Учебное пособие по академической письменной речи Барнаул

НазваниеУчебное пособие по академической письменной речи Барнаул
Дата публикации19.02.2015
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ТипУчебное пособие
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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

ФГБОУ ВПО «Алтайский государственный университет»

Л.А. Кочетова




Учебное пособие по академической письменной речи



К.ф.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков исторического

факультета АлтГУ Е.А.Воронцова

к.ф.н., доцент кафедры лингводидактики и второго

иностранного языка ЛИИН АГПА О.Н.Черем исина
Кочетова Л.А.

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, магистрантов и аспирантов, которые хотят овладеть основами научного стиля на английском языке. Это пособие содержит словарь, образцы англоязычных научных текстов различных жанров и упражнения для формирования умений академической письменной речи на иностранном языке. Данное пособие может быть использовано в качестве справочного материала учеными и преподавателями при оформлении тезисов и научных статей на английском языке.



1. Curriculum Vitae/Resume

Как написать профессиональную биографию на

английском языке . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2. Cover Letters that Open Doors

Сопроводительное письмо и как его писать . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3. Letters of Reference/Recommendation

Рекомендательные письма . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4. Conferences and Symposia. Presentation.

Как написать информационное письмо и

программу конференции. Доклад . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . … . . . . . . . . 31

5. Summary and Summary-Analysis

Аннотация и реферат. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

6. Research Paper. Abstract.

Правила оформления научной статьи. Тезисы. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

7. Thesis. Магистерская диссертация . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

8. Bibliography

Как оформить библиографию . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Section 1. Curriculum Vitae/Résume.

Как написать профессиональную биографию на английском языке.

Curriculum Vitae или профессиональная биография пишется по определенной схеме в англоязычной культурной традиции. Обязательными разделами CV, кроме имени и адреса автора, являются следующие:

  • Employment/Work Experience Опыт работы

  • Education Образование

  • Personal Skills and Competences Личные качества и


  • Awards and Honors Награды/поощрения

  • Publications (для научных Публикации


Раздел “Work Experience” включает информацию обо всех местах работы и должностях с указанием адресов и телефонов учреждений и фирм. Начинается информация с настоящего (последнего) места работы.

В разделе “Education” указываются не только учебные заведения, которые окончил автор, но и тип документа, который он/она получили. Начинать надо также с последнего места обучения. В раздел можно включать и краткосрочные курсы повышения квалификации (в том числе и дистанционные), если они заканчивались выдачей документа.

В раздел “Personal Skills” автор может включить любую информацию, которую он считает важной дл я получения работы: знание иностранных языков, владение компьютером, спортивные разряды, и т.д.

Раздел “Awards and Honors” включает благодарности, грамоты, награды за победу в конкурсах любого уровня.

В CV важно, как расположена информация.

Read the Sample CV for students required in European Union. Pay attention to the layout of the document.

Sample Curriculum Vitae

Europass Curriculum Vitae (for students)


Personal Information

First name/names Betty Hopkins

Address(es) 32 reading rd, Birmingham, B26QJ, United Kingdom

Telephone(s) Personal: (44-1189) 12 34 56 Mobile: (44-6987) 65 43 21

E-mail(s): hobbies@kotmail.com

Nationality(-ies) British

Date of birth 07.10.1978

Gender Female

Desired employment/ European Project Manager

Occupational Field

Work experience

Dates August 2005 – onwards

Occupation or position

held Independent consultant

Main activities and

responsibilities Evaluation of European Commission youth training

support measures for youth national agencies and

and young people

Name and address

оf employer British Council, 123,Bd Ney, F-75023 Paris

Type of business or

sector Independent worker

Dates March – July 2005

Occupation or position

held Internship

Main activities and

Responsibilities - Evaluating youth training programs for SALTO UK

- Organizing and running a 2 day workshop on non- formal education for Action 5 large scale projects

- Focusing on quality, assessment and recognition

- Contributing to the Steering Group on training and developing action plans on training for the next 3 years.

