Протокол №1

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Task 2

Student Card 1

You are going to stay in a US hotel for two weeks.

Talk to a desk clerk to find out what services are available for you at the hotel.

Ask the desk clerk:

  • if you could use the Internet in the room;

  • if you could watch a Russian TV channel;

  • where you could buy newspaper to learn about local news;

  • if you could call home.

You start the conversation.

Remember to:

  • be active and polite;

  • ask questions and find out all the information you need;

  • answer the clerk’s questions.

Student Card 2

You are a desk clerk at a US hotel.

Talk to a person from Russia who is going to stay at your hotel for a few weeks. Give him/her the information he/she asks you about and find out some information about this person.

You’ve got the following information about the hotel services:

Internet services: Internet is free (North America only); if you have a computer (a laptop) you can have Internet in your room

Newspapers: free USA Today newspaper (delivered to your door)

Television: guest room TVs offering at least one English language channel with international news

Radio: clock radio in all guest rooms

Telephone: free local calls under 30 minutes and free long-distance calls (US and Canada only)

Remember to:

  • be active and polite;

  • ask:

  • if he/she is going to use his/her personal computer;

  • if he/she likes listening to the radio;

  • if he/she is interested in getting international news.

  • explain clearly.

3 четверть

Контрольная работа


Вид задания — multiple matching (установление соответствий). Цель — проверка умения слушать с полным пониманием высказыва­ний, построенных на лексическом и грамматическом материале по теме цикла.

Учащиеся предварительно знакомятся с заданием, затем слушают высказывания и выполняют задание. При повторном слушании про­веряют правильность выполнения. За каждый правильный ответ — 1 балл.
Текст для аудирования

Ж: Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1–5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A–F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите каждую аудиозапись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. У вас есть тридцать секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданием.

(пауза 30 секунд)

W: Now we are ready to start.

(пауза 3 секунды)

W: Speaker 1

M: Teenagers should have a close look at their jobs. Besides, there are strict rules on part-time working for young people. For example, there is no work for young people before 7 o’clock in the morning or after 7 o’clock in the evening. Such jobs would mean walking alone late at night. And it is not always safe, particularly for people who are young and inexperienced. Parents should know what kind of jobs their children have and keep them away from danger.

(пауза 3 секунды)
W: Speaker 2

M: I think teenagers don’t have to work because they need to study. School should be their number one priority. This is what they should think about. When they begin earning money, school becomes less important.

School statistics say that students who have part-time jobs also may have the following problems: teenagers come into class sleepy, they never finish their homework, their marks become worse, they cut down on their social life. I think, if you want to do something very well, you shouldn’t do two things at the same time.

(пауза 3 секунды)

W: Speaker 3

W: While they are working, teenagers can have some experiences that they cannot have in school. Those experiences are needed when they get out of school life, for example, the experience of meeting a variety of people. It will help them for living in different situations in the future.

What's more, such work experience is different from work experience in the future. They can make mistakes but then they can learn from those mistakes.

Work experience can be a great way to see if your job idea is right for you. It is important to have some work experience before you apply for certain jobs and courses, such as teaching, medicine or journalism.

(пауза 3 секунды)

W: Speaker 4

M: First, you need to decide on the job you want -– the type of job, the hours, the pay. You may not be able to find a job that meets all your needs, but you should try to find one that meets as many of them as possible. Then you need to answer some questions about yourself. What kind of skills have you got? What have you learned at school that might be useful in your ideal job?

After that you need to write a CV. Then you need to use all your resources to find that ideal job. Talk with your parents and your friends' parents, your teachers, ask them if they have any contacts at your ideal job's company. You should also read the newspaper ads and surf the Web. Finally, apply for the jobs that interest you.

(пауза 3 секунды)

W: Speaker 5

W: Working part-time may have some bad points, but it has more good points than bad ones. Working part-time is a good experience for teenagers. As for me, I have a part-time job working at a supermarket. It is harder than it looks. I have to give up my time for my job. More than that, sometimes I have to give up my sleeping time to do my homework. I don't have much time to see my friends. That is not good, I know. However, because of it, I have learned to concentrate more, and now I use my time more wisely. Besides, I have learned to communicate better with other people both younger and older than myself.

W Now you have 30 seconds to complete the task.

