Программа модуля «Практический курс первого иностранного языка»

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Занятие 20

Sports and Games

План проведения практического занятия

  1. Un.6 Speech patterns p.192 ex.1-3 p.193.

  2. P.194 чтение и перевод текста, ответы на вопросы по тексту ex.7 p.204.

  3. Работа с лексикой vocabulary notes p.197-201.

  4. Ex.1 p.203, ex.9-12 p.205.

  5. Аудирование. Просмотр фильма “England: Russia” p.I (С.В. Титова).

Занятие 21

Sports and Games

План проведения практического занятия

  1. Работа с лексикой:

  1. перевод p.205 ex.10, p. 208 ex.21

  2. трансформация p. 207 ex.15

  1. Диалогическая речь. Ответы на вопросы по теме p.206 ex.14, p.207. Составление диалогов ex.16, 17.

  1. Аудирование. Просмотр фильма “England: Russia” p.II (С.В. Титова).

Занятие 22

Sports and Games

План проведения практического занятия

  1. Чтение и перевод текста Tx.A p.210, Tx.B p.211.

  2. Работа с лексикой:

  1. определение значений слов p.214-216, ex.4 p.217

  2. правописание и транскрипция p.214-216, ex.1 p.216

  3. ответы на вопросы ex.6 p.217

  4. предлоги ex.5 p.217

  5. перевод ex.78p.218

  1. Диалогическая речь ex.9 p.219, ex.11 p.220.

  2. Монологическая речь ex.10 p.219.

  3. Аудирование. Просмотр фильма “England: Russia” p.III (С.В. Титова).

Занятие 23

Sports and Games/Geography

План проведения практического занятия

  1. Контрольная работа Un.6.

  2. Доклады по теме Unusual Sports.

  3. Игра-викторина Sports and Games.

  4. Un.7 Speech Patterns p. 230-231 ex. 1-4.

  5. Чтение и перевод текста p. 232.

  6. Ответы на вопросы по тексту p.241.

  7. Работа с лексикой:

    1. определение значений слов p. 235-238

    2. поиск эквивалентов p.239 ex.2, 3, p.243 ex.10.

    3. перевод p. 241 ex. 6

    4. предлоги p. 242 ex. 8

  8. Аудирование. Просмотр фильма “England: Russia” p.IV (С.В. Титова).

Занятие 24


План проведения практического занятия

  1. Работа с лексикой Un.7 p.244-248 ex.12, 16, 17, 18, 19.

  2. Монологическая речь p.249 ex.20.

  3. Чтение и перевод текста Tx.A p.250, Tx.B p.252.

  4. Работа с лексикой:

  1. определение значений слов p.254-255, ex.2,3.

  2. правописание и транскрипция ex.1 p.255

  3. предлоги ex.11 p.257

  4. перевод ex.15 p.259

  1. Монологическая речь ex.12 p.258.

  2. Диалогическая речь ex.14 p.258.

  3. Аудирование. Просмотр фильма “The English National Character” p.I (С.В. Титова).

Занятие 25


План проведения практического занятия

  1. Контрольная работа Un.7.

  2. Сочинение по теме Geography.

  3. Un.8 Speech patterns p.266, ex.1-4 p.267-269.

  4. P.270 чтение и перевод текста, ответы на вопросы по тексту ex.4 p.280.

  5. Работа с лексикой: vocabulary notes p.273-277.

  6. Ex.1 p.278, ex.6-10 p.281.

  7. Аудирование. Просмотр фильма “ The English National Character ” p.II (С.В. Титова).

Занятие 26


План проведения практического занятия

  1. Un.8 работа с лексикой:

    1. перевод p. 283 ex. 10, p.284 ex.13

    2. предлоги p. 282 ex. 9

  2. Чтение и перевод текста Tx.A p.286, Tx.B p.289.

  3. Работа с лексикой:

  1. определение значений слов p.291-293, ex.1, 2.

  2. предлоги ex.6 p.294.

  3. перевод ex.8 p.295, ex.10 p.296.

  1. Диалогическая речь ex.9 p.296.

  2. Аудирование. Просмотр фильма “The English National Character” p.III (С.В. Титова).

Занятие 27


План проведения практического занятия

  1. Un.8 чтение и обсуждение текста ex.11 p.297.

  2. Диалогическая речь p.298 ex.13.

  3. Представление устных докладов по теме Travelling.

  4. Контрольная работа Un.8.

  5. Аудирование. Просмотр фильма “The English National Character” p.IV (С.В. Титова).

Занятие 28


План проведения практического занятия

  1. Un.9 Speech patterns p.306, ex.1-4 p.307-310.

  2. P.310 чтение и перевод текста, ответы на вопросы по тексту ex.4 p.318.

  3. Работа с лексикой: vocabulary notes p.312-316.

  4. Работа с текстом: элементы анализа текста ex.1 p.317.

  5. Работа с интернет ресурсами www.langprac.wetpaint.com. Представление темы “The Internet and the Children”.