Name and address of

employer European Commission, Youth Unit, DG Education and

Culture, 200, Rue de la Loi, B-1049, Brussels

Type of business or

sector European Institution

Dates October 2003-February 2005

Occupation or position

held Researcher/ Independent Consultant
Main activities and Working in a research team carrying in-depth

responsibilities qualitative evaluation of the 2 year Advanced

Training of Trainers in Europe using participant

observation, in-depth interviews and focus


Name and address of

employer Council of Europe, Budapest

Type of business or

sector European institutions
Education and Training

Dates 2001-2005

Title of the qualification

Awarded PhD

Principal subjects/

occupational skills Thesis Title ‘Young People in Construction of the

covered Virtual University’, Empirical research that directly

contributes to debates on e-learning.

Name and type of Brunei University, London, UK


providing education and


Dates 1997 -2001

Title of qualification

awarded Bachelor of Science in Sociology and Psychology

Principal subjects/ -Sociology of Risk, Sociology of Scientific

Knowledge/Information Society

occupational skills - E-learning and Psychology; Research Methods.


Name and type of Brunei University, London, UK


providing education and

Personal Skills

and Competences

Mother Tongue(s) English

Other languages


European Level






Spoken interaction

Spoken production

C2 proficient user

C1 Proficient user

C2 proficient User

B2 Independent user

C1 Proficient user

A2 Basic user

A2 Basic user

A2 Basic user

A2 Basic user

A2 Basic user



Social skills - Team work: I have worked in various types of teams from

and competences research teams to national league hockey. For 2 years I

coached my university hockey team;

-Mediating skills: I work on the borders between young

people, youth trainers, youth policy and researchers, for

example running a 3 day workshop at CoE Symposium

‘Youth Actor of Social Change’, and my continued work

on youth training programs.

Organization During my PhD I organized a seminar series on research

skills and methods.


Computer skills Competent with most Microsoft Office programs and some

and with HTML.



information PUBLICATIONS

‘How to do Observations: Borrowing techniques from the

Social Sciences to help participants do observations in

simulation exercises’ Coyot EU/CoE Partnership .



Creating pieces of art and visiting modern art galleries.

Enjoy all sports particularly hockey, football and running.

Love to travel and experience different cultures.


Правила передачи имен собственных на кириллице латиницей

Чтобы правильно передать русские имена и фамилии, а также названия организаций латиницей, надо знать некоторые правила. В зарубежной англоязычной традиции существует несколько систем передачи букв русского алфавита латиницей, но доминирующими являются 2 системы:

1. British Standard – британская.

2. Library of Congress – американская.

Ниже приводится вариант транскрипции, базирующийся на системе British Standard.

A –A K – K Х – Kh

Б – B Л – L Ц – Ts

В – V М – M Ч - Ch

Г - G Н – N Ш – Sh

Д – D О – O Щ – Shch

Е – E/Ye П – P Ъ – “

Ё – E/YO Р – R Ы – Y

Ж – Zh С – S Ь – ‘

З – Z Т – T Э – E

И – I У – U Ю – Yu

Й – I/Y Ф – F Я – Ya

В варианте Library of Congress для передачи букв Е, Ё, Ю, Я используются диграфы соответственно: IE, IO, IU, IA (e.g. Beriozka)

Особые сочетания




Пример рус.

Пример англ.






В конце слова








В середине слова








Bisk, Biysk



Новые Ляды

Novye Lyady



Старый Оскол

Stary Oskol


В конце слова после и ( без ударения)


Но Зульфия



Remember the equivalents of Russian words and word combinations related to academic activities you may use in your CV.

1.средняя школа secondary school (Br)/high school


2. музыкальная/художественная

школа music/arts secondary school

3.аттестат (о среднем certificate of secondary education/

образовании) high school diploma

4. колледж/ПТУ vocational/technical/community college

5. диплом о среднем Associate Degree

специальном образовании

диплом техникума по… Associate of… (arts –AA; science –ASc;

applied arts – AAA)

6. диплом университета Degree/Diplom

Диплом по специальности… Bachelor's Degree in ( chemistry,history)

Диплом бакалавра (естесст- Bachelor of (Science, Arts)

Ственных наук, гуманитар-

Ных наук)

7. диплом «с отличием» Degree/diplom cum laude/magna cum

laude/with distinction

8. студент/учащийся student/undergraduate

студент- второкурсник

исторического ф-та second-year history student/


студент-третьекурсник third-year/junior PR student/

отделения связей с общест- undergraduate


9. магистрант, аспирант post-graduate (BrE)/graduate (AmE)

