Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

НазваниеПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2
Дата публикации13.04.2014
Размер1.09 Mb.
ТипУчебное пособие
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URL (Uniform Resource Locator) – The standard way to give the address of any resource on the Internet that is part of the World Wide Web (WWW).

Interface – A boundary across which two independent systems meet and act on or communicate with each other. In computer technology, there are several types of interfaces.

Smile : -) ;-) – A smiley is a sequence of characters on your computer keyboard. If you don’t see it, try tilting your head to left – the colon presents the eyes, the dash represents the nose and the right parenthesis represents the mouth. There are hundreds of smiles used to indicate delight as well as sadness and frustration.


Computer Games

Computer games are becoming more and more popular – some say too popular. But people know more about computer games than John Ritman, a well – known British programmer. He has written Match Day, a football program, Batman and Head over Heels – both arcade adventures. So how does John write a computer game?

It takes a lot of careful and logical planning. At first he doesn’t know what the characters or story will be. You think of the type of game you want to write and then find a story. It could be sports, an adventure, anything. Then you have to work out each section of the game very carefully. Computers are like children – you have to give them very careful instructions so they know what to do!

Each instruction is very simple. It is the combination of instructions, in a very long list that makes footballers score goals and spacecraft fly in computer games. This list of commands is what people refer to as a “program”. The computer understands it in the form of numbers, but there are different languages through which human words are translated into numbers for the computer.

Sometimes the instructions tell the computer to show something on the screen. The screen has hundreds of little dots on it, which are called pixels. Each pixel has a number so that the computer can recognize it. If you give the computer the number that means “red” and the number of dot it will make that dot red. Repeat instructions like these thousands and thousands of times, and you have a computer game.


The anatomy of a virus

A biological virus is a very small, simple organism that infects living sells, known as the host, by attaching itself to them and using them to reproduce itself. This often causes harm to the host cells.

Similarly, a computer virus is a very small program routine that infects a computer system and uses its resources to reproduce itself. It often does this by patching the operating system to enable it to detect program files, such as COM or EXE files. It then copies itself into those files. This sometimes causes harm to the host computer system.

When the user runs an infected program, it is loaded into memory carrying the virus. The virus uses a common programming technique to stay resident in memory. It can then use a reproduction routine to infect other programs. This process continues until the computer is switched off.

The virus may also contain a payload that remains dormant until a trigger event activates it, such as the user pressing a particular key. The payload can have a variety of forms. It might do something relatively harmless such as displaying a message on the monitor screen or it might do something more distructive such as deleting files on the hard disk.

When it infects a file, the virus replaces the first instruction in the host program with a command that changes the normal execution sequence. This type of command is known as a JUMP command and causes the virus instructions to be executed before the host program. The virus then returns control to the host program which then continues with its normal sequence of instructions and is executed in the normal way.

To be a virus, a program only needs to have a reproduction routine that enables it to infect other programs. Viruses can, however, have four main parts. A misdirection routine that enables it to hide itself; a reproduction routine that allows it to copy itself to other programs; a trigger that causes the payload to be activated at a particular time or when a particular event takes place; and a payload that may be a fairly harmless joke or may be very distructive. A program that has a payload but does not have a reproduction routine is known as a Trojan.


The future of Information Technology

We are in the midst of convergence. At the hardware layer, computers, phones and consumer electronics are converging. At the applications layer, we see convergence of information, entertainment, communications, shopping, commerce, and education.

Computers have come from nowhere 50 years ago and are rapidly cat-ching up in capability with the human brain. We can expect human: machine equivalence by about 2015. But after this, computers will continue to get smarter. There is a noticeable positive feedback loop in technology development, with each generation of improved computers giving us more assistance in the design development of the next. Ultimately, they will design their offspring with little or no human involvement. This technology development will push every field of knowledge forwards, not just computing. It will be almost as through extraterrestrials had landed in 2020 and given us all their advanced technology overnight.

But we will never get far unless we can solve the interface problem. In the near future we may have electronic pets, with video camera eyes and microphone ears, linked by radio to the family computer. With voice and language recognition we will have easy access to all that the Internet can provide. We can tell the pet what we want and it will sort it for us. It will be impossible to be techno phobic about such an interface, and the only IT skill need will be to speak any major language.


