Пособие по общественно-политической и официально-деловой лексике Москва

НазваниеПособие по общественно-политической и официально-деловой лексике Москва
Дата публикации02.12.2014
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11. Translate into Russian paying special attention to the italicized lexical units.

1. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and the sense of dignity, and shall strengthen the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. 2. All people should enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. 3. The Soviet people enjoy the freedom of scientific research and creative activity. 4. Our policy is that of encouragement of international contacts and co-ope­ration in the scientific and cultural fields. 5. War crimes and crimes against humanity, including genocide should be prevented and punished for. 6. The necessary legislation was effected in order to observe the provisions of this contract. 7. The Contracting Parties pledge themselves in such cases to grant extradition in accordance with their laws and treaties in force. 8. International disputes should be submitted to [75] the International Court of Justice. 9. The abrogation of the Convention is a serious matter. 10. The notification was re­ceived in due time.


Alberto Garcia stares bleakly up at the judge. The judge stares back. Then the judge looks at the people who stand around Mr. Garcia: the policeman who arrested him a few hours earlier, the court-appointed defense lawyer1, the pro­secutor.

"How much does he have on him?"2 the judge asks.

"Eight dollars," the policeman replies.

"He needs money to get home," the defense lawyer inter­jects.

"How much do you need to get home?" the judge asks the defendant.

"A dollar," Mr. Garcia says.

There is a slight pause, barely noticeable to the 50 or so men and women slumped or dozing in the spectators' section of courtroom AR-1 of Criminal Court in Manhattan, waiting for other cases to be called.

Then the judge pronounces sentence:

"Seven dollars."

Mr. Garcia hands the money to a court official and walks out of court, the case closed.

Alberto Garcia is one of the tens of thousands of indigent men and women who stream through New York City's Crimi­nal Courts. They make up the bulk of the caseload a; only one out of every four or five defendants can afford his own lawyer.

Their cases reflect their poverty.

Mr. Garcia was arrested some months earlier for allegedly jumping a subway turnstile without paying his fare. A plea bargain had been arranged4 under which he would plead guilty 5 to a minor charge of trespassing and, a few days later, would pay a $15 fine.

But on payment day, Mr. Garcia did not show up. A war­rant was issued for his arrest; he was brought into court the day he was found. What the judge did, technically, was to resentence Mr. Garcia to a lesser penalty6. [76]

There are hundreds of cases in the Criminal Courts in which defendants are supposed to pay fines but do not. Typically they don't have the money; many are afraid to come to court empty-handed, lest they be jailed 7.

Thousands of brutal crimes come through the city's courts: assaults, stabbings, arson. In many, perhaps most, money was the object.

Many thousands of other cases that come through are relatively minor: food taken from supermarkets, clothes stolen from department stores, subway fares unpaid by youths who leap turnstiles.

Somewhere around 200,000 defendants have cases in the city's Criminal Courts each year. The court-system officials don't know the exact number because they keep track of "docket numbers" 8, meaning cases, rather than defendants, who may face more than one docket number each.

In Federal Court, the defendants are frequently middle class or even, as in cases of tax evasion and white-collar crimes 9,the prosperous. But in the local courts — the New York City Criminal Court, which is the lower-level tribunal, and the Criminal Division of State Supreme Court, the upper level — the rich are rarely seen.

The typical defendant is male, young, single, poor and, more often than not, unemployed.

"It's certainly not the legal system people think of, it's not Perry Mason" 10, said the executive director of the New York City Criminal Justice Agency, which conducted the study. "It's a net that catches people with problems."

The poverty is palpable in the court-rooms and hallways of the city's court-houses. It shows in the buses that take inmates back and forth between court and jail — the inmates who are in jail pending trial because they cannot afford bail, it shows in the shabby clothes of most of the people; it shows in the health problems of many of them.

About 40 people sit in the spectators' section of Night Court in Manhattan one weekday evening. One is a young woman with bruises on her face and a large, soiled bandage over her right eye. In the row behind her is an enormously overweight woman whose age is hard to guess. Nearby are several others with obvious weight problems, including a boy of about 10. Skin problems — rashes, acne, boils — disfigure the faces and hands of still others.

In the jails on Rikers Island, the inmates are generally "not healthy", according to Mr. G., an information officer for the city's correction authorities. [77]

The typical inmate, at least in nondrug cases, is "husky", Mr. G. said. But he suffers from poor nutrition, as dental checkups show. Both male and female inmates have a higher incidence of tuberculosis than normal. Some of the women are pregnant when sent to jail; typically, they have had no prenatal care.

