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1. Code of Ethics. R.F. Ramsay – editor. - Canadian Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics. - http://webseed.acs.ucalgary.ca

2.7 habits of highly effective social workers.- Social work today.– 2004. –Vol.4.- № 3.

3. Ethics in Social Work, Statement of Principles. (USA)- International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW). - http://www.ifsw.org

  • Раздел 5 “Social security in America and Russia”.
  • План 1. A brief history of social security in the USA. 2. Social security Act in the USA. 3. Social security and benefits in America and Russia.

  • Основные понятия и положения Social security and benefits in Russia and America. Social security development in America and Russia”.

  • Тезисы

A brief history of social security

(issued on Social Security August 2000’s 65th Anniversary)

The problem of economic insecurity Social Security works because it speaks to a universal human need. All people throughout human history have faced the uncertainties brought on by death, disability and old age. Prior to the turn of the 20th century, the majority of people in the United States lived and worked on farms and economic security was provided by the extended family. However, this arrangement changed as America underwent the Industrial Revolution. The extended family and the family farm as sources of economic security became less common. Then, the Great Depression triggered a crisis in the nation’s economic life. It was against this backdrop that the Social Security Act emerged.

The Social Security Act On June 8, 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in a message to the Congress, announced his intention to provide a program for Social Security. Subsequently, the President created by Executive Order the Committee on Economic Security, which was composed of Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, Chairwoman; Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury; Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture; Homer S. Cummings, Attorney General; and Harry L. Hopkins, Federal Emergency Relief Administrator. The committee was instructed to study the entire problem of economic insecurity and to make recommendations that would serve as the basis for legislative consideration by the Congress. In early January 1935, the Committee made its report to the President, and on January 17 the President introduced the report to both Houses of Congress for simultaneous consideration. Each House passed its own version, but eventually the differences were resolved and the Social Security Act was signed into law on August 14, 1935. In addition to several provisions for general welfare, the new Act created a social insurance program designed to pay retired workers age 65 or older a continuing income after retirement.

First payments Under the 1935 law, monthly benefits were to start in 1942. From 1937 until 1942, Social Security was to pay benefits to retirees in the form of a single, lump-sum refund payment. The earliest reported applicant for a lump-sum refund was a retired Cleveland motorman named Ernest Ackerman, who retired one day after the Social Security program began. During his one day of participation in the program, a nickel was withheld from Mr. Ackerman’s pay for Social Security, and, upon retiring, he received a lump-sum payment of 17 cents. The average lump-sum payment during this period was $58.06. The smallest payment ever made was for 5 cents.

Disability benefits The Social Security Amendments of 1954 initiated a disability insurance program that provided the public with additional coverage against economic insecurity. At first, there was a disability “freeze” of workers’ Social Security records during years when they were unable to work. While this measure offered no cash benefits, it did prevent such periods of disability from reducing or wiping out retirement and survivor benefits.

On August 1, 1956, the Social Security Act was amended to provide benefits to disabled workers aged 50-65 and disabled adult children. Over the next 2 years, Congress broadened the scope of the program, permitting disabled workers under age 50 and their dependents to qualify for benefits, and eventually disabled workers at any age could qualify.

Medicare & other changes The decade of the 1960s brought additional changes to the Social Security program. Among the most significant was a provision in the Amendments of 1961 lowering the age at which men are first eligible for retirement benefits to 62 (women previously were given this option in 1956). The most significant change involved the passage of Medicare. Under Medicare, health coverage was extended to Social Security beneficiaries aged 65 or older (and eventually to those receiving disability benefits as well). Nearly 20 million beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare in the first 3 years of the program. SSA would continue to have responsibility for all aspects of the Medicare program until a 1977 reorganization created the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). HCFA assumed administrative responsibility for Medicare at that time.