Electronic progress

Telecoms applications will soon be bundled together in much the same way as office application suites are today. A major example is the electronic marketplace, which will bring customers and suppliers together in smart databases and virtual environments, with ID verification, encryption and translation. It will then implement the billing, taxation and electronic funds transfer, while automatically producing accounts and auditing. The whole suite of services will be based on voice processing, allowing a natural voice interface to talk to the computer, all the AI to carry out the request, and voice synthesis and visualization technology to get the answer out. Electronic money will be very secure but much more versatile than physical alternatives. E – cash can be completely global and could be used as a de facto standard. It doesn’t have to be linked to any national currency, so can be independent of local currency fluctuations. Its growing use on the Net will lead to its acceptance on the street and we may hold a large proportion of our total funds in this global electronic cash. People will increasingly buy direct from customized manufacturers. Shops will be placed where people try on clothes, not buy them. Their exact measurements can be sent instantly to the manufacturer as soon as they have chosen an outfit. The shops may be paid by the manufacturer instead.



Employment patterns will change, as many jobs are automated and new jobs come into existence to serve new technologies. Some organizations will follow the virtual company model, where a small core of key employees is supported by contractors on a project by project basis, bringing together the right people regardless of where they live. The desks they will use will have multiple flat screens, voice interfaces, computer programs with human – like faces and personalities, full – screen videoconferencing and 3d sound positioning. All this will be without any communication cables since the whole system uses high capacity infrared links. The many short- term contractors may not have enough space in their homes for an office and may go instead to a new breed of local telework centre. Of course, workers can be fully mobile, and we could see some people abandon offices completely, roaming the world and staying in touch via satellite systems. Even in trains and planes there may be infrared distribution to each seat to guarantee high bandwidth communication. One tool they may have in a few years is effectively a communicator badge. This will give them a voice link to computers across the network, perhaps on their office desk. Using this voice link, they can access their files and e – mail and carry out most computer – based work. Their earphones will allow voice synthesizers to read out their mail, and glasses with a projection system built into the arms and reflectors on the lenses will allow a head – up display of visual information. Perhaps by 2010, these glasses could be replaced by an active contact lens that writes pictures directly onto the retina using tiny lasers.


Dictionary of Computing terms and abbreviations


  1. access [´ækses] – доступ, возможность [право] пользования какими-либо программными ресурсами в компьютерной системе или сети;

  2. account [ə´kaunt] – 1) абонемент; 2) учетная запись, бюджет;

  3. active window [´æktiv ֽِِwindou] – текущее [активное] окно;

  4. address box [ə´dres boks] – область в программе веб-браузера, где отражен веб-адрес;

  5. algorithm [´ælgəriðm] – 1) алгоритм; 2) метод, правило;

  6. amend [ə´mend] – изменять, редактировать, вносить поправки;

  7. ADC (analogue-to-digital converter) [ֽænəlɔg tu ֽdidʒitl kən´vз:tə(r)] – устройство, преобразующее аналоговый сигнал в цифровой, т. о. чтобы его можно было обработать в цифровой системный;

  8. animation [ænimei∫n] – анимация, создание движущихся изображений на экране дисплея;

  9. anti-virus (program of software) [´ænti´vairəs] – антивирусная (программа или программное обеспечение);

  10. applications (program of software) [ֽæpli´kei∫nz] – приложения, при-кладные программы или ПО;

  11. arithmetic and logic unitֽriθmətik ənd lɔdʒik ֽju:nit] – арифметико-логическое устройство, АЛУ;

  12. arrow keys [ærəu ´ki:z] – кнопки перемещения курсора вправо/влево, а также его перевода на другую строку дисплея;

  13. artificial intelligence [ֽa:tifi∫l in´telidзəns] – искусственный интеллект;

  14. authentication [ɔ:ֽθenti´kei∫n] – аутентификация, сервис контроля доступа, осуществляющий проверку регистрационной информации пользователя;

  15. avatar [ævəta:(r)] – «аватар», синтетический (анимационный) интер-активный объект, представляющий пользователя в виртуальном мире.


