Межвузовский сборник научных статей иц «Наука» 2013

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Now, if metaphor is a matter of thought, as the CMT holds, then something residing at the thought level should materialize itself not only in words, but also through non-linguistic means of communication, such as pictures, gestures, cartoons, etc. In recent years, researchers have presented a whole array of non-verbal metaphors mirroring various conceptual metaphors. For example, the following is an entailment of the metaphor ANGER IS A HOT FLUID IN A CONTAINER. In it, intense anger produces steam [Kövecses 2000].

  1. Smoke was coming out of his ears.

Now, not only does the metaphor ANGER IS A HOT FLUID IN A CONTAINER manifest itself in the form of verbal expressions like (6), but it also materializes in the form of cartoon drawings. E.g., Z. Kövecses tells us that, in cartoons, an angry man may be pictured in such a way that smoke is coming out of his ears. The scholar considers such cartoons as the non-linguistic realizations of the ‘hot fluid’ metaphor mentioned above [Kövecses 2002:58].

Take another example: in the metaphor TIME PASSING IS MOTION, future time is understood as being in front of the observer [Lakoff 1993:216-217]. Here is a verbal manifestation of this metaphor [see ibid]:

  1. I’m looking ahead to Christmas.

The researchers A. Cienki and C. Muller explain how the same metaphor may manifest itself in the form of a sculptural gesture [Müller & Cienki 2008]. As an example, they refer to the Lenin Statue in Vladivostok, where Lenin’s right hand and index finger are extended forward, pointing at the bright future. The authors characterize this as a metaphorical gesture: in it, the future is imagined to be in front of Lenin. Moreover, the pictorial manifestations of many conceptual metaphors have been studied extensively by C. Forceville [Forceville 1998].

As we have seen, as a conceptual phenomenon, metaphor can be conveyed through different means of communication: verbal expressions, cartoons, pictorial images, gestures, etc. The analysis in this study will be based on verbal metaphors. Finally, some empirical studies carried out within the field of psychology provide evidence in favor of the cognitive linguistic claim that metaphors are conceptual structures [Gibbs 1994; Valenzuela & Soriano 2005].

  1. Child Metaphors for Ideas Used in English and Russian

The conceptualization of ideas in terms of children is very commonplace in Russian. Intuitively, this might even be one of the central ways in which speakers of Russian make sense of ideas. The language is impregnated with metaphorical verbal expressions portraying ideas as infants. This makes IDEAS ARE CHILDREN a highly productive metaphor. As it is known from previous research, one way in which conceptual metaphors may be productive is the amount of conventional linguistic expressions that code them [Lakoff & Kövecses 1987]. A set of such verbal expressions reflecting the metaphor IDEAS ARE CHILDREN in Russian are presented below.


  1. Нельзя национальную идею “придумать”. Она, как человек, рождается. Пока Россия на сносях, рожает в муках (http://old.nasledie.ru/persstr/persona/hodirev/article.php?art=13; Accessed:14.02.13).

(One cannot ”invent” a national idea. It is born like a human-being. For the time being, Russia is on the verge of giving birth (to it), she is giving birth in pain).

  1. …..князь Дмитрий Донской, давно беременный идеей освобождения Руси, да все никак не разродившийся ею, — лучший кандидат (http://kommersant.ru/doc/1663505/print; Accessed:14.02.13).

(…Prince Dmitry Donskoy, who has long been pregnant with the idea of the liberation of Russia, but who has not yet been able to give birth to it, is the best candidate).

  1. Виталий Волович – отец медицины выживания...

(http://www.rg.ru/2011/12/23/volovich.html; Accessed:14.02.13).

(Vitaly Volovich – the father of Survival Medicine…).

  1. Это его идея, его детище...

(http://zdr.gudok.ru/pub/20/200215/?print=y; Accessed:14.02.13).

(This is his idea, his brainchild…)

  1. эта идея вынашивалась давно... (http://www.rollingstone.ru/articles/music/article/352.html…; Accessed:14.02.13)

(…this idea has been gestating for a long time..).

  1. ….проект находится в зачаточной стадии... (http://www.postsovet.ru/blog/pribaltika/345882.html; Accessed:14.02.13).

(…the project is at the embryonic stage…)

  1. Как рождается гениальная идея? (http://www.e-personal.ru/article.php?id=4534; Accessed:14.02.13).

(How is a genius idea born?)

  1. После февральской революции Щукин лелеял идею создания музея современного искусства в Кремле (http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/150563/print; Accessed:14.02.13).

