Учебное пособие по практической грамматике казанцев С. А

НазваниеУчебное пособие по практической грамматике казанцев С. А
Дата публикации25.09.2014
Размер2.32 Mb.
ТипУчебное пособие
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Part 1.

1. . . . you stand on your head? ~
I . . . when I was at school but I . . . now. (2nd verb negative)

2. When I've passed my driving test I . . . hire a car from our local garage.

3 I . . . remember the address, (negative) ~
. . . you even remember the street? (negative)

4. When the fog lifts we . . . see where we are. .

5. You've put too much in your rucksack; you never . . . carry all that.

6. When I was a child I . . . understand adults, and now that I am an adult I . . . understand children, (negative, negative)

7. Don't try to look at all the pictures in the gallery. Otherwise when you get home you . . . remember any of them. (negative)

8. When I first went to Spain I . . . read Spanish but I . . . speak it. (2nd verb negative)

9. ...you type?~
Yes, I . . . type but I . . . do shorthand, (2nd verb negative)

10. I'm locked in. I . . . get out! (negative) ~
. . you squeeze between the bars? (negative) ~
No! I . . .; I'm too fat. (negative)

11. When Robert was younger he … run quite fast.

12. How long … you play the guitar?

13. I’m sorry but I (not) … come to the party on Saturday.

14. I (not) … sleep very well recently.

15. Ask Ann about your problem. I think she … help you.

Part 2.

Используйте could and was able

В некоторых предложениях возможно использовать как could, так и was able.
1. He was very strong; he . . . ski all day and dance all night.

2. The car plunged into the river. The driver . . . get out but the passengers were drowned.

3. I was a long way from the stage. I . . . see all right but I . . . hear very well.

(2nd verb negative)

4. We . . . borrow umbrellas; so we didn't get wet.

5. . . . you walk or did they have to carry you?

6. I had no key so I . . . lock the door. (negative)

7. I knew the town so I . . . advise him where to go.

8. At five years old he . . . read quite well.

9. When I arrived everyone was asleep. Fortunately I . . . wake my sister and she let me in.

10. The swimmer was very tired but he . . . reach the shore before he collapsed.

11. I looked very carefully and I … see a figure in the distance.

12. The boy fell into the river but fortunately we … rescue him.

13. … you speak French before you went to live in Paris? – I (not) … speak it very well.

14. My car broke down and I (not) … drive it for a week.

15. They didn’t have any tomatoes in the first shop I went to, but I … get some in the next shop.

Part 3

В некоторых предложениях используйте could для выражения вежливой просьбы.
1. . . . I speak to Mr Pitt, please?~
I'm afraid he's out at the moment. . . . you ring back later?

2. If a letter comes for me . . . you please forward it to this address?

3. She made the wall very high. The boys . . . climb over it. (negative)

4. They took his passport. He . . . leave the country, (negative)

5. . . . you tell me the time, please? ~
I'm afraid 1. . . . I haven't got a watch. (negative)

6. . . . you lend me Ј5? ~
No, I . . . (negative)

7. He says that he saw Clementine drowning but . . . help her as he . . . swim.

(negative, negative)

  1. (not) … I stay up till the end of the programme?

  2. By the way, … you … find that tie you borrowed last night?

  3. … you please send me an application form?

Измените предложения, используя сan или could
1. The sea is often rough in the harbour.

2. She is bad tempered at times.

3. She was often rude when she was a girl.

4. It is often cold here in winter.

5. He was often helpful when he wanted to be.

6. He was often naughty when he was a boy.

7. Winter here is often really cold.

Заполните пропуски формами could или be able to.
When I was at school I … speak German quite well, but last week I met a German at a party and I … (not understand) a word he said. He spoke a little English and he … (tell) me that he was staying in England only for a few days. He was a nice man. He didn’t look German, in fact he … (be) English from his appearance. He invited me to Germany next summer and I would go if I … (afford) it. Mary speaks German and she … (come) with me if I went. My boss said that I … (take) my holiday in June if I wanted to. After the party my car wouldn’t start, but the German Gentleman was staying near where I live so he … (take) me home in his car. Then, when I got home, I found I didn’t have a key, but the kitchen window was open so I … (climb) in.
Переведите предложения с русского на английский.
1. Я думаю, что вы смогли бы уговорить его.

2. Несмотря на шторм, он смог доплыть до берега.