(пауза 30 секунд)

W Now you will hear the texts again.

(Текст звучит еще раз)

W This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

(пауза 15 секунд)


Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A – F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите каждую аудиозапись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

The speaker talks about:

  1. how to get a part-time job.

  2. his/her own part-time job experience.

  3. good effects of part-time work.

  4. bad effects of part-time work.

  5. attitude of school to the working students.

  6. why some part-time jobs are not for teens.







Утверждение (буква)


  1. F, 2 –D, 3- C, 4 – A, 5 –B


Вид задания — multiple matching (установление соответствия). Цель — контроль умения читать с извлечением конкретной информа­ции. За каждый правильный ответ — 1 балл.

Прочитайте информацию о школьниках, планирующих свое будущее. Установите соответствие между утверждениями A-F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1-5. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

  1. The person has too many career choices.

  2. Disability doesn’t stop the person planning a career.

  3. Work experience was valuable to the person.

  4. The person is unsure about his/her future.

  5. The person has found out what is nessary for his/her future career.

  6. The person has followed his/her dream since childhood.

  1. Zoe is in Year 9 and has always had a keen interest in animals. She plans to work for the RSPCA in the future as an inspector. She has researched the entry requirements for this type of work and has discussed the skills and experience that are needed with her personal adviser at school.

Zoe has chosen to attend college in Year 10 to study a City & Guilds course, which she will combine with GCSEs in school. She knows that she needs to achieve A-C grades at GCSE to train with the RSPCA. From her research, Zoe has found that as well as academic qualifications it is important to get as much experience with animals as possible. As a result, she spends time helping on a local farm and goes horse-riding.

  1. Michael is in Year 9 and enjoys most of his school subjects. He has decided to take GCSEs in additional science, product design and food technology. But he doesn’t have a clear career plan at the moment. Michael talked to a range of people in and outside of school to help him make his option choices.

“I had the opportunity to talk to my teacher about my option choices. I also used the school’s option booklet which I went through with my parents.”

Michael found it invaluable talking to lots of different people about what to do after Year 9 even though he doesn’t have a career idea.

  1. Michelle is in Year 10 and has a specific learning difficulty. She attends a local school where she has support in lessons. She finds the theory work very difficult and uses support from learning support assistants for reading and written work as she has problems with reading and writing. Despite her difficulties, Michelle is extremely hard-working, and has already begun to plan her career. She would like to manage her own bar in the future. So, she is studying a GCSE in food technology. Michelle plans to study catering at college and will continue to get support with the theory work when she is there.

  2. Since he was six years old, Ethan has loved performing and he joined his first dance school at the age of ten. Even at such a young age, it was clear he was talented, and in Year 8 he transferred from his local secondary school to a full-time school for performing arts. Now in Year 10, he studies acting, singing, music and dancing and a range of GCSE subjects.

At first children used to tease Ethan about his singing and dancing. He thinks it has made him work harder to succeed. He has had a lot of support from his family and from his teachers.

Ethan’s dream is to perform in the West End musical theatre: he knows how competitive this type of work is.

  1. Ann has always enjoyed sciences. She chose A Levels in biology, chemistry and mathematics. During Year 12, Ann started researching careers that use sciences, and decided that she liked dentistry. She learned about courses and found some work at a dental practice. But she didn’t enjoy it, and it put her off a career in dentistry. Ann thought carefully about why she had not enjoyed her work experience and realized that she liked research. Ann finally decided that biochemistry at university. She is really glad that she arranged some work at the dental practice. “I could have easily gone into dentistry without knowing fully what the job requires. It would have been wrong for me”.







Утверждение (буква)


1. E, 2- D, 3- B, 4 – F, 5 - C

III. WRITING (30 минут)

Вид задания — composition (сочинение).

Упражнение проверяет умение высказываться в письменной фор­ме.

You have 30 minutes to do this task you have received a letter from your English-speaking friend Alice.

I do well in most subject areas. That’s why it’s a bit difficult for me to choose my options. I know that it’s important to choose options that will interest and motivate you/ do you consider your future ambition? What interests you? What makes you study hard? …

Write her a letter and answer his 3 questions. Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Данные задания выполняются в течение урока. Первое задание выполняется каждым учеником индивидуально. Для выполнения вто­рого задания ученики вызываются парами.

