Учебное пособие по академической письменной речи Барнаул

НазваниеУчебное пособие по академической письменной речи Барнаул
Дата публикации19.02.2015
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ТипУчебное пособие
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5.3. Write the objectives of your research paper in the form of questions.

6. Read what methods can be used in a research paper:

- context analysis

- content analysis

- quantitative analysis

- analysis of study programs and vocational profiles/job advertisement/ etc.

- interviews with …

7. Read the information about the paragraph and topic sentence.

Каждый абзац содержит главное предложение, так или иначе, отражающее основную мысль научной работы. Другие предложения должны уточнять, объяснять, иллюстрировать мысль, содержащуюся в главном предложении. Все предложения должны быть связаны с помощью linking words, что обеспечивает логичность изложения.

Предложение, кратко выражающее главную мысль абзаца, называется TOPIC SENTENCE.Мысль, выраженная в этом предложении, развивается и поддерживается в тексте абзаца или тезисов. В каждом абзаце научной работы и в тезисах, даже самых коротких, должно содержаться topic sentence. Оно может находиться в начале или в середине абзаца. Topic sentence должно:1) быть полным; 2)быть конкретным; 3)ясно выражать главную мысль.

7.1. Read the fragments of the topical sentences and complete them in one or more ways.

1) Through the class activities, the teacher can develop creativity in the preschool child __________________________________________________________ .

2) Tourism can help poor women break the poverty cycle __________________

_________________________________________________________________ .

3) To learn to write a paragraph ________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ .

4) One of the most important steps in increasing GDP ______________________

_________________________________________________________________ .

5) The ability to use eye tracking to control a computer has obvious advantages ________________________________________________________________ .

7.2 Read the topic sentence that fail to be clear and the possible ways to improve it.

1) Street and highway construction in California is a debatable subject.

Possible corrections:

Many people in San Francisco argue that the Embarcadero Freeway is ugly and obscures the view.

All three-lane highways in California should be abolished.

Highway construction in California may diminish or even stop because of the increased cost of gasoline.

2) House painting should be approached with caution.

Possible corrections:

House painting can be an interesting family project if carefully planned.

House painting is an expensive but necessary part of home maintenance that must be carefully budgeted and planned for by home-owners.

House painting is a career that more people should think about going into.

7.3 Read the following topic sentences. They suggest many topics rather than one, or they are vague or mysterious. Correct them.

1) The proper rearing of children is a debatable subject.

2) Newspapers play a major role in shaping American values.

3) The feminist movement is controversial.

4) Television can become a bad habit.

5) Censorship is a debatable topic.

6) English is not the favorite subject of some students.

7) Civil rights now are more important because of the sixties.

7.4 Read the examples of the topic sentences that fail to be sufficiently specific. Consider the possible ways to improve them.

1) Following the Ten Commandments is difficult.

Possible corrections:

Many young people fail to keep the commandment to honor their parents.

The commandment to work six days a week is out- of-date.

The commandment to rest on the seventh day should not be interpreted as meaning only the seventh day.

2) A college student should know how to write a good composition.

Possible corrections:

Writing an outline is an aid to organizing a composition.

Sentence length and structure should be varied in a composition.

The thesis sentence of a composition is comparable to the topic sentence of a paragraph.

The paragraphs of a composition must be related to each other.

7.5 The following sentences are too broad or too general. Try and correct them in one or more ways.

1) Nursing is a worthwhile career.

2) It is difficult for a person of European descent to understand the Oriental mind.

3) Going to college is a serious business.

4) Most students have difficulty mastering mathematics.

5) Radicals have nothing in common with conservatives.

6) Compact cars are more practical than standard size cars.
8. Fill in the following blanks with appropriate prepositions and conjunctions.
Natural selection can favor certain mutations and provide them with an advantage _________________survival. A trait __________ humans called sickle cell anemia offers an excellent example _______________ how natural selection operates ____________ favor a genetic mutant. Sickle cell anemia is a condition caused ________________ sickle-shaped red blood cells that _________normal individuals are round. The outward manifestation _______________ this anomalous condition is reduced ability___________ carry oxygen _____________ the muscles ____________the body. __________oxygen is essential ___________ the proper functioning ________ muscles, individuals ___________ sickle cell anemia become easily exhausted and sometimes delirious ___________ exercise. _____________, one who is born _______ the sickle cell anemia trait is immune _____________ malaria. __________regions ________Africa where malaria seriously threatens survival, up _______ forty percent______________ the population exhibits the sickle cell trait. What ordinarily would be an undesirable mutation becomes a selective advantage_________ areas where malaria jeopardize the viability_______ normal individuals.

9. Classify the phrases given below into 2 groups: a) those introducing the subject of the study; b) those considering the results obtained.
1. The mechanism of … has been fully confirmed.

2. Research into … has been done.

3. These data favor the assumption that … l

4. The results obtained suggest an alternative mechanism of … .

5. The values of … were estimated.

6. The components of … are examined.

7. The consistency of the assumption of … was tested.

8. The idea of … has been considered.

9. Evidence for … was provided.

10. The function of … has been considered.

11. The phenomenon of … has been discussed.

12. A series of experiments on … were performed.
9. Translate into English.

1.Доклад посвящен современному положению во внешней торговле стран Центральной Америки.