Занятие 29


План проведения практического занятия

  1. Работа с лексикой:

  1. определение значений слов p.319, ex.5, 7, 8, p.322 ex.15.

  2. правописание и транскрипция ex.2 p.318

  3. предлоги ex.12 p.321

  4. перевод ex.9, 10 p.320, ex.14 p.321.

  1. Монологическая речь. Пересказ текста ex.6 p.319.

  2. Аудирование. Материалы сайта Британского Музея http://www.britishmuseum.org/ http://bm.nmolp.org/creativespaces/?page=videos

Занятие 30


План проведения практического занятия

  1. Чтение и перевод текста Tx.A p.325, Tx.B p.326.

  2. Ответы на вопросы по тексту ex.1 p.329.

  3. Работа с лексикой:

  1. артикли ex.8 p.331.

  2. перевод ex.5 p.329, ex.9 p.332.

  1. Диалогическая речь ex.6 p.330.

  2. Аудирование. Материалы сайта Королевского оперного театра http://www.roh.org.uk/

Занятие 31


План проведения практического занятия

  1. Un.9 монологическая речь: пересказ текста p.325-326.

  2. Представление устного доклада по теме Theatre.

  3. Ролевая игра: Интервью с известным артистом театра или кино.

  4. Контрольная работа U.9.

Занятие 32

Education (обзорное занятие)

План проведения практического занятия

  1. Сочинение по теме: Did I mean it when I took up teaching as a career?

  2. Работа с интернет ресурсами www.langprac.wetpaint.com. Представление заданий по теме: GCSE&USE Treasure Hunt.

  1. Просмотр и обсуждение видеофильма “The World of Eton” (С.В. Титова).

Занятие 33

Food and Drink (обзорное занятие)

План проведения практического занятия

  1. Обмен рецептами любимых блюд.

  2. Работа с интернет ресурсами www.langprac.wetpaint.com. Представление заданий по теме: School Meals Treasure Hunt.

  3. Просмотр и обсуждение видеофильма “Wine and Cakes for Gentlemen” (С.В. Титова).

Занятие 34

Sports and Games (обзорное занятие)

План проведения практического занятия

  1. Работа с интернет ресурсами http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport . Просмотр и обсуждение спортивных новостей.

  2. Ролевая игра: Интервью с известными спортсменами.

Занятие 35

Geography/Travelling (обзорное занятие)

План проведения практического занятия

  1. Просмотр и обсуждение видеофильма “Our England is a Garden” (С.В. Титова).

  2. Работа в малых группах: Разработка транспорта будущего.

Занятие 36

City/Health/ Theatre (обзорное занятие)

План проведения практического занятия

  1. Сочинение на тему: Clean cities for our children to be healthy.

  2. Чтение и обсуждение статьи: Can you get away with social smoking? http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=52313

  3. Круглый стол: If I were a great actor what role would I dream to play?

  4. Работа с интернет ресурсами. Материалы сайта Королевского оперного театра http://www.roh.org.uk/

5 семестр
1 занятие
План проведения практического занятия

Changing Patterns of Leisure

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a hiking tour?

What’s your daily routine when on a hike?

How would you plan your day in hot stuffy weather?
2 занятие
Do you take the weather forecast into account when going hiking?

What would you do in cold and rainy weather?

What do you like for breakfast, dinner and supper when on a hike?
3 занятие
Do you like sleeping out?

Which would you prefer: sleeping out or being up at the village? Give reasons for your choice.

Do you make a point of having a swim every day no matter what the weather is?
4 занятие
Which would you rather choose: a hiking trip or a river trip? Why?

Have you or your friends ever gone fishing? What is characteristic of an experienced angler?

What do you do of an evening during a hiking tour?
5 занятие
План проведения практического занятия


What does a usual cinema showing consist of?

How often do you go to the pictures and where do you prefer to sit?

What types of films do you know?
6 занятие
What films appeal to you most?

Do you care for long films?

What is a film star? What does the success of a film depend on?

Which is more important – the story, the acting, the directing or the camera-work?
7 занятие
What do we mean when we say that a film has a message to convey?

Why does a director try to interpret a great work of literature on the screen take upon himself a most responsible task?

How is the cinema used as an aid in teaching?

What do you know about international film festivals? How often are Moscow Film Festivals held? What is their motto?
8 занятие
План проведения практического занятия

English Schooling

What stages of education are there in England and Wales? Which of them are compulsory?

In what institutions can children get pre-school education?

Do all primary and secondary schools in England and Wales belong to the state system? Don’t you think that independent schools sustain inequality in the field of education?

9 занятие
In what schools within the maintained system can children get primary education?

At what age are pupils usually transferred to secondary schools? How is it done in Russia?

What secondary schools maintained by the state do you know? Are all of them mixed?

What kind of education do grammar schools offer?
10 занятие
What does the term “comprehensive” imply? When did comprehensive education become a national policy? What are the proclaimed advantages of comprehensive schools?

What does the term “independent school” imply? What types of independent schools do you know? Which are the most notable public schools? What do they train their pupils for?

