Учебно-методический комплекс учебной дисциплины «Видеокурс»

НазваниеУчебно-методический комплекс учебной дисциплины «Видеокурс»
Дата публикации10.11.2014
Размер1.02 Mb.
ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
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Part Five
5.1. Arrange the facts in the order they appear in the film:

  1. Truman tries to run through, but he is caught and returned by the police.

  2. Truman is able to get to the bridge out of town, overcome his hydrophobia, and cross it.

  3. When Meryl comes to see what’s wrong, Truman shows her that the people passing by in the background are synchronized, as if on a loop.

  4. They get out of town, only to find the road blocked due to a power plant meltdown.

  5. Marlon enters and leads Truman back to their site on the pier.

  6. With Meryl in the car, Truman starts driving spontaneously, only to notice that all of the roads are circular and lead back to home.

  7. Back at home, when Meryl starts to go into a commercial, Truman is unable to stand it. He flips out and starts threatening her.

  8. Truman sits in his car in his driveway, staring at the rear-view mirror.


5.2 Guess the words and use them in the context of your own:

1. “The hardest worker gets the best reward.”

2. describes someone who is always moving and never stays in one place

3. front part of a car and it has a dent in it

4. a pattern that ends in the same place it started

5. something done without planning

7. happens at the same time

8. a celebration in New Orleans, Louisiana

10. use some of the money that you’ve been saving for other things

11. make legal charges against someone who has wronged you
Comprehension Questions:

1. Where does Truman want to go?

2. Why does Truman take his wife with him?

3. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?

4. Meryl tells Truman, “Go home, where you’ll feel safe.” What do you think of when you

think of “home”?

5. Which need is greater for most people, the need for adventure, or the need for safety?

6. Do women and men have different levels of need for adventure and security? Do

different cultures have different levels of these needs?

7. What does Meryl do that makes Truman so angry?
Part Six

6.1. Arrange the facts in the order they appear in the film:

  1. As Truman and Marlon talk on the bridge, the scene shifts to Christophe, the director, giving Marlon cues through an earpiece.

  2. The focus is on the people orchestrating it and watching it and celebrating around the world. Satisfied with good work, Christophe leaves.

  3. Lauren still watches from her home.

  4. The drama rises as Truman’s father reappears and Truman is reunited with him.


6.2. Guess the words and use them in the context of your own:

1. go crazy

2. something that you hope will happen

3. toilet

4. crazy

5. standards used to measure something
6.3. Comprehension Questions:

1. What does Truman think is causing his unhappiness?

2. What does Marlon think is causing Truman’s unhappiness?

3. What do you think is causing Truman’s unhappiness?

4. Is Marlon a good friend to Truman?

5. What makes someone a good friend?

6. What makes someone trustworthy?

7. If you were Marlon, an actor and a friend, would you tell Truman the truth? Why?

8. How do the viewers feel about Truman? Why do they feel this way?

9. How does Lauren feel about Truman? Why does she feel this way?

10. What causes you to identify with or like characters in film or literature. Are they the same traits that would draw them toward someone in real life? What makes someone an attractive person?
Part Seven
7.1. Arrange the facts in the order they appear in the film:

  1. Christophe explains some of the technical aspects of the show, especially dealing with how they keep people from outside away from Truman and how they keep him from wanting to leave.

  2. Christophe, however, responds that Truman can leave whenever he wants to badly enough.

  3. People watch Truman sleep, and Christophe reaches out to touch the screen lovingly.

  4. Then Christophe reveals that Meryl will be leaving Truman and a new romance will begin with Vivian.

  5. Lauren calls in and says that Christophe is keeping Truman prisoner.

  6. It’s the “Tru Talk Show”: a show about the Truman Show. The special guest is Christophe, the creator and director of the show.

7.2. Complete the script:

The T.V.

ANNOUNCER: One point seven billion were there for his birth. Two-hundred-twenty countries ___________________________. The world stood still for that ______________________. And as he grew, so ____________________________. An entire human life recorded on _______________________________________________. And ____________________________________ twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week to an audience around the globe. Coming to you now from Seahaven island, enclosed in the largest studio ever constructed, and along with the Great Wall of China, one of only two _______________________________________________, now in it's thirtieth great year, it's The Truman Show!

