Учебнику «Практический курс английского языка»

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Дата публикации23.05.2015
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Ex. VII, p. 218

shout for his/one's team — to raise one's voice in support ol his/one's team while it is playing

is in good form today — is in good shape today, is in a goofl condition of health and training today

lost the toss — To decide or choose smth. people oftefl (especially in sports) toss a coin, i. e. throw it lightly into the ail to see which side of it will be up when it falls. If you say "tails4 ("решка") and it falls with the tails up, you win. But if it fall* with the heads ("орел") up, you lose.

to play with/again.st the wind — It is easier for a football team to play when the wind if there is one is blowing in their backsl i. e. they are "playing with the wind" than when it is blowing in their faces, i. e. they are playing against it. If the captain loses the toss (see above), his team has to play with their faces to the wind in the first time, but in the second time the teams change places.

to kick off — to begin a game of football by kicking the ball Come on! — 1. Thy harder! Make an effort! 2. Hurry up! 3. Cheer up!

the game of his life — the most important game of his life, the game that could decide his future and be the making of him (вывести его в люди)

3 minutes to go — There are three minutes left.

Ex. VIII, p. 218

1.1 prefer track-and-field/track and field athletics/(Br) ath-letics/(£/S) track to boxing,and wrestling. 2. I am dreaming of setting (up) a record in swimming. 3. I can't run today. I'm in bad form/shape (out of form/shape). 4. People all over the world follow Olympic Games. 5. He spends a lot of time on athletic training. 6. I support /I am a fan of the football team "Spartak". 7. Our game ended in a draw. 8. He will willingly/ gladly/readily coach us in fencing. 9. Do you do/play/go in for track-and-field? 10. Wind-surfing and hang gliding have appeared quite recently. 11. The boy is dreaming of becoming a hockey player and asking his parents to buy him a stick and a puck/asking for a stick and a puck. 12. How many people are going to take part in the Institute chess competition?

  1. Wouldn't you like to win the cup in this competition?

  2. Who was the first to kick/score a goal? 15. Are you going to (attend) this match? 16. Archery has become rather a popular sport. 17. No one expected them to win with the score of two to nil. 18. He is good at figure skatin,'. 19. "Women don't play football, do they?" — "Yes, they do but rarely." 20. "Who won our Institute draughts competition?" — "One of the freshmen/ first-year students." 21. It's not worth joining two sports circles atatime. 22.1 prefer calisthenics to any other sport. 23. Wewon't he able to compete with you, we are out of form/shape. 24. "Are you going to take part in the rowing competition?" — "Sure/ Certainly." 25. I am sure that the game will end in a draw/the game will be drawn. 26. We have a splendid gym and all the opportunities for good athletic training.

Ex. XIV, p. 221

1.1 seem to know this man. He used to be an excellent runnel and now he coaches/trains young sportsmen. 2. "Can it be true that he didn't take part in the cup game?" — "Yes, he waj unlucky/ he had bad luck. On the eve of the game he was laid up; fell ill with pneumonia." 3.1 could hardly believe my ears when 1 heard that our Institute team had won with the score of six to ni] (US six to zero). 4. You needn't have hurried. The competition won't be held on account of bad weather. 5. He was awfully upset when he was told that his team had lost. 6. My elder sister has been practising calisthenics for three years. 7. I'm glad that today's game ended in a draw. We may have lost because many ot us were out of form. 8. The track and field events have not begui yet. 9. Who set (up) the latest world record in the high jump?

Ex. XV, p. 221

Что-то странное творится на этой узкой дороге к западу отИ городка. По всей ее длине медленно движется сплошной по; ток — поток, состоящий из людей в серо-зеленых матерчатыз кепках.