1. Вид задания — oral report (устное сообщение).

В задании контролируется умение учащихся высказываться по за­данной ситуации.

2. Вид задания — role play (ролевая игра).

В задании контролируется умение учащихся вести диалог на за­данную тему.

Task 1

Give a 1,5 to 2-minut talk about your future ambitions and opportunities that you have now to achieve your future ambitions.

Remember to say:

  • what plans for the future you’ve got;

  • if you have qualities, skills and abilities necessary for your future profession;

  • what subjects and courses you can choose at your school that will help you to design your future.

You have to talk for 1,5 to 2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Task 2

Student card 1

You are going to study at school in Britain.

Talk to a person who studies there and find out some information about this school.

Ask the person:

  • if there is career education;

  • if there is the Sixth Form (what it offers);

  • about after-school activities (if there are any/what kind of).

You start the conversation.

Remember to:

  • be active and polite;

  • ask questions and find out all the information you need;

  • answer the questions.

Student card 2

You study at British school.

Talk to a person who is going to study here, give him/her this information:

After-school activities: clubs for chess, table tennis, photography; the choir; instrumental lessons for individuals

The Sixth Form: a special Sixth Form building; A-level courses, one-year vocational courses

Career education: a special resource center in the school; regular visits of career co-coordinators

Find out some information about the person.

Ask the person:

  • if he/she plays any musical instrument;

  • about his/her career plans.

You start the conversation.

Remember to:

  • be active and polite;

  • explain clearly.

4 четверть

Контрольная работа


Вид задания — multiple matching (установление соответствий). Цель — проверка умения слушать с полным пониманием высказыва­ний, построенных на лексическом и грамматическом материале по теме цикла.

Учащиеся предварительно знакомятся с заданием, затем слушают высказывания и выполняют задание. При повторном слушании про­веряют правильность выполнения. За каждый правильный ответ — 1 балл.

Текст для аудирования

Ж: Вы услышите 5 советов по изучению иностранного языка. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1–5 и советами, данными в списке A–F. Используйте каждый совет, обозначенный соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть один лишний совет. Вы услышите каждую аудиозапись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. У вас есть тридцать секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданием.

(пауза 30 секунд)

W: Now we are ready to start.

(пауза 3 секунды)

W: Speaker 1.

M: There are many different ways you can improve your English, so don’t limit yourself to only one or two. The absolute best way to learn English is to surround you with it. This means listening, reading, writing, speaking, and studying words and phrases. Take notes in English, read English books and newspapers, if possible. Try to listen to English language radio broadcasts, watch English news and movies. In this way you can expand your vocabulary and can hear different accents. The Internet is a fantastic resource, but for the language learner it is perfect. Another good way to have more language practice is to look for the opportunity to make friends with native speakers. So, using as many sources as possible will allow you to learn English faster.

(пауза 3 секунды)

W: Speaker 2.

W: Do not wait for someone else to show you the language, or to tell you what to do. Discover the language by yourself. Listen wherever you are on your MP3 player. Read what you are listening to. Listen to and read things that you like, things that you can mostly understand, or even partly understand. While listening and reading learn new words and phrases. Read online, using online dictionaries, and make your own vocabulary lists for review. If you keep listening and reading, you will get used to the language. One hour of listening or reading is very effective. Do it everyday and you'll soon see how much you can achieve.

(пауза 3 секунды)

W: Speaker 3.

M: A teacher cannot teach you to become fluent, but you can learn to become fluent if you want to. Anyone can become good at English. You can become good at English. Where you were born does not matter. Most of the English speakers in the world today learnt English as a second or even third language. Where you live does not matter either. Even in your country, there are many people who are good at English. In this age of Internet, TV and travel it's quite possible to get fluent in English simply by living at home. Just look at how well many English speaking foreigners from different countries understand each other!

(пауза 3 секунды)

W: Speaker 4.

W: Do not worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cannot yet say. It does not matter. You are learning and improving. Just make sure you spend enough time with the language. The most important thing is to find out what kind of learner you are, and try to use the language in a way that attracts you. Relate it to something that you like. Some people learn by listening to songs, others by reading interesting books….. You must love to learn English. You shouldn’t see it as work, but as play. Do what interests you, but do it in English. That is the greatest guarantee of success.