Major program changes since 1980 The Social Security Amendments of 1980 made many changes in the disability program. Most of these changes focused on various work incentive provisions for both Social Security and SSI disability benefits. The 1980 Amendments also required SSA to conduct periodic reviews of current disability beneficiaries to certify their continuing eligibility. This was to become a massive workload and one that was controversial. By 1983, the reviews had been halted, and in 1984, Congress passed the Disability Benefits Reform Act modifying several aspects of the disability program, including how disability reviews are conducted. In the early 1980s the Social Security program faced a serious financing crisis. President Ronald Reagan appointed a blue-ribbon panel, known as the Greenspan Commission, to study the financing issues and make recommendations for legislative changes. The final bill, signed into law in 1983, made numerous changes in the Social Security and Medicare programs, including the taxation of Social Security benefits; the first coverage of federal employees; raising the retirement age starting in 2000; and increasing the reserves in the Social Security Trust Funds. Under 1994 legislation, the periodic Social Security Advisory Councils were abolished and a permanent seven-member bipartisan Social Security Advisory Board was formed to provide independent advice and counsel on Social Security. In 1996, legislation changed the rules for qualifying for disability benefits. New applicants for Social Security or SSI disability benefits could no longer be eligible for benefits if drug addiction or alcoholism was a material factor in their disability. “Welfare reform” legislation, signed by President Clinton in August 1996, terminated SSI eligibility for most non-citizens (this provision was scaled-back in 1997 legislation). Also the eligibility rules for awarding SSI disability benefits to children were tightened. On December 17, 1999, President Clinton signed the “Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999.” This law provides disability beneficiaries with a voucher they may use to purchase vocational rehabilitation services, employment services, and other support services from an employment network of their choice. In addition to allowing beneficiaries to purchase vocational services, the law provides incentive payments to providers for successful rehabilitations in which the beneficiary returns to work. The new provisions also provide a number of safeguards to the beneficiaries to protect their benefits and health. Taken together, the Ticket to Work initiative seeks to shift the emphasis in the disability program away from mere maintenance of benefits more toward rehabilitating the disabled and assisting them in returning to productive work. On April 7, 2000, President Clinton signed into law H.R. 5, “The Senior Citizens’ Freedom to Work Act of 2000,” eliminating the Retirement Earnings Test (RET) for beneficiaries at or above Normal Retirement Age (NRA). (The RET still applies to beneficiaries below NRA.) This allowed approximately 900,000 people who were collecting benefits but also working to not have their benefits reduced because of work.

The future of social security

During the 1990s, Social Security faced long-term challenges. The 2000 Trustees Report stated Social Security could pay full benefits until 2037, but the standard 75-year test of actuarial balance was not met. A major impetus to the public debate on Social Security reform came in January 1998 when President Clinton announced in his State of the Union Address that we should “save Social Security first.” The President also announced a series of forums around the country during the course of the year to engage the citizenry in an informed public debate, culminating in the first-ever White House Conference on Social Security in December 1998. Numerous proposals were introduced, suggesting strong interest in dealing with the long-term challenges facing the program.

The importance of social security today

Social Security has grown to become an essential facet of modern life. One in six Americans receives a Social Security benefit, and about 98 percent of all workers are in jobs covered by Social Security. Social Security benefits comprise about 5% of the nation’s total economic output. From 1940, when slightly more than 222,000 people received monthly Social Security benefits, until today, when almost 45 million people receive such benefits, Social Security has grown steadily. And Social Security benefits provide income security not just to the elderly. Nearly 1 in 3 beneficiaries are not retirees. The SSI program, meanwhile, provides needed income support to over 6 million recipients, 31% of whom are aged individuals; 56% disabled adults; and 13% disabled children.

  • Проблемы для обсуждения и вопросы для самоконтроля

- the problem of economic security;

- social security development in America and Russia;

- the importance of social security;

- types of social benefits.

  • Литература

1. A brief history of social security // www.ssa.gov

2. David Surface The real world – surviving socials work field placements. - Social work today. – 2004. – Vol.5. - № 1.
РАЗДЕЛ 4. Словарь терминов (глоссарий).