INTERVIEWER: What a week it's been! I don't know about you, but I've been _______________________________________ the entire time. Hello. And good evening. I'm ____________________, Mike Michaelson, and welcome to TruTalk, our _____________________________________________. But tonight, something very special indeed, a ________________________________________________________. So, come with us now as we go live to the Lunar Room on the 221st floor of the OmniCam atmosphere. That's where we'll find the world's greatest televisionary, __________________________________________________________ that is Seahaven Island, Christof. (to Christof) Before we begin, I'd like to thank you on behalf of our audience for granting this exclusive interview. We know how _________________________________________ is and we all know how __________________________________________. This, sir, is…indeed an honor.

Lunar Room

CHRISTOF: Don't mention it.

INTERVIEWER: Well, _________________________________________________ on the show has been, of course, Truman's father, Kirk, and _______________________________________, but before we get into that, I think it's worth knowing that this is not the first time that someone from the outside has attempted to reach Truman, is it?

CHRISTOF: We have had ___________________________________________ in the past.

Flashback: A Childhood Christmas

MAN FROM A GIFT BOX: Truman! It's television! Yes! Yeah! I did it! I'm on the Truman Show!

Lunar Room

INTERVIEWER: But there's never been anything to ____________________________________________________________________ the…the first intruder to be a former cast member.

CHRISTOF: A dead one at that.

INTERVIEWER: Gotta' say, writing Kirk back in--master stroke.

CHRISTOF: Since Kirk started this whole crisis in Truman's life, I came to the conclusion that he was the only one who could end it.

Flashback: Truman at the Beach

KIRK: Truman! Truman, no! ____________________________________.

YOUNG TRUMAN: Why? What's over there?

KIRK: Nothing. It's dangerous, that's all. __________________________________________, Truman.

Lunar Room

INTERVIEWER: Let's remind viewers of exactly why dad was written out in the first place.

CHRISTOF: As Truman grew up, ________________________________________________ ____________________________________

Flashback: Truman at School

YOUNG TRUMAN: I'd like to be an explorer. Like the great Magellan.

TEACHER: Oh, you're too late. There's really nothing left to explore.

Lunar Room

CHRISTOF: Finally, I came up _________________________________________________.

INTERVIEWER: Most effective. Truman's been terrified of water ever since.

CHRISTOF: When Kirk read ___________________________________________________, to say the least. And I'm sure that's _________________________________________________.

INTERVIEWER: But, how do you intend to explain his 22 year absence?

CHRISTOF: ______________________________.

INTERVIEWER: Heh. Brilliant. Let's take some of those viewer phone calls. Charlotte, North Carolina. You're on with Christof.

MALE VIEWER: (over the phone) Um…yeah...uh...Hi, Christof...uh, I was just wondering how many cameras you got there in that town.

CHRISTOF: Somewhere _______________________________________________________.

MALE VIEWER: Oh...Now that's a lot of cameras.

CHRISTOF: Remember, we started with just one. He was uh...__________________________. ________________________________, it was almost as if he couldn't wait to get started.

INTERVIEWER: And of course ___________________________________________uh...was the very reason he was the one who was selected.

CHRISTOF: In competition with five other__________________________, the casting of the show, determined by _______________, Truman was _________________________________.

INTERVIEWER: Incidentally, uh, I believe Truman is the first child__________________________________________?

CHRISTOF: That's correct.

INTERVIEWER: The show uh, has generated uh, ___________________________________ _________________________________ a small country.

CHRISTOF: People forget it takes the population of an entire country to keep the show running.

INTERVIEWER: Mmm-hmmm. Since the show is on twenty-four hours a day without ___________________________________ uh...all those ______________________________.

CHRISTOF: That's true. Everything on the show is for sale. From the actors wardrobes, food products, to the very homes they live in.

INTERVIEWER: And of course all of it available in the "Truman Catalog" and operators are standing by. Christof, let me ask you, why do you think that uh, Truman has never come close to discovering the true nature of his world until now?

CHRISTOF: We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented. It's as simple as that.

INTERVIEWER: ____________________, for Christof. Hello…________________...All right, we've lost that call, let's go to Hollywood, California, you're on TruTalk.

SYLVIA: Hi, Christof, I'd just like to say one thing: You're ___________________________ and what you've done to Truman is sick.

CHRISTOF: Well, we remember this voice, don't we? How could we forget?

