Учебное пособие по академической письменной речи Барнаул

НазваниеУчебное пособие по академической письменной речи Барнаул
Дата публикации19.02.2015
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ТипУчебное пособие
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disagreement mentioned in the article have problems communicating, but my

family uses their leisure time more wisely.

support: We play games, talk – often about television programs we have

watched together – go camping and hiking as a family, and enjoy

example, each other’s company. We watch TV frequently, but only

personal programs we really want to see. Probably my brother’s and my

experience TV habits were formed by my mother, who controlled our TV

watching when we were too young to know what was good or

bad. For the American family used in the article, I think their

TV viewing time should be organizes more wisely so the parents

are able to spend more time with their children.
Body Paragraph #3
summary The author makes a powerful point about family togetherness

when she mentions the effect TV viewing has on simple family


direct “Life-styles revolved around a regular schedule of eating, sleeping,

quotation and watching TV.” Practically, as well as traditionally,

more dinner is the single time when the family can finally come together.

summary The opportunity is there for discussion, exchanging ideas, solving

problems, and expressing concern and love.

topic Sadly, however, TV has taken priority

sentence Even in my family, although we are all required to sit

at dinner table together, there are times when the colorful screen


(agreement) more interest than how our dog ate the room deodorizer or how Dad

support: was run off the road on his moped. The points is that no matter how

detail, animated or boring the table discussion is, it should be a time

personal cherished and not discarded for any TV program.


Conclusion #1

summary In summary, the philosophy stated in Harriet Fidler’s “The

Dangers of Television” and my personal benefits about television

viewing are almost alike. The senseless watching of countless hours

response of TV has left many families void of love and companionship. And,

to top it off, we’re perfecting the garbage to feed future generations.
Conclusion #2

Overall Most people take television for granted and accept it as a necessary

personal part of their everyday routine. Television has been used for so many

response years as a source of entertainment in America that most people

wouldn’t know what to do without it. Television, along with many

other factors in our modern lives, is truly weakening family ties.

prediction If Harriet Fidler’s predictions are true, there will probably be a day

when a family that does anything besides watch TV will be looked

upon as strange and old-fashioned.
3.Реферат отличает логичность изложения. Чтобы добиться логичности изложения надо обеспечивать плавный переход от предложения к предложению, от одной мысли к другой в составе одного предложения. Этого можно добиться с помощью слов-связок (linking words/phrases).



To introduce points

One major/another /one other advantage/disadvantage, a further /the greatest advantage of, one point of view in favor of/against

To express cause

Because, owing to the fact…, due to the fact that, on the grounds that, since, as, in view of …, because of…, owing to …, for this reason, seeing that…, now that…

To list points

First of all…, then…, also…, in the first place…, to start with…, secondly, thirdly…, finally…, last but not least, furthermore…, in addition, what is more, besides, not to mention the fact that …, in addition to this/that…

To introduce examples

For example, for instance, in particular, like, especially, such as.

To make comparison

Similarly, comparable, in the same way, likewise, equally, just as…so too, as well

To make contrasting points

On the other hand, however, in spite of, but, while, nevertheless, despite, even though, although, it can be argued that…, on the contrary, even so, alternatively, in contrast, whereas

To show result

Because of this, as a result, consequently, accordingly, hence, therefore, thus, thereupon, so

To conclude

In short, on the whole, in other words, to sum up, all in all, in conclusion, to be sure, taking everything into account, as it was previously stated, consequently, thus, in brief

4. Complete the following sentences.
1) Public transport is often more convenient than taking one’s car, and is also ________________________________________________________________ .

2) Being able to speak a foreign language is very useful when abroad. Furthermore, ____________________________________________________.

3) Although living abroad can be an interesting experience, ________________


4) Being self-employed means that you are your own boss. However, _________


5) Exercise can help you to lose weight. What is more, ____________________


6) Experimenting on animals is cruel, not to mention the fact that _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

7) Package holidays are cheap. On the other hand, _______________________ _________________________________________________________________


8) While living alone can be lonely, it __________________________________.

9) Keeping up with fashion takes a lot of effort. In addition, _________________

_________________________________________________________________ .

10) Watching television can be educational. Nevertheless, __________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ .

11) The scheme is likely to fail; for this reason__________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

12) The government decided not to fund the project owing to the fact that_____


13) American universities produce most of the world’s Nobel laureates and scientific papers. Moreover___________________________________________

________________________________________________________________ .

14) As online education spreads, universities ___________________________

________________________________________________________________ .

5. Complete the sentences below with linking words/phrases.

1) Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have demonstrated that a dieter should drink a cup of hot soup before s meal; _________________________

his eating pace will be slower.

2) One goal of the agricultural experiment is to determine the best fertilizer for wheat; the _____________________ is to decide the amount of water necessary for proper growth.

3) __________Turkish coffeehouses are very simply decorated, they have a special atmosphere.

4) The best time to have a garage sale is on the weekends, ______________ people are at home more and have more time to spend at garage sales.

