Урок 48. Тема : Виды сми

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Section 1. ЧТО ТАКОЕ СМИ?

Урок 48.

Тема : Виды СМИ

Дата проведения:______________


  • формирование навыков аудирования по теме «СМИ»;

  • активизация в речи лексики по заданной теме;

  • ознакомление с распространенными аббревиатурами.

Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— We start a new theme "Mass Media: Good or Bad". What do you think we are going to discuss? Is this theme interesting for you? What types of mass media do you know? Which of them do you like most? Why? So, today we will discuss the types of mass media, besides you will learn to use some abbreviations.

II. Фонетическая разминка

— As usual, we begin with a tongue twister. Look at the blackboard.
Listen to my reading.

Запись на доске:

This net is neat. This is a neat net.

— Translate the tongue twister. Then read it slowly after me. And then read it as quickly as you can.

III. Речевая разминка

— Listen to the tape, read the list of the media in ex. 1, p. 62. Match the words and their definitions.

— You have already mentioned different types of mass media. Some of them are good or bad. People use different mass media according to their interests. Let's see what advantages or disadvantages they have. First you should discuss it in pairs. Ex. 3, p. 63 can help you.

Учитель может поделить класс на две группы. В одной группе школьники должны считать, что у средств массовой информации больше достоинств, чем недостатков, а в другой — наоборот. Таким образом, учитель организует дискуссию по этому вопросу.

— I see that you are tired. Have a rest.

  1. Физкультминутка

  2. Ознакомление с аббревиацией

  • In the media we can meet shortened forms of words, especially in informal situations. They are called abbreviations. Can you give the examples in Russian?

  • Read the important information in ex. 4, p. 63. Remember it.

  • Now learn to use the abbreviations. Do ex. 5, p. 63. Study the task carefully.

Make up your own sentences with the words.

  • Listen to it for the second time and fill in the table in ex. 6, p. 63. Which of them is your favourite? Why? What type of information do they give? Do you know any other broadcasting companies? At home learn the abbreviations. Then do some tasks in writing.

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 4, стр. 63; упр. 1, 2, 3, стр. 86.

Урок 49.

Тема : Радио и телевидение

Дата проведения:_____________

Цель: развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме «СМИ».

Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— Let's have a talk about radio and television today. We are going to discuss what TV or radio programmes you and your relatives like. Besides, you will learn the differences between American and British English.

II. Фонетическая разминка

— We start with pronunciation. Open your books at p. 64. Look at the words in ex. 10. Listen and read them. Now read the words one by one.

PI, P2, P3.

III. Речевая разминка

— You know some words in British English sound like the same words in American English. But they differ in spelling. Read them and compare in ex. 8, p. 64. Make up your own sentences with them.

IV. Обучение речи

— Now talk to each other about radio and television. Imagine that one of you is a journalist, another one is a star or one of you is a pupil from Russia, another one is from America. Ask the questions from ex. 7, p. 63. Then report to the class about your partner's answers.

План диалога:

  • The most popular media in our family is...

  • Yes, we have. (No, we haven't.)

  • Yes, we have. (No, we haven't.)

  • It is a colour television.

  • I like... television (radio) programme best.

  • Our local radio/TV station broadcasts such programmes as...

  • Yes, we have. (No, we haven't.)

  • Yes, we can. (No, we can't.)

  • Yes, I do. (No, I don't.)

  • It was interesting to learn about your preferences. Let's have a rest.

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Обучение речи

— It would be interesting to us to know what kind of the media you prefer and why. Ex. 9 on p. 64 will help you. I give you two minutes to think. Now you are welcome. Tell us about your favourite media.

— What do you know about radio? How often do you listen to it? Does your father listen to the radio in his car? What radio programmes can you name?

— Read more about radio. Answer the questions in ex. 11, p. 65.
PI / P2.

VII. Подведение итогов урока

— What new information about radio have you learnt? What media does Vova prefer? Was it interesting to listen to your classmates? Thank you for your work. The lesson is over, good-bye.

Домашнее задание

PT: упр. 1, 2, стр. 36; уч.: упр. 5, 6, стр. 86.

Урок 50.

Тема : Пробуемся на роль радиоведущего

Дата проведения:_____________

Цель: формирование навыков диалогической речи

Оборудование: записи на доске; карточки.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

- We continue talking about radio. Today at the lesson you will learn to host a radio programme.