2. Была продемонстрирована зависимость курса национальной валюты от ситуации на рынке ценных бумаг.

3. Существует ряд подходов в изучении причин повторяющихся засух в центральной Африке.

4. Задачами работы являются: 1) выяснить, какие существуют формы взаимодействия региональных органов законодательной и исполнительной власти со СМИ; 2) как влияет это взаимодействие на формирование образа власти у населения регионов.

5. Существует ряд направлений в изучении посттравматического синдрома.

6. Настоящий интерес к данной проблеме обусловлен значительным увеличением аллергических заболеваний у детей дошкольного возраста.

7. Точка зрения автора представляется спорной в свете последних достижений исторической демографии.

8. Автор ссылается на недавно обнаруженные архивные материалы.

9. Сначала автор рассматривает существующий опыт психологической подготовки спортсменов.

10. В результате исследования были получены данные, подтверждающие вирусную природу заболевания.

11. Был сделан вывод о том, что магнитные полюса нашей планеты время от времени меняются местами.

12. В результате серии наблюдений был сделан вывод о наличии тревожных признаков ускорения климатических изменений.

13. Объектом исследования являются высотные разряды в атмосфере Земли.

14. Следует признать, что существует большой разброс мнений в отношении перспектив экономического роста в последующее десятилетие.
Section 7. Master’s Thesis.

Прежде, чем приступать к написанию магистерской диссертации, необходимо определить предмет исследования (subject), цель исследования (objective), тему (topic), те вопросы, на которые исследователь постарается найти ответы в диссертации и методы, которые он будет использовать.

Магистерская диссертация (Thesis), включает:
a) титульный лист (title page )

b) план работы (outline of the paper)

c) аннотацию (abstract)

d)введение (introduction)

e) основной текст работы, разбитый на главы (body of the paper)

f) заключение (conclusion)

f) список литературы (footnotes / references/ bibliography ).

1. Study the Sample Title Page.
Iam A. Student
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of

Master of Arts

(Political Science)

at the


2. Format your Master’s Thesis Title page according to the sample above.
Skill Building
1.Read the sample outlines. Pay attention to the chapter titles/ sections.
Sample Outline 1.




A. General description of Latin America’s problem of

International Trade

B. Countertrade as alternative


A. Concept of Balance of Payment

B. Deficits

C. Situation in Latin America

D. External debt



A. Few Commodities

B. Export Instability

C. Effects of World Market Price

D. Payment Difficulties, Scarcity of Foreign Exchange


A. Bilateral Trade

B. Countertrade


A. Why Latin Americans are using countertrade

B. Definition

C. U.S. Companies’ Interest in Countertrade with Latin America

D. Countertrade Variables

E. Forms of Countertrade

1. Counter purchase

2. Compensation


Sample Outline 2.



I. Introduction

A. General information about olive trees

B. Thesis statement of intent

II. Traditional Methods of Olive Harvesting

A. Hand picking

B. Natural drop

C. Beating

D. Hand shaking

III. Mechanical Harvesting

A. Combing

B. Beating

C. Mechanical shaking

1.Stem shaking

2. Main branches shaking

IY. Chemicals for helping in Mechanical Olive Harvesting

A. Maleic hyrazide

B. Ethylene releasing compounds

1. Cyclohexamid

2. Ethephon

3. CGA 13586

V. Conclusion


2. Write the outline of your Master’s Thesis.
3. The Introduction of the Master’s Thesis. Read the Sample introductions of Master’s Thesis. Pay attention to the information included in the introduction.


Sample Introduction 1. _________________________________________________________________




Definition Remote sensing is the science and art of obtaining information about

of term an object, area, or phenomenon through the analysis of data acquired

by a device that is not in contact with the object, area, or phenomenon

reference under investigation (Lillesand and Kiefer, 1989). It offers us an

excellent device to use in various fields: geology, forestry, water

resources, engineering, and land use. Evapotranspiration is water lost

from this earth’s surface that man tries to study to control in order

that we can use it. It is quite difficult to study and estimate the quan-

tity of evapotranspiration from the very large earth’s surface, but now

thesis we have found a new tool: remote sensing. This paper will discuss the

statement advantages of remote sensing and will propose the use of remote sens-

of intent sing by the Ministry of Forestry in Thailand.

and opinion

Sample Introduction 2.


Nowadays in the United States, accidents are in an important cause

Information of death, injury, and property damage. An accident is “something

About that happens without a cause that can be seen at once, usually some-

general thing unfortunate and undesirable.” 1 There are many kinds of

topic accidents, such as work accidents, home accidents, and public accid-

ents. The statistics of the National Safety Council estimate that at

least $87.4 billion was the cost of all accidents in the U.S. in 1985

background and $ 40.6billion was the cost of motor vehicle accidents. Moreover,

statistics the death total – 99,000 people died accidentally in 1985 – includes

narrows about 50,800 who died in motor vehicle accidents. From the number

discussion of deaths and the cost of damage, motor vehicles are a cause of more

deaths, injuries, and paoperty damage than all other types of accidents.

Thesis This paper deals with motor vehicle accidents, which are a major

statement problem in the United States. It discusses the categories of such acci-

of intent dents, and the ways to prevent alcohol-related traffic accidents.

Footnote 1 A.S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current

(bottom of English (Great Britain: Oxford University Press, 1978), p.5



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