Учебно-методический комплекс учебной дисциплины «Видеокурс»

НазваниеУчебно-методический комплекс учебной дисциплины «Видеокурс»
Дата публикации10.11.2014
Размер1.02 Mb.
ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
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1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11
Part One
1.1. Arrange the facts in the order they appear in the film:

  1. Truman meets friends and makes chitchat.

  2. A stage light falls from the sky, almost hitting him.

  3. As Truman drives to work, he hears on the radio that a satellite had fallen.

  4. Truman’s given an assignment to go to Harbor Island for a case by ferry.

  5. As Truman walks across the downtown, he is almost forcibly pinned to an advertisement by two men who talk about insurance.

  6. Truman flips through a fashion magazine under his desk.

  7. “The Truman Show” is introduced.

  8. Truman is afraid of boats, and is unable to go.

  9. Truman returns home and is greeted by his wife, Sylvia, a perky nurse who goes through variations on commercials.

  10. Truman goes to work in a beautiful neighborhood.

  11. Truman goes into his office. He’s in the insurance business.

1.2. Complete the script.

The Lunar Room

CHRISTOF: We've become _________________________________________________. We're tired of ___________________________________. While the world ________________________________________________________, there's nothing __________________ Truman himself. No scripts, no cue cards...It isn't always _______________________________. It's a life.

Truman's Bathroom

TRUMAN: (to mirror cam) I'm not going to make it. You're going to have to go on without me. No way, mister, you're going to the top of this mountain...Broken legs and all.

The Lunar Room

CHRISTOF: We find many viewers leave him on all night for comfort.

Truman's Bathroom

TRUMAN: (to mirror cam) You're crazy, you know that?


MERYL: Well, for me, there is no--there is no difference between ________________________________________. My--my life is my life, is The Truman Show. The Truman Show is...a _____________________. It's a _________________ life. It is...a _____________________ life.

Truman's Bathroom

TRUMAN: (to mirror cam) Ya, tell me something I don’t know. All right, promise me one thing though: If I _____________________________________, you will use me as an _________________________________. Eeeewwww, gross.


MARLON: It's all true. It's all real. Nothing here is fake. Nothing you see on this show is fake. It's _______________________.

Truman's Bathroom

TRUMAN: Eat me, dammit. That's an order. _______________________________________ ______________________________________? Ya…little ones.

MERYL: (O.S) Truman! You're going to be late!

TRUMAN: Okay!!

Newspaper Stand

CUSTOMER: Dog Fancy please...Why thank you. Thank you very much.

TRUMAN: Ohhh. Get me a paper there, will you, Harold? Oh, and uh...one of these - for the wife. Loves her _______________________…

HAROLD: That be all for you, Truman?

TRUMAN: That's _________________________________.

HAROLD: Catch ya' later.


Truman's Office

TRUMAN: Uh, yes hello? Could I have ___________________________________ for Fiji, please? Fiji Islands...

OFFICE NEIGHBOR: Truman, did you see this?

TRUMAN: (on phone) I’m sorry, ma'am, if--if uh...he's _______________________________ _______________________! Hello? Yes, uh...Fiji please. Do you have _________________a Lauren Garland? Nothing listed...ok, do you have a Sylvia Garland? S for Sylvia. Nothing...ok, thank you.

TRUMAN: Lawrence…

OFFICE NEIGHBOR: Hey, Burbank, got a prospect in Wells Park I need you to close.

TRUMAN: Wel--Wells Park? On uh...Harbor Island?

OFFICE NEIGHBOR: You...know another one?

TRUMAN: Well, I can't do it. I uh...have an appointment. Dentist. Errr…ya…

OFFICE NEIGHBOR: You’re gonna lose __________________________________ if

you __________________________________. Look, Truman…They're ___________________ _________________________

TRUMAN: __________________

OFFICE NEIGHBOR: Yeah. You need this. 'sides, half hour across the bay, a little sea air…do you good.

TRUMAN: Hey, thanks.

At the Docks

TRUMAN: Hello! ___________________________, huh? Thought I might of missed it…

TICKETPERSON: One way or return?

TRUMAN: Return.

TICKETPERSON: Here you go, sir.

FERRY STAFF: Do you need any help, sir?

TRUMAN: You go ahead, I'll--I'll be fine.

Truman's Lawn (9:10)

MERYL: Hi, Honey. Look what _________________________________________. It's a Chef's Pal. It's a ___________________________________ all in one. Never needs sharpening. _____________________________.

TRUMAN: Wow. That's amazing!

MERYL: Truman. Missed a spot.
1.3. Vocabulary

Guess the words and use them in the context of your own:

  1. a card held beside a camera for a television broadcaster to read from while appearing as if looking into the camera.

