Учебно-методический комплекс учебной дисциплины «Видеокурс»

НазваниеУчебно-методический комплекс учебной дисциплины «Видеокурс»
Дата публикации10.11.2014
Размер1.02 Mb.
ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
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Part 1

1.1. Fill in the gaps in the script


This is unbelievable. Look at this. There’s no city like this in the world. There never was!


You act like you’ve never been here before.


I don’t get here often enough. That’s the problem. Can you picture how ___________________________ this city is in the rain? Imagine this town in the twenties. Paris in the twenties. In the rain. ___________________________.


Why does every city have to be in the rain? What’s wonderful about getting wet?

You could ever picture us moving here after we’re married?


Oh God, no. I could never live out of the United States.


You know, if I had stayed here and written novels and not gotten, you know, caught up in that... just ________________________________________. I’ll tell you something: I would drop the house in Beverly Hills, the pool, everything in a second... I mean, look, this is where Monet lived and painted. We’re thirty minutes from town. Imagine the two of us settling here. We could do it. I mean, if my book turns out...


You’re in love with a _____________________.


I’m in love with you.


There are our ____________


If I never see another charming boulevard or bistro


What a town.


To visit.


I could see myself as a Parisien____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


In this traffic nothing moves


A toast to __________________________


Well I’ll be perfectly frank – I’m excited about _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


John hates their politics.


They’ve certainly ____________________________________________________


You can’t exactly ______________________________________________. With the whole Bush --


Oh, please. Let’s not get into that --


No, honey, we’re not getting in... by the way, it’s ___________________________. That’s what a democracy is. Your father defends the __________________________ and I happen to think you’ve almost gotta be...like a _________________________, but --


Okay, okay.


That doesn’t mean we don’t respect each other’s views. (to John) Am I right?


Gil, honey, just promise me something. If this book doesn’t pan out, that you’ll stop beating your brains out and just go back to doing what you do best. The studios adore you, you’re in demand. Do you really want to give it all up just to struggle?


You know, nostalgia _____________________________


Oh, Gil is a complete romantic. He would be more than happy__________________________________________


And the name of this ___________________________________________




The ________________ that a different time period is better than the one one’s living in. It’s a flaw in the __________________________ of those people who find it difficult to cope with the present.


1.2. Give Russian equivalents and remember the context. Use the phrases in the sentences of your own:

Drop dead gorgeous

Grind out sth





Corporate merger


To have a crush on sb


Hollywood hack

Give sth a shot

To pan out

To beat one’s brains out

The lead character


1.3. Fill in the gaps:

  1. Please, don’t _________________me. You should know, I’m a very _____________ person.

  2. During the meeting we met a lot of_______________ people who think that they are very clever.

  3. The writer was very disappointed that his book didn’t _____________.

  4. You should visit London to truly understand how _________________ _this city is.

  5. The ___________________ was a really ____________.

  6. I hate it when Tim gets all ____________ and doesn't talk to anyone.

  7. That woman is stunning! No, even better. She's________________

  8. I don't like persimmon. It's so ______________

  9. I have had a ______________ on this actor since high school.

  10. Your dream is singing, why not __________________?

  11. Don`t work long hours! You are heading to become ______.

  12. He_____her ever since they met at that party last summer.

  13. I`ve____out trying to think of a way of getting the money to her in time.

  14. This task is incredibly hard, but I`ll ___my best__.

  15. She`s not _____.She`s just shy at parties.

  16. I think she's still in ___________ about his death.

  17. ________________ actions also include activities that members of society find objectionable even if they are legal.

  18. – She _______________that guy. - I know, but he is so shallow.

1.4. Translate the sentences:

  1. Ты должен выполнить это задание с большим старанием, чтобы добиться успеха и преуспеть в этом деле.

  2. Мне не интересно общаться с людьми, которые считают, что они знают все. Чаще всего они притворяются, а на самом деле абсолютно ограничены и псевдо-интеллектуальны.

  3. Твой отказ очень расстроил меня. Мне казалось, что только сумасшедшие могут отказаться от такого интересного предложения.

  4. Главный герой моей новой книги – одинокий юноша, который любит гулять по вечерам и любоваться потрясающе великолепными видами городов.

  5. Некоторые люди не могут отличить Клода Моне от Эдуара Мане. Это общее заблуждение.

  6. Увольняйся с этой работы, Лиам. Ты только попусту тратишь силы.