Аспирант кафедры оте- Home history graduate student

чественной истории

аспирант кафедры граждан- Civil law graduate student

ского права

10. аспирантура, магистратура post - graduate/ graduate school/

Master’s degree program/doctoral

degree program

11. кафедра department/chair

кафедра органической organic chemistry department


кафедра всеобщей истории и World history and international

международных отношений relations department

12. заведующий/ая кафедрой department chair/head of the


13. преподаватель(и) faculty (members)/professor(s)(AmE)

teaching staff(BrE)

14. научный сотрудник research fellow

младший/старший научный junior/senior research fellow


15. факультет faculty (BrE)/college/school (AmE)

Юридический факультет Law School/Law Faculty

Исторический факультет History faculty/History School

Факультет естественных Сollege of Science/Faculty of

наук Science

Факультет журналистики Faculty of Journalism/School of


16. университет university/college

17. ректор университета President

18. проректор по… vice president for…

учебной работе academic affairs

науке и инновациям innovations and research

экономике и финансам finance management

19. декан dean

Зам.декана по… assistant dean/deputy dean for…

работе со студентами student affairs

20. деканат dean’s office

Skill Building

1. Write your name, surname, address in English.

2. Write the following personal and geographical names in English.

a) Михаил Горбачев, Борис Ельцин, Петр Ильич Чайковский, Никита Хрущев, Александр Солженицын, Эдуард Багрицкий, Михаил Зощенко, Дмитрий Пожарский, Корней Чуковский, Петр Столыпин, Виктор Черномырдин.

в) Алтайский край, Астраханская область, Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ, Жигулевские горы, Саяны, Можайский район, Пущино, Геленджик, Махачкала, Йошкар-Ола, Щелково, село Целинное, деревня Журчалово.

3. Write your own Curriculum Vitae following the Europass Pattern.

Section 2. Cover Letters that Open Doors

Сопроводительное письмо к резюме и как его писать


Сover Letterэто письмо, которое посылается вместе с профессиональной биографией/резюме. Иногда его называют «заявление» (letter of application). Цель такого письма - получить приглашение на собеседование. Резюме – документ, лишенный индивидуальности, оно пишется по жесткой схеме. Сопроводительное письмо дает соискателю шанс раскрыть свою индивидуальность и показать мастерство в искусстве письменного общения.

Сопроводительное письмо - это образец официального стиля. Однако, если текст объявления о найме написан неформальным стилем, стиль письма следует также сделать менее официальным.
Outline for a Cover Letter


First paragraph: State why you are writing and mention the specific position.

Second paragraph: Discuss your qualifications and experience, and link them as directly as possible to the qualifications for the job.

Third paragraph: If appropriate, mention why you’re interested in working for the company, including any events or people that brought you to them.

Fourth paragraph: Close on a positive, helpful note.

Sample Letters

1. Read and translate the letters. Pay attention to the layout of the letters.

2. Point out expressions that can be used in your letter.

Sample Letter 1.

John Carlton

444 Fedilis Street

Westport, CT 09999

Ms. Jane Harris

Director of Recruiting

Hot Shop Advertising

555 Medison Avenue

New York, NY 10000

Dear Ms. Harris:

I enclose my resume in response to your advertisement in the New York Sunday Times for a senior copywriter with a specialty in consumer packaged goods.

As my resume shows, I offer five years of experience writing compelling copy for nationally known brands. These best-selling brands include Happy Nut peanut butter, Just Ducky children’s products, and Zip Zippity toothpaste and mouthwash. I have worked in all phases of campaign development, from initial concept to final production, and in both print and broadcast media.

You can reach me at my office during business hours or at home during evenings and weekends. Thank you for your consideration.


John Carlton

Sample Letter 2.

Mr. Lyle Emerson

Director of Human Resources

Everclear Spring Water Co.

888 Glen Ellen Road

Portland, ME 99999

Dear Mr. Emerson:

I am writing in response to your advertisement in the Sun for a sales representative.

My interest in Everclear has grown out of a desire to sell for a company that is a leader in its industry. My research tells me that Everclear is such a company and that your sales force is among the best in the industry.