(Аfter the February Revolution, Shchukin fostered the idea of creating the Museum of the Contemporary Art in the Kremlin).
Based on what is presented above, the following conceptual mappings can be identified in the Russian version of the metaphor IDEAS ARE CHILDREN.
Source: CHILDREN Target: IDEAS

The child the idea

The parent of the child the creator of the idea

The womb the mind

Being pregnant with the child having an idea in your mind

Giving birth to the child bringing forth a new idea

The stages of the development of the child the stages of the development of

the idea

The gestation of the child in the womb the development of the idea in the


Fostering the child promoting the development of

the idea

The pains of childbirth the difficulty of creating a new


Obviously, a very rich and intricate set of conceptual mappings from the source domain onto the target characterizes the metaphor under discussion. At this point, a question that readily springs to mind is this: what is it that makes the CHILDREN domain a suitable source domain for the conceptualization of ideas? There are a number of reasons for this.

First of all, the domain has a difficulty aspect, which comes from the difficulty of childbirth. In the Russian folk view of childbirth, the pains of labor are reckoned to be a troublesome experience. The domain of IDEAS also has a similar aspect. We know from experience that good ideas are very laborious to create. It takes a lot of effort and emotional energy before your ideas come into a fully developed form. For these reasons, the difficulty of creating good ideas is comprehended in terms of the difficulty of the pains of childbirth in the above metaphor. Put another way, the perceived similarity between the source domain of CHILDREN and the target domain of IDEAS motivates the mapping of the former onto the latter.

Moreover, the growth of the child from conception to birth is a natural process, and such processes take their course. In a parallel fashion, good ideas cannot be developed overnight; they take time to create. This is evident, for example, from (9) and (12) where the creation of an idea is described as a long process.

Furthermore, there are several stages in the development of an idea: the initial stage, the final stage with some intermediate stages in between. Similar stages can also be identified in the development of a child. In the metaphor above, the stages of the development of a child are mapped onto the corresponding stages of ideas. This is evident, among other things, from (13) where an early stage in a child’s growth, namely the embryonic stage, is mapped onto the early stage of an idea.

Now, some ideas cannot be invented artificially (e.g. by a group of think-tanks) by the virtue of their character. They need to come naturally from people, in the same way as children are born naturally from their parents. The national idea is imagined to be such an idea in (8). As we all know, this is an idea that is supposed to reflect peoples’ most cherished shared values, ideals, and beliefs. Since the growth of a child from conception to birth is a natural process, the CHILDREN source domain becomes a perfect source domain for the conceptualization of ideas that are perceived to be natural in the folk view.

What is more, in the metaphor under scrutiny, the creator of an idea is portrayed as the parent of a child. In human culture, parents are believed to be responsible for the conduct of their children. In a parallel fashion, the creator of an idea is held responsible for his/her ideas in the metaphor studied. This is evident, for example, from the positive attitude toward the creators of good ideas in the metaphorical examples (10) and (11). Being viewed as the father of a discipline or the parent of a brainchild is being honored for fostering good and innovative ideas.

It is furthermore important to mention that the metaphor IDEAS ARE CHILDREN is partially based on the human physiological experience of child containment or pregnancy and birth giving. In it, an idea developing in the mind is understood in terms of the child growing in the womb/body. Put another way, here our bodily experience of child containment/pregnancy gives rise to a conceptual metaphor. This provides evidence in favor of the cognitive linguistic claim that human conceptual system is embodied. Unfortunately, the role of such a basic physiological experience as child containment in the conceptualization of abstract phenomena has received scant attention in cognitive linguistics [for the detailed discussion of this issue see Esenova 2011]. This is despite the fact that it is widespread knowledge in cognitive linguistics that human physiology and bodily experiences in general tend to give rise to conceptual metaphors.

In their joint work, G. Lakoff and M. Turner put forward the idea that in conceptual metaphors, “the logic of the source domain structure is mapped onto the logic of the target domain structure” [Lakoff &Turner 1989:103]. We have just seen based on the metaphor presented above how such a process takes place.

When it comes to the English version of the metaphor IDEAS ARE CHILDREN, some indications about the existence of this metaphor in that language is provided by The Conceptual Metaphor Homepage. However, the homepage does not present any specific linguistic expressions manifesting the metaphor[http://www.lang.osakau.ac.jp/~sugimoto/MasterMetaphorList/metaphors/Ideas_Are_Children_(w.r.t_Development).html; Accessed:14.02.13]. Though, such expressions can be found under another metaphor; that is, IDEAS ARE PEOPLE presented by G. Lakoff and M. Johnson in their famous book Metaphors We Live By [Lakoff & Johnson 1980: 47]:
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