Эти люди только что побывали на стадионе футбольной клуба «Браддерсфорд юнайтед ассосиэйшн». Сказать, что вс< они заплатили по своему кровному шиллингу за то, чтобы по-в наблюдать, как двадцать два наемника гоняют по полю мяч, —Н это все равно что заявить: скрипка — это просто дерево плюш! кетгут, а «Гамлет» — просто бумага плюс чернила. За один единственный шиллинг «Браддерсфорд юнайтед» подарил ва» зрелище, в коем соединились Борьба и Искусство; он превра тил вас в критика, с упоением рассуждающего о тончайшиз нюансах игры, готового мгновенно оценить достоинства xopo-J шо рассчитанного паса, пробега вдоль боковой линии, быс рого, как молния, удара по воротам, ответного удара вратар или защитника; он сделал из вас энтузиаста, который не дыш застывает, когда мяч влетает в ворота/во вратарскую площад ку его команды, впадает в экстаз, когда ее нападающие мчат ся к воротам противника, который испытывает то восторг, т уныние, то горечь, то триумф в зависимости от того, удачн или нет складываются дела у его любимцев, который видит,| как с помощью мяча создаются новые «Илиады» и «Одиссеи»,' Но и это еще не.все — благодаря «Браддерсфорд юнайтед» в вступили в новое сообщество, все члены которого на протяжении полутора часов ощущали себя родными братьями, ибо каждый из вас не просто сбежал от неумолимого железного лязга повседневной жизни: от работы, зарплаты, квартплаты, пособий по безработице, выплат по больничным, карточек социального страхования, ворчливых жен, хворающих детей, плохих начальников и ленивых работников — но сбежал вместе с большинством своих друзей и соседей с доброй половиной города, и вы все вместе кричали, подбадривая свою команду, и хлопали друг друга по плечам, и обменивались мнениями, словно короли. Пройдя через турникет, вы очутились в ином, великолепном мире, мире, где есть боль Борьбы, но также есть красота и страсть Искусства. Ну и кроме всего прочего, за свой шиллинг вы получили тему для разговоров, которой за глаза хватит вам на всю неделю.

unit seven
Ex. I, p. 230

Pattern 1:1. There is hardly another hockey team of equal popularity. 2. There was hardly a world championship he missed. 3. There's hardly a vacancy on our staff. 4. We have hardly got any more time but you can finish the composition off at home. 5. There was hardly a living soul at the stadium. 6. There is hardly any reason for their losing the game.

Pattern 2:1. The coach made the athletes postpone their training. 2. The strangers made Roger drive up to the back yard, and he obeyed. 3. They will never make Andrew break his promise.

  1. The conversation made her feel uneasy. 5. Nothing will make him break with his bad habits, no matter what you are saying.

Ex. Ill, p. 231

1. There is hardly a country the old seaman hasn't been to.

  1. There is hardly another city with such a population as Tokyo/ with as big a population as in Tokyo. 3. They hardly had another opportunity to free the Gadfly. 4. There is hardly a person who doesn't like puppet shows. 5. Horrible! There is hardly another word to describe my condition/to describe how I felt at that moment. 6. There was hardly a chess competition he missed. 7. There is hardly another coach as attentive and patient as this one. 8. What, made your brother give up boxing? 9. The two young thieves made Oliver climb through the window. 10. Dorian thought that nothingj would make him break his promise to Sybil Vane. 11. The actor' performance made the spectators not only feel but also think. 12. What made Byron fight on the side of the Greeks? 13. Whai made Lanny return to Stilveld? 14. This episode made my siste laugh and upset/saddened me.

Ex. II, p. 239

more than/over a million tons, millions of people, tw hundred lakes, 600 feet deep, hundreds of miles, the Thames is little over 200 miles long, hundreds of small islands, the tot area of the United Kingdom is some/is about 94,250 square mile or 244,000 square kilometres and its population is/totals 5 million people

Ex. Ill, p. 239

a) the British Isles [dc.bntif 'ailz] Great Britain [-greit 'bntn] Ireland ['aialand]