3. Он сможет говорить по-французски, если проведет два года в Париже.

4. Когда я был молодым, я мог пройти 30 километров в день.

5. Почему ты не сказал мне раньше? – Я бы мог купить эту книгу в Лондоне.

6. Хорошо, если бы ты мог пойти с нами. – К сожалению, не могу.

7. Вы сможете отвезти меня завтра в аэропорт? – Конечно.

8. Эту книгу можно купить в любом магазине.

9. Я смогу перевести эту статью, если ты дашь мне хороший словарь.

10. Погода была хорошая, и мы могли бы гулять в парке каждое утро.

11. Погода сегодня хорошая, и мы могли бы погулять.

12. Жаль, что брата нет дома. Он бы смог помочь тебе.

13. Она много занималась, и ей удалось сдать экзамен.

14. Ты смог починить телевизор вчера? – Нет, я попытаюсь сделать это сегодня.

15. Я был тогда свободен. Я смог бы помочь тебе.

16. Мы смогли перевезти все товары в течение десяти дней.

17. Он не сможет дать ответ, пока не обдумает вопрос как следует.

18. Я мог бы прийти пораньше, если это необходимо.

19. Было так темно, что мы ничего не видели.

20. Ты не сможешь перевести название, если не прочитаешь статью до конца.

21. Хотя пилот был тяжело ранен, он смог объяснить, что произошло.

22. Ребенок сможет ходить через несколько недель.

23. Я не могу заплатить вам сегодня. Вы можете подождать до завтра?

24. Вы могли бы вести дела самостоятельно?

25. Он сказал, что потерял паспорт и не мог выехать из страны.

26. Я бы мог одолжить тебе денег. Почему ты не попросил у меня?

27. Зима здесь бывает очень холодной.

28. Мы смогли достать билеты на матч вчера.

29. Он бывал очень капризным, когда был ребенком.

30. Он смог вас встретить? – Да, но он не смог отвезти нас в гостиницу.
Разрешение сделать что-либо и обращение за разрешением: can, could, may, might, be allowed to

Проанализируйте образцы:
1. – Could I go home early, Steve? I don’t feel very well.

- Yes, of course. What’s the matter?

- I feel dizzy.

2. – Can I see my sister, doctor?

- I’m afraid, you can’t. She’s being examined by the professor now.

3. – Could I borrow your car tonight?

- Actually, I need it myself. Sorry.

4. – May I take this book/

- No, please don’t. I haven’t finished it yet.

5. – Might I use your bicycle?

- No, I’m afraid not. Sorry.

6. – Could I possibly use your phone?

- Sure.

7. – Can(May) I come in for a moment?

- Please do.

8. – I wonder if I might take the day off?

- No, sorry. You ought to finish the report.

9. – Could I have a look at your magazine?

- Yes, of course.

10. – Do you think I could close the window?

- Please do.

11. – Could I possibly borrow your bike for half an hour?

- Of course you can.

12. – Can I go swimming now?

- Please don’t.

13. – May I bring a friend this afternoon/

- Sure.

14. – Can I stay here for a while?

- Certainly.

15. – Can I speak to Emily?

- I’m afraid you can’t. she’s out.
Перефразируйте по образцу.
1. Thank you for not smoking. You may not smoke here.

2. No camping or picnicking ____________________________

3. Fishing strictly forbidden ____________________________

4. Campers welcome __________________________________

5. Private – Keep Out __________________________________

6. No parking ________________________________________

7. Do not lean out of the window _________________________

8. Leave your litter here ________________________________

9. No stopping _______________________________________

10. Do not walk on the grass ____________________________

11. Do not feed the animals _____________________________
Составьте мини-диалоги о том, что вы можете делать при достижении определенного возраста в Британии.
These are the legal ages when you are allowed to do things in Britain.
Drive a car – 17

Ride a moped – 16

Buy cigarettes – 16

Vote in elections – 18

Join the army – 16

Get married with your parents permission – 16

Get married without your parent’s permission – 18
A: When are you allowed to drive a car?

B: You’re allowed to drive a car when you’re seventeen.

A: What about a moped?

B: You’re not allowed to ride a moped until you’re sixteen.
Переведите с русского на английский
1. Вчера детям разрешили не идти в школу из-за погоды.

2. Доктор, мне можно купаться в море? – Да, но только не купайтесь слишком долго.

3. Вы можете взять любую из этих книг.