II. Фонетическая разминка

- Begin with a tongue twister. Repeat after me, please. Look at the blackboard.

На доске записана разучиваемая скороговорка. T-Ps.

- Now pronounce it in a natural manner. Then say the tongue twister as quickly as you can. PI, P2, P3.

III. Речевая разминка

- We go on talking about the media. I ask you to look back at ex. 3 on p. 63. Think of five positive and five negative things about watching television. Let's divide into two parts. Pupils of the first variant say about positive things and pupils of the second variant say about negative things. Now we are ready to start.



1. You relax.

2. You get information.

3. You know about important events.

4. You can study foreign languages.

5. It is possible to take part in shows
and competitions.

6. You can travel around the world
without wasting money.

7. You can try your luck.

8. You can keep fit watching sports

1. Watching too much TV you get
TV addicted, so you have no time
to communicate with relatives and

2. You damage your eyes.

3. You get lazy and put on weight
sitting for a long time in front of the
TV set.

4. You have no time for sport
activities in the fresh air.

5. You watch films for adults more
often and sleep badly after horror

IV. Активизация лексики

- What about radio? What positive or negative sides can you name?

  1. You can receive the necessary information doing something else at the same time.

  2. You can listen about famous people.

  3. You can learn about important events.

  4. You can study foreign languages.

  5. You can take part in shows and competitions.

  6. You can travel around the world without wasting money

- As I have promised you we are going to become radio hosts hostesses. But before it you must prepare some information I
be used in your dialogues. Look through the task of ex. 12, p. So, in your exercise books make necessary notes. Use the text lit ex. 11, p. 65 for help.

.- Open ex. 8 on p. 86. Write down five questions to the host.
Примерные вопросы:

  1. What should I present my friend of teenage?

  2. What shall I do to make up with my boyfriend (girlfriend)?

  3. What shall I do if my mother doesn't believe me?

  4. What shall I do when my friends are smoking and I don't want to?

  5. How could I have a talk to my teacher?

- I see that you are tired. Let's have a rest. Stand up, class.
V. Физкультминутка

p. 65). Use the information you have just prepared. I advise you to study the example on your cards.

Now start working in pairs. You are welcome. Role play your dialogues. At home revise the words on our theme and do the task from your workbooks. Then do the task from your textbook.

VI Подведение итогов урока

Which of the presented dialogues you like most? Why? Did they sound natural? Thank you for your work. It was interesting to listen to your talking. I think you could be good radio hosts or hostesses.

  1. Домашнее задание

IT: упр. З, стр. 36; уч.: упр. 7, стр. 86; упр. 14, стр. 65 (изучить)

Урок 51.

Тема : Песня о радио

Дата проведения:_____________


  • развитие грамматических навыков: исчисляемые и неисчисяемые существительные;

  • развитие навыков аудирования.

Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон; РТ; словари.

Ход урока

  1. Органионизационный момент

Today we are going to discuss countable and uncountable nouns, learn to use them in our speech. Besides, you will listen to a song about radio and learn to sing it.

  1. Фонетическая разминка

Start with pronunciation. Open your books at p. 64. Read the words in ex. 10 again. Make them sound correct.

I'I, P2, P3.

Name the nouns from the list which are countable.

Keys: radio, telephone, programme, video, show, disco, tabloid, channel, character, advert, planet, satellite, scandal, action, talk, forecast, call, journal, report, journalist, reporter, newspaper, neighbour,

detail, publisher, culture, quality, concert, problem, photographer, correspondent, job, computer, cartoon, group.

— Can you give your own examples of uncountable nouns?
{Friendship, space, love, milk, beauty, happiness, etc.)

III. Речевая разминка

— Read the information about countable and uncountable nouns on
p. 65. Pay attention to the words "some/any" and "much/little".
They are used with uncountable nouns. Look at the blackboard.
Make up your own word combinations. Be attentive, some of the
nouns are countable.

Запись на доске:

much dog water

little paper sea

some litter cat

any planet juice

tree sugar

Keys: much (little, some, any) paper, litter, water, juice, sugar.

IV. Совершенствование грамматических навыков

— Learn to use the words in your speech. Remember that "any" is
used in questions and negative sentences. For example: Is there
any water in the glass? There isn't any water in the glass.