As my resume shows, my background includes experience in marketing, market research, and key-account analysis. At Mason Building Products, I worked closely with our sales reps to resolve customer problems while staying focused on the successful volunteer fund-raising experience..

I would appreciate having an opportunity to meet with you to discuss the contribution I could make to Everclear. Thank you for your consideration.


Lorraine Fernal

Sample Letter 3

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for a place on the Archeology MA course which commences this September at Macbriney University.

I am 25 years old and I have completed a Bachelor’s degree in Archeology at Drakeham University, where I received first class honors. Prior to this I was a pupil at Berkeley Comprehensive, where I obtained 9 GCSE (general certificate of secondary education) and three A levels in History, Geography and Latin.

Since the completion of my BA I have spent two years working as assistant archeologist on a site in Egypt. During this expedition I have assisted in the discovery of several interesting artifacts. This work was extremely enjoyable and I am anxious to specialize by gaining further qualifications before embarking on my chosen career in this field.

I enclose a detailed curriculum vitae in the hope that you will consider my application for entry. I look forward to receiving your response in the near future.

Yours faithfully,

Jill Holland

Vocabulary to be used in cover letters

Remember words and word combinations you may use in your letters.

1. As my resume/CV shows … - Как видно из моего резюме…

2. I am writing in response to your

advertisement in … - Я пишу в ответ на ваше рекламное

объявление в …

3. I am writing to apply for the post - Я пишу, чтобы подать заявление на дол

/job/position of/ which I жность/вакансию/ …, объявление о

saw advertised in … которой я прочитал в…

4. ….for the last/ past year I have been - в последний год/последние годы

working as … я работала…

5. My background includes experience in … - В прошлом я имел/а опыт

Работы в ….

6. I offer … years of experience … - Я имею опыт работы в течение

… лет.

7. I offer solid/considerable - У меня большой/значительный/

international/teaching, etc. experience in …международный/преподава-

тельский опыт…

8. I posses the relevant experience …- У меня есть опыт соответствую

Щей работы….

9. (I think/feel) I am qualified for - (Я считаю), что я подхожу для этой

the position, having both a Bachelor’s должности, т.к. у меня диплом бака-

and a Master’s degree in relevant лавра и магистра в соответствующих

subjects. Областях.

10. I feel well suited to this position… - Я чувствую, что хорошо подхожу

Для данной должности.

11. You can reach me at the above - Вы можете связаться со мной по адре-

address or at (telephone number/e-mail) су, указанному выше или по ( телефо-

ну/электронной почте)/позвонив по

by calling (telephone number) … телефону ( указать номер).

12. I would appreciate a reply - Я был бы благодарен, если Вы отве-

at your earliest convenience тили, как можно быстрее.

13. I look forward to hearing - С нетерпением жду Вашего ответа

from you in due course … в ближайшее время…

14. Thank you for your consideration – Спасибо за внимательное отношение

К моему заявлению.

Skill Building

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form (-ing form) of the words in the box.

Be complete deal with have pass spend

1) I have considerable experience in this line of work, ________________ over 20 years in the field.

2) I feel well suited to this particular position, _______________a highly qualified practitioner with a range of previous experience.

3) I feel confident of my English abilities, _______________ recently _____________TOEFL.

4) I feel confident of my computing skills, ______________ recently __________- a six-month IT course.

5) I am sure I would be able to meet tight deadlines, __________________ similar pressures in my previous job.

6) I think I possess the appropriate qualifications for this post, _______________a degree in modern languages and a Master’s in translation.

2. Complete the following sentences using should and the words in brackets.

1) Please do not hesitate to contact me should _______________ (require, further information).

2) You can reach me at the above address or by calling 999-535-90-75 ______________________ (wish, discuss, my qualifications).

3) Please contact me at the earliest possible opportunity _______________

(vacancies, available).

3. Complete the following letter using the proper word combinations.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing _________________of Senior Tour Guide which ______________
in Monday’s edition of The Evening News.

I graduated from _________________ in ____________with a degree in ___________________.

I have been working as_________________________________________ since____________ for_______________ which is based in_________________. Prior to this, I worked as a_________________

for ____________________during the summer season. I hold certificates in

_________________________. I speak fluent ___________________________ .

I am friendly, _____________________________ and work well under pressure.

As my references show, I ________________________________ clients, who ___________________________.