(пауза 3 секунды)

W: Speaker 5.

M:Research in many countries shows that language students learn more effectively when they study regularly, and for shorter periods of time, than if they study for a long time but only occasionally. Try to study each day, and whenever possible, several times a day. Don't allow your mind to forget what you have learnt. See everyday as a chance to add something extra to your English potential. Get into the habit of studying regularly. Like learning to play baseball or to ride a bike, or a little exercise, whatever you do everyday, you get good at it. Do a little English every day and you will get good at it.

W Now you have 30 seconds to complete the task.

(пауза 30 секунд)

W Now you will hear the texts again.

(Текст звучит еще раз)

W This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

(пауза 15 секунд)

Вы услышите 5 советов по изучению иностранного языка. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-5 и советами, данными в списке A – F. Используйте каждый совет, обозначенный соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть один лишний совет. Вы услышите каждую аудиозапись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

  1. While learning a language, enjoy yourself.

  2. Listen and read regularly.

  3. Practice the language a little every day.

  4. Learn vocabulary effectively.

  5. Believe that you can be good at English.

  6. Use all of your resources.







Утверждение (буква)


1-F, 2-B, 3-Е, 4-А, 5-С

Вид задания — true/false/unstated (верно/неверно/в тексте не ска­зано). Цель — проверка умения читать с полным пониманием содер­жание текста. За каждый правильный ответ — 1 балл.

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений (1-8) соответствуют содержанию текста (А – true), какие не соответствуют (В – false) и о чем в тексте не сказано (С – not stated).

Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. Curious and full of ideas, he grew up in a family whose parents were experts on elocution (the art of public speaking) and teaching the deaf to speak. Alexander’s mother taught him until he was ten years old. When he was a youth he created a machine that removed the husks from grain. It was his first invention.

After studying at the University of Edinburgh and University College, London, Bell became his father’s assistant. He taught the deaf to talk by adopting his father’s system of visible speech.

In 1870 Bell’s family, in search of a healthier climate, moved to Brantford, Ontario, Canada. In 1871 he went to Boston, Massachusetts, to tech at Sarah Fuller’s School for the Deaf, the first such school in the word. Throughout his life he continued to educate the deaf, and he founded the American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf.

From 1873 to 1876 Bell experimented with many inventions, including an electric speaking telegraph (the telephone). On March 7, 1876, the US Patent Office granted Bell a patent, or a document guaranteeing a person the right to make and sell an invention for a set number of years, for a communication device for “transmitting vocal or other sounds telegraphically”. It was the most valuable single patent ever issued. It opened a new age in communications technology.

In 1877 the first telephone was installed in a private home; a conversation took place between Boston and New York using telegraph lines; in July the Bell Telephone Company was formed. That year Bell demonstrated the telephone to England and France.

The Bell Company built the first long-distance line in 1884, connecting Boston and New York. Bell and others organized The American Telephone and Telegraph Company in 1885 to operate other long-distance lines.

The Volta Laboratory was started by Bell in Washington, D.C. with the money he received from France (about $10,000) for his invention. At the Laboratory Bell and his colleagues worked on various projects during the 1880s, including the photophone, induction balance, audiometer, and phonograph improvements.

Bell was also involved in other activities that took of his time. The magazine Science was founded in1880 thanks to Bell’s efforts. As National Geographic Society president from 1896 to 1904, he contributed to the success of the society and its publications. Aviation was Bell’s primary interest after 1895. Bell was granted 18 parents in his name, and 12 he shared with collaborators. His contribution to the modern world and its technologies was enormous.

  1. In his early childhood, Alexander Bell was educated by his parents.

    1. True B. False C. Not stated

  2. He completed his first invention when he was young.

    1. True B. False C. Not stated

  3. Bell’s family moved to Canada because of problems with Alexander’s health.

    1. True B. False C. Not stated

  4. Bell was the founder of Sarah Fuller’s School for the Deaf in Boston.

    1. True B. False C. Not stated

  5. Alexander Bell spent most of his life time teaching deaf people.

    1. True B. False C. Not stated

  6. The first telephone talk took place in America.

    1. True B. False C. Not stated

  7. British people started using telephones in 1877.

    1. A. True B. False C. Not stated

  8. Since 1885, American people were able to speak over the telephone throughout the country.

    1. A. True B. False C. Not stated

  9. Alexander Bell spent the money he got for his invention to set up the Volta Laboratory in France.

    1. A. True B. False C. Not stated

  10. Alexander Bell was the inventor of more than eighteen inventions.

    1. A. True B. False C. Not stated


1-A, 2-A, 3-B, 4-B, 5-A, 6-A, 7-N/s, 8-A, 9-B, 10-A

III. WRITING (30 минут)

Вид задания — composition (сочинение).