Some of the defendants are so poor that jail can look good to them.

One day, it is cold and clammy. A man accused of disorder­ly conduct is brought before the judge. The prosecution case is weak. The Legal Aid lawyer wants the case thrown out.

The defendant, however, wants to plead guilty and be sentenced to 15 days in jail. He has no money, he explains, and his welfare application has not yet gone through.

The Legal Aid attorney demurs.

The defendant says to the Legal Aid lawyer: "If you don't plead me guilty and get me some time in jail, I'm going to punch you in the mouth."

A compromise is quickly reached. The defendant pleads guilty; he is sentenced to five days in jail.

(From newspapers)

1. defense lawyer (амер.) защитник; синонимичным выра­жением является counsel for the defense. Поскольку юри­дическая терминология широко используется в обще­ственно-политических и официально-деловых текстах, ее надо изучать и систематизировать. Рассмотрим здесь ряд терминов, относящихся к нашей теме, а именно судопроизводству. Слово lawyer — это наиболее общий термин и переводится юрист; адвокат; законовед. Attor­ney адвокат, поверенный; юрист; чиновник органов юсти­ции; прокурор, атторней; Attorney General министр юстиции и генеральный прокурор (в США); district (circuit) attorney прокурор округа (в США). Термины counselor и counsel употребляются в тех случаях, когда речь идет о лицах, которые дают юридические консультации (legal advice) и выступают в качестве адвокатов на судебном процессе (trial lawyers). Поэтому для них можно пред­ложить следующие русские эквиваленты: участвующий в деле адвокат; юрисконсульт; counsel for the defense за­щитник; counsel for the plaintiff адвокат истца; counsel for the prosecution обвинитель; counsel's opinion пись- [78] менное заключение адвоката. Barrister (barrister-at-law) барристер; адвокат высшего ранга, имеющий право вы­ступать в суде. В основном, термин barrister употребля­ется в Англии (English trial lawyer). Solicitor — это юридический представитель, выступающий обычно в су­дах низшей инстанции (minor courts). Поэтому на рус­ский язык этот термин обычно переводится поверенный, солиситор. Solicitor-General заместитель министра юс­тиции (в США); заместитель генерального прокурора (в Великобритании). Термин advocate часто употребля­ется применительно к военному правосудию. Русский эквивалент — адвокат, защитник.

2. How much does he have on him? Сколько при нем денег'? Здесь следует обратить внимание на предлог on.

3. They make up the bulk of the caseload такие-то дела и составляют большинство рассматриваемых в суде. Case for the prosecution дело, выигранное со стороны обвинения. В юридическом языке case — это дело, подлежащее су­дебному рассмотрению; иск. Отсюда caseload — коли­чество дел, подлежащих судебному рассмотрению.

4. A plea bargain had been arranged была достигнута дого­воренность о подаче заявления от защиты.

5. to plead guilty признавать себя виновным (в предъявлен­ном обвинении). Другие широко известные словосочета­ния со словом plead: to plead not guilty заявлять о своей невиновности; to plead ignorance ссылаться на незнание; to plead no defence признать иск.

6. to resentence Mr. Garcia to a lesser penalty вновь пригово­рить мистера Гарсия к более легкому наказанию

7. many are afraid to come to court empty-handed, lest they be jailed многие боятся идти в суд без денег, дабы не ока­заться за решеткой.

8. "docket numbers" статистика разбирательств в суде. Здесь docket — это список дел, подлежащих рассмотре­нию в суде.

9. white-collar crimes преступления, совершаемые «белыми воротничками» т. е. работниками из инженерно-техни­ческого состава (напр., подделки, махинации с акциями и т. д.). В английском языке в США широко известен термин white-collar работник интеллектуального труда. Blue-collar (или blue-collar employee) «синий воротни­чок», работник физического труда, рабочий.