I have enclosed ______________________________ I would be glad to ________________________________________.

Yours faithfully,

Miranda Breeton
3. Translate into English using the words of the active vocabulary.

1) Я пишу в ответ на объявление в «Вечерних Новостях».

2) Как следует из моего резюме, я имею пятилетний опыт педагогической работы.

3) Я имею большой опыт организации международных конференций.

4) Я думаю, что я имею соответствующее образование для данной работы.

5) Я чувствую, что хорошо подхожу для этой должности, так как имею большой опыт управленческой работы в области финансов.

6) Я уверена, что имею подходящее образование для этой должности, так как у меня степень магистра по управлению бизнесом.

7) Спасибо за внимание.

8) Если вам нужна более подробная информация, свяжитесь со мной по телефону… или по электронной почте … .

4. Read the job advertisement carefully. Write a draft of the cover letter. Discuss the draft with your group mates.

Summer camp 20… applications are now open. Start your camp in America application today! Registration is free.

Sports Instructor

- have skills or experience level within one or two areas, strong enough to allow you to teach

- coaching qualifications

Camp Counsellor

- extensive experience with children

- love the children

- keep an open mind

Support Staff Jobs

These positions come in a variety of jobs: Food preparation, General Maintenance, Laundry, House Keeping, Office, Secretarial, etc. No special training is needed. The support staff do not live with children in the bunks.

Remember that you will be trained extensively on camp, before the children arrive, irrelevant to your summer title. Summer camp is an immensely supportive environment and a very safe place to test yourself and develop your skill set

For more information contact us on

e-mail: info@wildpacks.com

Wild Packs Ltd.

Liberty Business Center

16 Cromaty Campus

Rosyth, Fife

KY11 2WX, Scotland

Remember to include precise information about your skills. If you think your are good for the Sports Instructor position, specify how good you are at a particular sport, how often you play, what kind of team, if you have any awards, etc.

For the Camp Counsellor position give particular detailed account of your experience in working with children. How old were the children? What were the group sizes? Did you supervise the children’s activities?

5. Read the advertisements in an English-language magazine. Choose a job you would like to apply for. Write a cover letter to your CV/letter of application which responds to one of the advertisements.

Need a Summer job?

Do you enjoy meeting new people?

We are looking for lively young waiters and waitresses to work at our sea-front

Café. Drop in or drop us a line if you’d like to earn some extra cash this summer.

Contact: Barry Murphy

Bright’n’Bubbly Bistro

3, Apple Street


Tel: 8432712

________________ _________

We are looking for staff for international rock festival, taking place over a three-day period in the west of England during this summer. We are looking for people with a good command of English who could work in the following areas:

  • Catering (food and drink stalls and tents)

  • Security (in the performance area, at entrances and around the site)

  • First aid (for minor medical problems)

To apply, explain why you would like to work at the festival, give details of the roles you would prefer and why, and give reasons why you would be suitable.

6. Clarke Hooper is advertising for graduates. Read the advertisement carefully, then prepare the CV and a cover letter.


Not your degree, this ad. Got your attention though, didn’t it? And that’s our business. Promotional marketing involves everything from sales promotion to product launches, direct marketing to design. All of it involves grabbing people’s attention. If you’re interested in becoming an account handler, and you think you’re capable of the kind of ideas that stand out in an increasingly media literate society, send your CV to Michelle Hocking at the address below.

Check out our work and who we do it for at WWW.CHC.CO.UK

Clark Hooper, St. Laurence Way, Berkshire, SL1 2BW, E-mail: michellea@chc.co.uk

7. You want to go to Winston University to do a degree in History. Write a letter applying for a place on the course.

Section 3. Letters of Recommendation/ Reference

Рекомендательные письма

Lead- in

Рекомендательные письма называются по-английски либо «letters of reference», либо «letters of recommendation».

Единственная разница между ними в том, что слово «reference» обычно используется в деловом мире, в таких словосочетаниях, как, например, «job reference», «credit reference», в то время как слово «recommendation» больше принято в академических кругах. При подаче документов в высшее учебное заведение требуется «letter of recommendation».

Outline for a Letter of Recommendation

First paragraph: State in what capacity you know the person recommended

Second paragraph: State how long you have known the person.