Упражнение проверяет умение высказываться в письменной фор­ме.

You have 30 minutes to do this task you have received a letter from your English-speaking friend Laura.

my dad is Italian, my mum is Welsh. My family moved to England where I was born. I have always lived in England so I can speak English fluently. Now I’m also learning German at school. So I can speak Welsh, Italian and German. Next year I start Spanish and I want to learn Russian. What is your native language? What foreign languages are taught at your school? What languages do you study? Would you like to study other languages? Why? …

Write her a letter and answer his 5 questions. Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Данные задания выполняются в течение урока. Первое задание выполняется каждым учеником индивидуально. Для выполнения вто­рого задания ученики вызываются парами.

1. Вид задания — oral report (устное сообщение).

В задании контролируется умение учащихся высказываться по за­данной ситуации.

2. Вид задания — role play (ролевая игра).

В задании контролируется умение учащихся вести диалог на за­данную тему.

Task 1

Give a 1.5 to 2-minute talk about your English lessons.

Remember to say:

  • how long you’ve been learning English;

  • why you’ve chosen English to study;

  • what are your marks in English?

  • if you like your English lessons and why.

You have to talk for 1,5 to 2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Task 2

Student card 1

You are staying with Andrew’s family in London/ you want to go to the Roald Dahl Museum because he is your favourite writer.

  • you start the conversation.

  • talk to your British friend about:

  • the location of the museum;

  • the working hours;

  • the price of the ticket.

Remember to:

  • be active and polite;

  • explain why you want to go to the Roald Dahl Museum;

  • ask questions and find out all the information you need;

  • invite your friend to go to the museum together;

  • agree to go to the museum with Andrew and his parents.

Student card 2

You are Andrew and you live in London. Your Russian friend is staying with your family. He/she wants to go to the Roald Dahl Museum and asks you about it. You went on an excursion to the museum with your class last week.

Listen to your friend and answer his/her questions about the museum.

Information about the museum:

Location: in Great Missenden, a small village, 40 minutes by train from London

Open: from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm on weekdays and from 11am to 5 pm on Sundays and Saturdays

Tickets: children: 5 to 18 $4.00

Remember to:

  • be active and polite;

  • ask why he/she wants to go to the Roald Dahl Museum;

  • say that you liked the excursion very much and want to go to the museum again;

  • suggest going to the museum with your parents on Sunday.

Итоговая контрольная работа


Вид задания — multiple matching (установление соответствий). Цель — проверка умения слушать с полным пониманием высказыва­ний.

Текст для аудирования


Итоговая контрольная работа. Вы сейчас будете выполнять тест по аудированию. Во время его выполнения перед каждым заданием дана пауза с тем, чтобы вы могли просмотреть вопросы к заданию, а также паузы после первичного и повторного предъявления аудиотекста для внесения ответов. По окончании выполнения всех заданий по аудированию (В1, А1–А7) перенесите свои ответы в бланк ответов.

Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1–5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A–F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите каждую аудиозапись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. У вас есть тридцать секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданием.

(пауза 30 секунд)

W: Now we are ready to start.

(пауза 3 секунды)

W: Speaker 1

M: I spend quite a lot of time watching TV, listening to music and discussing magazine articles with my friends. I think that teenage magazines and TV shows are good for entertaining yourself. But on the other hand, you shouldn’t take them seriously. They really don’t show young people’s point of view or describe our life. Adults shouldn’t believe that they show what goes on in teens’ lives. They could learn more in real life than they can from that silly stuff. I personally doubt that by watching some of teens TV shows and reading magazines, adults will find out more about the things that matter to us.

