Учебное пособие по практической грамматике. Модальные глаголы. Казанцев С. А

НазваниеУчебное пособие по практической грамматике. Модальные глаголы. Казанцев С. А
Дата публикации17.08.2014
Размер1.96 Mb.
ТипУчебное пособие
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Придаточные предикативные

1. Найдите придаточные предикативные предложения и объясните употребление в них форм сослагательного наклонения.

  1. 1. My proposition is that we should go there and see what we can do. 2. Our plan was that he should go there for treatment. 3. What you really demand is that I should stop seeing my son? 4. My idea was that we should try to find a really gifted satirist. 5. The proposal under discussion was that a pamphlet be issued setting forth the committee's view on the problem. 6. The first thing he asked was that he should be allowed a round of golf after lunch. 7. His only anxiety was lest he should not be allowed to finish the house he was building. 8. His greatest fear was lest his feet should fail him. 9. His only wish was that they should forget all about him. 10. You know, my desire is that he marry Jean.

(B) I. It was as though she were trying to see him through. 2. I never knew what terror was before, I know now. It is as if a hand of ice were laid upon one's heart. 3. It was almost as though I were looking at myself at the age of five. 4. He looked as though he were filled with joy. 5. What's the matter with you? You look as though you were miles away. 6. It was as though he had been struck between his eyes. 7. It looks as if it were really a pure chance. 8. Mr. Tate looked as if something had been made plain to him. 9. He managed to make his words sound as if he had a bad taste in the month. 10. The Jupiter expanded hour by hour until it seemed as if it were going to fill the sky. 11. She felt as if her head were going to reel. 12. The trunk looked as though it would fall on our heads. 13. Two years of war. Sometimes it seemed as if it was not only all there was, but all there had been. 14. It looked as though he might very likely have died of starvation. 15. It sounded as though it might be a good story.
2. Заполните пропуски правильными формами глаголов в скобках.
1. For a moment Raddle felt as if he ... back in short trousers and in front of his old schoolmaster, (to be) 2. It sounded as if it ... something important, but it wasn't, (to be) 3. It looked as though the silence of the night ... on her nerves, (to get) 4. They felt as if they ... under siege, (to be) 5. Now that we're together again it looks as though we ... (not to part) 6. She looked pale and as if she ... excited, (to be) 7. He fancied that she looked as though she ... him. (not to believe) 8. The little girl looked for a moment as thought she ... to cry. (to be going) 9. The streets looked as if they ... of silver, (to make) 10. It seemed as if she ... the entire day. (to wait) 11. He looked as if he ... anything in his life, (never to fear) 12, He felt as if he ... (to fly) 13. It was as though somebody ... a hurried search for something, (to make) 14. The voice sounded as if it ... in the room; (to be)
3. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Он выглядит так, словно тяжело болен. 2. Я чувствую себя так, словно я здесь совсем чужой: 3. Она выглядела так, словно ничего не произошло. 4. Ее голос звучал так, как будто она только что плакала. 5. Ты выглядишь так, как- будто тебя обидели. 6. Казалось, он пытается что-то сказать, но не может. 7. Было похоже, что скоро тучи совсем закроют солнце. Он чувствовал себя так, словно его окунули в холодную воду. 9. В комнате пахло так, словно а ней давно уже не жили. 10. Казалось, скоро пойдет дождь.
4. Закончите следующие предложения так, чтобы (А) действие придаточного было одновременно с действием главного; (В) действие придаточного предшествовало действию главного. Используйте слова в скобках.
(A) I. Не looked as if ... (he/to be surprised)

2. Her voice sounds as if ... (she to be upset)

3. Why do you look as if ... ? (yow/not to believe)

4. She felt as though ... (she/to see)

5. The water tasted as though ... (it/to be not fresh)

6. It was as if... (we/not to be friends)

7. It seemed as though ... (the man/to cheat)

8. He feels as if ... (he/to be fooled)

9. The air smells as though ... (it/to be spring)'

10. Why do you look as if... ? (you/ to be angry)

(B) 1. The soup tastes as if... (it / not to salted)

2. He looks as if... (he/to be running)

3. I feel as though ... (I/not to sleep)

4. It seems as though ... (the weather/to break)

5. His words sounded as if ... (he/to be offended)

6. She looked as though ... (his movements/to irritate)

7. I feel as if... (I/to swollow)

8. It is as if ... (she/to deceive)

9. It was as though ... (somebody/to strike)

10. It seemed as if ... (I/not to be)

5. Закончите следующие предложения, показав, что действие придаточного следует за действием главного.
1. Не looks as though ... (hе/to begin to shout)