Third paragraph: Describe the strongest skills and competences the person possesses.

Fourth paragraph: Provide facts supporting your opinion.

Fifth paragraph: State the position/program you recommend the person for.

Sample Letters of Recommendation/Reference

1. Read and translate Samples 1, 2, 3.

2. Point out expressions that can be used in your letter of recommendation.

Sample Letter 1.
Re: Mary Wares

To: Whom It May Concern:

Mary Wares joined Amalgamated Industries in the finance group in 1989. She reported to me, in my capacity as Director of Financial Services, from then until she was promoted to Controller in 1993. In the first five years Mary worked for me, first as Assistant Treasurer and then as Treasurer, she was an absolutely first-rate professional in every way.

Mary’s key strengths include highly developed analytical and problem-solving skills. She repeatedly displayed an ability to cut to the heart of the issue, clarify our opinions, and implement the best one. Our treasure function is large and complex, and Mary thrived on both the size and the complexity. She brought the same energy to resolving the most minute operational problems as she did the major policy questions.

Mary is an excellent manager of people. That is why I fully supported her promotion to Controller, a position in which she managed 18 senior accountants, and managed them well. (at that point she reported to our then Vice President of Finance, as I did.) Before that, as treasurer reporting to me, Mary managed four assistant treasurers excellently.

Finally, Mary brings a sharp, but never unkind, sense of humor to the job. She works as long as it takes to get the job done, and displays the team spirit, maturity of mind, and scrupulous honesty so necessary in the finance function of a major company.

I enthusiastically recommend Mary Wares for any position or endeavor for which you may consider her.

Very truly,

Frank Squire

Vice President, Finance

Sample Letter 2.
To Whom It May Concern:

I have known Ted Marks for the three years he worked for me as a salesperson at Amalgamated Industries. I am the Southeastern District sales manager and I hired Ted.

Ted did a fine job during his time at Amalgamated. He was hardworking and diligent in executing his duties and represented the company well. Customers also liked Ted.

He also performed well in terms of his level of sales, typically making, and occasionally breaking, his quota. His knowledge of our products and how to apply them to solve customers’ problems was very good. Ted was good at resolving any difficulties that came up internally at our company, such as late deliveries.

I recommend Ted Mark for any sales position for which you may be considering him.

Very truly yours,

Marcia LaPine

Sample Letter 3. Recommendation for Admission to a University Course.
Dear Admissions Committee:

It is with great pleasure that I write to you in support of Clara Goodleaf’s application to your Graduate School of Business.

I have known Ms.Goodleaf for all five years that she has worked at Amalgamated Industries. I interviewed her when she applied to the company after she graduated from Smith, and I supported her hire as an entry-level market researcher. Two years later, she was promoted to manager of product development division at Amalgamated Industries.

Ms.Goodleaf is certainly one of the brightest and most insightful people I have had the pleasure to work with in a 27-year career. Her ability to grasp the abstract issues in a business situation while staying focused on concrete practicalities is unmatched in my experience. Most people can do either one or the other. These twin intellectual abilities are the main reason she moved from an analytical position (at which she excelled) into product development (where she also excelled).

Ms.Goodleaf quickly gains the respect and the cooperation of everyone she works with. This is partly because she herself respects and cooperates with others, and partly because people are attracted by her ability to focus on what is important and then act.

I have known for some time that Ms. Goodleaf would be leaving the company to pursue a graduate business degree. While as a manager I hate to lose such a qualified staff member, I enthusiastically recommend Clare Goodleaf for ad-

mission to Harvard University’s Graduate School of Business.


Perry Merrin

Vice President


Remember the words and word combinations you may use in writing letters of recommendation

1. To Whom it May Concern

2. I have known N. for/since ……..

3. N. has been working in our university/department/company for….

4. N’s key strengths are/include …

5. N. displayed an ability to ….

6. to manage smth. well/perfectly/successfully … .

7. to be a first-rate professional in every way …

8. to make a valuable contribution into ….

9. I am glad to write in support of ….

10. I highly/enthusiastically recommend N. for the position/admission/taking part in …

Skill Building

1. a) read and translate the adjectives that can be used in characterizing a person.