(пауза 3 секунды)

W: Speaker 2

W: Adults would be given the wrong impression about teens’ life if they just read books about teens. Books are a completely unrealistic description of life. Reading books about teens isn’t really going to help much. Most of the books have been written by adults anyway. They make no difference to what adults think about children or what children are really interested in. The things adults enjoyed doing in their childhood are quite different to the things we enjoy now. So, I know that no matter what parents read about children, they’re still never going to understand what they feel.

(пауза 3 секунды)

W: Speaker 3

M: I’d like my parents to learn about my hobbies and my school life. If adults really wanted to get the right picture of what our life is, they would see it with their own eyes and hear what it’s like from their children. Why don’t parents just talk more to their children and spend more time with them? Adults should listen to our ideas to find out what we enjoy doing. I think they would be surprised to learn what we can do. Sometimes children actually have better ideas than adults and make better decisions. If adults just listened to their children’s point of view, then they might understand them better.

(пауза 3 секунды)

W: Speaker 4

W: I’m a great fan of the Princess Diaries series, because even though the main character is a teenage princess, she still goes through all the worries teens are going through. I think the book shows the life of teenager perfectly, though it is not written by a teenager. Meg Cabot is a brilliant author and has a fantastic understanding of teenagers. I also like the characters in Jacqueline Wilson’s books. Sometimes I think I am quite like one of them. All the books which I have read are very similar to what I am going through in my life. Teen books are really good and show teenager’s thoughts and feelings! I think they could give adults a better idea of what we need. Books will help them to see the things that really matter to us.

(пауза 3 секунды)

W: Speaker 5

M: A lot of adults forget what it is like to be teenagers. They will only get a clear picture of what teens’ life is if they see it with their own eyes. I think that adults just need to think about their own schooldays. They should spend a day in a child’s shoes. Let them go to school, and we go to work, at least for a day. Then, we’d have an example of adult life and they would see what it’s like to be at school and have so many problems, homework and exams. Why not have an exchange day? Then adults will see our life. They will understand what we really need without making us do what they want.

W: Now you have 30 seconds to complete the task.

(пауза 30 секунд)

W: Now you will hear the texts again.

(Текст звучит еще раз)

W: This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

(пауза 15 секунд)


Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1–5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A–F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите каждую аудиозапись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

  1. Adults can’t get a correct picture of teens’ life from the mass media.

  2. Books give adults the right idea of teens’ life.

  3. Adults should read stories written by teenagers.

  4. Books can’t help adults to understand teenagers.

  5. Adults should listen to their children’s opinions.

  6. Adults should swap roles with their children for a day to learn about children’s life.






















Данные задания выполняются в течение урока. Первое задание выполняется каждым учеником индивидуально. Для выполнения вто­рого задания ученики вызываются парами.

1. Вид задания — oral report (устное сообщение).

В задании контролируется умение учащихся высказываться по за­данной ситуации.

2. Вид задания — role play (ролевая игра).

В задании контролируется умение учащихся вести диалог на за­данную тему.

Task 1

Give a 1.5 to 2-minute talk.

You are telling your foreign friend about the things that give a better idea about you and your classmates.

Remember to say:

  • say about the books you like reading;

  • say about the music you and your classmates like best;

  • give an example of your favourite TV shows or programmes;

  • explain why you like these things.

You have to talk for 1,5 to 2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Task 2

Student card 1

You are an exchange student at an American school.

Talk to a student from the school and find out some information about the school.

Ask the student about:

  • the traditional events and ceremonies;

  • the school contests and competitions;

  • the school facilities.

You begin the conversation.

Remember to:

  • be active and polite;

  • ask questions to get all the information you need;

  • be ready to answer your friend’s questions.

Student card 2

You are a student at an American school.

Talk to an exchange student who is going to study at your school. Give him/her some information about your school and get some information about the student.

Some facts about your school:

  • the school weekly newspaper and the TV studio;

  • a computer club for those who want to study IT professionally;

  • a traditional composition contest in February;

  • a graduation ceremony for school leavers in mid-June.

Ask your friend:

  • if he/she likes writing articles for a school newspaper;

  • if he/she is interested in computers;

  • if he/she can play any sports or musical instruments and takes part in the school contests or sports competitions.

Remember to:

  • be active and polite;

  • explain clearly.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10


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