Гоувпо мггу учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины

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The word society can be used to mean what people also call high society, the ac­tivities of very rich and famous people, the clothes they wear, the parties they go to, etc. A society wedding means a wedding at which everyone is well-known.

But when people speak of British or American society they mean the whole population, the way people live together and the institutions they develop in order to do so.

Society and the individual

America is often said to be an indi­vidualistic society, i.e. the needs and de­sires of individuals are put before those of society as a whole. In many ways this is true. Americans strongly support the rights of individuals, and most would agree that people should be free to make their own choices and do what they want, provided that they do not hurt other people. Americans also believe that individuals should take responsibility for their own situation and not expect soci­ety as a whole, through the government, to take care of them.

It is said that, since the 1980s, Brit­ish society has become more selfish and individualistic, and that people try to im­prove their own position at the expense of others. Britain is still a class-based so­ciety, but now education, employment and money matter as much in determin­ing people's opportunities and place in society as their family background. There is also belief that personal morality is a matter for the individual, and that soci­ety should not expect everyone to have the same values. Most British people, however, believe that society has a moral responsibility to care for those in need, even though they are afraid that they will have to pay higher taxes to pay for social welfare benefits.

Society's values

American society is often associated with Middle America (= people who live in the central part of the US, who are middle-class and neither very rich nor very poor). In the US a person’s class or social status depends not on their family background but on their personal achieve­ments and wealth.

Some of the things that Middle America believes to be important include traditional institutions like government, religion and family values. Democracy (= a system of government through repre­sentatives elected by the people) is fun­damental (= very important) to American society. Americans follow different reli­gions, but many people believe that this does not matter, only that religion makes society stronger. Americans believe that family relationships should be close, that couples should get married and not get divorced if they can avoid it, and that chil­dren should grow up with both parents. In fact, although these values are thought to be important, they do not reflect the way many Americans live. Most people do not bother to vote in elections, some are not religious, and many married couples split up, so that single-parent families are becoming more common. Many people see in these facts a great threat to Ameri­can society.

Many British people believe that they live in a civilized, liberal society in which individuals have the freedom to live as they wish, to be treated fairly, and to be respected. Others believe that British so­ciety is still firmly based on the class sys­tem, and that though politicians often talk about working towards a classless society, this will never be achieved. The Establish­ment, which consists of the major institu­tions in British society — the royal fam­ily, the House of Lords, the civil service, the law, the Church of England, and the armed forces — is still mainly upper-class and white, and is not representative of the modern multiracial society.

Most people in Britain still have a sense of what class they belong to and of their place in society, though education has cut across the boundaries. At the same time there has been in recent years a breakdown of traditional class barriers and a marked increase in social mobility, the ability and readiness of people to change their social status.

Society in Britain and the US is faced with many moral dilemmas and decisions about its future. Many people welcome the chance to discuss moral and social issues such as access to healthcare, fer­tility treatment for older women, and assisted suicide (BrE euthanasia), and are not content to leave it to politicians or philosophers. In Britain the Radio 4 programme The Moral Maze discusses the moral issues behind a topic in the news. Many other programmes on radio and television question society's attitudes and values.

Social change

America is a multicultural society. Some have likened it to a melting pot, in which people from different cultures eventually become part of a single Ameri­can culture. Others believe that a con­tinuing variety of values and traditions is good, and support a pluralist view of society. In the US the white mainstream (= the largest group in society) is now only about 50% of the total population, and some members of this group are wor­ried that their position is under threat. Language is an important social bond, and many Americans believe that encour­aging. Hispanic immigrants to continue to speak Spanish, e.g. by providing road signs and school lessons in Spanish, rath­er than making them use English, will reinforce social divisions and weaken traditional American institutions.

In Britain's multicultural society, dif­ferent social traditions and sets of values exist together and are generally respected. The white mainstream is much stronger than in the US and, although lack of tolerance has sometimes led to social unrest, the mainstream has not felt seri­ously threatened.

The roles of men and women in Britain and the US have changed enor­mously during the 20th century, and women now expect and have the right to similar treatment and opportunities as men. Many women work full time, leaving their children in the care of oth­ers. Some people questions whether this is good for the children and, at a wider level, for the institution of the family. Women have moved into many areas of employment which were traditionally male-only, e.g. the law and engineering, and men have to compete with them for jobs at all levels. At home, a man is no longer automatically considered the head of the household. Men are expected to share decision-making, do some of the housework and help look after the children. While women have gained in confidence and status, some men feel uncomfortable and unsure about their role in society.

Britain and the US are both ageing societies. Many more people now reach old age, and society has had to take account of this and provide for their needs. Old people in Britain and the US sometimes receive less respect than they deserve from younger people, and may be considered a burden by their fami­lies. Unlike in some countries, many old people do not live with their grown-up children and do not want to be depen­dent on them.

Young people regularly challenge traditional values and rebel against social norms (= standards of behaviour). In the US especially, young people are encouraged to become independent and question everything from an early age. In Britain, young people were formerly expected to obey their parents and had little chance to express themselves. Many parents are now less strict and think that children should be encouraged to devel­op their own ideas. Many young people have a strong social conscience and work to change things that seem unfair, but some become cynical (= believe that people will do things only for their own benefit) and opt out of society and look for an alternative lifestyle

  • Проблемы для обсуждения и вопросы для самоконтроля

- people and the institutions they develop to live together;

- American and British societies: their peculiar features, and values;

- multicultural societies: language, traditions, concerns;

- the role of men and women in Britain and the USA;

- values and views of young people in a modern society;

- the problem of economic insecurity;

- the American Social Security Act of 1935 and its evolution;

- benefits range;

- the importance of social security today.

  • Литература

1. Society. - English learner’s digest. – 2005. - № 24. – p. 10-11

2. Jonathan Crowther Oxford Guide to British and American Culture (New Edition). - Oxford University Press, 2005

3. What the British think of America. - http://news.bbc.co.uk

  • Раздел 2 “Nature of the social work”.

  • План 1. Social worker’s duties and social issues they have to deal with. 2. Social work’s public image. 3. Working conditions. 4. Social work specialties. Related occupations. 5. International social work.

  • Основные понятия и положения Types of social work specialists. Problems (illnesses) they deal with. Activities they provide. Places they may work in.

  • Тезисы
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