INTERVIEWER: Uh...let's go to another call with…

CHRISTOF: No. No, no, no, no, no. It--I--It's fine, Mike. I love ________________________________________________________. Sylvia, as you announced so melodramatically to the world...do you think because you ________________________________, flirted with him, _____________________________ with him to _________________________________________________, that you know him, that you know what's right for him? You really think you're in a position to judge him?

SYLVIA: What right do you have to take a baby an-an-and turn his life into some kind of __________________? Don't you ever feel guilty?

CHRISTOF: I have given Truman ________________________. The world. The place you live in...is the sick place. Seahaven is the way the world should be.

SYLVIA: He's not a performer, he's a prisoner. Look at him. Look at what you've done to him.

CHRISTOF: He could leave at any time. If his was more than just _________________________, if he was absolutely determined to discover the truth, there's no way we could prevent him. I think what distresses you, really, caller, is that ultimately, Truman prefers his "cell," as you call it.

SYLVIA: That's where you're wrong. You're so wrong. And he'll prove you wrong.

INTERVIEWER: Well, aside from uh…__________________________________________, it's been an overwhelmingly positive experience.

CHRISTOF: Yes, for Truman and for the viewing public.

INTERVIEWER: Well, Christof, I can't thank you enough for giving so generously your time tonight. I think it's safe to say that now that this crisis is behind us and that Truman is back to his old self we can ________________________________________________________________.

CHRISTOF: Well, Mike, the big news is that Meryl will be leaving Truman in an upcoming episode, and a ______________________________________________.


CHRISTOF: I'm determined that television's________________________________________.

INTERVIEWER: Well, another ______________________ straight ahead…you heard it here first. It has been __________________________________, sir. Christof. Thank you.

CHRISTOF: Thank you, Mike.

7.3. Guess the words and use them in the context of your own:

1. be very cautious around someone

2. the way something is set up

3. the agent that slows down or speeds up a situation

4. to pass through into enemy territory

5. things set on something that limit it

6. a disorder that causes people to forget things

7. determining which actors should play which parts in a performance

8. the date that a specific program is going to be on TV

9. a separate company that has all its own rights and privileges

10. the value of goods or services a country produces that the citizens of the country place on it

11. walking in an unstable way

12. profits made from selling products

13. an advertising strategy where advertisers place products in the place where they will sell the best

14. remember things that happened in the past

15. a drama with exaggerated characters and plot

16. upset about something

17. is being broadcast right then
7.4 Comprehension Questions:

1. The TV interviewer says that Christophe guards his privacy. Do famous people have a right to privacy?

2. Does anyone have a right to privacy?

3. Why was Truman chosen for the show?

4. Truman’s father says to Truman, “You have to know your limitations.” What things does society do to help you know your limitations?

5. Are limitations good for individuals?

6. Are limitations good for society?

7. How does The Truman Show make money?

8. Christophe tells Lauren that her world is “sick”. Is he right? What is the difference between a sick world and a normal world?

9. Is it true that people accept whatever they see and think that it is normal?

10. How can you know if something you dislike can be changed?

11. What does it mean that “Truman prefers his cell”?

12. How does Christophe feel about Truman?

Part Eight
8.1. Arrange the facts in the order they appear in the film:

  1. Truman wakes and talks to himself in the mirror.

  2. He goes to work as usual, and meets Vivian.

  3. Truman follows his normal routine, eventually going down to the basement and taking a nap.

  4. Christophe, however, notices something unusual and sends Marlon to investigate.

  5. Truman has rigged a dummy to sleep in his place, and has left. No one knows where he went.

  6. Pandemonium breaks out. They cut the transmission of the show and begin a large-scale search.

  7. Desperate, Christophe decides to cue the electronic sunrise early.

  8. They finally spot

  9. Truman on a boat, sailing away from the town.

  10. The cast members try to find a way to catch him, but they can’t.

  11. Christophe creates a storm, but Truman won’t turn back. The storm gets increasingly intense, almost killing him, but Truman keeps on.

  12. Finally, Truman hits the edge of the studio wall. He finds a set of stairs leading to a door.

  13. Christophe steps in with his voice from the sky. The show is broadcasting again, and Christophe plays God.

  14. Truman chooses to live a real life instead of staying in the set. He bows and exits.

  15. Lauren turns off her TV and runs to meet him.

  16. Christophe bows his head in defeat.

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