4. Здесь нельзя переходить улицу. Это очень опасно.

5. Можно мне задать вопрос? – Конечно, только не знаю, смогу ли я на него ответить.

6. Врач сказал, что я могу позвонить ему после 5.00.

7. Скажи ей, что она может прислать мне e-mail, если понадобится моя помощь.

8. Можно мне взять ваш словарь? – Боюсь, что нет. Он мне нужен самой.

9. Вам разрешается пользоваться словарем на экзаменах?

10. Можно мне уйти с урока пораньше? – А в чем дело? – У меня заболела мама.

11. После аварии ему не разрешается водить машину.

12. Босс сказал, что я могу воспользоваться его телефоном.

13. У меня была виза, и мне разрешили пересечь границу.

14. Когда он был ребенком, ему разрешалось делать все, что ему захочется.

15. Здесь курить не разрешается.

Сделайте мини-монологи по образцу.
In a cinema

Stand up during the film/ eat and drink/ smoke?

You aren’t allowed to stand up during the film/ You are allowed to eat and drink if you don’t make a noise. You aren’t allowed to smoke.

1. in a library

Talk loudly/ run about/ sit and read?

2. on a plane

Play a computer game/ open the door/ talk to the pilot?

3. in a museum

Take photographs/ touch things/ talk to the museum attendants?

  1. in a public park

pick the flowers/ play football/ drop litter?

  1. at school

eat during lessons/ listen to music/ shout?
Идея вероятности с формами may/might
May + глагол в форме инфинитива = действие в настоящем (со статальными глаголами) или будущем:

She may be ill

He might be too nervous

She may not know the way

He may come soon

May/might + глагол в длительной форме = действие в настоящем:

They may still be waiting for her

He might be watching television

He may be working for Jones

May/might + глагол в перфектной форме = результативное действие:

He may have gone

She may have misunderstood you

They may have forgotten where we live.

may/might + perfect infinitive

A: Perhaps she took it with her.

B: Well, she may have taken it away with her, I suppose. (might could also be used.)
Perhaps ...

  1. he stole it.

  2. she sold it.

  3. you lost it. (Use 'I' in the answer.)

  4. she drank it.

  5. he threw it away.

  6. she left it at home.

  7. he ate it.

  8. they hid it in the attic (чердак).

  9. he burnt it.

  10. she tore it up.

  11. she forgot to claim it.

  12. they had an accident.

  13. their car broke down. (Use it as subject.)

  14. he advised them not to come.

  15. he fell overboard.

  16. they got lost.

  17. he was murdered.

  18. something delayed (задерживать) them. (Keep something.)

20.he took the wrong drug (лекарство).

may/might be working and may/might have been working


A: Perhaps he is working for Jones.

B: Yes, he may be working for Jones.

A: Perhaps he was working for Jones.

B: Yes, he may have been working for Jones.
Both exercises can also b done with might instead of may.

(a) Perhaps ...

(b) Perhaps ...

  1. he is waiting for someone.

  2. they are wondering what to do.

  3. she is trying to confuse us.

  4. they are window-shopping.

  5. she is expecting a letter from us.

  6. he is blackmailing her.

  7. they are working overtime.

  8. he is looking for another job.

  9. he is listening at the keyhole.

  10. they are watching television.

  11. he is following us.

  12. he is learning karate.

  13. she is telling his fortune.

  14. he is showing her the way.

  15. she is doing exercises.

  16. they are burying something.

  17. she is bird-watching.

  18. she is comparing prices.

  19. he is taking drugs.

  20. they are helping the police.

  1. he was waiting for someone.

  2. they were wondering what to do.

i.e. just as in (a), but replacing

is/are by was/were


Используйте may/might в предложениях (в 8 и 33 используйте be allowed)
1 It - . . rain, you'd better take a coat.

2 He said that it . . . rain.

3 We . . . as well stay here till the weather improves.

4 . . . I borrow your umbrella?

5. You . . . tell me! (I think I have a right to know.)

6. Candidates . . . not bring textbooks into the examination room.

7. . . . I come in? ~
Please do.