  2. made in exact imitation of something valuable with the intention to deceive or defraud

  3. top of a mountain

  4. what really is

  5. everything

  6. deep and often prolonged unconsciousness

  7. a boat that transports cars from one spot to another

  8. a set amount that is needed

  9. a company often fires some extra employees when it’s having financial hardships

  10. a body of water partially surrounded by land with an opening that opens into the sea

  11. a possibility

  12. finish a business transaction that was started

  13. to shred pieces of things into smaller pieces

  14. can be washed in the dishwasher

1.4. Comprehension Questions:

1. How would you define “entertainment?

2. What is the difference between good and bad entertainment?

3. What types of entertainment are most popular in your culture?

4. What types of entertainment are most popular in America?

5. What is the purpose of entertainment?

6. How many hours each week do you spend in each of the following types of entertainment: reading, watching movies, watching TV, dancing, listening to music, going to theaters, participating in sports, other?

8. Is it better to rely on imagination or to concentrate on the physical world?

9. How would you define “reality”?

10. Is it better to focus on things that are real or things that should be real?

11. Do all people need the same things to be happy?

12. Finish this sentence: I would be happy if…

13. What makes someone a good actor?

14. Does entertainment reflect reality, or does it create reality?

15. What is insurance?

16. Is insurance common in your culture? Why?

17. What are Truman’s phobias?

18. What caused Truman’s fears?

19. What is your daily routine? Is it predictable?
Part Two
2.1 Arrange the facts in the order they appear in the film:

  1. Truman tells about wanting to leave, but his friend advises him to stay put.

  2. When Truman returns home, he tries to tell his wife his feelings, but she reminds him of his obligations here. They go to bed.

  3. Truman remembers his dad drowning in a similar storm.

  4. Truman waits by the sea, watching a storm.

  5. Truman notices that the rain is only falling on him; not on the ground beside him. He moves and the rain still follows only him. He can’t explain it, but he laughs.

  6. Truman and his friend sit on the pier at night hitting golf balls.

2.2. Complete the script:

Unfinished Bridge

MARLON: Mmm. THAT is a beer.

TRUMAN: You know, __________________________________________, Marlon.

MARLON: Yeah? Out of what?

TRUMAN: Out of my job. Out of this city. __________________________. Out.

MARLON: Out of your job? _____________________________________________? You have a great job, Truman. You have ___________________________. __________________ ________________________________. Here ya' go. You should _________________________ ______________________________________________

TRUMAN: No thanks.

MARLON: Now there's excitement.

TRUMAN: Don't you ever get _________________? ____________________?

MARLON: Where is there to go?


Truman’s Home

MERYL: You're _____________________! Where have you been?

TRUMAN: I _____________________________________________________ eight thousand dollars…

MERYL: Every time you and Marlon get together…

TRUMAN: We _________________________________________________ for a year on that.

MERYL: And then what, Truman? We'd be where we were five years ago. You're talking like a teenager.

TRUMAN: Maybe I feel like a teenager.

MERYL: We have ___________________________, Truman. We have ________________. What? We're just going to walk away from our __________________________________?

TRUMAN: We need adventure…

MERYL: I thought we ______________________________. Isn't that enough of an adventure?

TRUMAN: That can wait. I need to get away. See some of the world. Explore!

MERYL: You want ________________________. This'll pass. We all ___________________ __________________. Let's get you out of these wet clothes, huh? And into bed.
2.3. Vocabulary

Guess the words and use them in the context of your own:

  1. a job that requires someone to be at a desk all the time

  2. a machine that dispenses snacks

  3. nervous

  4. describes someone who is anxious to leave

  5. something extra

  6. hastily gather together things

  7. be lazy

  8. some issues concerning money that you are required to fulfill

  9. a loan on your house or some other property that you have to pay back

2.4. Comprehension Questions:

1. Where does Truman want to go?

2. Why does Truman want to leave?

3. Why doesn’t Truman leave?

4. Is Truman’s life good? If so, why does he want to leave? If not, how is it bad?

5. What happened to Truman’s father?

6. How does Truman react to the unusual rain? Why does he react this way?

7. Meryl says that Truman is acting like a teenager. What does she mean?

8. What reasons does Meryl give for staying at their home?

9. Are Meryl’s reasons good? Does Truman have a responsibility to stay?
Part Three
3.1. Who said this?

  1. It doesn't sound insane at all, Truman. I see him ten times a week, in a hundred different faces. I almost hugged a perfect stranger in the salon last Thursday.

  2. See, they got rid of her, but they couldn't erase the memory.

  3. I'm just--I've been such a klutz all day.

  4. Everybody knows aboutit--everyone knows everything you do. They're pretending, Truman.

  5. An--and the sky and the sea, everything. It's a set. It's a show.

  6. We tried everything…hypnotism…everything, shock therapy.

  7. Excuse me....It's sad, we've already got this on the greatest hits tape.

  8. Close but no cigar.

3.2 Arrange the facts in the order they appear in the film:

  1. Truman and Lauren meet on the beach and she tries to tell him that he’s living in a fake world, but a guard posing as her father appears and takes her away, telling Truman that she has mental problems and that they’re moving to Fiji.