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelan [5i jir/naitid 'kindam av, greit 'bntn and 'na:d(a) 'aialand] England [' ingland] Wales [weilz] Scotland fskntland] the Irish Republic [di.ainj п'рлЬИк] Eire ['em, 'e(a)ra] Britain ['bntn] the Highlands [da ' hailandz] Norway f na:wei] the Fens[da fenz] Holland [hDlond] Manchester [' msntjasta] Sheffield [Jefi:ld] Europe [ju:(a)rap]

the Straits of Dover [da,streits av 'dauva]

France [frains]

the North Sea [да, na:9 ' si:]

the Hebrides f'hebndiz]

the Orkney Islands [d L о: к n i 'ailands]

the Shetland Islands [da.Jet land ' ail and / )

the Lowlands [' laulandz]

the Bristol Channel [oa» brist I ' tjasnl]

the Dee [da di:]

the Mersey [da 'm3:si]

the Cheviots [6a 'tjeviats]

the Pennines [5a 'penainz]

the Cumbrian Mountains [дэ.клтЬпэп ' mauntinz]

the Lake District [da 'leik.distnkt]

theCambrian Mountains [6a,k£embrian ' mauntinz]

the Severn [da 'sev(a)n]

the Clyde [da ' klaidj

the Thames [da 'temz]

theTyne[da tain]

theTay [da 'tei]

the Forth [da ' fy.B]

the Bristol Avon [da .bnstl 'eiv(a)n]

b) advantage [ad'vantid3] преимущество; достоинство canal I к a 11 .i-11 канал channel ['tjajnl] пролив

comparatively [kam 'pasrativli] сравнительно, относительно

desolate [' dcsalat] пустынный, безлюдный

determine [d 1' t з: m 1 n ] определять

estuary [' estjuari, ' estJari] устье (реки); дельта (реки)

extremely [iks'tri:mIi] чрезвычайно, исключительно, необыкновенно и т.п.

glorious [' д I а: г 1 a s ] великолепный, прекрасный, восхитительный

heather [' heda] вереск

indentation [, inden'teij(a)n] 1. зубец, выемка; 2. углубление, извилина (берега) manufacture [,maenju- fajktja] изготавливать, производить moor [mua] пустошь navigable [' nasvigab(a)l] судоходный occasionally [a' kei5(a)nali] время от времени plough [plau] 1. плуг; 2. пахать scenery [' si:n a r i] 1. пейзаж; 2. декорация (-ии)

strait [streit] пролив

total [' tautl] общий, совокупный

vague [veig] смутный, неясный

value f vaeljir.] 1. ценность, важность; 2. оценивать, давать1 оценку (в денежном выражении); ценить (что-л.), дорожить (чем-л.)

vary [' veari] менять(ся), изменять(ся); разнообразить

wander [' wDnda] бродить; скитаться

wheat [wi:t] пшеница


wind II [waind] виться, извиваться (о дороге,реке и т.п.)

  1. пахать — to plough, ploughed течь — to flow, flowed, flowed, flowing извиваться — to wind, wound [waund], wound, winding меняться — 1. to vary, varied, varied, varying; 2. to change,

changed, changed, changing бродить — 1. to roam, roamed, roamed, roaming; 2. to

wander, wandered, wandered, wandering ценить — 1. to value, valued, valued, valuing; 2. t

appreciate, appreciated, appreciated, appreciating снабжать — to supply, supplied, supplied, supplying ломать — to break, broke, broken, breaking выращивать — 1. to grow, grew, grown, growing; 2. to'

cultivate, cultivated, cultivated, cultivating

  1. deer — deer sheep — sheep fish — fish

mouth — mouths [maudz] foot — feet

Ex. IV, p. 241

1. Shallow water is warmer than deep water. 2. Cornwall is famous for its rocky cliffs. 3. Its rich soil is deeply cultivated.!

  1. This part of the country is noted for severe/extreme cold J

  2. The UK total area is some 94,250 square miles. 6. There are] low-lying/flat fields in the east of England. 7. There are splendid^ harbours for ships. 8. In the Northern Highlands of Scotland you'll enjoy the sight of wild/desolate mountains. 9. They were making their way through gentle/rolling/rounded hills. 10. There were vast plains stretching for miles and miles. 11. Lowlands is the central plain of Scotland.