— Open your workbooks at p. 37. Do ex. 5 orally. Use the right word.
Keys: 1. some; 2. much; 3. little; 4. some; 5. a lot of.

— Now give your own examples with these words using the sentences
of ex. 5 as models.

  • Listen to three dialogues now. Say what the speakers want to listen to or watch. (In the first dialogue speaker I wants to listen to his/ her favourite music programme. In the second dialogue speaker 2 wants to listen to the news. In the third dialogue speaker 1 wants to watch an interesting film.)

  • Before we continue let's have a rest. Stand up, class.

  1. Физкультминутка

  2. Обучение диалогической речи и аудированию

— Look at the dialogues in ex. 15, p. 66. Read them in pairs.

— Choose one of the dialogues. Think how you can change it. Learn it and act out. Now we are ready to listen to your dialogues. Listen and say which dialogue you like most;

  • What do you like to listen to? Do you think it is worth loving radio? What have you heard about Freddy Mercury?

  • Listen to the song about radio. Answer the question in ex. 16, p. 66.

  • In pairs translate the song. Use the dictionaries.

Для быстрого выполнения задания учитель распределяет куплеты между парами.

  • Train reading the words of the song, then sing it.

  • At home continue to train using countable and uncountable nouns.

VII. Подведение итогов урока

— Do you like the song about radio? Do you listen to the group
"Queen"? Thank you for your work. The lesson is over, good-bye.

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 13,14, 15, стр. 87.


Урок 52.

Тема: Новый год у телевизора

Дата проведения:_____________
Цель: развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме «Телеви­дение».

Оборудование: записи на доске; РТ.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

- Today we will have a talk about television. You will express
your opinion about it. You will read an interesting story about
celebrating the New Year with television and try to make up your
own one.

II. Фонетическая разминка

—First work on the pronunciation. Open your workbooks at p. 38.
See ex. 1. Find the words of the same pronunciation. Spell them.

Примерный ответ:

[si:] — sea, see (s-e-a, s-double e)

[weist] — waste, waist (w-a-s-t-e, w-a-i-s-t)

[rait] — right, write (r-i-g-h-t, w-r-i-t-e)

[беэ] - there, their (t-h-e-r-e, t-h-e-i-r)

['we5a] — whether, weather (w-h-e-t-h-e-r, w-e-a-t-h-e-r)

[bai] — buy, bye (b-u-y, b-y-e)

III. Речевая разминка

- What do you think of television? Do you believe that the media brings people closer? Give your reasons using ex. 19, p. 67.

IV. Развитие речи

- See ex. 20, p. 67. Read the task to it. Who is the author of the story? What is he? What is his story about? (The author of the story is G. Harris. He is an American reporter. The story is about how he celebrated the turn of the century.)

- Before you read the story do the task under the letter a). Learn to pronounce the names of the cities. Read them in transcription. Now say what countries they belong to. Use the example.


Sydney is the largest city in Australia. Los Angeles is one of the biggest cities in the USA. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. Paris is the capital of France. Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand.

- Read the text and answer the question under the letter b). (It was the New Year's Eve.)

- Look through the text again to find the answers to the questions under the letter c). But before it have a rest.

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Подготовка монологического высказывания

- Ex. 20 under the letter c). Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.


1. G. Harris calls the viewers from other countries "my overseas friends". They possibly live in Russia.

2. The New Year is celebrated in Rome later than in Sydney.

3. The people of Los Angeles didn't have any energy to watch their own New Year celebrations on TV because they had already watched the celebration from other cities of the world.

4.1 think Christmas can be celebrated in the same way.

5. Yes, it is, television is a vital part of celebrating the New Year, Christmas, the 9th of May.

6.1 celebrated it as usual with my parents (friends). We had a large table set with delicious food. And of course we were watching TV the whole night.

- It's your turn to make up or tell a real story about any celebration or talk show you've watched on TV recently. Use the plan in ex. 21, p. 67.

- Tell your stories to each other in groups. At home continue working on the text.

VII. Подведение итогов урока

- Is it a good idea to celebrate the New Year at home in front of TV? With whom do you usually celebrate it? Was G. Harris's holiday full of fun?

That's all for today. See you later.

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 21, стр. 67 (устно); упр. 10, 11, стр. 86; РТ: упр. 3,

Урок 53.

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