  2. The real Lauren is watching the show, and smiles.

  3. Truman looks for pictures of his father, and his wife finds him and does a little commercial.

  4. Truman tries to make contact, but security guards, traffic, and well-synchronized crowds make that impossible.

  5. It’s a re-run of high-school days, when Truman was in a marching band and met his wife. He also met another woman, Lauren, dancing, but the guards escorted her out.

  6. Truman meets Lauren again in the library and made arrangements to meet her secretly.

  7. Truman talks to his mother about his dad.

  8. As Truman walks through town, he sees a homeless man who looks like his father.

  9. Truman manages to keep her sweater, though. He holds it now, then looks at a composite face he’s made from bits and pieces from fashion magazines: it looks remarkably like Lauren.

  10. Truman’s mom loads on the guilt for encouraging his father to take risks in storms.


3.3 Guess the words and use them in the context of your own:

1. phrase that encompasses everything

2. the only child in a family

3. something that cuts the grass

4. something that spins

5. someone who is clumsy

6. hurt an ankle

7. remember something that happened in the past

9. small organisms that float in the water and are eaten by larger fish

10. an event or a group of events occurring as part of a sequence; an incident or period considered in isolation

11. a fake sense of consciousness

12. various treatments for mental disorders

13. recovering from a relationship break-up and wanting to date someone else

14. didn’t quite make it

15. the most perfect situation

16. “hold on!”
3.4 Comprehension Questions:

1. Describe Truman’s town. Use as many adjectives as possible. List as many specific things

as you can.

2. Describe Truman’s relationship to his mother. How does he feel about her? How does she feel about him? How do you know?

3. What is Truman’s mother’s reaction to the homeless people? Why does she react this way?

4. How does Truman feel about Lauren? How does he show this?

5. How does Lauren feel about Truman? How does she show this?

6. How does Truman feel about Meryl in this scene? How does he show this?

7. How does Meryl feel about Truman? How does she show this?

8. If this scene happened in your culture (a man and woman meeting and trying to start a

relationship) how would it be different? Body language? Eye contact? Activities?

9. What reason does the man in the car give for taking the woman with him?

10. What is the real reason the man in the car took the woman with him?

11. Did Truman believe the man in the car? How do you know?

12. Is Truman a “slave”?
Part Four
4.1. Complete the script:

Truman's Car

RADIO: And it's another _________________________________________ but don't forget to ____________________________. Remember, a good driver…go go go go go go go driver, good driver, really good good good good good driver, good driver, goo driver, goo goo goo...Wait for the cue…wait for the cue. Standby one. Stand by to watch him. Stand by everyone…He's heading west on Stewart. Stand by all extras. Gloria, he'll be on you in about 90 seconds, __________________________________. Okay, he's ____________________________ Lancaster Square...Oh my God! He knew we were following, something's wrong, uh,_____________________________! Ouch! Huh, sorry about that, folks, I guess we _________________________________ or something. It sometimes happens and it can drive you crazy. Okay, it's ___________________________________ and we've still got some great music up ahead. But hey! _____________________________. Remember safety. A good driver is a safe driver. A safe driver is what? Yes! Haha!

Beach at Sunset

TRUMAN: Maybe I'm being ____________________. You ever think about that, Marlon? Like __________________________ towards something?

MARLON: Nnnnn-no.

TRUMAN: When you would haulin’ chickens in the summer for Kaiser, what was the furthest you ever got off the island?

MARLON: Went all over. Never found a place like this, though. Look at that sunset, Truman…it’s perfect.


MARLON: That's _______________________________

TRUMAN: Just __________________________, Marlon…I'm going away for awhile.

MARLON: Really?


Truman's Living Room

MOTHER: Little angel...Ohhh…my little clown. Carrot top. Awww...

TRUMAN: We should be getting you home, mother.

MOTHER: Oh, hold on a minute…here's us a_______________. Do you remember, Truman, when dad was still with us? That was ________________. You slept the whole way there!

TRUMAN: But it looks so small?

MOTHER: Things always do, when you look back darling...

MERYL: Look, Truman. The happiest day of our lives.

TRUMAN: Mmmm...

MERYL: Look! Jean, Jody, Joanne...

MOTHER: Doesn't she look beautiful, Truman? Well, she still does! And there's lots of pages left over for baby photos. I would like ____________________________________. Angela we really should be getting you home…

TRUMAN: I’ll take her.

MERYL: No, no, no, no…you stay, relax, enjoy yourself. Your favorite show will be coming on.

TRUMAN: You sure?