Раздел 1 “Introduction to social work. Society”.

need - потребность

responsibility - ответ­ственность

value - ценность

tax - налог

social welfare - социальное обеспечение

benefit(s) - выгода, польза, (пособие)

challenge - проблема

vote - голосовать

threat - угроза

civil service - государственная гражданская служба

armed forces - вооружённые силы

code - кодекс

issue - вопрос, проблема

access - доступ

healthcare - здравоохранение

fertility - способность к дето­рождению

treatment - лечение; обра­щение

euthanasia - эвтаназия

lack - недостаток

level - уровень

compete - конкурировать

household - семья

confidence - уверенность

ageing - бремя

conscience - сознание
Раздел 2 “Nature of the social work”.

inadequate housing – несоответствующие нормам условия проживания

unemployment - безработица

illness - заболевание

disability - нетрудоспособность

substance abuse – субстанциональное расстройство

spousal abuse – насилие над супругом (супругой)

specialize – проходить специализацию

well-being – благополучие, благосостояние

abused children – дети, подвергнувшиеся насилию

senior citizens - граждане старшей возрастной группы

vulnerable populations –группы риска среди населения

chronic, acute, or terminal illnesses – хронические, острые и смертельные заболевания

caregivers - люди, обеспечивающие уход

including abuse of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs

violence - жестокость

emotionally draining – эмоционально истощающий

understaffing - нехватка персонала

case – история болезни

probation officers – инспекторы, наблюдающие за поведением условно осужденных преступников

Раздел 3 “Social work practice with vulnerable people”.

vulnerable populations –группы риска среди населения

degradation – вырождение

abuse – насилие

teenage pregnancy - беременность среди несовершеннолетних

oppressive – угнетаемые


fetal alcohol syndrome - синдром алкогольной интоксикации плода

infertility - бесплодие

dole – пособие

sexually transmitted diseases – болезни, передающиеся половым путем

drug (alcohol) addiction – наркотическая (алкогольная) зависимость

lethal – смертоносный

misuse – злоупотребление

induce – вызывать

overdose – передозировка

hard (soft) drugs – тяжелые (легкие) наркотические вещества
Раздел 4 “Social worker code of ethics”.

social awareness – социальное сознание

commitment – обязательство

ethics – этика

joint statement – совместное заявление

social justice – социальная справедливость

conduct – поведение

guidelines – директива

empowerment – наделение возможностями

well-being – благополучие

environment – среда, окружение

covenant – договор

elimination – устранение, уничтожение

indigenous – коренной (о населении)

tribal – племенной, родовой

inherent – врожденный

self-determination – самоопределение

legitimate – законный

to treat – относиться, обращаться

community – сообщество, общность, (the ~) общество

to recognise – признавать

marital status – супружеский статус

to redress – восстанавливать

diversity – разнообразие

to distribute – распределять

to ensure – обеспечивать, гарантировать

a duty – долг, обязанность

oppressive - угнетающий

exclusion – исключение

stigmatisation – бесчестие

subjugation – подчинение

code of ethics – моральный (этический) кодекс

torture – пытка

abuse – плохое обращение

compassion – сострадание, сочувствие

to justify – оправдывать

to acknowledge – признавать

to be accountable for – быть ответственным за

to collaborate (with)-сотрудничать (с)

to ensure – гарантировать

community - сообщество
Раздел 5 “Social security in America and Russia”

security – обеспечение, безопасность

act – закон

retire – выходить на пенсию

retiree - пенсионер

social insurance legislation – законодательство в области социального страхования

income - доход

disability benefits – пособия по нетрудоспособности

refund payment – возмещаемые выплаты

amendments -поправки

dependents - иждивенцы

beneficiaries – лицо, имеющее право на льготы

non-citizens – лицо, не имеющее гражданства данного государства

safeguard - гарантия

vocational rehabilitation services – служба профессиональной реабилитации

incentive payments – стимулирующие выплаты

welfare – благосостояние
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Автор программы: кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры русского языка, литературы и методики их преподавания гоувпо мггу наумлюк...
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Автор программы: Наумлюк М. В., кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры рялимп мггу
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Автор программы: к фил н., доцент кафедры русского языка, литературы и методики их преподавания Пожидаева О. В
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Основная образовательная программа подготовки специалиста по специальности (специальностям)
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Антошина С. А., кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры русской филологии мггу

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