Ex. VI, p. 241

1. Can you show the main/most important/major British ports on the map? 2. This map is of no great value. 3. Do you know where the river Severn flows/falls into? 4. Owing to constant rains the rivers of Britain give a good supply of fresh water. 5. What mountains separate England from Scotland? 6. North-east of/To the north-east of Scotland there are some islands. What are they called? 7. According to the map/Judging by the map the Isle of Man is comparatively regular in outline. 8. What can keep the crops from severe cold? 9. A comparatively large part of ploughland/arable land in the south-east of England is under wheat. 10. What area of the country are the large coal fields situated in? 11. Within a few miles of/A few miles from London is the town of Croydon where there is a large airport.

4 Ex. VII, p. 242

с) солнечный — sunny туманный — foggy дождливый — rainy снежный — snowy скалистый — rocky грязный — dirty дымный — smoky водянистый — watery холмистый — hilly песчаный — sandy сахарный — sugary удлиненный — oblong, elongated предпочтительный — preferable ценный — valuable судоходный — navigable заметный — noticeable отделимый — separable определимый — definable подходящий — suitable

(1) variety-show — эстрадный концерт wheat-field — пшеничное поле

coal-supplier — поставщик угля ploughman — пахарь heather-moor — вересковая пустошь; пустошь, поросшая

вереском horseshoe — подкова seashore — морской берег

seascape — 1. морской пейзаж; 2. красивый вид на море earthquake — землетрясение

deer-hunting — 1. охота на оленей; 2. охотящийся на оленей

wheat-growing — 1. выращивание пшеницы; 2. выращивающий пшеницу

sheep-breeding — 1. овцеводство; 2. овцеводческий, разводящий овец

crop-gathering — 1. сбор урожая; 2. собирающий урожай' land-ploughing — 1. вспашка земли; 2. пашущий землю,! пахотный

snow-ploughing — 1. уборка снега (машинная); 2. снегоуборочный (о технике)

shipbuilding (yards) — судостроительные (верфи) leaf-bearing (trees) — лиственные (деревья) nature-loving (nation) — любящий природу (народ) furbearing (animals) — пушные (звери) ocean-going (steamers) — океанские (суда) food-producing (industries)— пищевые (отрасли)

snow-covered (fields) —покрытые снегом/заснеженные (поля)

smoke-filled (room) — накуренная/задымленная (комната) man-made (canal) — искусственный (канал) grass-covered (plain) — покрытая травой (равнина) see-bound (ship) — идущий в море (корабль) weather-beaten (face) — обветренное (лицо) moonlit (path) — лунная (освещенная/залитая луной) (дорожка)

Ex. VIII, р. 242

1. Look at the map of the British Isles. Do you know what the two largest islands are called? — Great Britain and Ireland. 2. The right-hand side of the map is the East. What sea is east of Great Britain? — The North Sea. 3. In what direction is the Irish Sea from Great Britain? — It is (to the) west of Great Britain. 4. Point to the body of water which is west of Ireland. What do we call it? — The Atlantic Ocean. 5. Towards the bottom of the map is the South. What is towards the top of the map? — The North is. 6. In what direction is Great Britain from the English Channel? — Great Britain is (to the) north of the English Channel. 7. What country is west of England? — The Irish Republic is. 8. Find the Thames. Rivers always flow towards the sea. In what direction does the Thames flow? — It flows south-east. 9. The Severn flows into the Bristol Channel, doesn't it? — Yes, it does. 10. Where does the Severn rise? — It rises in central Wales. 11. What do we call the highest pact of Scotland? — The Highlands. 12. Find Edinburgh and Glasgow. In what part of Scotland are they situated? — Edinburgh is situated in the south-east of Scotland, and Glasgow is in the south-west. 13. Where are the Cheviot Hills? — They stretch along the border between England and Scotland. 14. In what direction are the British Isles from the mainland? — They are (to the) west of the mainland. 15. What water body separates the British Isles from the Continent? — The English Channel does.
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