  7. Она вымучила из себя последние строчки сочинения и пошла спать.

  8. Джексон, главный герой книги, - начитанный выпускник колледжа.

  9. Слияние фирм "Пирсон" и "Спектр" произойдет в июле.

  10. Она такая красивая девушка! Просто сногсшибательная!

  11. Даже если дело не выгорит, пообещай, что не бросишь меня.

  12. Вино в меру вяжет, как раз как я люблю.

  13. Он вовсе не такой интеллектуал, каким пытается казаться! Я так завтра ему и скажу: «Твой интеллект фальшивый».

  14. Не стоит надеяться, что он поможет.

  15. Я думаю, что Ваш проект удался! Поздравляю!

  16. Мне очень сложно «выдавливать» из себя оригинальные сочинения каждую неделю.

  17. Кажется, что у него постоянная ухмылка на лице.

  18. Жизнь – постоянное движение.

  19. Женитьба на этой девушке стал его роковой ошибкой.

  20. Если представление не будет успешным, я больше никогда не пойду в театр.

  21. Я не люблю это вино, оно слишком вяжущее.

  22. Я не могу не думать о нём; я в него влюбилась.

Part 2
2.1. Study this beat sheet to comment on the part 2 of the movie, while playing it mute.
Sequence III: Opting for a walk instead of dancing with Paul, Carol, and Inez, Gil wanders Paris at night and gets lost. He finds a place to rest, and at midnight, gets inside an old car that transports him to the 1920’s. There, he meets Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, as well as Ernest Hemingway, who offers to give Gil’s new novel to Gertrude Stein.
15 – A bit drunk after a wine tasting, Paul and Carol invite Gil and Inez dancing. Gil prefers a walk, even though Inez wants to go with Paul and Carol. Inez insists on going, so Gil parts with his wife for the evening.

16 – OFFER TO HEMINGWAY SETUP: In Gil’s absence, Paul questions Inez on whether Gil is fit to be a novelist or not. She claims Gil has not let anyone — herself included — read his novel. Paul says he’d be happy to critique it for him. Inez agrees, believing that’s exactly what Gil needs.

17 – After walking a bit too far, Gil’s lost.

18 – INCITING INCIDENT: On a quiet block, Gil rests on some steps as a clock strikes midnight. An old car pulls to a stop. Its passengers invite Gil for a ride. Though reluctant at first, Gil accepts.

19 – In the car, everyone is dressed from another period. They insist Gil drink. He doesn’t put up much of a fight.

20 – Arriving at a party, Gil notices everyone is dressed from the twenties. A piano man sings Cole Porter’s “Let’s Fall In Love” just like Cole Porter.
21 – A woman with a thick Southern accent approaches Gil, claiming he seems out of place. She gets out of him that he’s a writer before her husband shows up. They introduce themselves as SCOTT & ZELDA FITZGERALD.
22 – Scott and Zelda invite Gil to Bricktops. Gil accepts.

23 – Gil and The Fitzgeralds watch someone dance that looks like Josephine Baker….


The group is watching someone like Josephine Baker. Gil is stunned by it all. The Fitzgerald’s drink a lot.

24 – Gil is drunk at Bricktops, not quite sure what’s happening to him.

25 – At Vins Fins Liquor, Scott introduces Gil to ERNEST HEMINGWAY.

26 – Probing Hemingway for his opinion on her latest work, Hemingway insults Zelda’s writing and she leaves Scott with the writers. Not long after a little ribbing from Hemingway, Scott chases after her.

27 – Hemingway questions Gil about his novel. Gil tells of a protagonist who works in a nostalgia shop. When Hemingway asks what a nostalgia shop is, Gil questions the choice. Hemingway immediately chimes in…

28 – OFFER TO HEMINGWAY PAYOFF: Gil asks Hemingway to read his novel, but Hemingway declines.
28 – END OF ACT ONE TURN: Hemingway offers to have Gertrude Stein read Gil’s novel, as she’s the only one he trusts with his writing. Hemingway asks for Gil’s novel and Gil immediately leaves to go get it.

29 – Down the street, Gil realizes he never arranged a place to meet Hemingway. Walking back to the bar, Gil finds a laundry mat in its place: He’s back in the present day.