5) A sentence ought not to have any words that are not entirely necessary, and ________________, there should be no unnecessary sentences contained within a paragraph.

6) It is impossible to learn statistical analysis, _____________ you have never learned how to add or subtract numbers.

7) ________________ inventing “dry plates”, George Eastman, the founder of Eastman Kodak, made photography a portable pastime. _______________he created flexible film that could be rolled into a special camera.

8) The use of a good dictionary and a thesaurus ( a dictionary of synonyms) is essential for expanding your vocabulary. _______________other word problems such as incorrect spelling or a limited vocabulary will also hinder your writing.

9)A turtle differs from other reptiles _______________ its body is encased in a shell.

10) Infection can cause both fever and pain __________________________take his temperature to be sure of the problem.

11)Mankind must limit population growth ________________ overpopulation will result in famine.

12) Conditions in the small country have grown severe _________________ refugees have risked death to escape.
6. Combine some of the sentences to increase the unity and coherence of the paragraph. Use the linking words/phrases.

Nicaragua is a country. It is one of the countries of Central America. Central America is located on the isthmus. There are five countries in Central America. Nicaragua is in the middle of the isthmus. It is the largest of the countries in Central America. It is about 81,249 square miles. It is not as big as the United States. In comparison it is much smaller. But size is not so important. Nicaragua is beautiful.

7. Read the article and summarize it in no more than fifty words.
Wages for Housewives?

As working women continue to receive better and better wages, housewives still work at home without receiving paychecks. Should a woman who works at home, doing the housework and caring for children, be paid for her services? In a 1986 study at Cornell University, sociologists found that the value of the services of a housewife averaged $ 11,600 a year. This rate was based on a family composed of a husband, wife, and three young children. The $ 11,600 is what the husband would have to pay if he hired others to take over his wife’s household chores. The researchers concluded that it would be fair for husbands to pay wives according to federal guidelines for minimum wages

Another plan for rewarding women who work at home has been suggested by a former Secretary of Health and Human Services. He says that full-time housewives should be allowed to pay social security taxes, with their employers (that is, their husbands) contributing part of the payment. He feels that the present system is unfair. He said, “If you work as a clerk in a store you can qualify for Social Security, but if you stay at home and raise a family, nobody will give you credit for it.”
6. Read the two short articles below. Then summarize each article in approximately one hundred words.
Transferring Western Technology to Developing Nations

During the 1980s, unemployment and underemployment in some countries has been as high as 90%. Some countries do not produce enough food; basic needs in housing and clothing are unmet. Many of these countries look to the industrial processes of the developed nations for solutions to these problems.

But the problems are not always solved this way. The industry of the developed nations is highly automated and very expensive. It provides fewer jobs than non-automated industrial processes, and highly skilled workers are needed to maintain and repair the equipment. These workers must be trained, but many nations do not have the necessary training institutions. Thus, the cost of importing industry becomes higher. Students must be sent abroad to receive vocational and professional training. Often, just to begin training, the students must first learn English, French, German, or Japanese. The students then spend many years abroad and some do not return home.

All nations agree that science and technology should be shared. However, countries adopting the industrial processes of the developed nations need to look carefully at the costs. Many of these costs are hidden. Students from these nations should study the problems of the industrializes countries closely. With care, they will take home not the problems of science and technology, but the benefits.

Foreign Students and the U.S. Student Shortage

In recent years, college and university administrators have faced a new challenge: a shortage of traditional, eighteen- to twenty-two-year-old full-time students. Trying to solve the problem, the 3,200 postsecondary institutions in the U.S. are offsetting the declining enrollment of traditional students by increasing the number of “nontraditional” students (those aged twenty-five and over).

Fortunately, while the American supply of full-time students is slipping, the worldwide supply is ever increasing. Bringing in more foreign students could help avert serious damage in U.S. postsecondary education while helping to educate young people of the developing world. Right now there are a record 342,000 foreign students in the United States, but they constitute only 3 percent of the total U.S. student population of 12 million.

Increasing that number would accomplish a number of desirable goals simultaneously: increasing the number of full-time students on U.S. campuses, internationalizing what has become a much too parochial American education system, and developing the potential of poor countries by educating and training their best and brightest students. It would also make friends for America throughout the world. Finally, and perhaps most important, it builds the foundation of a more peaceful world through improved mutual understanding across borders. Recruiting more international students, especially from developing countries, offers the U.S. an opportunity to address long-term problems at American campuses while spreading the bounty of higher education throughout a world thirsting for knowledge. That, after all, is the kind of positive force in world affairs that America can and should aspire to be.
7. Find a research paper and write a summary of it. Your summary should contain the following information:

1.Title of the article and appropriate bibliographic information:

volume number, page numbers, etc.

2. A description of the problem area studied

3. A statement of the question that the author attempted to

Summary answer

4. The major findings and conclusions of the study

5. The adequacy of the conclusions in studying the question


6. The practical significance of the study

Analysis 7. Additional research needed on the problem

8. The value of the article in significantly advancing our

Understanding and solving of the problem studied
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