What are the principal examinations taken by secondary school pupils in England? What exams are taken at the age of 18?
11 занятие

План проведения практического занятия

Bringing up Children

What are modern psychological ideas in the field of bringing up children?

What is done in Russia to make the child a responsible person?

What are the basic patterns of upbringing, both within the family and in collective situations? What roles do parents, school and age-segregated groups play in bringing up children?
12 занятие
What is the role of mother and father in a modern family?

Is a young mother more eager than previous generations to enroll her child in nursery? Why?

Do you consider grandparents and their influence important in the process of upbringing?
13 занятие
How does the regular school using the well-proven techniques of collective up-bringing care for the individual needs of a child?

What is more important in the process of upbringing school (teachers, collective) or home(parents) background?

What home atmosphere encourages a child’s development?
14 занятие
What are the best ways, in your opinion, to praise and punish a child?

Do you think child-care books are necessary for young parents?

What else can be helpful?

6 семестр
15 занятие

What service do you think the artist performs for mankind?

Historically there have been various reasons for the making of pictures, apart from the artist’s desire to create a work of visual beauty. Can you point out some of them?

How does pictorial art serve as a valuable historical record? What can it preserve for the posterity?
16 занятие
There are certain rules of composition tending to give unity and coherence to the work of art as a whole. Have you ever observed that triangular or pyramidal composition gives the effect of stability and repose, while the division of the picture space diagonally tends to give breadth and vigour? Be specific.

The painter who knows his own craft and nothing else will turn out to be a very superficial artist. What are some of the qualities a true artist must possess?

Why does it sometimes happen that an artist is not appreciated in his lifetime and yet highly prized by the succeeding generations?
17 занятие
The heyday of the Renaissance is to be placed between the 15th and 16 centuries. Artists began to study anatomy and the effects of light and shadow, which made their work more life-like. Which great representatives of the period do you know?

What national schools of painting are usually distinguished in European art?

Classicism attached the main importance to composition and figure painting while romanticism laid stress on personal and emotional expression, especially in colour and dramatic effect. What is typical of realism/ impressionism/ cubism/ expressionism/ surrealism?
18 занятие
What kinds of pictures are there according to the artist’s theme?

Artists can give psychological truth to portraiture not simply by stressing certain main physical features, but by the subtlety of light and shade. In this respect Rokotov, Levitsky and Borovikovsky stand out as unique. Isn’t it surprising that they managed to impart an air of dignity and good breeding to so many of their portraits?
19 занятие
Is the figure painter justified in resorting to exaggeration and distortion in the effect he has in mind requires it?

Landscape is one of the principal means by which artists express their delight in the visible world. Do we expect topographical accuracy from the landscape painter?

What kind of painting do you prefer? Why?
20 занятие
Feelings and emotions

How does “emotion” differ from “feeling”? 2. Do you agree that feelings are “the instruments of rationality”?

What do the positive feelings have in common? 4. What negative feelings alert us to the sense of something wrong?
21 занятие
How do pleasurable events affect our feelings?

What type of temperament are you?

Should a teacher react emotionally to what is happening in class?
22 занятие
How can a good teacher keep his/her temper when things go wrong?

What can parents do to let off steam?

What makes people angry?
23 занятие
What are the sources of pleasant feelings?

Do you always like the way people talk about their feelings?

Is it easy to change somebody’s feelings? Why?
24 занятие
Talking about people

What kind of people seems to be the most unpleasant to you? Why?

What traits of character make a person kind hearted, generous, friendly..? Why?

What traits of character are considered to be evil characteristics? Why?

What traits of character are strong/ weak? Why?
25 занятие
What is a problem with a “problem child”?

What character sketches outline personal identification?

What human types are your parents? Friends?

What are your own chief characteristics?
26 занятие
What are the most striking traits of people’s character? Why?

What is easier – to praise or to criticize a person? Why?

What is happiness? Why?
27 занятие
What are the essential factors that help to mould an independent person? Why?

What are the ways and means by which a person’s character is revealed and estimated? Why?

What is the role played by personal traits of character in choosing a profession?

What traits of character can be self developed? What – not? Why?
28 занятие
Man and Nature

What role does natural environment play in our life?

Is it a vital necessity to protect natural environment from destruction and pollution today? Why?

What can poison our land, air and water? Are the seas in danger? Why?
29 занятие
What are the main sources of air pollution? What is smog? What do you know about the greenhouse effect?

What is the result of acid rains?

Do you think people should stop all atomic power stations?

Who do you think should protect our nature? What measures should be taken to protect nature? What can common people do to stop pollution?
30 занятие
Who should teach children what to do to save the planet?

What are the 3 Rs? (reduce, reuse and recycle)

What do you know about the ecological problems in our country? About the Green Peace organization?
31 занятие
What is the importance of the Red Book?

Do you believe that many people in the world understand the importance of environmental protection? What is the Earth for up-to-date people?

Do you live in harmony with nature? Why?

What do you and your group-mates do to protect nature?

1   2   3   4   5   6


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