Мурманский государственный гуманитарный университет актуальные проблемы психологии в образовании

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  1. ссылки на колледжи http://my.maricopa.edu/, http://www2.gccaz.edu/   http://paradisevalley.edu/

  2. http://www.instapedia.com/m/?searchText=Community_college#Community college

  3. http://www.angelo.edu/services/first_year_experience/documents/Dale%27s%20Cone%20of%20Learning.pdf

Lyudmila Praslova
Holistic student development in higher education:

international perspectives on building character

and critical thinking
Международные тенденции во всестороннем развитии студентов в высшей школе: формирование характера

и критического мышления
Аннотация. Системы высшего образования различных стран уделяют разную степень внимания всестороннему развитию студентов. Исторически системы высшего образования в России, Украине, Белоруссии и Соединенных Штатах Америки ставили своей целью всестороннее развитие личности, формирование характера и развитие критического мышления. В настоящее время эти системы образования находятся под давлением отказаться от всестороннего развития в пользу специализированной профессиональной подготовки как можно большего числа студентов, в наименьшие сроки и с наименьшими затратами. Однако исследования предпочтений работодателей показывают, что ответственное поведение, критическое мышление и общекультурные качества наиболее ценимы на рынке труда и в то же время недостаточно проявляемы недавними выпускниками высших учебных заведений. Продолжение традиций всестороннего развития студентов может стать важным источником успеха выпускников и государств в условиях глобальной экономики.

National systems of Higher Education differ in their view on the importance of college/university education in holistic student development. Even within one nation differences can be observed over time, based on prevailing attitudes and ideologies (8; 14; 15; 21). Historically, some systems of education were built on the assumption that development of character and moral values of students should occur hand in hand with intellectual development, and through that should influence and shape the society and civic life in general (21). Other systems assumed a more utilitarian “professional education for the workplace” approach. This article will discuss current trends in holistic student development, specifically values/character education and critical thinking development. It will focus on Higher Education in Russian Federation and several other post-Soviet countries, as well as in the United States of America. Interestingly, the US and Russia are similar in that both have a strong history of emphasis on holistic student development in Higher Education (1; 4; 14; 18; 21), and currently both are struggling with maintaining and/or redefining this emphasis amidst rapid technological, economical, and societal change, including increase in pragmatic orientation (13; 19; 25; 26).

Values and Character Development.

Higher Education in the United States historically considered character development a vital part of its mission (1; 21). Recently, however, this focus had been somewhat lost in pursuit of increasing the number of degrees and reducing cost (9;13; 20). At the same time, a renewed call for attention to civic learning and values is sounded by organizations such as Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U; 20). AAC&U emphasized that not only general education, but also professional training in Higher Education should include preparing students for responsible engagement in society and teaching values such as ethical integrity and responsibility for a larger good, skills of intellectual engagement and critical thinking, as well as moral discernment and behavior.

Not unlike the US, Higher Education in Russia also has a long tradition of emphasis on character development and formation of civic responsibility. It was present, in various forms, in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union (17; 18). This long tradition continues to shape thinking of educators in modern Russia (17) and other countries influenced by Russian Empire and Soviet cultural traditions, such as Ukraine (23) and Belarus (15). However, the form that character development should take in modern Higher Education is disputed (8). Moreover, the degree of attention given to character and values is challenged by the emerging “education for the workplace” ideology.

Critical Thinking Development.

In addition to building and strengthening of character, or moral virtues, a major focus of holistic student development in Higher Education is on critical thinking skills and dispositions, sometimes referred to as intellectual virtues. Development of critical thinking in college is a major challenge around the world (2; 10; 22). In the US, according to data from Educational Testing Services (ETS; 5; 6), only 3% of all college freshmen and 8% of college seniors are classified as “proficient”. The government and accrediting agencies demand improvements; however the problem remains, and employers often complain that college graduates are lacking in critical thinking and decision making ability (7; 24).

Emphasis on critical thinking development and dissatisfaction with the current situation exists other countries, such as Singapore and South Africa (2; 10; 22). Despite national, regional, and disciplinary interventions, critical thinking development remains a challenge.

In Russia, some educators complain that despite a long tradition of emphasis on critical thinking, entering students have lower levels of academic knowledge, thinking skills and cultural preparedness compared to students in 1990s (25). This makes development of critical thinking in Higher Education both extremely important and challenging, and requires special programs of preparation and remediation, as well as increased intellectual investment from instructors (16; 25; 26). Thus, it appears that dissatisfaction with the level of student critical thinking development and the need for intervention is a global phenomenon.

General Psychological and Social Aspects of Holistic Student Development in Higher Education.

While cultural differences between societies are important, both general psychological principles of human development and the increasing presence of global economy and global cultural connections suggest that there are significant similarities in antecedents and consequences of focusing on holistic student development in Higher Education vs. narrow professional preparation. In the US, while popular focus on degree production is often promoted in the name of job preparation and success (11; 12; 13; 20), recent surveys of employers provide evidence that values and character, as well as interpersonal communication skills, ability to make decisions, and ability to think critically top the employer wish list and are seen as increasingly rare (7; 24). Recent work by Harms and Brummel (11) proposes that it is important for institutions of Higher Education to stay committed to their educational mission of character development, and institutions which develop character also facilitate their students’ future workplace success. A newly developed model of employability (12) suggests that those who lack ethics, persistence and drive are less employable. On the national level, values and character of citizens are crucial to societal health and strength (13; 20). Similarly, current Russian sources suggest that it is important for Higher Education to facilitate development of quality individuals, which should in turn facilitate national competitiveness (19).

The last several years have been marked by global economic crisis caused, in many ways, but the lack of both business ethics and critical thinking (3). Considering current trends in global economic development and competition, as well as internal economic and social issues in many countries, any society that wishes to provide a solid foundation for the well-being of its citizens would likely benefit from ensuring holistic development of students, including moral and intellectual virtues, on all levels of education. United States and Russia, as well as Ukraine and Belarus, have a historic tradition of emphasis on holistic development in Higher Education. Maintaining this overarching emphasis of Higher Education while adapting specifics of knowledge content to current economic and professional developments might prove valuable to global future and well-being of these nations.

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Ю.А. Афонькина
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