MERYL: Besides, we have something to discuss...

MOTHER: A certain person's birthday...

TRUMAN: Ohhh...I see.

T.V.: And there'll be another episode of I Love Lucy same time tomorrow, but right now, it's time for Golden Oldies. Tonight we present _______________________________________, "Show me the Way to go Home." A ________________________________________ where we learn that you don't have to leave home to discover what the world's all about. And that no one's poor who has friends. Full of laughter and love, pain and sadness, but _____________________________. We share the ______________________________ of the Abbot family. Note the _______________________ of Ronald Griereed as Uncle Buddy. And that scene with the bowl of cherries is going to have you _____________________________________ all over again. And there'll be tears, too, when David and Jennifer are reunited. But enough from me, let's join the Abbots in Camden Village.

Truman's Home

MERYL: Thank you, sweetie.

TRUMAN: I need to talk to you, but let’s go outside.

MERYL: I'd love to, but, I'm really late.

TRUMAN: _____________________________?

MERYL: Surgery. There was that--that ______________________________. It was on the news, last night. This--this ___________________________. This elevator ju--it just __________________________________________ with nonunion workers. Just monstrous. You know, that--that building…it's right next door to where you work. Can you imagine if you had been in there? It's not even worth thinking about. Anyway, I have an amputation on one of the young women who was…in that elevator. She's very young. It's very sad. Anyway, um…wish me luck.

TRUMAN: I'll ________________________________ for you.


RECEPTIONIST: Ah, excuse me! Excuse me. May uh...May I help you?

TRUMAN: Well, uh...yes. I'm looking for my wife. Nurse Burbank. It's very important.

RECEPTIONIST: You know what, ______________________________________________

TRUMAN: Sure…Okay, fine. Can you ____________________________?


TRUMAN: Can you tell her: I had to go to Fiji, and that I'll call her when I get there.

RECEPTIONIST: When you...when you get to Fiji?

TRUMAN: You got it.

RECEPTIONIST: Fine, I will…um...I'll tell her.

TRUMAN: Thank you so much...

TRUMAN: Oh! Sorry! Here, let me help you with that.

DOCTOR: He's here.

NURSE: What do we...?

DOCTOR: Shh, shh, shh...scalpel...I'm now __________________________ just above the right knee.

NURSE: Nicely done...

SECURITY: This isn't going to be pretty. Unless you're family...

NURSE: Beautiful job.

DOCTOR: Well, I’ll just let someone else tidy up here.
4.2. Arrange the facts in the order they appear in the film:

  1. Confused, but not dismayed, Truman goes to a travel agency that is full of warnings against travel. They say that there are no flights available for a month.

  2. While going over old photos with his mother and wife, Truman notices that his wife’s fingers are crossed in the wedding picture.

  3. As Truman drives to work, the radio goes crazy. He hears things he shouldn’t hear. Becoming paranoid, he decides to try a different route and is almost hit by a bus that stops just on time for him.

  4. Panicking, Truman runs to the store where his friend, Marlon, works and tells him that he thinks his father is alive.

  5. Truman and Marlon sit on the beach, and he tells Marlon that he’s going to go away.

  6. Meryl crosses her fingers when telling him that she’s going into the hospital to help with a surgery.

  7. Truman follows Meryl, but he sees a surgery in progress.

  8. Truman runs into a different building, and sees that it looks like only a backdrop for another activity.

  9. Growing desperate, Truman gets on a bus for Chicago, but the bus driver is an actor who doesn’t know how to drive, and the bus breaks.


4.3 Guess the words and use them in the context of your own:

1. someone doesn’t have a ticket and they just wait in the airport for an open seat on an airplane

2. how many times something happens

3. changing the way something looks

4. turn someone into the authorities for something they’ve done wrong

5. be involved in a bad situation

6. ideal situation that someone dreams of

7. lose your job

9. have a trick played on someone

10. a slang, informal reference to God

11. refers to someone who has red hair

12. refers to music favorites from years before

13. recover ownership by paying for it in some way (commonly used in a

religious reference)

14. hope for the best

15. have something cut off

16. someone who doesn’t belong to a group that is dedicated to fair treatment and welfare of workers

17. a tool used in the doctor’s office

18. a small cut

19. buy a plane ticket

22. have a fight with someone
4.4 Comprehension Questions:

1. What happens with the radio that makes Truman nervous?

2. What happens when Truman acts unpredictably?

3. Is it better to be predictable and safe or spontaneous and dangerous?

4. Would you describe your life as mostly predictable or mostly unpredictable?

5. Why is Truman surprised by his wedding picture?

6. Why do they have warnings against travel in the travel agency?

7. Think through the parts of the film you’ve seen so far. What things have been done to

discourage Truman from leaving town?

8. The question, “What will happen next,” appears throughout the movie. What do you

think will happen next?
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11


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