Sequence I: Hemingway introduces Gil to Gertrude Stein, who agrees to critique his novel. She reads the first paragraph aloud. Gil’s words capture the interest of the beautiful Adriana, Pablo Picasso’s lover. Gil discovers Adriana has a love for the past as he does.
30 – Morning. Back at the hotel, Gil attempts to talk with Inez about his evening with the Fitzgeralds and Hemingway, but she dismisses it as “idle chatter” and insists he get ready. Gil tells her he wishes to stay and work on his novel, but Inez demands he get up and go with her.

31 – Gil shops for furniture with Inez and Helen. When Helen attempts to talk Inez into purchasing a chair for 18,000 euros, Gil says they are cutting back on expenses so he doesn’t have to “take any crummy rewrite jobs.” Helen seems offended, saying “cheap is cheap” and “you get what you pay for” as she walks away.

32 – PARIS IN THE RAIN SETUP: Leaving the shop, it begins to rain. Gil attempts to talk Inez into walking home with him in the rain, but she declines, saying, “there’s nothing beautiful about walking in the rain.”

32 – Carrying his manuscript, Gil takes Inez to the steps where the car transported him before.

33 – Inez grows impatient and tired, and leaves Gil alone.

34 – The clock strikes midnight and the old car appears again. Hemingway’s inside this time.

35 – In the car, Hemingway talks about war and death.

36 – Hemingway introduces Gil to GERTRUDE STEIN, currently in the middle of critiquing PABLO PICASSO’s latest work, a painting of his lover, ADRIANA.
37 – FIRST TRIAL: Gil hands over his novel to Stein, who reads the first paragraph aloud. Adriana reacts first, saying she’s hooked.

38 – Gil discovers Adriana has a love for the past as he does. Her perfect time was Belle Epoque.


2.2. Give Russian equivalents and remember the context. Use the words in the sentences of your own:




To evaluate






Still life


To pry

2.3 Fill in the gaps:

  1. Racial discrimination still exists, only now it's s________________ than it once was.

  2. She's completely h_______________ on soap operas.

  3. By c________________, every man in the room was named Fred.

  4. I could never play team sports - I lack the c________________ spirit.

  5. Scientists have no explanation for the c_______________ of these phenomena.

  6. We need to e______________ our options.

  7. You need a degree to be c______________ in today's job market.

  8. Why was he p______________ about among our things? 

  9. The choice of the candidates was made by c________________ examination.

  10. It was no c_________________ that he quit his job at the bank a day after the robbery.

  11. War i___________ fighting and death.

  12. It was mere c________________ that brought them together so far from Chicago.

  13. Her friends talked her into playing golf, and now she's h_______________.

  14. We shall need to e__________________ how the new material stands up to wear and tear.

  15. The tune h________________ me all day.

  16. Some s__________ associations will recall the phantoms of the past.

  17. Acting is very c_____________ - you've got to really push yourself if you want to succeed.

  18. It's impossible to e_____________ these results without knowing more about the research methods employed.

  19. She made an i______________ that he had a prison record. 

  20. She is a very c_______________ player.

  21. His reputation has been damaged by i_________________ about his drinking and gambling.

  22. If you ignore the problem, it will come back to h_________ you.

  23. The movie relies on sexual i______________ for its humor.

  24. Their failure to plan ahead is now coming back to h_________ them.

  25. His words i__________ a threat.

  26. He didn't seem to understand my s___________hints.

  27. Early reports i_____________ that the judge's death was not an accident.

  28. I don't want our neighbours p___________ into our affairs.

  29. Some people believe that the ghost of an old sea captain h_____________ the beach.

  30. E___________ of this new treatment cannot take place until all the data has been collected.

  31. When it comes to giving criticism, sometimes it's best to take a s_____________ approach.

  32. By a fortunate c______________, we arrived at the theater at the same time.

  33. It was her s_____________ way of telling me to mind my own business.

  34. The study will assist in e___________ the impact of recent changes.

  35. You're very c________________ - it's meant to be a friendly match.

2.4 Translate the sentences:

  1. В том антикварном магазине было много красивых натюрмортов и других памятных вещей.

  2. Маленький мальчик выглядел испуганным, как будто увидел привидение.

  3. Какое невероятное совпадение встретить тебя сегодня.

  4. Я не привыкла оценивать других людей, но он явно помешан на своем новом автомобиле.

  5. В его оцепеневшем взгляде не было ни одного намека на то, что произошло.

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