10. Perry Mason Перри Мейсон, детектив, известный персо­наж из серии популярных телевизионных фильмов в США. [79]

To ascertain выяснять, устанавли­вать

To ascertain smb.'s guilt уста­новить чью-л. вину

Assassin убийца политического или общественного деятеля

To assassinate совершать убийство (по политическим мотивам)

Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court член Верховного Суда США

Asylum убежище

To grant asylum предоставлять убежище

Authorization санкция

Bail брать на поруки

Bailiff судебный исполнитель

Battery побои, избиение action for battery иск за оскор­бление действием

Breach of justice несправедливость

Brutal crime зверское преступле­ние

Capital crime уголовное преступ­ление

Capital punishment смертный при­говор, высшая мера наказания

Circumstance обстоятельство

Aggravating circumstances отяг­чающие вину обстоятельства

Attending circumstances сопут­ствующие обстоятельства

Extenuating circumstances смяг­чающие вину обстоятельства

To commit crime совершать пре­ступление

To commit for trial предать суду

Contravention нарушение

Corporal punishment телесное на­казание

Correction authorities органы власти исправительных учреждений

Court суд

Culprit преступник

Defendant ответчик

Embezzlement присвоение имущества; растрата

Emergency powers чрезвычайные полномочия

Enforcement officer лицо, проводящее закон в жизнь

False evidence ложные показания

False statement on oath лжесвиде­тельство иод присягой

Habitual offender рецидивист

Immoral practice аморальная практика

Jurist юрист, адвокат; студент юридического факультета

Law and order правопорядок

Legal Aid lawyer (attorney) зд. ад­вокат, атторней (с оплатой услуг со стороны органа правовой по­мощи)

Legal immunity судебный иммунитет

Minor charge of trespassing обвинение в незначительном нарушении закона

To overrule отклонять

To plead to the merits подавать возражения по существу иска

Prenatal care медицинское наблюдение за беременной женщиной

Statement of the prosecution изложение обстоятельств дела обвинением

Verbal statement устное показание

1. Read the text and translate it sentence by sentence.
2. Read from left to right. Indicate which word or word group is nearest in meaning to those italicized. Translate the italicized lexical units.

To defend – to speak up (for) – to favour – to justify

Criminal – person violating the law – lawbreaker – mobster [80]

Docket numbers – odd numbers – even numbers – numbers to be dealt with by a law court

Unemployment – on layoff – out of work – in the bread lines

Legal – illegal – unlawful – illegitimate

Legend – myth – folklore – tradition

Disposition – finding solution – settlement – discarding

News coverage news bias – news distortion – news reporting

3. Find out the meaning of the italicized lexical units with the aid of the following leading questions.

1. In Federal Courts, the defendants are frequently middle class or even, as in cases of tax evasion and white-collar crimes, the prosperous.

a) Whom do we call white-collar employees?

b) What are the most typical types of white-collar work?

c) Would you refer embezzling and pilfering to the cate­gory of white-collar crime?

2. There are some inmates who are in jail pending trial be­cause they cannot afford bail.

a) What is a bail in modern law?

b) If a person is out on bail, is he released or is he still in prison?

c) Can you call money pledged as bail the bail bond?

3. A man accused of disorderly conduct is usually brought to court.

a) What kind of behaviour will you refer to the category of disorderly?

b) Does disorderly conduct mean a general disturbance of public order or a riot?

c) What is the usual punishment for disorderly conduct?

4. If defendant has never been arrested before and the charge is minor, the typical way of handling it is to adjourn in contemplation of dismissal.

a) When can the judge adjourn a case?

b) What case would you classify as a minor one?

c) If the matter is adjourned in contemplation of dismissal what is going to happen to a defendant? [81]
4. Translate into Russian using a dictionary.

In the Criminal Division of State Supreme Court, where felonies are handled, the typical punishment meted out is a prison term.

In Criminal Court, though, where cases are less serious fines are frequent.

The fine could be $25 or $50 or more. Defendants are allowed to pay on the installment plan and many do, often-paying $10 every few weeks.

The rationale for fining defendants includes the view that a fine is less onerous than time in jail and that sentences must involve some -hardship to be effective.

There are also arguments against fines — most obviously, that the defendants are almost all so poor that even a small fine can be a major hardship.

A few days before last Easter, Sam Jones stole two suits in the right sizes for his two young sons. He was caught almost immediately, arrested and taken to Manhattan Criminal Court.

A Legal Aid lawyer was assigned to defend him.

"Doesn't welfare pay enough?" the lawyer asked him.

"No way," he replied.

The prosecutor and the defense lawyer worked out a plea bargain. Mr. Jones — the name is a pseudonym — duly pleaded guilty. The judge duly pronounced the agreed-upon sentence: a $50 fine.

His lawyer was asked later how Mr. Jones would pay the fine if he couldn't afford clothes for his children.

The lawyer paused, then grimaced. Mr. Jones had shop­lifted before, the lawyer noted.

"He's probably going to go out and shoplift again and fence it. That's how he'll pay the fine."

(From newspapers)
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