Alert, approachable, dedicated, calm, creative, confident, conscientious, imaginative, kind, knowledgeable, logical, open-minded, organized, patient, polite, skilful, tolerant, understanding, able to cope in a crisis, able to work under pressure, able to work in a team.

b) use the words above to complete the sentences.

1. A good student has to be …. .

2. A good teacher has to be … .

3. A good reporter has to be … .

4. A good accountant has to be… .

5. A good researcher has to be… .

6. A good manager has to be … .

7. A good doctor has to be … .

8. A good designer has to be … .

9. A good policeman has to be … .

10. A good CEO has to be … .

c) use the words above to describe your group mates.

2.Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Сара работает в нашей компании с момента окончания университета в 2009 году.

2. Мисс Блэк всегда отличалась трудолюбием и добросовестностью. Кроме того, она обладает данными руководителя.

3. Тед имеет хорошее чувство юмора и открытый характер.

4. Мисс Твиг работает под моим руководством три года, и, следовательно, я хорошо ее знаю.

5. Я с удовольствием рекомендую студентку Ильиных для продолжения образования в магистратуре Центрального Европейского университета.

6. С радостью поддерживаю рекомендацию господина Мишина на должность начальника отдела кадров.
Section 4. Conferences. Call for Papers. Conference Program. Presentation.

Научная конференция. Как написать информационное письмо и программу конференции. Доклад на конференции.


Информационное сообщение о научном мероприятии называется «Call for Papers».Оно обязательно содержит информацию о времени и месте проведения мероприятия, тематике, организаторах, сроках подачи тезисов и полного текста доклада, оплаты регистрационного взноса. Участникам, чьи доклады приняты для выступления на конференции, высылаются официальные приглашения. Форма участия может быть очной(in-person presentation) или заочной: в электронной форме (virtual presentation) и форме стендового доклада (poster presentation).

Выступление с докладом на конференции называется «(paper)

presentation». Как правило, устный текст сопровождается демонстрацией слайдов, выполненной в Power Point. На первых слайдах необходимо представить название доклада (title), имя автора, его должность и звание, место работы, краткий план доклада (outline), задачи исследования (objectives), методы исследования (methodology), последние слайды должны содержать результаты исследования и заключение (conclusion). И не забудьте поблагодарить аудиторию на последнем слайде (Thank you).


Remember the words and word combinations you may use in writing Call for Papers and Conference Program.

1.abstract аннотация, тезисы

abstract submission предоставление текста


2. abstract book сборник тезисов

3. application form форма заявки

4. alignment выравнивание (текста)

5. call for papers информационное сообщение (о


6.conference конференция

аnnual ежегодная

international международная

world всемирная

to hold a conference проводить конференцию

7. deadline (for …) последний срок ( подачи докумен-

тов, заявок и т.д.)

8. debate дискуссия

9. indent абзацный отступ

10.italics курсив

11. line spacing межстрочный интервал

12. margin поля

12. paper научный доклад

to present/read a paper выступить с докладом (на


to publish a paper опубликовать доклад/статью

to submit a paper послать доклад на конференцию

paper guidelines правила оформления статьи

14. presentation выступление на конференции

in-person presentation непосредственное участие

paper presentation выступление с научным докладом

poster presentation стендовый доклад

virtual presentation виртуальный доклад/выступление в

режиме видеоконференции

15. proceedings научные труды/ученые записки

16. quotes цитаты

17. to register (for…) регистрироваться для участия в


18.registration регистрация для участия

registration form регистрационная форма/форма


registration fee взнос за участие в конференции

to pay a registration fee оплачивать взнос за участие в


19. round table круглый стол, дискуссия

«на равных»
20. session/meeting заседание

plenary session пленарное заседание

section/panel session секционное заседание

21. speaker докладчик

main/keynote speaker основной докладчик

22. social program(me) (of the conference) общественно-культурная

программа (конференции)

23. to arrange a social program)me) организовывать общественно-

культурную программу

24. submission подача, представление (заявки,

доклада и т.д.)

25. workshop мастер-класс
1. Read Call for Papers to several conferences below.

2. Sum up the information and tell it to your friends.

Sample 1.

Political Science 18-20 SEP 2013

Conference Istanbul Turkey


Call for Papers


Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31.05.2013

Final date for registration: 26.07.2013

Deadline for full paper submission: 16.08.2013
  1   2   3   4   5   6   7

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