8. When he was a child he . . . (they let him) do exactly as he liked.

9. I think I left my glasses in your office. You . . . ask your secretary to look for them for me. (request)

10. He . . . be my brother (I admit that he is) but I don't trust him.

11. I . . . never see you again.

12. He... be on the next train. We . . . as well wait.

13. The police . . . (have a right to) ask a driver to take a breath test.

14. You ought to buy now; prices . . . go up.

15. I'll wait a week so that he . . . have time to think it over.

16. He isn't going to eat it; 1... as well give it to the dog.

17. You . . . at least read the letter. (/ think you should.)

18. You . . . have written, (I am annoyed/disappointed that you didn 't.)

19. We'd better be early; there . . . be a crowd.

20. Nobody knows how people first came to these islands. They . . . have sailed from South America on rafts.

21. You . . . (have permission to) use my office.

22. He said that we . . . use his office whenever we liked.

23. I don't think I'll succeed but I . . . as well try.

24. You ought to go to his lectures, you . . . learn something.

25. If we can give him a blood transfusion we . . . be able to save his life.

26. Two parallel white lines in the middle of the road mean that you . . . not overtake.

27. If I bought a lottery ticket I . . . win Ј1,000.

28. If you said that, he . . . be very offended.

29. I wonder why they didn't go. ~
The weather . . . have been too bad.

30. Warning: No part of this book . . . be reproduced without the publisher's permission.

31. He has refused, but he . . . change his mind if you asked him again.

32. . . . I see your passport, please?

33. He . . . (negative) drive since his accident. (They haven't let him drive.)
Заполните пропуски формами may, might, could
1. Every time I phone Jane, it’s engaged. It’s very annoying. I suppose she … (try) to phone me while I’m phoning her. I’ll wait a while.

2. I can’t help worrying when Jack is late back home. I always think that he … (have) an accident, and that he … (lie) on the side of the road with ambulances and police cars all about him. I know it’s irrational. Wait a minute! It’s Tuesday today, isn’t it? He works late some Tuesdays. He … (not leave) the office yet, I’ll give him a ring.

3. I wonder why Helen has got all these books on Greece from the library. I suppose she … (think) of going there on holiday. On the other hand, she … (not get) them out for herself. They … (be) for Henry. He … (write) a project on Greece for his geography course.
Сделайте упражнение по образцу, используя формулу might + have done для выражения действия, которое могло случиться, но не произошло (действие, как правило, имеет негативный характер).
A: I drove very fast but I didn’t have an accident.

B: Yes, but you might have had an accident.
1. I ran out into the street without looking and nothing happened to me.

2. I drank two bottles of whisky and I didn’t die afterwards.

3. I shouted at the boss but he didn’t sack me.

4. I didn’t set the alarm clock and I didn’t oversleep the next morning, either.

5. They built the house with very cheap materials and it didn’t fall down.

6. I didn’t lock my car last night but it wasn’t stolen.
Переведите предложения с русского на английский
1. Ты был не так уж сильно занят. Ты мог бы нам помочь.

2. Спроси его, можно ли нам осмотреть лабораторию?

3. Он мог бы сделать это для вас. Эму это совсем не трудно.

4. Он чуть не разбил окно.

5. Она, возможно опоздает.

6. Они, возможно, работают над этой же проблемой.

7. К вечеру может пойти дождь.

8. Их, возможно, не было вчера в городе.

9. Вы, возможно, слышали его имя.

10. У него большая семья. Я могу себе представить, что он, возможно, ищет работу получше.

11. Может быть, он сейчас в гостинице и ждет меня.

12. Я чуть не опоздал на последний автобус.

13. Они, возможно, подумали, что мы не придем в такой дождь.

14. Гроза может начаться в любой момент.

15. Я, может быть, не упоминал об этом в своих сообщениях.
Модальный глагол can (дополнительная информация)

1. неопределенность, сомнение (всегда в вопросительных предложениях)

Can (could) he really be ill?

Can (could) she be telling lies?

Can (could) he have said it?

Can (could) she have been waiting for us so long?

Предложения подобного типа переводятся: Неужели это правда? Неужели он болен? и т.д.

2. невероятность (всегда в отрицательных предложениях)

He can’t be really ill.

She can’t be telling lies.

He can’t have said it.

She can’t have been waiting for us so long.

Предложения подобного типа переводятся: Не может быть (невероятно), чтобы он был болен; Не может быть, чтобы она лгала.
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Занимательная философия: Учебное пособие. М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К», 2005. — 128 с
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Философия техники: учебное пособие / И. В. Вишев, Е. В. Гредновская, Л. М. Григорьева, А. А. Дыдров. – Челябинск: Издательский центр,...
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