2. She felt as if ... (she/to faint)

3. It seems as if ... (it/to be warmer)

4. You sound as though ... (you/never to forgive)

5. They looked as if ... (they/to start)

6. I feel as if ... (I/to get a fever)

7. If seemed as though ... (it/to snow)

8. She feels as though ... (she/to get better)

9. It was as if... (they/to make peace)

10. The sun shone as though ... (it/to dry every thing)
Придаточные определительные
6. Прочитайте предложения. Найдите в них придаточные определительные. Скажите, в какой форме стоят их сказуемые, и объясните, почему. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Не gave an order that nobody should leave the place until dark. 2. Bill rejected the proposal that he should buy an estate. 3. She accepted Dick's suggestion that she should dismiss her taxi and ride back with him. 4. I told him of the chief's request that he should see to the matter himself. 5. They came to an agreement that they should meet twice a year. 6. After all we can't ignore their demand that the work should be finished as soon as possible. 7. There has been a request that this courtroom be cleared of spectators or at least of women and children. 8. Lewis had left orders that no phone calls were to be put through to him. 9. My relief at Maxim's arrival was tempered by the fear they might say something indiscreet. 10. Frankie had a half fear that the telephone wires might be cut. 11. We felt a kind of apprehension that anything might happen on our way back. 12. He said it was time we understood each other. 13. It is time something were done about it. 14. He's quite right, it's, time you were married. 15. Isn't it high time that you put an end to all this?

Придаточные обстоятельственные
7. Закончите следующие предложения.
1. She followed the doctor's recommendation that ...

2. In those letters she repeatedly expressed a wish that ...

3. He quite forgot the rule that ...

4. Finally we made an arrangement that ...

5. I see no reason why ...

6. I've heard of no order that ...

7. After all we can't ignore their demand that ...

8. After several experiments we came to the arrangement that ...

9. I think there is a rule that ...

10. Can you show me any order that

11. All his life he had a fear that ... f

12. He tried to find an answer which ...

13. The doctor and the nurse were unanimous in their insistence that ...
8. Прочитайте предложения вслух. Найдите обстоятельственные придаточные предложения цели и объясните употребление в них . глагольных форм. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Не ran lest hesitation should grip him again. 2. She clenched her teeth lest she should cry out. 3. He held his breath lest he should be discovered. 4. "I did not know about it," he said rather hastily, lest the other should feel hurt. 5. The guard watched them lest any one try to escape to the freedom. 6. We had to keep inside the ship for a while lest we lose any of our men. 7. I had to lie so that he might not have an opportunity of seeing you. 8. She said it that you might be able to come. 9. Tell me, tell me at once that our lives may drift apart. 10. He had an early breakfast that he might catch the first tram. 11. She implored him to marry her, that the child might have a name. 12. We wear these oxygen helmets so we can't introduce our bacteria into their atmosphere. 13. My mother tied my boots together when she packed them, so I could not lose them one without the other. 14. Well, don't you talk to him just at present lest you might make him feel uneasy. 15. He took me away to England at once, so that I should never hear anything that could remind me. 16. The holes were bored in the boat so that the boat should sink. 17. I took the dog downstairs so it shouldn't be in the way. 18. He merely rang that you should show me out. 19. I waited awhile so that he wouldn't hear the bang which signaled the end of the horse.
9. Заполните пропуски формами сослагательного наклонения или модальными оборотами глаголов в скобках.
1. Try to come early so that I ... time to see you alone. (to have) 2. He followed her into the room and shut the door that the servants ... (to hear) 3. I put on my hat so that I ... to come up again, (to have) 4. She told her old friend this much, in order that there ... no misunderstanding, (to be) 5. He turned the bills around so that the man ... , them all properly, (to see) 6. He sat quite still, not daring to move lest he ... the chain of thought that followed the first idea, (to break) 7. They crept behind the bushes so that they ... a watch upon the place, (to keep) 8. And the car too was drawn up behind the wall so that it ... from the road, (to see) 9. I did not say a word lest I ... her again, (to upset) 10. They stood aside so that the procession ... (to pass)

10. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Он шел быстро, чтобы не опоздать к ужину. 2. Она вышла комнаты, чтобы никто не увидел, что она расстроена. 3 Он становился, чтобы никто не подумал, что он собирается бежать. 4. Я должен был это сделать, чтобы не испугать детей. 5. Мы придем пораньше, чтобы помочь тебе с вещами. 6. Мне пришлось придумать все это, чтобы иметь возможность уехать. 7. Привяжи собаку, чтобы она кого-нибудь не укусила. 8, Пойдем на озеро, чтобы дети могли искупаться. 9. Покажи мне это письмо, чтобы я могла тебе поверить. 10. Он ушел, чтобы никому не мешать. 11. Напиши родителям пару строчек, чтобы они не волновались. 12. Приходи пораньше, чтобы мы смогли поговорить.
11. Прочитайте предложения вслух. Найдите в них формы сослагательного наклонения и объясните их употребление.
1. John looked at him as if he were a three-legged chicken or a square egg. 2. He looks at me sometimes as if he were sorry for me. 3. She looked at him as if he were dirt under her feet; 4. She felt afraid - as though she were here, in this house, a prisoner. 5. I had to smile as though I knew all about it. 6. Then he paused for a moment as if he did not know what to do. 7. The grown people sat as if they were in church. 8. When I came back they were at the corner as if they were expecting me. 9. His eyes were set deep in their sockets, as if he had been recently ill. 10. 1 continued talking as though I hadn't seen her. 11. He gazed into space as though he had seen a vision. 12. He looked ten years older, his face pale as though he hadn't slept. 13. My mouth and lips felt sticky as though I had been drinking liquid glue instead of wine. 14. He looked around as if somebody had made a sudden movement. 15. He looked around as if he hardly dared utter words. 16. You say that as if you meant it? 17. He looked at me as though he was seeing me for the first time. 18. There was a pause, as if the audience was catching its collective breath. 19. She gazed up at me with shining eyes as though she couldn't wait for me to begin my talk. 20. She spread her arms wide, as if she would embrace them all. 21. .Suddenly she stopped and stood swaying as though she would fall. 22. She paused and shut her eyes as though she were going to faint.
12. Заполните пропуски правильными формами глаголов в скобках.
I. You talk as if you ... a man of experience, (to be) 2. He talked about art as though it ... the most important thing in the world. (to be) 3. She treated her husband as if he ... a child, (to be) 4. He looked at her as though he ... her. (not to see) 5. He withdrew his hand as though it ... (to sting) 6. I was in the street again, breathing hard as if I ... (to run) 7. The boy talked to him as

if they ... friends ever since his first hour, (to be) 8. He fancied that she looked at him as though she ... him. (not to believe) 9. He sat through dinner as if he ... in a dream, (to be) 10. She started to her feet as though she ... a race, (to begin) 11, Then you must go home, dear, and try to behave as if nothing ... (to happen) 12. He stared at me as though I ... my senses, (to lose) 13. You spoke just now as though he ... (to cure) 14. Then, as if he ... it all over, the old man spoke again, (to think) 15. Oh, the Ideal Man should talk to us as if we ... goddesses, and treat us as if we ... children, (to be, to be)
13. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Он огляделся, как будто искал кого-то. 2. Он смотрел на нее, словно хотел прочесть ее мысли. 3. Она остановилась, словно ожидая ответа. 4. Вы говорите так, словно знаете все лучше меня. 5. И вдруг он упал, словно его ударили по голове. 6. У нее были красные глаза, как будто она только что плакала. 7. Она не произнесла ни слова, как будто не слышала вопроса. 8. Они тяжело дышали, словно всю дорогу бежали бегом. 9. Она говорила так, словно была вполне счастлива. 10. Она вдруг остановилась, словно увидела что-то на тропинке. 11. Почему ты говоришь так, как будто вчера ничего не произошло? 12. Он стоял, словно ожидая, что она заговорит первой.
14. Закончите следующие предложения
1. Не stared at her as if ...

2. He looked around as though ...

3. They spoke in low voices as though ...

4. You must act as if ...

5. He spoke in whispers as if ...

6. She fell down on the floor as if ...

7. She took the telegram into her hand as if ...

8. She sat there as if ...

9. Why are you staring at me as though ... ?

10. Don't look at me as though ... !

11. She spoke loudly as if ...

12. The dog cocked his ears as though ...

13. She made the last step and stumbled and for a moment swayed as if ...

14. Why are you looking at me as though ...
15. Найдите все формы сослагательного наклонения. Объясните их значение и употребление. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. It was arranged that Bill should slip a note into the door of his room. 2. God forbid that I should condemn you, whatever you have done. 3. I wish she had brought you up properly. 4. I only suggest that the doctor should be sent for. 5. If, on the other hand, you decide to back him as chairman, so be it. 6. If I had known that she was so ill, I would have come at once. 7. Everything within her was passive, as though her feelings had already died. 8. It's not right that he should sit here. 9. I wish we'd gone to a movie. 10. Why not stay at home? 11. "Well, 1 would give anything to be just like Lord Illingworth." "I would sooner see you dead." 12. Peace be with you, my children. 13. I wish you were not so obstinate. 14. He feared lest she should be back too soon. 15. If I were very rich, I should buy her a car. 16. It was only natural that he should be afraid of the big animal at first. 17. Were I in your place I should never forgive him. 18. I must do what my father would have done in the same circumstances. 19. She wondered why she should feel so nervous. 20. I'd better be getting back. 21. He bad better have been left in peace. 22. It's very unfortunate that all this should have happened to her. 23. Could I have forseen her гeасtion I would never have uttered a word. 24. Should they come, tell them I’II soon be back. 25. What I'd like to know is what happened here afterwards. 26. I'd be happy if he could have saved all this money. 27. If you came to help, I'd rather you helped. 28. If I could live here, I might be really happy. 29. He carried a candle in one hand, and though he was wearing a hat pulled down over his eyes, his voice would have betrayed him anywhere. 30. I wish I had seen the Owens, I wish I knew what they were like. 31. Had it ever occurred to me that such a monstrous suspicion would have entered your mind, I would have died rather than have crossed your life or his.
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