spend relating to one another.

Introduction #2
introduces In the essay “The Dangers of Television”, Harriet Fidler states that

article while a television in the home at one time served a purpose in bringing

families together,

summary it has recently become more and more detrimental to that very special

relationship that exists between members of a family. She states that

“if a family does not accumulate shared experiences, it is not likely to

survive.” I can speak only form personal experiences,

thesis but I agree with Ms. Fidler’s basic assumption about the role of

(agreement television in the American home. However, I believe that there are

and solutions to the problems she states.



Body Paragraph #1

summary and Ms. Fidler thinks that while television initially had a good effect

small quote on family life, it now ‘dominates” the family.

topic sentence I have seen the effects of television on my own family and I

agree with the author of this article.

support: As a child, I can remember watching very little television. The

detail majority of my time was spent outdoors with my family,

personal gardening, playing, caring for livestock. Once a week my

experience grandparents would come to visit and we’d all ride horses. How-

ever, I did have a younger brother who preferred watching tele-

vision to joining our family activities. At first we all wondered

what was wrong with him. But as the years went by we began

to join him in front of the TV; no longer were ‘Wild Kingdom”

or “The World of Disney” the only program I watched. Soon I

too was watching situation comedies, game shows, sport events,

and, eventually, anything that was on the tube.
Body Paragraph #2
summary Ms. Fidler states in her essay that instead of brining families

together, television separates them by giving no time for con-

versation or airing personal viewpoints.

direct quote “Especially damaging to family relationships is the elimination

of opportunities to talk.”

topic sentence I disagree with this position. Maybe some families like the one
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