  1. back up [ֽbæk´Λp] – 1) выполнять резервное копирование, дублировать; 2) возвращать базу данных в состояние предшествовавшее сбою;

  2. back up device [´bækΛp diֽvais] – устройство копирования данных;

  3. back end [bæk end] – сервер баз данных, серверное приложение (СУБД), прилагаемый, вспомогательный, прикладной;

  4. backgrownd [´bækgraund] – фон, фоновый режим работы;

  5. bug [bΛg] – ошибка (в программе), сбой, дефект;

  6. binary [´bainəri] – двоичный код, исполняемый файл;

  7. bit [bit] – бит, наименьший элемент компьютерной памяти;

  8. bookmark [´bukma:k] – закладка, место или выделенная часть исходного текста программы, документа;

  9. boot [bu:t] – 1) загрузка, начальная загрузка (системы); 2) самозагрузка;.

  10. browser [´brauzə(r)] – веб-обозреватель, навигатор (программа про-смотра веб-страницы);

  11. buffering [´bΛfərin] – 1) промежуточное преобразование; 2) буфе-ризация запоминающего устройства;

  12. bus [bΛs] – 1) шина; 2) канал (передачи информации).


  1. cache memory [´kæ∫ֽmeməri] – кэш-память, быстродействующая буферная память небольшой емкости;

  2. CD-ROM (disk) [ֽsi:di: ´rɔm] – компакт-диск, CD-ROM (предназначен только для чтения);

  3. CD-ROM (drive) [ֽsi:di: ´rɔm ֽdraiv] – дисковод для компакт-дисков;

  4. cell [sel] – 1) ячейка, элемент; 2) секция (единый участок памяти, в котором хранится часть файла);

  5. CPU (central processing unit) [ֽsentrəl´ prəusesiη ֽju:nit] – центральный процессор;

  6. CCD (charge-coupled device) [´t∫a:dʒ ֽkΛpld diֽvais] – прибор с зарядо-вой связью (технология сканирования);

  7. chip [t∫ip] – микросхема, кристалл, разг. чип;

  8. click [klik] – щелчок (кнопкой мыши), щелкнуть;

  9. client [´klaiənt] – заказчик, пользователь, сервер;

  10. code [kəud] – 1) код; 2) система кодирования; (машинная программа);

  11. command button [kəma:nd ֽbΛtn] – кнопка управления (элемент интерфейса, используемый для активизации некоторого события);

  12. communication [kəֽmju:nikei∫n] – 1) коммуникация, связь; 2) сообще-ние, передача;

  13. computer [kəm´pju:tər] – компьютер, ЭВМ;

  14. СAD (computer aided design) [kəmֽpju:tə ֽeidid di´zain] – система авто-матизированного проектирования, САПР;

  15. CU (control unit) [kən´trəul ֽju:nit] – устройство управления, блок управления;

  16. copyholder [´kɔpiֽhəuldə(r)] – механическое устройство, держатель бумаги для удобства чтения;

  17. cursor [´kз:sə(r)] – курсор, различают текстовый курсор (верти-кальная линия) и курсор мыши (графический значок, часто стрелка);

  18. cut and paste [ֽkΛt ənd peist] – вырезать и вставить.


  1. data [´deitə] – данные, информация, сведения;

  2. database [´dætəbæs] – база данных, заносить информацию в базу данных;

  3. debug [ֽdi:bΛg] – 1) отладка; 2) отлаживать (программу или меха-низм); 3) устранять неполадки;

  4. decode [ֽdi:kəud] – 1) декодировать, 2) преобразовать данные в перво-начальную форму, 3) выполнять операцию обратную операции кодирования;

  5. desktop (computer) [´deskɔp (kəm,pju:tə)] – настольный ПК.;

  6. dialog box [´daiəlɔg ֽbɔks] – диалоговое окно;

  7. disk [disk] – диск, дисковое заполняющее устройство, накопитель на диске;

  8. disk drive [´diskֽdraiv] – дисковод, накопитель на дисках;

  9. dot-matrix printer [ֽdɔt´mætriks ֽprintə(r)] – точечно-матричное печа-тающее устройство;
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Цель: формировать у учащихся устойчивые навыки безопасного поведения на улицах и дорогах, способствующие сокращению количества дорожно-...
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